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James Wesley Rawles: Post SHTF–Isolated Retreat vs Small Town
Post Date: 2019-07-04 15:34:53 by Horse
Dear Jim: I found an interesting article that argues against a remote, rural retreat for an urbanite. He reasons: 1. local kids with time on their hands will sniff out your retreat in their exploring 2. Any road to your place will get checked out eventually by kids, a utility employee, a hunter, etc., etc. 3. A remote place gives a thief all the time in the world to break into a cabin or recreational vehicle, pre-disaster. 4. When you are at a retreat, post-disaster, you are on the defense, the offense (potential looters) gets to choose the time of attack; you are vulnerable to long range sniping His solution, a la Mel Tappan, is to live in a small town and get integrated into the ...

President Trump Invites Meme Maker Carpe Donktum to White House
Post Date: 2019-07-03 21:38:25 by Horse
President to hold ‘Social Media Summit’ on July 11 Viral meme maker “Carpe Donktum” and other social media personalities have been invited to attend a White House summit to be held later this month. Donktum posted an image of the invite to Twitter, which reads, “The President requests the pleasure of your company for The Social Media Summit to be held at The White House.” Carpe Donktum🔹 @CarpeDonktum Thank You @realDonaldTrump for the invite. After working out a few issues with childcare, I happily accept! It is a great honor to have been invited! Poster Comment:The above video is from Carpe Donktum. Uses a They Live theme to satirize Donkeys.

Memes Mock Nike & Kaepernick Over Betsy Ross Flag Pullout
Post Date: 2019-07-03 21:26:22 by Horse
Corporation’s anti-American stance not sitting well with patriots ahead of July 4. Nike has decided to pull its line of Betsy Ross flag sneakers ahead of Independence Day at the behest of former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, and Americans aren’t having it. Following Nike’s decision to pull the patriotic shoes after Kaepernick called them “offensive,” users on social media responded the best way they knew how in 2019: with a deluge of dank memes. “If the Betsy Ross Flag, the flag of the American Revolution, is too offensive for Nike to commemorate The 4th of July maybe Nike should go with this… seems to be more in line with their views,” Donald Trump ...

Germans Display ‘F*ck You Greta’ Bumper Stickers to Protest Being Lectured About Global Warming
Post Date: 2019-07-03 13:22:16 by Horse
Turns out adults don’t like being told by a child how to live their lives German drivers have begun displaying ‘f*ck you Greta’ bumper stickers to protest against being lectured about global warming by a 16-year-old child. Greta Thunberg is a Swedish teen climate activist who has been heavily promoted by the establishment and was placed on the front cover of Time Magazine back in May. Ingmar Rentzhog, founder of the non-profit We Don’t Have Time Foundation, claimed to have ‘discovered’ Thunberg and used her to push climate change messaging. This has prompted accusations that the teen is being exploited given her Asperger’s, obsessive-compulsive ...

What America Needs Is A Paradigm Shift
Post Date: 2019-06-30 00:10:30 by Horse
From the Democratic Party debates, it’s not difficult to see that there really isn’t any difference in principle between any of the Democratic presidential candidates and, for that matter, between Republicans and Democrats. Oh, yes, I know how the mainstream media is portraying the “big” differences between the Democrats and President Trump but that’s just because their mindsets are stuck in the statist paradigm. For a person whose mind is stuck in the statist paradigm, the various candidates within the paradigm appear to have monumental differences. But once a person breaks out of the statist paradigm, he realizes that the differences between the various ...

Biden2020 (Campaign Troll Site)
Post Date: 2019-06-29 16:53:28 by Horse
FOR Mass Incarceration Senator Joe Biden authored and voted for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which initiated the “3 Strikes and You’re Out” policy which has resulted in many people spending life sentences in jail for minor crimes. He nicknamed it the “Biden Bill.” Source FOR Iraq War Senator Joe Biden, who at the time was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, voted for the resolution to authorize military involvement in Iraq. The Iraq war resulted in the death of 4,424 US military members and cost taxpayers $2.4 trillion. Source FOR Death Penalty & Harsh Drug Sentences Harsher mandatory minimum sentences for drug ...

