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Self Defense: How To Shoot From Cover Correctly
Post Date: 2019-04-22 12:36:15 by Horse

Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban
Post Date: 2019-04-22 08:04:40 by Ada
The feminist thinker has a fight on her hands Camille Paglia has joined the ever-growing list of women in the metaphorical stocks being pelted with accusations of transphobia. A number of blue-fringed students at her university are demanding she be fired for her statements criticizing some women who bring charges of sexual assault, and because of her comments about transgender people. ‘I am highly skeptical about the current transgender wave, which I think has been produced by far more complicated psychological and sociological factors than current gender discourse allows’, she said in 2017. Why are they bringing this up now, you may ask? Why ever not? I am still hounded and ...

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Says Robert Mueller has Always Been a Corrupt Piece of Dogshit
Post Date: 2019-04-22 07:17:08 by Ada
Louie Gohmert isn’t an amazingly principled person, but he has a level of basic honesty that is simply nonexistent for the overwhelming majority of GOP officials. I’m not aware of a single other Congressman who has been willing to say “Mueller was always totally corrupt,” despite the fact that there is overwhelming evidence to this effect. Instead, virtually everyone in the GOP said “he’s a good man and we trust him to get to the bottom of things.” Even while Mueller has cleared Trump of being a KGB agent, Trump has said that most of what he wrote about him in the report is “total bullshit.” And I know for a fact that Mueller’s claims ...

Arms Wonders For Local Wars - Lessons From Rhodesia
Post Date: 2019-04-19 11:55:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Some of these weapons might be useful if we had a Civil War. America only has resources for 150 million people meaning we have 175 million surplus to our needs.

Uncle Tom's Empire
Post Date: 2019-04-19 10:19:09 by Ada
I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but, given the arrest of Julian Assange last week, and the awkward and cowardly responses thereto, I felt it necessary to abandon my customary literary standards and spew out a spineless, hypocritical “hot take” professing my concern about the dangerous precedent the U.S. government may be setting by extraditing and prosecuting a publisher for exposing American war crimes and such, while at the same time making it abundantly clear how much I personally loathe Assange, and consider him an enemy of America, and freedom, and want the authorities to crush him like a cockroach. Now I want to be absolutely clear. I totally defend Assange ...

Notre Dame: Symbol of a Failing Culture
Post Date: 2019-04-19 08:37:12 by Ada
Like many I was horrified on so many levels by the news of the fire which engulfed the iconic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. The thing that makes me truly sad is that my first reaction to the news wasn’t basic human safety concerns. My first reaction was to jump to the political ramifications and ask cui bono? Who benefits from this? In this hyper-politicized world every act has an agenda. And with so many false flags, failing governments, simmering (or actually boiling) culture wars and rampant ideological insanity it is nearly impossible to dismiss them. Meanwhile, one of the great symbols and repositories of human achievement was nearly destroyed by either carelessness, ...

Honest Government Ad | My Police State!
Post Date: 2019-04-18 09:21:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:Another satire from the same people who did the Assange satire. Funny.

Farage's Brexit Party Leapfrogs Tories To Lead European Election Polls
Post Date: 2019-04-18 09:13:52 by Horse
Support for the Tories is plunging following Theresa May's latest Brexit can-kick (a six-month extension until Halloween), and as cross-party talks for a Brexit compromise stall, it appears Nigel Farage's newly formed Brexit Party is emerging as the biggest winner from all the Brexit chaos. Brexit According to the latest YouGov poll, the second in two days, Farage's newly formed party, which enjoyed its official coming-out party on Friday during a rally in Coventry, has leapfrogged both establishment parties in the upcoming European Parliamentary elections. That poll put the Brexit Party at 23%, Labour at 22% and the Conservatives at 17%. Change UK, the group of MPs who ...

Americans want Julian Assange to be prosecuted.
Post Date: 2019-04-17 09:08:15 by Ada
A YouGov poll of 2,455 Americans taken on April 11th found that by a margin of 53% to 17%, or by slightly over 3 to 1, Americans want Julian Assange to be prosecuted. The question was: “Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London. Do you think he should or should not be extradited to the US?” This was a remarkably bipartisan hostility toward Assange. As the YouGov news-report on that finding indicated: “That majority increases among both Republicans (59% supporting extradition) and Democrats (62% supporting extradition), but decreases to a plurality (46%) among Independents. Independents were more likely to respond with uncertainty (32% saying they don’t ...

