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The Final Level of Censorship is Here: The Banning of URLs
Post Date: 2019-03-20 17:20:48 by Ada
After Blocking Zero Hedge And Others, NZ Telcos Demand Big-Tech Censorship Surge To “Protect Consumers” Editor’s Note: This is why we’re launching the 50-Hour Save The First Amendment – Stop Big Tech Censorship Broadcast starting Thursday at 8am Central at Infowars.com/Show. Please share this link to everyone you know to defend your own voice from being silenced forever! In the wake of last week’s terror attacks at two New Zealand mosques which left 50 dead, several websites which either reported on the incident, hosted footage of the attacks, or have simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion such as Dissenter or Zero Hedge, have been ...

Former white supremacist explains what leads people to the extreme right
Post Date: 2019-03-19 22:41:09 by Dakmar
A former neo-Nazi skinhead has attempted to pinpoint exactly how white supremacists are radicalised to commit violent attacks against minorities similar to the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand that killed at least 51 people last week.Christian Picciolini, a former leader of the American white power movement, said more effort needs to be done to protect “vulnerable people before they become radicalised."Life After Hate, a nonprofit organisation aimed at helping people leave white supremacist groups, was asked on CNN if stationing armed guards at houses of worships could effectively prevent white supremacists from committing a heinous attack like Christchurch." ...

Civil War II Meme
Post Date: 2019-03-19 00:45:05 by Horse

Anger Is Now Sweeping Our Nation
Post Date: 2019-03-17 16:39:30 by Horse

A Precarious Revolution Is Brewing
Post Date: 2019-03-17 10:29:31 by Ada
Once again profound social and economic forces are changing the nation in ways that are difficult to understand in real time. The American Revolution arose not from politics but from rapid social and economic changes that revealed the precariousness of the colonists' prosperity. Conventional histories focus on the political context (Boston Tea Party, etc.), but more important were the changes in social relations, and the impact of the economy moving from quasi-feudal forms of patronage to an economy of impersonal market forces. The political revolution was the result of profound shifts in social and economic structures. As Gordon Wood explains in his seminal book The Radicalism of ...

Natural News puts out the call to law firms for a billion dollar class action lawsuit against Twitter – here’s the winning legal strategy to end censorship tyranny
Post Date: 2019-03-14 15:56:26 by Horse
After discussions with several legal experts, we are putting out the call to law firms to initiate a billion dollar class action lawsuit against Twitter. Natural News (Twitter handle name @HealthRanger) is one of thousands of users who have been maliciously silenced by Twitter without warning, without justification and without any means of recourse. Twitter continues to silence thousands of channels based on political views, pursuing an unfair, discriminatory policy of censorship that’s designed to rig the 2020 elections for Democrats by eliminating conservative and Christian voices through a sweeping campaign of politically motivated censorship. It’s time for a large law firm to ...

French Colonel: US Forces in Syria Allow Arab Proxies to Kill, Destroy
Post Date: 2019-03-14 10:28:21 by Ada
An article that, until recently, appeared in the online version of the February 2019 edition of France's Revue Defense Nationale, takes a very critical look at how the United States forces in Syria executed their battle strategy against the remaining ISIS forces in Syria and the final success of the battle. Colonel Francois-Regis Legrier, a senior French officer who has been in charge of directed French artillery supporting Kurdish-led groups in Syria since October 2018. Colonel Legrier claims that the United States-led coalition fighting against ISIS in the Battle of Hajin (near Syria's eastern border with Iraq) as shown on these maps (which show Syria to the north and east (pink ...

"Diversity" Is a Weapon Against White People
Post Date: 2019-03-13 15:58:16 by Horse

School suspends Christian student who posted Bible verses in response to LGBTQ pride flags — and her video goes viral
Post Date: 2019-03-13 15:53:13 by Horse
An Ohio high school student says that her school suspended her for posting Bible verses at school in response to a bevy of flying LGBTQ pride flags. The student, Gabby Helsinger, believes that the school's decision to suspend her was unreasonable and unfair. What are the details? In a video shared on Facebook, Gabby said that she felt the need to write down and post Bible verses around the school after it had been inundated with rainbow pride flags. Gabby shared a video on Facebook that detailed her experience, which reportedly took place last week. "So, on Thursday when I got to school, I see that there were pride flags, posters around my school," she said in the video, ...

