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“Macho Man” Trump Says He has 52 Sites in Iran He’s Planning to Bomb
Post Date: 2020-01-05 09:47:02 by Ada
Donald Trump isn’t a pussy faggot like that bitch Barack Obama. He’s a true macho “tough guy,” and he’s not afraid to start a brutal war that kills millions of people in order to defend the American right to bring democracy and human rights to the Middle East by any means necessary. What is the deal with the number 52? DC Comics is also obsessed with this number. Whatever the case: I will sleep sounder tonight knowing that tough guy Trump will do whatever it takes to protect American democracy in Iraq. I think from now on, this needs to be the official theme song of Donald Trump. Democracy needed a true Macho Man to protect it in the Middle East. And ...

Gun, ammunition sales skyrocketing in Virginia as citizens arm up in anticipation of tyrannical gun confiscation efforts by insane, deranged Democrats
Post Date: 2020-01-03 22:44:29 by Bill D Berger
As much as Democrats hate guns, gun rights and the Second Amendment, they are the best marketers and sellers of firearms and firearms accessories around. When Barack Obama was president, every time he brought up new control measures like an “assault weapons ban,” sales of those weapons would blast upward. That led some of us to believe that Obama, secretly, owned stock in American firearms makers. Well, guns and ammo are selling like crazy again, this time in the state of Virginia and for a far more serious reason: Citizens there appear to be arming up for possible conflict with authorities. As reported by the Washington Examiner: With Virginia Democrats taking over all branches ...

Brett Kavanaugh is about to destroy the ACLU after they launched a despicable attack on him
Post Date: 2020-01-02 07:34:30 by BTP Holdings
Brett Kavanaugh is about to destroy the ACLU after they launched a despicable attack on him Democrats spent months working overtime to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life. His only crime was accepting President Trump’s nomination to the Supreme Court. And now, after they launched a despicable attack on him, Kavanaugh is about to destroy the ACLU. The ACLU claims to stand up for civil rights. But in reality, they are a far-Left group working overtime to take down President Trump. Not surprisingly, they were one of the loudest groups fighting Kavanaugh during his confirmation process. And they just presented his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, with an award and gave her another ...

Public University Sued for Banning Conservatives Erects Palestinian Terrorist Shrine
Post Date: 2020-01-01 14:24:46 by BTP Holdings
Public University Sued for Banning Conservatives Erects Palestinian Terrorist Shrine While public universities across the nation ban conservative speakers or permit students to violently protest them, one of the offending colleges has erected a Palestinian terrorist shrine. The University of California Berkeley, successfully sued for discriminating against speakers with conservative views, has allowed a student group at the taxpayer-funded institution to construct a display honoring distinguished female terrorists from Palestine. A New York-based newspaper dedicated to covering Jewish and Israel-related issues provides details and photos of the UC Berkley sanctuary honoring the jihadists ...

Foreign Fighter ‘Rat Line’ In Reverse: Turkey Sends Syrian ‘Rebels’ To Libya
Post Date: 2020-01-01 13:08:45 by BTP Holdings
Foreign Fighter ‘Rat Line’ In Reverse: Turkey Sends Syrian ‘Rebels’ To Libya December 31, 2019 8:03 am Bloomberg has confirmed on Friday the prior rumors that Turkey will be sending mercenaries to Libya — where it is propping up the UN-backed government in Tripoli (the GNA) — are true. “Turkey is preparing to deploy troops and naval forces to support the internationally-recognized Libyan government, joining a planned push by Ankara-backed Syrian rebels to defeat strongman Khalifa Haftar,” reports Bloomberg. Though Ankara has yet to confirm or deny the new reports, Erdogan’s Turkey has for years overseen a Libya-to-Turkey-to-Syria arms ...

The Madness of the Military Mindset
Post Date: 2019-12-31 10:34:10 by Ada
I find in existence a new and heretofore unknown and dangerous concept that the members of the armed forces owe their primary allegiance and loyalty to those who temporarily exercise the authority of the executive branch of the Government, rather than to the country and its Constitution they are sworn to defend. No proposition could be more dangerous. ~ General Douglas MacArthur Does it matter how you make a living? Those with a military mindset apparently don’t think it does. I’ve written some articles about the military over the course of the past few months: “Should We Honor Military Personnel?” “What Is It that Libertarians Don’t Get about the ...

the survivors, 7 - 1000 fabricated years, Isaac Newton and other supporters of the true history
Post Date: 2019-12-29 21:17:02 by wudidiz
Poster Comment:https://youtu.be/-kT924EpkHc