After 3 Men Pistol Whip Dad, Son Grabs Gun and Opens Fire
Post Date: 2019-04-16 20:06:39 by Horse
A Texas family is lucky to be relatively unharmed after an encounter with three armed thugs resulted in gunfire. The encounter started as an ambush, KVUE reports. The three suspects hid in bushes outside the house until the father came home. The three came out, pistol whipped the dad, and forced him to open his home. Inside were his two daughters, who began to hide. Eventually, the two girls managed to activate an alarm as the men raided the house. But when the son and his mom rolled up, the tables quickly turned. Sensing something was amiss, the 20-year-old son grabbed his gun and opened fire. Although two of the men escaped, one ended up with a gunshot wound to his head. He was ...

You can still get proper search results on youtube when searching conspiracy topics. Simply go on DuckDuckGo
Post Date: 2019-04-16 08:04:40 by Horse
You can still get proper search results on youtube when searching conspiracy topics. Simply go on DuckDuckGo, type in the words you want to search, then add the phrase "site:youtube.com" without the quotes.

10 Reasons Julian Assange Should Walk Free
Post Date: 2019-04-15 09:37:52 by Ada
And an interview with Daniel Ellsberg, who calls Assange's arrest a 'serious assault on the First Amendment.' Governments’ (monstrous and criminal) behavior should not be secret. People should know what their government is doing, and what a powerful foreign government is doing to their own countries. The actual results of the work of WikiLeaks have been hugely beneficial. If U.S. courts were to get busy prosecuting the crimes exposed by WikiLeaks, rather than trying to turn the act of revealing them into some sort of crime, they would simply not have time for the latter. Prosecutions should not be arbitrary political choices. A Justice Department wrongly under the thumb ...

Will the Trump Administration Go to War Next?
Post Date: 2019-04-14 07:22:56 by Ada
Ever since Mr. MAGA made it to the White House, I have been awed by the level of sheer stupidity and, frankly, the immorality of this administration. Obama was almost as incompetent and evil, but Trump truly brought about a qualitative change in what we could loosely refer to as the “average White House IQ.” The best thing I can honestly say about Trump is that stupid can be good. Alas, it can also be extremely dangerous, and that is what is happening now. Just check out these recent headlines: Trump signs declaration recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over disputed Golan Heights Moscow believes Western sabotage caused Venezuelan blackout Explosions in Venezuela confirmed as ...

O'Keefe Receives Subpoena in NH - Un-Aired WMUR Interview
Post Date: 2019-04-13 15:37:38 by Horse
Poster Comment:Project Veritas Flips the script on persecutors.

Have I got a bargain for you. For a mere $2.7M, you can buy a governor and have the Constitution revoked for an entire state. This is the very definition of the globalists’ subversion of democracy.
Post Date: 2019-04-13 15:29:49 by Horse
In Oregon, all it took Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is $2.7M to effectively revoke the Constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights of its citizens. Campaign contributions are legalized bribery and are the primary means that the globalists use to circumvent the democratic process. Poster Comment:Chart of donations at source.

Salvini Is Positioning Italy For Confrontation
Post Date: 2019-04-13 10:13:49 by Horse
Italy’s Matteo Salvini is riding high right now. Having weathered a couple of cheap legal moves to derail his assault on the European Parliament this May, Salvini is working to galvanize Euroskepticism across the continent into a viable political force. He’s got his work cut out for himself. But, he has at least two major allies. Marine Le Pen of the National Rally in France and Viktor Orban, the leader of Hungary. Salvini and Le Pen met last week to announce they would be campaigning together for the European elections as well as a major summit in Milan soon. This is only the beginning, however. I’ve been saying for over a year now that Salvini needs to be the person who ...

Texas Family Court Demands 8-Year-Old Boy Be Chemically Castrated Against Father’s Wishes
Post Date: 2019-04-12 18:19:55 by Horse
Jeff Younger joins David Knight to talk about the war against the family by courts and administrative states. Will he go to jail for refusing to pay for the chemical castration of his 8-year-old son when the child doesn’t present himself as a girl if not in the custody of his mother who is pushing gender transition? Visit SaveJames.com to find more information and to help Jeff in his legal battle. Poster Comment:Video at source.

