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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Lifting the Lockdown; Easy Does It
Post Date: 2020-04-27 08:09:41 by Ada
Can we admit that we were wrong? Can we admit that the coronavirus is not going to kill “hundreds of thousands or even millions” of Americans? Can we admit that the public health system is not going to buckle and collapse? Can we admit that we fashioned our public policy on flawed computer models that proved utterly worthless? Can we admit that the number of people infected is significantly larger than the official numbers? Can we admit that the percentage of fatalities is going to be significantly lower? Can we admit that the majority of people who have died are over 60 with serious underlying conditions like high-blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc? Can we admit that there ...

After Decades Of Brainwashing, MSM & Governments Are Losing Control Of The People
Post Date: 2020-04-27 04:53:14 by Horse
The mainstream media and governments are losing control of people all over the globe. Humans are finally standing up for their rights to live not as slaves, but as free sovereign people capable of making their own decisions without rulers and elitists calling the shots. Never before have we seen global tyranny at this scale. But, never before have we seen a mass uprising against governments and their propaganda outlets (the mainstream media) either. As more and more people get off their knees and stand up for their basic human right to live freely, governments and the elitists that control them lose power. We are at that point where power will return to the people and the elitists will be ...

The Coronavirus Hoax Gives Us an Opportunity to Rally the People Around Nationalism
Post Date: 2020-04-26 18:04:13 by Ada
Let us out! The coronavirus hoax is the biggest crime that has ever been committed. It is going to completely destroy the lives of hundreds of millions of people. However, we need to look at every crisis as an opportunity. I do now believe that this hoax was done on purpose. I do not think that the high level government and media people who made this decision did so because they themselves were afraid of the flu. This was a planned action in order to strip everyone of their rights, make them poor and allow for the implementation of a satanic type New World Order. However, these people are not especially competent. Mike Pompeo is the man who couldn’t pull off a proper false flag ...

Emails Suggest Obama FBI Knew McCain Leaked Trump Dossier
Post Date: 2020-04-26 08:43:00 by BTP Holdings
Judicial Watch: Emails Suggest Obama FBI Knew McCain Leaked Trump Dossier APRIL 21, 2020 | JUDICIAL WATCH (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 138 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. The records include an email dated January 10, 2017, in which Strzok said that the version of the dossier published by BuzzFeed was “identical” to the version given to the FBI by McCain and had “differences” from the dossier provided to the FBI by Fusion GPS co- founder Glenn Simpson and Mother Jones reporter David Corn. January 10, 2017, is the same day BuzzFeed published the anti-Trump dossier by former ...

Police arrest 30-year-old Chicago man in Walmart shooting incident
Post Date: 2020-04-25 22:22:08 by Dakmar
A 30-year-old Chicago man has been arrested for aggravated battery following a shooting that took place today at Walmart. Today just before 3 p.m. Kokomo Police Department officers were sent to Walmart, located at 1920 E. Markland Ave., in reference to a shooting inside of the store. Upon arrival, officers located a 29-year-old male with several gunshot wounds. Officers learned of a fight inside of the store between several males. During the fight, the victim was shot. The victim was transported to Community Howard Regional Hospital and later flown by helicopter to St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. The victim was in surgery at this time, according to police. ​ As a result of ...

Rick Steves: Germany's Romantic Rhine and Rothenburg
Post Date: 2020-04-25 15:14:46 by NeoconsNailed
Cruising the Rhine River, we dodge riverboat traffic and the legendary Lorelei. After climbing castles and descending into dungeons, we relax with Rhine wine. We tour Burg Eltz — a lived-in castle where the noble lady still puts out fresh flowers. Then we enter the walled town of Rothenburg for Germany's best wood carving, a vivid dose of medieval punishment, and a tour with the night watchman of the town's lamp-lit ramparts. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Guaranteed to raise a smile -- and the 'German corner' will bring a tear ;)

Stop Thinking!!! The Russians & Chinese Are Your Enemy
Post Date: 2020-04-25 08:13:52 by Horse
..Not the oligarchic class in your own country that has been exploiting, propagandizing, deceiving, oppressing and robbing you every moment of your life since you were born.

Post Date: 2020-04-25 00:48:42 by NeoconsNailed
Narrative Collapse: 21% of New Yorkers Test Positive for Corona Antibodies: This means the case fatality rate in the city is 1/10th of what they were claiming the day 81-Year-Old Yenta Fag-Hag Vegas Mayor Chosen by CNN to Represent People Who Want to Open the Country Half of All People Who Died of Coronavirus in Europe Were Care Home Residents, WHO Expert Says House Gives the Okay on Flushing Another Half Trillion Down the Toilet Andrew Anglin: How long can the money printer go "brrr" before it starts going Black Guy Shoots Unarmed Teen Stepson to Death for Questioning the Lockdown Rapefugees Get Italian Lawyers and Sue for “Human Rights Violations” Before They Even ...