Escalation in Somalia Is a Foreign Policy Failure in Progress
Post Date: 2019-03-12 20:55:24 by Ada
U.S. intervention quietly escalates in Somalia. While the Trump administration has very visibly made and modified plans to reduce U.S. military intervention in Syria and Afghanistan, it has quietly escalated the fight in Somalia. U.S. airstrikes in the North African nation are on the rise, The New York Times reported Sunday, and that higher pace of bombardment has contributed to increased civilian displacement and all the turmoil that comes with it. This is a foreign policy failure in progress. If the last two decades of missteps in the Middle East and North Africa have demonstrated anything, it is that secretive wars of choice are prone to mission creep and rife with unintended ...

Paul Joseph Watson is LEAVING InfoWars❗️
Post Date: 2019-03-12 05:05:42 by Horse
Poster Comment:Paul Joseph Watson might or might not be going anti-Zionist. He is starting his own news agency.

Chelsea Manning’s Fight Against the Grand Jury Exposes Battle for Free Speech
Post Date: 2019-03-11 08:52:10 by Ada
The former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning was sent to jail Friday for refusing to answer questions relating to WikiLeaks 2010 disclosures at a grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia. She has been remanded into federal custody and is made to remain confined until she testifies or until the end of the life of the grand jury. Manning, 31 was convicted in 2013 of releasing the largest trove of state secrets in US history, revealing Bush era’s war crimes. She served seven years of a 35-year sentence until President Barack Obama commuted her sentence just before leaving his office in 2017. On March 5, Manning, a network security expert, appeared in Alexandria ...

Fantastic stuff (on Pelosi, illegals, marxist education system, and 16 year-old voters) begins at the 30-second mark…Do not skip the final 30 seconds when the anger takes over.
Post Date: 2019-03-10 15:29:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source.

I’m Your Next President
Post Date: 2019-03-09 08:19:56 by Ada
Fred Reed ran but got no votes, so it’s my turn. I’m officially announcing my candidacy for the President of the United States of America. Foreign born, I’m technically ineligible, but the deep state can make anything happen, and I have Jewish power behind me, for I’m not just its secret agent, but a real Jew, though tomorrow, I may declare myself German or Swedish. How we feel trump biology. A pitbull is just like a poodle, we must all agree. Raise rutting bulls like cows. All this crap about me sweating in a plastic recycling plant in Ea Kly—is there such a place?—is just a clumsy skit, done on a sound stage, like the Apollo landings. With Gal Gadot ...

Meng Wanzhou and Canada’s ‘Perfect’ Human Rights Record
Post Date: 2019-03-09 07:21:26 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Huawei Technologies Co. chief financial officer whose detention in Canada has sparked a diplomatic standoff with China has filed a civil lawsuit against Canadian authorities, alleging she was wrongfully detained and searched. Meng Wanzhou says her constitutional rights were breached and is seeking damages for “false imprisonment.” The suit was filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against the Canadian Border Services Agency, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer and the Canadian government. The notice alleges that the police officer and several border guards detained, searched and interrogated Meng under the guise of a routine customs or immigration ...

‘Making lies sound truthful and murder respectable’
Post Date: 2019-03-08 17:51:54 by Ada
George Orwell would recognise the Remainer elites’ abuse of political language. Listening to the endless anti-Brexit caterwauling of Britain’s political and media classes brings to mind (again) George Orwell’s essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, first published in 1946. Political language, Orwell wrote, ‘is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind’. More than 70 years later, political language is being redesigned to make killing off Brexit appear respectable. The point of Orwell’s essay is not only that all politicians – ‘from Conservatives to Anarchists’ ...

Conspiracy Theories: Among the Illuminati
Post Date: 2019-03-08 08:31:51 by Ada
The appeal of conspiracy theories is strong. They seem to provide the believer a sense of esoteric understanding, of elevation above the limited grasp of moiling herd. They may make life less boring. Yet to many people, including me, they seem borderline delusional. How come? The curious thing is that CTs–Conspiracy Theorists–seldom seem to be crackpots. I have friends who are CTs, have known others. They have been otherwise sane, not unsophisticated, and intelligent, sometimes very intelligent. Apparently to be twisted you have to start with enough string. There are common threads. Believers in one theory usually believe in several. Choose from JFK, RFK, black helicopters, ...