Experts Warn Global Outrage Levels May Reach Point Of No Return In 2020
Post Date: 2019-12-28 21:39:47 by Horse
"If we do not cut our anger emissions immediately, the world will be consumed by fiery outrage by the end of next year,"

Danger Ahead: Advice From a Former Militia Leader
Post Date: 2019-12-28 12:58:40 by Ada
During the 1990’s I served as a militia leader in Texas; it was after Federal agents killed Vickie Weaver and her son in Ruby Ridge, Idaho (1992), the Branch Davidian massacre in Waco, Texas (1993), the Assault Weapons Ban (1994), and the Oklahoma City bombing (1995). The nation was in turmoil. The Clintons were in power with “Bloody Janet” Reno as Attorney General. Even the Home-Schooling movement was under fire by the Clinton cabal. We were told it “took a village’ to raise our children–but their village was full of unpatriotic idiots. Democrat Ann Richards (responsible for the illegal military involvement at the Waco massacre) was Governor of Texas, and ...

Anguish and Anger From the Navy SEALS Who Turned In Edward Gallagher
Post Date: 2019-12-28 08:00:36 by Ada
The Navy SEALs showed up one by one, wearing hoodies and T-shirts instead of uniforms, to tell investigators what they had seen. Visibly nervous, they shifted in their chairs, rubbed their palms and pressed their fists against their foreheads. At times they stopped in midsentence and broke into tears. “Sorry about this,” Special Operator First Class Craig Miller, one of the most experienced SEALs in the group, said as he looked sideways toward a blank wall, trying to hide that he was weeping. “It’s the first time — I’m really broken up about this.” Sign Up For the Morning Briefing Newsletter Video recordings of the interviews obtained by The New York ...

Octopus Had Bald Eagle in Death Grip. Then Salmon Farmers Arrived To Save the Day
Post Date: 2019-12-27 20:07:56 by BTP Holdings
Octopus Had Bald Eagle in Death Grip. Then Salmon Farmers Arrived To Save the Day By Skye Malmberg Published December 25, 2019 at 12:19am A group of salmon farmers saved a bald eagle from the clutches of an octopus on the north side of Vancouver Island in Canada, as seen in a video posted on Dec. 11. The boat was headed back to their float house when the salmon farmers heard a commotion in the water, KCPQ reported. John Ilett said that they found “a full-sized eagle submerged in the water with a big giant octopus in the water trying to drag it down.” The crew hesitated initially as they watched the animals struggle, unsure of whether they should jump in and help or not. ...

In 2020, we need to fight the new thoughtpolice
Post Date: 2019-12-27 09:23:32 by Ada
Speech, thought and culture are being policed on a terrifying scale. During the past decade, and especially this year, those in positions of influence have tried to change the narrative through which society understands itself. There is an insidious crusade afoot aiming at controlling what the public sees, hears, thinks and believes. This project, which seeks hegemony in various Western cultures, is no less pervasive and thoroughgoing than previous attempts at thought control by totalitarian and theocratic regimes. But since this campaign to control the narrative has no name, and does not promote an explicit ideology, its significance tends to be underestimated, even by those who ...

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI
Post Date: 2019-12-27 09:15:00 by Ada
Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves. In what was ultimately a foolish gambit, during the madness of the ’60s, the FBI encouraged the most extreme black nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the group, the better. (It’s the same function MSNBC serves today.) By that criterion, ...

Trump might withdraw from the UN after they issued this unbelievable threat to every American
Post Date: 2019-12-24 17:28:26 by BTP Holdings
Trump might withdraw from the UN after they issued this unbelievable threat to every American For decades, the United Nations walked all over American sovereignty, while operating its headquarters on American soil. President Trump made clear he opposes their globalist agenda from Day One. And now he may withdraw from the UN after they issued this unbelievable threat to every American. Earlier this year, President Trump made clear he isn’t afraid to confront the UN when he withdrew the U.S. from the infamous anti-gun Small Arms Treaty. Now the UN is again threatening the U.S. by warning that Trump must spend American tax dollars to support its radical environmental plans to fight ...

The Real Reasons Tulsi Gabbard Did Not Vote to Impeach Donald Trump
Post Date: 2019-12-23 08:54:03 by Ada
Gabbard’s decision had much more to do with a desire to censure Trump over his real crimes: carrying out wars without congressional approval, illegally “occupying and pillaging” Syria, “ and continuing to support Saudi Arabia’s “genocidal war” in Yemen. Along strongly partisan lines, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump on two articles, by a total of 230-197-1 on abuse of power and 229-198-1 on obstruction of Congress. The first stems from his alleged pressuring of the Ukranian government to announce investigations into his political rival, Joe Biden. The second is because of his alleged refusal to ...

