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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Court Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts As Authentic
Post Date: 2019-02-09 15:05:05 by Horse
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found in undercover videos of the abortion provider’s involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit. The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by David Daleiden, founder and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as “deceptively edited.” “Planned Parenthood for years has been smearing us trying to say the videos were not accurate or somehow misleading,” Daleiden said in an interview with ...

Doug Casey: "We Are On The Cusp Of A Civil War"
Post Date: 2019-02-08 10:45:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:US has been going down hill since 1913. Only reason it won't happen is Americans are too lazy and apathetic. His favorite song from the Rolling Stones was Street Fighting Man.

Media Meltdown: Honest, Consistent Liberal Candidates Must Be Russian Plants
Post Date: 2019-02-08 10:32:06 by Ada
Proof by Reductio ad Russiam. When Tulsi Gabbard announced her plans to run in the 2020 presidential election, I predicted that it would disrupt war propaganda narratives and force a much-needed conversation about US interventionism, but I didn’t realize that it would happen so quickly, so ubiquitously, and so explosively. Gabbard officially began her campaign for president a mere three days ago, and already she’s become the front line upon which the debate about US warmongering is happening. Even if you oppose Gabbard’s run for the presidency, this should be self-evident to you by now. This dynamic became more apparent than ever today in Gabbard’s appearance on ...

Nick Sandmann: The Truth in 15 Minutes
Post Date: 2019-02-07 16:38:43 by Horse

The Allure of Protective Stupidity
Post Date: 2019-02-06 21:39:14 by Dakmar
The most important aspect of the Grievance Studies hoax—in which three writers duped supposedly scholarly gender and race journals with absurd papers such as “Human Reactions to Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at the Dog Park”—may also be the most overlooked: the triumph of their term “Grievance Studies” as the collective noun for the various “disciplines” of woke academia. James A. Lindsay, Peter Boghossian, and Helen Pluckrose managed to get seven bogus articles accepted by more or less real academic journals. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1540311543171-0'); }); On the other hand, that seems like a ...

Italian Woman Enters Gun Debate, Slays Liberals in Less Than 10 Seconds
Post Date: 2019-02-06 05:59:16 by Horse

The Democrats Will Never Confiscate Your Guns. Instead, You’ll Hand them Over
Post Date: 2019-02-05 18:31:41 by BTP Holdings
The Democrats Will Never Confiscate Your Guns. Instead, You’ll Hand them Over Posted August 31, 2016 in Legal Issues, Opinion, Shooting by billj with 837 Comments (BBC News) I see and hear a lot of talk about how a national gun registration and/or confiscation would be the trigger that would spark a second American Revolution, as patriots rise up to resist the jackbooted thugs who are going door-to-door taking away people’s arms. I have bad news for everyone who’s waiting for national registration or a mass confiscation so they can get their armed rebellion on: a national database of gun owners already exists, and a national confiscation effort will never happen. Ever. ...

South Dakota becomes latest (14th) state to allow concealed handguns without permit
Post Date: 2019-02-02 20:01:27 by Horse
South Dakota has become the latest state to remove permit requirements for gun owners to carry and conceal their weapons. The state’s new Republican governor, Kristi Noem, signed SB 47 into law Thursday. The legislation permits residents to legally carry a firearm concealed on their person so long as they are allowed to possess one. The bill passed the state Senate by a 23-11 vote and the state House by a vote of 47-23, reports said. In a tweet, Noem said the new law reflects the vision of the Founding Fathers and protects Second Amendment gun rights. "Our Founding Fathers believed so firmly in our right to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution," the ...

The 3 Most Important Factors in Survival/Disaster Medicine-- You better Know!
Post Date: 2019-02-02 15:34:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:Patriot Nurse. Civil War II is coming. Your network needs to include one person to do emergency medical procedures like setting broken bones.

Windows 10 update experience – what’s wrong with me?
Post Date: 2019-02-02 05:25:16 by Horse
1) No, I don’t want my voice data saved on your “cloud” to train your voice data recognition. 2) No, I don’t want to give out my general location. 3) No, I don’t want my computer to be physically traceable. 4) No, I don’t want to share information about my website use and application use. 5) No, I don’t want to share data about my inking and typing. 6) No, I don’t want tailored suggestions. 7) No, I don’t want personalized ads. I don’t want my “personal” computer (or is it your computer?) intruding into my life and private space. I gave Microsoft some short feedback, telling them that their OS is intrusive and attempts to ...

Yellow Vest Texas
Post Date: 2019-01-31 15:22:13 by wakeup

Moscow Will Do "Whatever It Takes" To Defend Its Interests In Venezuela (400 Kremlin mercenaries)
Post Date: 2019-01-30 18:08:55 by hondo68
After decrying US sanctions against Venezuela's state-run oil company PDVSA as "illegal" and enforcing "unfair competition", a Kremlin spokesman has reiterated that Russia is prepared to use "all mechanisms available to us" to defend its economic interests in Venezuela - interests that are closely tied to the Maduro regime. According to RT, Russia has extended billions of dollars of loans to PDVSA, mostly via oil firm Rosneft. The company has extended $6 billion of loans which must be repaid in crude by the end of the year. Data from S&P Global Platts shows that as of November 2018, Venezuela had a $3.1 billion outstanding loan to repay to Rosneft. ...

Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine Tags: CONSUMER RIGHTS / PRODUCT REPORTS SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE State senator Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix wants to mandate that parents are told exactly which ingredients and chemicals are in vaccines before
Post Date: 2019-01-28 15:29:55 by Horse
Arizona lawmaker: All ingredients, side effects must be disclosed before any vaccine CONSUMER RIGHTS / PRODUCT REPORTS SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE State senator Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix wants to mandate that parents are told exactly which ingredients and chemicals are in vaccines before their children are inoculated. The bill he’s introduced will require health professionals to provide not just the positive effects of vaccinations “but also the full list of ingredients and side effects before a vaccine could be administered.”1 No more hiding the truth about vaccine injury. #hearthiswell

The 6 Types of People That Will Die First When SHTF
Post Date: 2019-01-27 23:44:16 by hondo68
We all like to believe that we’d fare well if a disaster hit. At least, those of us who think about disaster preparedness believe that they’d survive (the rest aren’t even willing to admit that a disaster could impact them!). A lot has already been written and debated about the people who will die first when SHTF. Most fixate on people like the physically weak, children, disabled, elderly, and yuppies. But I don’t want to focus on those standard weaknesses here! I firmly believe that anyone – regardless of health or physical ability – can survive a disaster with the right amount of planning. Sure, it is going to take a lot more prepping than for some other ...

Vast Popular Uprising Reported against US-Backed Militants in Deir Ezzur
Post Date: 2019-01-26 21:59:12 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- A large number of people poured into the street in Eastern Deir Ezzur to show their protests against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Residents of the town of Abu Humman in Southeastern Deir Ezzur launched massive protests and closed the roads leading to the town, battlefield sources in Eastern Deir Ezzur said. The sources reiterated that the civilians staged massive protests against SDF's measures, including piling up fuel products, corruption and other offenses in the region. "The residents of Deir Ezzur called for releasing the people who have been arrested by the SDF fighters," they said. The residents of Shaitat town in Southeastern Deir ...

In the Deep Mid-Winter
Post Date: 2019-01-26 09:47:03 by Ada
Ill winds sweep across the fruited plain in the cruel heart of winter. America can resolve nothing. The state-of-the-union is a kind of hysterical nausea, and the nation hunkers into its crib of toxic diverse identities waiting for history to bitch-slap it back on its feet. History’s big sister, Reality, stands by, witnessing all. Spring… is… coming…. Things break up in spring. Nature unlocks what was frozen. The bodies emerge from the melting ice and ripen. The air is electric and thunderbolts frighten the gathering mobs in the public square, the Walmart parking lot, with rumors of war. The earth shakes and monuments fall. That’s how it’s shaping up for 20 ...

Roger Stone URGENT Speech after being Arrested by the FBI and Posting Bail
Post Date: 2019-01-25 16:07:25 by Horse

A Critique of White Nationalism: Preface
Post Date: 2019-01-25 09:48:39 by Ada
This is what white nationalism should look like. The Daily Stormer has existed since 2013, and I have been involved in these types of politics on the internet since 2011. However, political movements advocating for the rights of white people in America have existed since the civil rights era, when black people, spurred on by Jews, began making outrageous demands. Before the civil rights era, there was no need for a political movement to advocate for the rights of whites, because the supremacy of the white race in America was taken for granted. White rights movements also began in Britain around the same time, due to an influx of immigrants from Pakistan, India and other non-white ...

Post Date: 2019-01-24 15:34:53 by Horse
The federal government, even though caught “suborning perjury,” will appeal the dismissal of a case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons and supporters over the 2014 armed standoff with Bureau of Land Management agents. That’s according to Bundy’s lawyer, former Department of Justice attorney Larry Klayman, who pointed out to the government, apparently to no avail, the “gross injustice” of the case. Klayman said on Wednesday: “The Department of Justice, which has sadly become known as the ‘Department of Injustice,’ is going ahead by with its appeal of the dismissal of the indictment a year ago, characteristically ‘circling the ...

Daniel Estulin – President Trump Surrounded by Traitors, Back Trump or World Loses
Post Date: 2019-01-23 15:20:04 by Horse

MLK Day (Satire)
Post Date: 2019-01-22 13:05:50 by Horse
Poster Comment:Satire is from the Onion.

Dr. Jerome Corsi Amends Complaint Against Mueller to Include Jeff Bezos and His Washington Post
Post Date: 2019-01-22 12:59:47 by Horse
Today, Larry Klayman, counsel for Dr. Jerome Corsi, announced that he has filed an Amended Complaint on his client's behalf against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Department of Justice and its FBI, intel agencies, Jeff Bezos, the owner and CEO of The Washington Post ("WaPo"), Bezos's WaPo reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia, all of whom are alleged to have acted and continue to act in concert to coerce, extort and blackmail Dr. Corsi into providing false testimony under oath to the Special Counsel with the design to indict and/or remove President Donald J. Trump from his duly elected office.

NYPD cop single-handedly fight off drunken mob to defend woman’s honor (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2019-01-21 20:47:24 by BTP Holdings
NYPD cop single-handedly fight off drunken mob to defend woman’s honor (VIDEO) Published time: 25 Dec, 2018 23:22 Edited time: 26 Dec, 2018 13:23 © Twitter / NYPDMOS A video of a New York Police officer fighting off a group of hostile intoxicated men at a subway station has gone viral. Despite repeated warnings to back off, the homeless men kept on harassing and crowding in on the cop. East Broadway subway station in Manhattan was the scene of a tense confrontation between the solitary police officer and the aggressive crowd on Sunday night. Responding to a harassment report against a female passenger, one of New York’s finest rushed to her rescue, and encountered ...

food for thought - John Basil Barnhill
Post Date: 2019-01-21 14:11:16 by Horse
"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." -- John Basil Barnhill

BREAKING: Covington Catholic High School ‘may sue’ mainstream media outlets for spreading ‘fake news’
Post Date: 2019-01-21 14:10:01 by Horse
Every member of the media who defamed, slandered, and doxxed the #CovingtonBoys on Twitter will be served. Each and every tweet will be archived and turned over to the students’ legal counsel.

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