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[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed
Post Date: 2019-05-16 12:33:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:Biden threatened the Ukraine to hold back a billion dollars in aid unless they fired their Attorney General who was investigating hunter Biden's energy company for fraud. Durham was appointed to investigate criminal violations. The Inspector General is only designed to look into procedural errors.

White House Rolls Out Website To Report Silicon Valley Censorship
Post Date: 2019-05-15 20:55:11 by Horse
The White House Verified account @WhiteHouse The Trump Administration is fighting for free speech online. No matter your views, if you suspect political bias has caused you to be censored or silenced online, we want to hear about it! http://wh.gov/techbias Those who feel they have been wrongly banned, censored or suspended on platforms such as Facebook or Twitter can go to "wh.gov/techbias" where the following mesage will greet them: "SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear “violations” of user policies. No matter your views, if you suspect ...

Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before
Post Date: 2019-05-13 23:48:44 by Horse
Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate," according to Fox News. U.S. Attorney John Durham has been assigned to probe the origins of the surveillance of the Trump campaign, a source told Fox News. (Justice Department) The move comes as the Trump administration has demanded answers over the use of "informants" on his 2016 campaign. According to Fox, Barr is "serious" and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a ...

Fitton: All You Need To Know About Judicial Watch's (43) Lawsuits over Deep State Targeting of Trump
Post Date: 2019-05-13 19:03:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:FBI says that FOIA does not cover text messages. I didn't know that.

Chelsea Manning Will Refuse to Testify in New WikiLeaks Grand Jury
Post Date: 2019-05-13 08:07:54 by Ada
Manning may be re-jailed on new contempt charges Released last week after a two month detention for contempt, whistleblower Chelsea Manning is facing a potential return to legal limbo, as prosecutors call on her to testify at another grand jury. Manning was held for refusing to testify at the first anti-WikiLeaks grand jury, and they released her when that jury ended. This new, very similar jury, wants to ask the same questions she refused to ask the last time. Her lawyers were challenging the legality of her first detention, as US law only allows contempt detentions if there is a chance it will coerce the person into testifying, and clearly it wasn’t working. The courts probably ...

EU Election Poll Shows Brexit Party Beating Labour & Tories COMBINED
Post Date: 2019-05-12 14:22:32 by Horse
Support for Nigel Farage's Brexit Party has surged, while the Conservative Party has essentially collapsed ahead of the EU elections, according to polls. An online The Opinium poll shows the Brexit Party at 34%, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party is at 21% and Theresa May's Conservatives are at 11%, meaning the Brexit Party has more support than the two combined. "Accurate or not, these are great numbers and our movement for democracy is gathering pace," Farage tweeted Saturday. Support for the Brexit Party exploded after Farage vowed to create a new party that wouldn't ignore the democratic will of the British people after current MPs rescheduled or delayed ...

Booker compares gun control fight to Civil Rights movement
Post Date: 2019-05-12 13:42:01 by BTP Holdings
Booker compares gun control fight to Civil Rights movement 3 hrs ago Cory Booker on health care, gun control and 'governing to unite this country again' 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker is optimistic about his comprehensive gun control proposal's chances of success despite the partisan pushback it received in the week following its release, and compared to the potential battle over its implementation to the civil rights movement in an interview on "This Week" that aired Sunday. "People thought [civil rights legislation] was impossible, but they changed the terms of the debate by expanding the moral imagination of this country," Booker, ...

Trump Nominates 'Embodiment of the Military-Industrial Complex' Patrick Shanahan to Lead Pentagon
Post Date: 2019-05-11 21:38:35 by hondo68
Shanahan worked at Boeing, one of the world's largest defense contractors, for more than 30 years before joining the Trump administrationThe White House announced Thursday that President Donald Trump will nominate acting Defense Secretary and former Boeing executive as Pentagon chief. (Photo: United States Air Force)In a move critics warned could further deepen the ties between the sprawling and immensely profitable private weapons industry and the U.S. government, the White House announced Thursday that President Donald Trump will nominate former Boeing executive Patrick Shanahan to head the Pentagon. "Conflict of interest? Boeing is already the second-largest recipient of private ...

Over 300 French Journalists Denounce Police Violence Toward Yellow Vests
Post Date: 2019-05-10 13:39:49 by Horse
Over 300 media organisations, journalists, photographers, and others have signed a letter denouncing the sometimes brutal violence used against members of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement and members of the press themselves in France. The letter claims that press freedom in France has been suffering for years but entered a new phase following the start of the Yellow Vest protests in November of last year, Franceinfo reports. “All these forms of violence have physical (injury), psychic (trauma) or financial (broken or confiscated equipment) consequences. We are personally and professionally denigrated and criminalized,” they wrote, and added that journalist David ...

Paul Joseph Watson to sue Facebook for defamation after being falsely labeled a “dangerous” terrorist
Post Date: 2019-05-09 21:38:24 by Horse
As Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other major social media sites continue to censor and ban conservatives, one notable liberty fighter is fighting back after being permanently ‘de-personed’ by Mark Zuckerburg’s speech Nazis. A week ago, YouTube sensation and former Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson was banned by Facebook ostensibly as part of the social media behemoth’s drive to rid its platform of “dangerous” and “hateful” people. In addition, Infowars creator Alex Jones, conservative activist Laura Loomer, and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, among others, were given the boot. In the aftermath, PJW said he had no idea why Facebook banned ...

