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Woman who posed as black makes plea deal in fraud case
Post Date: 2019-04-05 21:08:54 by Dakmar
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A former NAACP leader in Washington state who was exposed in 2015 as a white woman pretending to be black has reached an agreement to avoid trial on charges of welfare fraud. Rachel Dolezal, who changed her name to Nkechi Diallo two years ago, was charged with two felonies last May. Investigators alleged she failed to report tens of thousands of dollars in income from her memoir, "In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World," and other sources, so she could collect $8,847 in food and child care assistance from the state. The Spokesman-Review reported Friday that Diallo entered into an agreement with prosecutors March 25 in Spokane ...

William Barr Notified Mueller Team Engaged in Criminal Conduct During Trump Russia Probe
Post Date: 2019-04-05 20:30:54 by Horse

White Liberals and the Cult of Ethnic Sado-Narcissism
Post Date: 2019-04-05 11:44:20 by Dakmar
When Jussie Smollett’s hate hoax collapsed spectacularly a few weeks back, after being publicized incessantly by Hollywood celebrities and the mainstream media, the most penetrating take came from journalist Andy Ngo. “Jussie Smollett’s hoax is symptomatic of America’s illness,” Ngo wrote—a combination he attributed to the rise of victimhood culture fueled in significant part by increasing group conflict. Ngo, an outstanding reporter, was on to something. But it’s not an “illness” of America writ large; it’s an affliction particular to white liberals. googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1490977881454-5');}); ...

The Brexit Desperation Rises as the Betrayal Deepens
Post Date: 2019-04-03 09:24:46 by Ada
British parliament is now worse than a joke. And they have no one to blame but themselves. As I watch the desperation of these people, obviously loyal to the European Union first and their constituents a distant fourth or fifth – after themselves, their party and any corporate lobbyists – it’s clear they don’t have any clue as to how to get out of the mess they’ve made for themselves. Yesterday the British parliament again took over the business from the government and again was incapable of providing any direction to that government as to what kind or type of Brexit would be acceptable. Mike Shedlock has a good run-down of the votes themselves if you are ...

Arkansas House Passes Bill Legalizing Machine Guns (+Trench ShotGuns)
Post Date: 2019-03-31 20:47:09 by hondo68
Arkansas is the land of the free. The Arkansas House passed legislation to end a statewide ban on the possession of machine guns and sawed-off shotguns this week. The bill, HB 1820, was approved on a 72-14 vote. Democrats made up most of the opposition. The bill’s sponsor, Justin Gonzales, says that people with a federal license can already possess these weapons and that some firearms collectors may actually be in violation of state law. Gonzales also made it clear that he “didn’t own such weapons”. The State Representative then added that these weapons are already legal at the federal level, albeit with stiff regulations: These things are legal federally if you’re ...

Globalism's Last Disgrace: Desperate Macron Sends French Army Against Yellow Vests
Post Date: 2019-03-30 10:11:39 by Ada
There are few people in this world more odious than French President Emmanuel Macron after his behavior this week. I’m sure there are child molesters who are worse. But as a man who is pivotal in the future of hundreds of millions of people, his decision to order the French military to quell the Yellow Vests protests with live ammunition is simply vile. Macron outed himself as the very symbol of what animates the globalist elite he represents. Disdain. The disdain he holds for the people he leads is palpable. It’s as palpable for his disdain for the British who voted for Brexit. To him the EU is all, the EU is inevitable and when faced with the choice of serving France or ...

SPLC on Life-Support: Former Staffer Quits, Calls Organization a Scam in Tell-All Article
Post Date: 2019-03-29 09:53:12 by Ada
The Southern Poverty Law Center was long ago exposed as money-making scam. It has amassed almost half-a-billion dollars fighting an imaginary tide of “hate” that is ever “rising,” which provides the twin benefits of bringing in that money and advancing the totalitarian goals of the radical Left. Topping that agenda is demonizing any opposition to the Left as “hate,” be it racism, homophobia, transphobia, and Islamophobia. But last week, the discredited group fired its co-founder, Morris Dees, a shocker in the “civil rights community” that opened the door to discussing exactly who Dees is and what goes on at SPLC, also called the Poverty Palace. ...