The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks
Post Date: 2019-04-12 17:55:26 by Horse
1. What is WikiLeaks? WikiLeaks is a non-profit organization created to protect whistleblowers and journalists who have sensitive materials to communicate to the public. They believe that transparent governments leads to better governments and less corruption. Led by Australian, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks was started 10 years ago with the goal of “opening governments” to help prevent criminal corruption. No information is leaked that could harm innocent civilians or those not involved in corruption. 2. Can we believe WikiLeaks? In short, yes. In its 10 year history, not one single leak has ever proven to be false, something WikiLeaks prides itself on. If the leaks were false, ...

Ken Starr: Bill Barr Knows Something – What He Said Was a ‘Stay Tuned America’ Statement (VIdeo)
Post Date: 2019-04-12 17:33:31 by Horse
On Thursday night former Special Counsel Ken Starr joined Laura Ingraham to discuss the latest comments by Attorney General Bill Barr that the Trump Campaign was spied on during the 2016 campaign. Starr, who is no rabid Trump supporter, told Laura that America better stay tuned because Bill Barr knows something. Ken Starr: Here is my take, Bill Barr knows something Laura. He knows something. He says, I have a concern and I believe I have a basis for that concern. Anyone who knows Bill Barr knows he doesn’t just say things. He thinks about them. He’s careful with what he says. And I think if Bill Barr says I think there is a basis for my concern, he doesn’t say what it is, ...

Foreign Policy Principle Number 1: Intervene in No More Civil Wars
Post Date: 2019-04-10 07:47:18 by Ada
Catastrophic failure in Lebanon 36 years ago this month taught President Reagan the most important lesson about foreign civil wars. America should stay out. U.S. troops entered Lebanon as peacekeepers in 1982 but became increasingly entangled in a conflict involving some 25 armed factions. The shifting coalitions were complicated and bewildering. The U.S. became a combatant, allied with the nominally Christian national government based in Beirut. As a result, American troops became targets, just like the Lebanese fighters around them. In April 1983 bombers struck the U.S. embassy, killing 17 Americans. Six months later a truck bomb destroyed the Marine Corps barracks, killing 241. A ...

Nunes on Bartiromo – 8 criminal referrals to DOJ this week
Post Date: 2019-04-07 16:30:17 by Horse
Poster Comment:Fox News article on this www.foxnews.com/politics/nunes-to-send-eight-criminal-referrals-to-justice-dept-concerning-leaks-conspiracy-amid-russia-probe 5 LIARs, LEAKERs 3 Criminal referrals, Conspiracy FISA Abuse (could be 2 dozen involved, he mentioned strzok and page.

This Lesbian Feminist Goes OFF-SCRIPT on Tucker
Post Date: 2019-04-07 14:07:55 by Horse
Poster Comment:This lesbian does not believe a male rapist should be put in prison with women because he declared himself to be a transgender. Pelosi has legislation to force us to accept transgenders.

Sucker Punch
Post Date: 2019-04-07 11:44:00 by Ada
Having disgraced themselves with full immersion in the barren RussiaGate “narrative,” the Resistance is now tripling down on RussiaGate’s successor gambit: obstruction of justice where there was no crime in the first place. What exactly was that bit of mischief Robert Mueller inserted in his final report, saying that “…while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him?” It’s this simple: prosecutors are charged with finding crimes. If there is insufficient evidence to bring a case, then that is the end of the matter. Prosecutors, special or otherwise, are not authorized to offer hypothetical accounts ...

Remove Trump? Nah. RussiaGate Was a Trojan Horse for Censorship All Along
Post Date: 2019-04-06 10:15:14 by Ada
The System always wins in the end. I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero. – George Carlin Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community and they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in a 2017 interview on MSNBC As someone whose website was slandered by the earliest manifestations of the hysterical Russiagate mob, I could go on and on now that’s the whole spectacle’s been disproven, but I’m not going to do that. Rather, I want to highlight how despite the whole thing blowing up, we’ll be living with severe direct ...

Woman who posed as black makes plea deal in fraud case
Post Date: 2019-04-05 21:08:54 by Dakmar
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A former NAACP leader in Washington state who was exposed in 2015 as a white woman pretending to be black has reached an agreement to avoid trial on charges of welfare fraud. Rachel Dolezal, who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo two years ago, was charged with two felonies last May. Investigators alleged she failed to report tens of thousands of dollars in income from her memoir, "In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World," and other sources, so she could collect $8,847 in food and child care assistance from the state. The Spokesman-Review reported Friday that Diallo entered into an agreement with prosecutors March 25 in Spokane ...

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