WARNING: USA Collapse will be FAR WORSE Than You Think | 2019
Post Date: 2019-03-07 14:53:45 by Horse

Assange May Be Elephant in Room as Chelsea Manning a Fights Federal Grand Jury Subpoena
Post Date: 2019-03-07 10:17:11 by Ada
“If you end up going to trial rather than taking a plea, they actually use it against you in sentencing. They do something called ‘sentencing enhancement’ and they call it ‘failure to take responsibility.’” — CIA-Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA — Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is fighting a grand jury subpoena in Alexandria, Virginia. On Tuesday, Manning spoke to reporters after she and her lawyer unsuccessfully motioned to quash the subpoena. The subpoena is widely believed — but not confirmed — to be related to sealed charges against WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange, whose prosecutors were seen at the courthouse ...

Anti-SJWs Launch "Alita Challenge" To Boycott Man-Hating Captain Marvel
Post Date: 2019-03-07 07:56:05 by Horse
The backlash against Captain Marvel has reached a boiling point ahead of Friday's premiere, after star Brie Larson slammed the number of white male movie critics reviewing her films - while others have taken issue with the feminist marketing campaign behind Marvel's "big feminist movie." The ensuing flood of complaints against both Larson and Marvel Studios resulted in a 28% drop in box office projections, while popular movie review site Rotten Tomatoes made site-wide changes, removing their "Want To See" feature from the website. Larson's "Social Justice Warrior" (SJW) supporters have branded the backlash as a classic case of misogyny; men who ...

The Mental Condition of Winston Churchill
Post Date: 2019-03-06 09:35:34 by Ada
"Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result." Churchill said in 1897 in Afghanistan. Such was Churchill’s depression and ‘shell shock’ one presumes, which today would be called PTSD, that a minor but important detail about Churchill is the little known fact that his hands frequently shook. One of a number of tell-tale signs of PTSD. Also for decades, Churchill avoided standing too close to balconies and train platforms. I have known others from the military with very similar problems. “I don’t like standing near the edge of a platform when an express train is passing through. I like to stand back and, if possible, get a pillar ...

It Has Come to This: Deny, Defy, Deceive, Evade, Resist, Smuggle, Defend
Post Date: 2019-03-06 00:09:32 by X-15
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- I have been involved with Armed Civil Disobedience since 1994. My home state decided to pass their own version of the federal “assault weapons ban” that did not have a 2004 sunset provision. It was then expanded in 2013 also to include a whole set of draconian new gun laws. Once the government changes the rules to make you a felon today for what was legal yesterday, then what does another paper felony mean? NOTHING! The Armed Civil Disobedience of Non-Compliance works when the following principles are followed: Deny-Defy-Deceive-Evade-Resist-Smuggle-Defend 1). DENY – Deny the ownership of any weapons or other survival gear you may have, except to ...

"I Called For Diversity Of Thought... My Peers Compared Me To A Neo-Nazi(Cute Non-white gal)
Post Date: 2019-03-05 14:31:33 by Horse
As I took part in a recent student leadership board meeting for the Department of Political Science at Boston University, a group that works to advise faculty on ways to improve, I offered some advice: the department could use more intellectual diversity. I suggested more debates in the classroom, as opposed to what I had witnessed in my three years at the school, that being an assumption during class that everyone agrees. I broached my idea after I had sat and respectfully listened to the ideas of others for an hour, but my peers, and a professor and an administrator in the room, were not about to return the favor. One student chided me that “debate” was too aggressive of a ...

Can U.S. Soldiers Be Heroes?
Post Date: 2019-03-05 10:45:15 by Ada
Do we call a member of the Mafia or other criminal gang a hero if he gives his life in the course of saving his fellow gang members from an attack by rival gang members? No, we call him a dupe, a fool, or an idiot. I was reminded of this truth when I received an e-mail promotion from Outback Steakhouse on Sunday, February 17. Why was the e-mail sent on the 17th? Because Presidents’ Day was the next day: Monday, February 18. Here is the text of what I received: HERE’S WHAT’S GRILLIN’ AT OUTBACK THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 18, 2019 HONORING HEROES WITH 20% OFF PROUD TO SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE We are partnering with Operation Homefront to help make life a little easier for our ...

CNN Reporter Confronted for Promoting Fake News
Post Date: 2019-03-04 09:58:39 by Horse
Poster Comment:Brand new clip – Kaitlin Bennett confronts CNN media critic Brian Stelter at Kent State University after he makes false claims on gun violence to students.

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