Post Date: 2020-04-24 22:52:28 by NeoconsNailed
Governor Brian Kemp is allowing salons, barbershops, gyms and more to reopen, though Georgia has not met White House guidelines for two weeks of declining coronavirus cases. Protesters in Atlanta came out against the decision as some businesses chose to remain closed. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Beautiful scenes of happy ppl reclaiming their freedom and stalwart proprietors articulating principles.

What did Jesus Christ really look like? - A white Caucasian! (10k Subs)
Post Date: 2020-04-24 18:28:07 by NeoconsNailed
Jesus Christ the famous person in history. What did he really and truly look like? We examine all the evidence to give a likely answer. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Heady stuff love it! If nothing else it has the potential to pull lots Celto- Germanics away from the jew's cacophanous siren songs. Poor Rembrandt and company, they were torn between depicting Jesus as caucasian or getting bigger fees by giving him a bigger nose ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_nose

Where Will You Live in the Post Covid-19 Future?
Post Date: 2020-04-24 09:18:04 by Ada
Cities are cramped, sprawling suburbs are a dead end. That leaves two places well equipped for uncertain times. The Covid-19 corona virus has suddenly accelerated two momentous historical trends long lurking in the background of everyday life, but generally taken for granted until the crisis forced these issues: the end of globalism as we knew it the past three decades and the unwinding of the financialized economy, with all its dodges, swindles, scams, ruses, and rackets. As I write in the mid-lockdown phase of this weird pandemic event, Americans are mostly shell-shocked at the prospect of their massive personal losses: jobs, businesses, projects, whole professions, incomes, savings, ...

Kettle, This is Pot: Pelosi and Schumer Accuse Republicans of ‘Posturing’ While the Country Suffers
Post Date: 2020-04-23 18:36:48 by BTP Holdings
Kettle, This is Pot: Pelosi and Schumer Accuse Republicans of ‘Posturing’ While the Country Suffers Do you know who in Congress likes to posture and stall? Well, it’s not Nancy Pelosi. That, according — it seems — to Nancy Pelosi. On Monday, the Speaker of the House and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer jointly warned GOP legislators to “stop posturing” over coronavirus relief. That message comes despite the fact that Dems have held up cash for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with their push for things such as race- and sex-based handouts. Chuck and Nancy issued a statement ripping Republicans for stalling on stimulus funds and insisting the ...

CDC's Numbers 100% Destroyed by Street Dude With a Piece of Cardboard
Post Date: 2020-04-23 18:16:34 by Horse
Poster Comment:More than a third of all supposed covid-19 deaths are not the coronavirus.

Protesters Surround Cop’s Home After Video Showed Him Arrest Mom for Bringing Kids to Park
Post Date: 2020-04-23 17:02:49 by Bill D Berger
Meridian, ID — Over the past several weeks, unrest around the country has grown due to the now 24 million jobless claims, and politically motivated, arbitrary nature of executive orders from coast to coast. Many people are upset and are expressing that anger in the form of peaceful protests all over the country. Naturally, as with any political statement, it has been crammed into the two-party information separator and has come out a divisive and polarizing hot mess. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. For years, conservatives — who claim to support ‘small government’ — have cheered on the police state, waiving their blue line American flags and shaming ...

TOP Scientist & HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits Blows Whistle on Dr. Fauci
Post Date: 2020-04-23 14:59:58 by Horse
DISTURBING Details of Threats; Research Theft; Tainted Vaccines; Fraud; Cover-Ups; Pay to Play A top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits has broken her long silence, revealing an insider’s nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And the allegations are downright frightening. (more below) And if true, these details warrant a host of NEW federal investigations to get to the bottom of numerous Fauci-led schemes revealed by Dr. Judy Mikovits on the Thomas Paine Podcast on Tuesday. Dr. Mikovits said Fauci helped imprison her after stealing her proprietary research not once, but twice and her allegations ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2020-04-23 10:12:21 by Horse
"When they take away your vote, then your ballot becomes a bullet." -- Ken Kunkel

Schumer: Paycheck Protection Program delayed to get loans for minority groups and rural areas
Post Date: 2020-04-23 08:44:50 by BTP Holdings
Schumer: Paycheck Protection Program delayed to get loans for minority groups and rural areas by Emma Colton | April 20, 2020 02:25 PM Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer touted how minority communities and rural areas will receive aid via provisions added to the Paycheck Protection Program in response to a claim that Democrats are holding up funding for small businesses. Schumer joined CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday and responded to a statement from the former administrator of the Small Business Administration, Karen Mills, who said: “Complexity is not our friend here … things that have to be implemented quickly can’t have a lot of bells and whistles or else ...

Email Addresses And Passwords From WHO, NIH, Wuhan Lab, And Gates Foundation Dumped On 4chan
Post Date: 2020-04-22 10:16:42 by Horse
"Their password security is appalling..."