LGBT Flags Get Handed Out at School, Kids Rebel and Raise Confederate Flag
Post Date: 2019-12-22 18:39:43 by BTP Holdings
LGBT Flags Get Handed Out at School, Kids Rebel and Raise Confederate Flag Students Revolt Against LGBT Stunt, Hoist Rebel Flag Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published December 21, 2019 at 12:18am A pro-LGBT stunt at a Missouri high school backfired recently when students responded by hoisting the rebel flag. A student at West Plains High School first handed out small pro-LGBT rainbow flags on Dec. 9, according to KY3. It didn’t take long for other students to rebel. The next day, a group of rebellious students raised a Confederate flag in the school’s lunchroom, the outlet reported. This display appeared to divide the school right away. “I was kind of mad ...

Trump Has Survived ‘Close To A Dozen’ Assassination Attempts, Claims Right-Wing Radio Host Dave Janda
Post Date: 2019-12-21 15:55:50 by BTP Holdings
Trump Has Survived ‘Close To A Dozen’ Assassination Attempts, Claims Right-Wing Radio Host Dave Janda By Kyle Mantyla | August 6, 2018 1:06 pm While appearing on Greg Hunter’s “USA Watchdog” YouTube program on Saturday, right-wing radio host Dave Janda claimed that President Trump has survived “close to a dozen” assassination attempts while in office. “I believe there have been a number of assassination attempts on his life since he took office,” Janda said. “I’ve been told that there have been close to a dozen attempts on his life and obviously he has survived those. I believe the difference between JFK and Donald Trump is the ...

Windmill Meme (Plus Hillary Meme)
Post Date: 2019-12-21 14:45:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is from Dave Collum's year in Review. He is the Chemistry professor whose views have become very popular. The Google search suggestions are for real. I tried entering Men can. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dave-collums-2019-year-review-and-epstein-didnt-kill-himself-part-2

Rebel Yell Rings Out as USMC Major Warns Virginians Are Close to Tipping Point
Post Date: 2019-12-20 21:21:00 by BTP Holdings
Rebel Yell Rings Out as USMC Major Warns Virginians Are Close to Tipping Point Rebel Yell Breaks Out After USMC Major Warns VA Politicians Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published December 18, 2019 at 3:04pm Virginia’s Democratic politicians appear to be ready to drive the state into a period of massive civil unrest with no regard for citizens’ wishes, but conservatives in the commonwealth will not be stripped of their rights without a fight. In the face of expected wide-reaching bans on so-called assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and other arms protected under the 2nd Amendment, Virginians are standing up to Democratic tyranny. Even now, 79 percent of ...

Virginia 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Speech: Moral Obligation To Fight Tyranny
Post Date: 2019-12-20 20:14:21 by Horse

The Crazy Events Of The Past Month And What They Mean For 2020
Post Date: 2019-12-19 20:02:57 by Horse
In a world without constant manipulation and disinformation most economic and geopolitical events would happen spontaneously and randomly. Things would be more unexpected, but at least they would make life fascinating and interesting, and often there would be positive outcomes. Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in. Our world is highly micro-managed by global elites with a rather broad if not clichéd agenda. This makes most events highly predictable, as each event services a singular end game. The only aspect of our system that is not predictable is timing. In the liberty movement we can predict with relative certainty future trends and outcomes, but one thing we have to ...

The warrior song- American resistance
Post Date: 2019-12-18 12:17:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:I had to turn the sound up.

Post Date: 2019-12-16 01:29:14 by Horse

Why the ‘Left’ Is Dead in the Water (Revisited)
Post Date: 2019-12-15 07:51:23 by Ada
Introduction: Following his party’s catastrophic defeat, humiliated Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn announced this morning that he would discuss with the party its need for a ‘process of reflection’ and promised that he himself “will lead the party during this period to ensure this discussion takes place.” I will not hold my breath waiting for Labour to overcome its most acute problems. As a first step toward a recovery I would advise Corbyn and his caricature party that instead of suspending and expelling party members for reading yours truly, instead of expelling MPs for supporting my right to make a living as musician, or spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer ...

Drive The Money-Changers From The Temple. by Father Coughlin
Post Date: 2019-12-13 20:37:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:3 million Americans starved to death in the 1930s.

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