“Kamala Harris for Arresting the People” (Troll Site)
Post Date: 2019-06-29 16:44:26 by Horse
Opposed DNA Testing That Might Get An Innocent Black Man Off Death Row During her time as California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris refused advanced DNA testing that would likely have cleared Kevin Cooper – a black man accused of murder whose trial was tinged with racism and corruption. After the New York Times wrote an exposé of the case, Kamala Harris suddenly changed her position and came out in favor of the testing. Source: New York Times Supported Civil Asset Forfeiture To Seize Property Without Any Charges Civil asset forfeiture allows police to seize money, property, and cars under a simple SUSPICION of being used for criminal activity – despite no ...

Timber Unity: Loggers, Truckers, Farmers Descend on Oregon Capitol To Protest Climate Change Bill
Post Date: 2019-06-27 15:20:37 by Horse
Rally supports Republican senators who walked out, refused to vote on bill Hundreds of blue-collar workers assembled at the Oregon state capitol Thursday, protesting a climate change bill they believe would cripple their respective industries. Farmers, loggers, ranchers and truckers rallied in Salem to protest HB2020, a cap & trade bill which they fear would cut jobs and increase fuel prices. The bill was first challenged earlier this month by Republican lawmakers, who defied the state’s Democrat Governor Kate Brown by walking out in protest and refusing to show up for a vote. “We want to show Oregon State legislators that we are standing with the Senators who walked out ...

Prove Me Wrong
Post Date: 2019-06-26 17:22:28 by X-15
Hello Everybody, Frank here. I've been itching to get something off my chest lately. No, it's not body lice or fleas, it's a different kind of itch. It's the type that just doesn't sit well with you or anybody else. What I'm about to say some people will find distasteful. Saying it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This is not a story about making cheese or what's your favorite grinder. It is grinding in nature, it grinds on your spirit and soul. It grinds down to the very core of mankind. If you need to, stop reading now. This is not going to be a feel good type talk, because boys and girls, I don't have a solution for where we are heading. For you regular ...

Judicial Watch Sues CIA for Inspector General’s Report on Mena,
Post Date: 2019-06-26 13:03:22 by Horse
Judicial Watch Sues CIA for Inspector General’s Report on Mena, Arkansas, Airport CIA Drug, Arms Smuggling Allegations during the Reagan administration to smuggle arms to rebels in Nicaragua Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the CIA seeking the CIA Inspector General’s November 1996 report related to a drug-running, arms smuggling and intelligence operation involving Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport in Arkansas. The airfield in Mena was alleged to have been used in the 1980s by the CIA during the Reagan administration to smuggle arms to rebels in Nicaragua. A central figure in the operation was Barry Seal, a pilot and ...

JOHN KIRIAKOU: CIA Seeking More Impunity
Post Date: 2019-06-26 09:28:05 by Ada
The agency is trying to get a pass on crimes even before they’re committed and it represents a threat to press freedom. The CIA has quietly asked the Senate Intelligence Committee to include a provision in its next authorization bill that would vastly expand the definition of a “covert agent” whose identity would be protected from unauthorized disclosure. The current law, called the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1981, defines a covert agent as any intelligence officer who is serving abroad or who has served abroad in a covert capacity in the past five years. The new bill would expand that protection to include all unacknowledged intelligence personnel even if ...

You Are Fighting In The Most Important Battle Of All Time
Post Date: 2019-06-25 08:52:56 by Ada
If you are reading this, it’s most likely the result of a series of events in your life which have drawn your interest and attention to the fact that our world is quite a bit different from what we’ve been told by our school teachers, by the news media, by Hollywood, and by politicians. At some point, for whatever reason, you’ve come to realize that the consensus narratives in our society about what’s going on are false. The tools that people are taught to use to inform themselves about their government, their nation and their world are not just full of inaccuracies, but deliberate distortions, ranging from the reasons we’re given for why wars are started, to the ...