LIVE inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. with the Embassy Protection Collective
Post Date: 2019-05-08 19:54:30 by Horse

The Breakdown Of Law In American Cities
Post Date: 2019-05-08 06:59:47 by Ada
There is a disturbing trend in the cities of America. This trend is the complete disregard of the law and a persistent ignoring of very serious problems that affect the health, safety, and wellbeing of all that live, work, or do business in them and the surrounding suburbs. This cannot go on without some very serious consequences. When people are forced to take the law into their own hands, the situation can get out of hand quickly. Violence and chaos are far too easy to start and difficult or even impossible to stop without massive devastation. When there is no law then that is anarchy and many of the larger cities in the United States are descending into it. Anarchy is a slippery ...

Texas bill would allow state to sue social media companies like Facebook and Twitter over free speech
Post Date: 2019-05-07 18:40:20 by Horse
The proposal aims to protect users on social media platforms from censorship if a site advertises itself as impartial. Critics say the bill is too restrictive. A bill before the Texas Senate seeks to prevent social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from censoring users based on their viewpoints. Supporters say it would protect the free exchange of ideas, but critics say the bill contradicts a federal law that allows social media platforms to regulate their own content. The measure — Senate Bill 2373 by state Sen. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola — would hold social media platforms accountable for restricting users’ speech based on personal opinions. Hughes said the bill ...

Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors assert
Post Date: 2019-05-06 16:47:53 by BTP Holdings
Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors assert Matt Zapotosky 1 hr ago More than 370 former federal prosecutors who worked in Republican and Democratic administrations have signed on to a statement asserting special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump — if not for the office he held. The statement — signed by myriad former career government employees as well as high-profile political appointees — offers a rebuttal to Attorney General William P. Barr’s determination that the evidence Mueller uncovered was “not ...

Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T Hit With Class Action Lawsuit Over Selling Customers’ Location Data
Post Date: 2019-05-05 18:21:22 by Horse
On Thursday, lawyers filed lawsuits against four of the country’s major telecommunications companies for their role in various location data scandals uncovered by Motherboard, Senator Ron Wyden, and The New York Times. Bloomberg Law was first to report the lawsuits. The news provides the first instance of individual telco customers pushing to be awarded damages after Motherboard revealed in January that AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint had all sold access to the real-time location of their customers’ phones to a network of middlemen companies, before ending up in the hands of bounty hunters. Motherboard previously paid a source $300 to successfully geolocate a T-Mobile phone ...

ustice With Judge Jeanine 5/4/19
Post Date: 2019-05-05 05:01:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jeanine's Opening is great. First 8 minutes.

Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being 'Finalized' According To Jim Jordan
Post Date: 2019-05-01 19:49:59 by Horse
Did Nellie slip Bruce Russian fairytales though a "back-door marital channel"?

Wealthy Elitists Freak Out As Hordes Of Homeless People Take Over Their Neighborhoods All Over The West Coast
Post Date: 2019-05-01 09:01:01 by Ada
The elite are very “tolerant” of the homeless until they start showing up in their own neighborhoods. Even though the mainstream media keeps telling us that the U.S. economy is “booming”, the number of Americans living on the streets continues to grow very rapidly, and this is particularly true in our major west coast cities. More than half a million Americans will sleep on the streets of our cities tonight, and they need help, care and shelter. Sadly, as economic conditions deteriorate that number is likely to double or even triple. Of course many among the elite are all in favor of doing something for the homeless, as long as they don’t have to be anywhere ...

Behold the Breathtaking Weakness of the Empire!
Post Date: 2019-05-01 08:10:43 by Ada
The Empire has suffered painful defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq, but one has to admit that these are “tough” countries to crack. The Empire also appears to have lost control of Libya, but that is another complex country which is very hard to control. We also saw all the pathetic huffing and puffing with the DPRK. But, let’s be honest, the US never stood a chance to bully the DPRK into submission, nevermind invading or regime-changing it. Syria was much weaker, but here Russia, Iran and Hezbollah did a world class job of repelling all the AngloZionist attacks, political and military. Besides, I for one will never blame Trump for not listening to Bolton and not triggering ...

Charlottesville: The Last Stand of American Freedom
Post Date: 2019-04-29 02:40:12 by Ada
The extreme left and politicized elements of the government are using Charlottesville to crush your rights and solidify their power A remarkable thing is happening in Charlottesville. Although the Unite the Right rally happened over a year and a half ago, Charlottesville is where the organized, militant left and its establishment backers intend to crush popular resistance to their near total control of American political discourse. If they succeed, public free speech–speech that challenges prevailing attitudes at any rate–will be nearly impossible. The American citizen will have been reduced to the status of a serf. Fight now, or that will be your destiny. The hard left has ...

Post Date: 2019-04-29 00:20:46 by Horse

Media Caught Selectively Editing AGAIN - Record Your Interviews!
Post Date: 2019-04-26 20:46:54 by Horse

Frontiersmen vs. Wusses
Post Date: 2019-04-24 07:35:32 by Ada
Smaller than California and settled for millennia, how can Vietnam even have a frontier?! But that’s what the Central Highlands were until very recently. Some of the heaviest fighting during the Vietnam War prevented Vietnamese from moving there en masse, but now they’re swarming all over. With nearly a hundred million people on so little real estate, no parcel can be left unmolested. Moving in, Vietnamese build Buddhist temples to assert their culture and sanctify their presence. In Krong Buk, an unfinished temple features a huge Buddha on its roof, visible from a quarter mile away. A lot of money is being put into this. At the back of the temple compound, there’s an ...

8 Year Old Girl Impersonates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Post Date: 2019-04-22 15:24:00 by Horse

THE DAY COLLUSION DIED - Parody of American Pie
Post Date: 2019-04-22 15:10:13 by Horse

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