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Bill Gates, ID2020 & Vaccine Microchips
Post Date: 2020-04-21 22:05:18 by Anthem
Today we are going to fact check the fact checkers regarding many online reports that bill gates wants to implant microchips in people using vaccines to fight the coronavirus. In this report we are going to focus on two articles that were published which claim to be the arbiters of truth, in these confusing times. So, Is the claim that Bill Gates wants to inject you with a vaccine that contains a microchip to track who has and has not been vaccinated true? Watch the report below and decide for yourself! How a tech NGO got sucked into a COVID-19 conspiracy theory https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/ne... False claim: Bill Gates planning to use microchip implants to fight coronavirus ...

Defiance: Skateboarders Remove Sand From Venice Beach Skate Park
Post Date: 2020-04-21 12:57:09 by Bill D Berger
Skateboarders in California cleared sand from a skate park in Venice, after the City of Los Angeles dumped the gritty substance throughout to discourage its use during the coronavirus lockdown.Footage on Sunday showed several skateboarders shoveling out loads of sand, clearing out entire sections of the park, in defiance of the city’s order.Damn they’re actually shoveling it all out to make it skateable again pic.twitter.com/4LPw1Scy7Z— COLTYBRAH (@coltybrah) April 20, 2020 The act of defiance comes mere days after viral footage showed a bulldozer contracted by the Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation distributing sand throughout the park.Skateboarding is not a ...

Desertions in the Desert: US mercenaries at Syrian base are leaving
Post Date: 2020-04-21 09:55:21 by Ada
The US Army Special Forces have trained MAT at Tanf since 2016 to fight against ISIS, which was defeated in 2017. The last Syrian ‘rebel’ unit on the US payroll is dissolving by desertions. A former senior officer in the US-backed mercenary unit Maghaweir al-Thowra (MAT) deserted his unit in Syria on April 14. Samir Ghannam al-Khidr deserted the Eastern Syrian desert along with his whole family and 26 armed men. The convoy was subject to a video on social media, which showed 8 pickups, 1 truck, 11 small arms, including 5 M-16 rifles, 4 large-caliber machine guns, 5 grenade launchers and 6-7 thousand rounds of ammunition. All of the vehicles and weaponry were US military ...

Arrest Warrant Issued for Anti-Lockdown Pastor After He Drove His Bus Too Close to a Protester
Post Date: 2020-04-21 08:57:06 by Ada
Tony Spell is the literal Patrick Bateman of Christianity Many people believe that the coronavirus hoax is setting the stage for a satanic government to inject everyone with 666 microchips ostensibly in order to prove they’ve been vaccinated. The fact that Christian pastors are being directly targeted by the government in this insane crackdown on society certainly gives a healthy heap of credibility to that theory. One pastor who has refused to bow down to the government’s stupid flu hoax is Tony Spell, pastor of Life Tabernacle Church in Central, La. Spell is considered to be the Patrick Bateman of Christianity. According to local news station WAFB, Pastor Spell now has a ...

Sensational documentary on Notre Dame cathedral
Post Date: 2020-04-20 18:38:10 by NeoconsNailed
Notre-Dame de Paris – the age of the builders | DW Documentary Poster Comment:Note part 2 linked to the side. Aright, it's Catholic and full of medieval superstitiosity but this is Western culture at its historical peak from when Europe was a proudly white, Christian continent -- and of course a great deal hangs with its fate at the moment. The VR in this show is astounding eventho people in it look a little bit zonboid.

Messages from David Irving
Post Date: 2020-04-20 10:47:27 by NeoconsNailed
Writing from St. Augustine, northern Florida, Friday, 3 January 2020 Dear Happy New Year - I have changed my location briefly to the United States, where I am working in more congenial surroundings to complete two projects fast: I am bringing Himmler to completion, revising the final text and pictures, while with my left hand, so to speak, I am doing much the same with a 200-page book my late father wrote and published in 1946, Royal Navalese - a delightful glossary of British naval slang and language, illustrated by my Mother – as illustrator was her profession. My father J J C Irving, a Royal Navy commander, was active in both World Wars, so I only really knew him when he returned ...

Bill O'Reilly - China Released The Virus to Destroy America
Post Date: 2020-04-19 20:38:28 by sonny
Bill O'Reilly perfectly nailed it!! Anyone who doesn't understand what is truly going on with this virus needs to read this. This is the truth that the media doesn't report, understandably so. It would cause mass panic but it's still the undeniable truth. Written by Bill O'Reilly China’s Bio weapon, and Pelosi.. My wife Angie will tell you that I study history and world events fluently every day. I have studied China for many years. To get answers I need to questions, I call many I know in Washington on Capitol Hill (from my tenure on two Presidential campaigns and Presidential talks) and I ask them for straight up answers to better understand what affects us ...

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