Judge Throws Out Spurious Charges Against 3 Men Who Attended Charlottesville Rally
Post Date: 2019-06-24 10:42:20 by Ada
The three were held since October for violating the 'Anti-Riot Act' of 1968, a law the judge called unconstitutional As "Charlottesville Survivor" argued, the "Alt Right" did not so much self-destruct as be mugged by an alliance between government and antifa. The latter functioned in its traditional role as militant wing of the system. The pattern was basic. An "Alt Right" group or figure (sometimes not part of the "Alt Right" but labeled as such by journalists) tries to host an event. The media creates hysteria. Antifa show up, attack people and destroy things. Police stand down, lest they get called racist by the media. If conservatives ...

Blacks are 13% of US population 37.6% of prisoners and 71% of shooters in Chicago
Post Date: 2019-06-24 06:16:35 by BTP Holdings
Blacks are 13% of US population 37.6% of prisoners and 71% of shooters in Chicago by hedgeless_horseman Tue, 06/23/2015 - 12:30 Over the last couple of years, one of the dinner discussions our family has had relates to the observation that many, if not most, of the alleged perpetrators of violent crimes whose photographs appear in the mugshot section of our local newspaper's crime report are black. We live in a very white area of what used to be rural farms and ranches, but is now being quickly developed with multi-family housing and strip malls. A large metropolitan city is a short drive. Brandon Smith (left) and Tyfine Hamilton (right) have been charged with the murder of James ...

Mom's 'choice words' for kids who covered her house in toilet paper go viral
Post Date: 2019-06-21 23:05:07 by BTP Holdings
Mom's 'choice words' for kids who covered her house in toilet paper go viral Mahira Dayal 1 day ago © Provided by Oath Inc. In a lighthearted Facebook post, a California mom promised payback to kids who covered her yard in toilet paper. (Credit: Facebook/Aubrey Dupree Seymour) A mother’s witty and sarcastic Facebook post has gone viral after she used it to wage war on the neighborhood kids who covered her house in toilet paper. On June 14, Aubrey Dupree Seymour, of San Clemente, Calif., posted a photo of her front yard in the “San Clemente Life” Facebook Group, in which she described the toilet paper decorating her home as an “AMAZING job,” ...

UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer Becomes One of Assange’s Most Vocal Advocates
Post Date: 2019-06-20 09:46:17 by Ada
“Here [in Assange’s case] we are not speaking of prosecution but of persecution. That means that judicial power, institutions and proceedings are being deliberately abused for ulterior motives.” — Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture On May 9, UN Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, visited WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange at Belmarsh Prison, where he is currently serving a 50-week prison sentence for a minor bail violation. Melzer was accompanied by two medical experts who specialize in the examination of possible victims of torture as well as the documentation of symptoms, both physical and psychological. The team was able to speak with Assange and ...

Declassified U.S. Government Documents Claim The West Supported The Creation of ISIS
Post Date: 2019-06-20 09:07:19 by Ada
The amount of evidence and information in the form of declassified documents, witness testimony, and much more that has leaked out over the past decade alone regarding this topic is overwhelming to say the least. It’s one of the best examples, if not the best example in existence today of how, even if there is significant evidence in support of the truth, most people are completely oblivious to this evidence and accept another narrative given to us by the powerful elite. It really goes to show how mainstream media controls the perception of so many people, so much so that even if one is presented with an alternative view to this narrative, even if there is evidence supporting it, ...

Pepe the Frog's creator wins a $15,000 copyright settlement against InfoWars
Post Date: 2019-06-15 23:26:59 by hondo68
Matt Furie has faced a long battle of reclaiming Pepe, who he says is a 'peaceful frog-dude'Pepe the FrogWikimedia Commons Infowars was forced to pay $15,000 in a settlement to the creator of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon amphibian who had been co-opted as a meme by right-wing internet users, after selling a poster that featured the character on its website.Pepe’s creator, Matt Furie, had brought a copyright lawsuit against Alex Jones’ website after it began selling posters that featured Pepe alongside personalities such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone and Diamond and Silk. The victory is another step in Furie’s legal battle to reclaim his character from commercial uses ...