The $1 Trillion Devil in the Details
Post Date: 2019-03-28 17:54:32 by Horse

Syria’s Rukban Now Little More Than a US-Controlled Concentration Camp – and the Pentagon Won’t Let Refugees Leave
Post Date: 2019-03-28 10:19:56 by Ada
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a concentration camp is defined as “a place where large numbers of people are kept as prisoners in extremely bad conditions, especially for political reasons.” It is undeniable that the Rukban camp fits this definition to the letter. DAMASCUS, SYRIA — The United States military has rejected offers to resolve the growing humanitarian crisis in the Rukban refugee camp in Syria, which sits inside a 55 km zone occupied by the U.S. along the Syria-Jordan border. The U.S. has also refused to let any of the estimated 40,000 refugees — the majority of which are women and children — leave the camp voluntarily, even though children ...

Ex-CBS Reporter Calls Out Media, FBI: Time To Apologize To Trump, And A Lot Of Other People
Post Date: 2019-03-27 16:53:27 by Horse
In an op-ed for The Hill this week, Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist and former CBS reporter who went "rogue" Sharyl Attkisson, called out her fellow media members for their reckless and partisan reporting on the "Trump-Russia collusion" acusations. She also called on members of the intelligence community to apologize to all the people and entities they've damaged by letting themselves be politically "weaponized." "With the conclusions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe now known to a significant degree, it seems apologies are in order," she writes. "However, judging by the recent past, apologies are not likely ...

Andy McCarthy has one question for Robert Mueller and HOO BOY is it important
Post Date: 2019-03-27 15:53:58 by Horse
Andy McCarthy ✔ @AndrewCMcCarthy Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion? https://fxn.ws/2TVUG5H #FoxNews It will be funny when Dems demand a release of the full Mueller report and it gives us this information and then Trump wins all over again:

The Many Reasons to Believe Vasily Prozorov’s Testimony About Ukraine’s Role in Downing MH-17
Post Date: 2019-03-27 15:18:15 by Ada
Former Ukrainian intelligence officer Vasily Prozorov’s testimony will likely be dismissed by Western governments that support Kiev, but there is plenty of evidence to back his claims. KIEV, UKRAINE — A former top official in Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU), who recently fled the country, has given explosive testimony regarding the involvement of the Ukrainian government in the 2014 downing of the MH-17 passenger plane. The incident, which killed all 283 passengers and 15 flight crew members on board, had been blamed on Russia by Ukraine’s government, the United States and much of Western media. In addition, the former official, Vasily Prozorov, told a group of ...

Taibbi: It's Official - 'Russiagate' Is This Generation's WMD
Post Date: 2019-03-24 17:37:49 by Horse
Authored by Matt Taibbi, excerpted from his serial book Hate Inc., The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it... Note to readers: in light of news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation is complete, I’m releasing this chapter of Hate Inc. early, with a few new details added up top. Nobody wants to hear this, but news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is headed home without issuing new charges is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media. As has long been rumored, the former FBI chief’s independent probe will result in multiple indictments and convictions, but no ...

Fox News viewers flee as the Murdoch brothers turn left
Post Date: 2019-03-24 17:32:17 by Horse
With Rupert aging and his sons trying to turn Fox News into another mainstream (a.k.a. left wing) media outlet, it is inevitable they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Fox News flourished as a fair and balanced network. You could tell the news shows from the opinion shows. Partisan opinion hosts did not hide their political bias. They would put on people from both side of an issue to hash it out. They would call out BS and falsehoods. How things have changed. It is now hard to separate news from opinion. Take Shepard Smith - we came to love him for his news show. But now his news show is all about left wing politics. It is neither fair nor balanced and looks much more like an ...

Veterans Demand Congress End the Forever Wars
Post Date: 2019-03-24 17:29:13 by Horse
Antiwar activists gathered on March 19, 2019, outside 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan for a rally on the 16th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The rally was followed by a march on several military recruiting offices along Chambers Street and to Borough of Manhattan Community College to oppose the United States's endless cycle of war and militarism.

BREAKING: Families, Lawyers & AE911Truth ARE SUING THE FBI
Post Date: 2019-03-24 03:14:40 by Horse
Poster Comment:I would like 911 Truthers link up with anti-war activists and vaccine resisters and others. Get a list of all TV stations whose broadcast licenses are up for renewal within the next 3 months. Then flood them to give us debate time on the the collapse of WTC 7. Another debate topic would be Dr Mark Skidmore's report that $21 trillion had gone missing from DOD and HUD from 1998 to 2015. Or how about aborted fetuses used in vaccines which cause autoimmune diseases when our bodies react to foreign DNA?