Valedictorian Thanks 'Alcoholic Teacher' And Negligent Counselor For Teaching To 'Fend For Herself'
Post Date: 2019-06-13 18:40:34 by Horse
A California valedictorian went off script during her commencement address, slamming an alcoholic teacher who was 'escorted out of school' and a guidance counselor who she thanked for 'letting me fend for myself' due to being 'always unavailable to my parents and I despite appointments.' San Ysidro High School senior Nataly Buhr opened her June 6 speech in typical fashion - thanking her parents for their "endless love," acknowledging the memories shared with her friends, and mentioning a handful of teachers for being 'invested in the students.' Then, Buhr went scorched earth. Buhr began by unloading on her counselor, to whom she said: ...

FITTON: Judicial Watch Uncovers Emails That Show Coordination Between Obama State Department and House Democrat Leader on Christopher Steele/Russia
Post Date: 2019-06-13 18:31:20 by Horse
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation today released 16 pages of documents revealing former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer coordinating with then-House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg to work on Russia dossier materials provided by Christopher Steele. Steele is a former British spy and author of the anti-Trump dossier used to justify a series of FISA spy warrants targeting Carter Page. Winer is a former Obama State Department deputy assistant secretary who was implicated in working with Steele and Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal to ...

End America’s Illegal Occupation of Syria Now
Post Date: 2019-06-13 08:26:37 by Ada
Our presence there is a violation of domestic and international law that's made a horrible civil war even worse. Washingtonians pretend to be shocked by what President Trump does, but it’s Americans who should be shocked by what Washington does—such as illegally intervening in Syria’s civil war and occupying a third of that country. It’s time for Donald Trump to do the right thing and bring our troops home. The fabled “Arab Spring” hit Syria in 2011. And as the Middle East’s autocracies wobbled, the Obama administration initially tagged President Bashar al-Assad as a reformer. But he refused to yield political power in the face of popular ...

Major Victory in MASSIVE Lawsuit Against Google for Extreme Bias
Post Date: 2019-06-12 20:49:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Google sued by white man for discrimination. Discovery could bring out interesting info on internal Google memos and practices.

WSJ Says CIA Chief Wouldn’t Do Anything ‘Inappropriate’—Despite Record of Torture and Coverup
Post Date: 2019-06-11 08:46:08 by Ada
WSJ: Under CIA Chief Gina Haspel, an Intelligence Service Returns to the Shadows The Wall Street Journal (5/25/19) says “returns to the shadows” like that’s a good thing. A Wall Street Journal report (5/25/19) by Warren Strobel whitewashed CIA Director Gina Haspel’s career and put a positive spin on the CIA’s insulation from public accountability with its turn towards its greatest opacity “in decades.” While one might expect CIA officials to support greater secrecy around the organization, it’s odd that ostensibly independent journalists—with a mission to hold official organizations accountable by informing the public—would treat less ...

Drama on the tarmac: US judge foils secret deportation to Israel
Post Date: 2019-06-10 08:08:52 by Ada
Abdelhaleem Ashqar, with his wife Asma, spoke with reporters in Washington, 16 December 2004, about his candidacy for president of the Palestinian Authority. Ashqar would later face more than a decade of imprisonment and persecution by US authorities for refusing to testify before grand juries. Pablo Martinez Monsivais AP Photo On Wednesday morning, a private jet chartered by the US government landed in Tel Aviv. On board was Abdelhaleem Ashqar, a Palestinian business professor who ran for the presidency of the Palestinian Authority in 2005. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were attempting to secretly deport him to Israel, which would then transfer him to the West Bank. ...

This Woman’s Hilarious Video About ‘Straight Pride’ Is So Funny, Even Straight People Are Sharing It (23 Pics)
Post Date: 2019-06-08 17:50:29 by Horse
July is LGBTQ Pride Month – but not everyone wants to join the parade. In fact, a group of three conservative men associated with the group “Super Happy Fun America” want to have a separate celebration of their own – the “Straight Pride Parade,” an unsubtle dig at the LGBTQ tradition. To be held in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, their website says they are “committed to creating spaces for people of all identities to embrace the vibrancy of the straight community.” In response to this ‘vibrant’ planned event, Brooklyn-based actor, writer, and comedian Eva Victor took to Twitter to share a hilarious parody video of her explaining to her ...

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