There's No "Voting Out" the next Civil War
Post Date: 2019-03-23 18:50:24 by X-15

Bolton Still Rattling on About Maduro, But the Situation Seems to Have Calmed Down
Post Date: 2019-03-23 09:31:58 by Ada
Why doesn’t John Bolton just challenge Maduro to meet him in the Octagon? John Bolton is still going on about a terrorist type invasion of Venezuela to stop… something or other. But overall, the situation has definitely cooled down. In fact, Bolton is out there shilling to Breitbart. This implies that the chief potato has indicated to him that he’s worried about what the base thinks about another regime change purely for the purposes of “freeing the people from oppression.” RT: Donald Trump is not kidding when he says “all options” to topple Maduro are open, National Security Adviser John Bolton said, as the Venezuelan government busted wannabe ...

Remy: Affluenflammation (Red Hot Chili Peppers Parody)
Post Date: 2019-03-22 15:38:31 by Horse

(George Soros) MoveOn.org Demands 2020 Democratic Candidates Boycott AIPAC Conference. Warren, Harris, Sanders Say They Won't Attend.
Post Date: 2019-03-22 15:21:40 by Horse
Democrats may have another Israel-related problem brewing on the horizon. Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have announced that they will not be attending the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's policy conference after a prominent progressive pressure group, MoveOn.org, called on Democrats to boycott the event completely. NBC News reports that Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — all vying for the 2020 Democratic nomination — have said they will not attend AIPAC's annual meeting, even though the American pro-Israel lobbying group is considered a moderate, centrist organization. The problem seems to be that ...

Yellow Vests Apocalypse: Military Units Deployed, Police Head Wants to Use Live Rounds
Post Date: 2019-03-22 09:26:41 by Ada
So last weekend lots of stuff was happening and it was easy to gloss over the yellow vests protests because at this point it has almost become a routine. Week after week they turn multiple French cities to gridlock, destroy ZOG property, and generally cause all kinds of trouble. But the important thing to understand is that last weekend they set a bank on fire, and provoked all kinds of hell from the ZOG machine as a consequence. By “set a bank on fire” I’m not saying they threw a molotov at it and burned the doors. A group of protestors took hold of the blocks surrounding it, set it on fire, and prevented the advancement of fire services until the entire interior was ...

The Revolution Has Commenced: Deep State Destruction, Democrats' Suicide Pact 2020 Self-Destruction
Post Date: 2019-03-22 08:24:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:Lionel is Jewish but even he sees Revolution coming.

Why Germany Has Rebuffed US with Defense Budget Cut
Post Date: 2019-03-22 01:29:12 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- German politicians have rebuffed comments made by Richard Grenell, the US ambassador in Berlin, about Germany's planned defense spending over the next few years. This came after the US ambassador in Berlin criticized the Germany government's political decisions, saying that the 45 billion euros (51 billion US dollars) planned for the defense budget that was laid out by Germany's Finance Minister Olaf Scholz was too little. Grenell "is a complete diplomatic failure," Carsten Schneider, first secretary of the German Social Democrats (SPD) parliamentary group, said on Tuesday. Wolfgang Kubicki, vice-president of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP), ...

Somaliland: A Success Story Without the Billions and Bombs
Post Date: 2019-03-21 17:44:39 by Ada
They got rid of piracy and al-Shabaab at a fraction of the cost that we've spent in the region. How? Somaliland is a success story in a part of the world where those are rare. For 27 years, the self-declared state—with little outside assistance—has defied the odds. In contrast with Somalia, from which it declared its independence in 1991, Somaliland has enjoyed years of relative stability and democratic governance. The autonomous but unrecognized Republic of Somaliland has also eradicated piracy from its shores and thwarted the jihadist group al-Shabaab’s expansion within its borders. Somalia hasn’t managed any of this, despite the billions of dollars expended by ...

The Official Business Of The Banks Is Money Laundering For Drug Dealers And Terrorists
Post Date: 2019-03-21 04:35:15 by Horse
John Titus says that banks out-rank the United States government itself, so regardless of the banks’ actions, the banks are untouchable… Joihn Titus interviewed by Dave Janda on Operation Freedom John Titus, lawyer and founder of the YouTube channel Best Evidence interviewed on Operation Freedom. John Titus opens by saying that the rule of law is dead in the United States. He says the United States is run by the rule of king, which is a criminal banking cartel located in Basel, Switzerland. From there John and Dave take a deep dive into the inner workings of the corrupt, criminal banking system. Tune in to the entire podcast below: Poster Comment:Silver Doctors podcast at ...

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