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Round 4: Yellow Vests protest in Paris (Pt.2)
Post Date: 2018-12-09 19:31:40 by Horse
Poster Comment:The Yellow Vests are anti-Globalists which is to say they oppose their Banker Occupied Government. Macron was and probably still is a Rothschild employee.

Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Degenerate Art Museums in France
Post Date: 2018-12-08 18:53:36 by Horse
It’s been a busy day for news in France. To really understand what is happening right now, you have to understand the events that preceded it. So, predictably, Macron gave an order to post all the major amounts of the forces and material to Paris in response to the yellow vests continuing to hold the Champs-Elysées. France Bleu: For the moment, 57 mobile forces are planned in Paris, more than 4,000 men, says Grégory Joron, national delegate of the unit SGP Police Unit CRS. This is as much as for the big demonstration after the Charlie Hebdo attacks . According to Grégory Joron, intelligence and surveillance cameras in the transport sector would make it ...

food for thought - Michael Rivero
Post Date: 2018-12-08 16:47:09 by Horse
"If there is one victory we can claim here on the internet, it is that we have forever removed the ability of government to lie to their people with impunity. Absent that, there will be fewer wars. Already we see the elites trying to roll the world back to pre-internet days, much as the elites in Gutenberg's time tried to roll back his making books affordable to the middle classes. But like that previous effort, the attempt to reverse progress is doomed to fail. The elites will have to adjust to the new reality of a public aware and on the lookout for their lies, or they will stop being the elites." -- Michael Rivero

Drowning in the Military Swamp
Post Date: 2018-12-08 10:49:26 by Ada
The Swamp. Candidate Donald Trump alluded to it constantly during his historic campaign. No one explicitly stated the definition of the Swamp but it was tacitly understood to be a visual analogy for what was occurring in Washington: a site of stagnation, stench, and rot. Translated into political imagery, the Swamp has been identified as the source of dysfunction, waste, and deceit. “For too long,” Trump said in his inaugural address, “a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.” Some Americans associated the Swamp with selfish elite politicians, bureaucrats, operatives, and lobbyists ...

Post Date: 2018-12-06 17:13:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:Opening segment has woman whose husband made kiddie porn for the Clinton Foundation. She did a year and a half in jail after her husband had beat her for 6 days. She made the mistake of calling the cops.

Guns Save Lives — Armed Citizens Thwart Active Shooters 94 Percent of the Time
Post Date: 2018-12-06 13:48:36 by Horse
It’s a testimonial as to why “gun control” should mean hitting your target. While a study shows that 98 percent of mass shootings occur in “gun free” zones, a more recent study indicates how these events can be thwarted: by armed citizens. In fact, it finds that when such Americans are present, they have a 94-percent success rate at stopping or impeding active shooters. As the National Sentinel reports, referencing the FBI: A report by Jacob Paulsen at ConcealedCarry.com found that in 94 percent of cases, armed citizens successfully intervene during what the bureau calls “active shooter events,” which is defined by the FBI as, “One or more ...

YAF Wins Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit, UC Berkeley To Pay $70,000 And Rescind Unconstitutional Policies
Post Date: 2018-12-04 22:17:38 by hondo68
Following more than a year of hard-fought litigation in the hostile Ninth Circuit, Young America’s Foundation secured victory for free speech against the University of California, Berkeley. Through YAF’s lawsuit and subsequent settlement agreement executed over the weekend, UC Berkeley agreed to the following terms set by Young America’s Foundation: 1) Pay Young America’s Foundation $70,000.2) Rescind the unconstitutional “high-profile speaker policy.”3) Rescind the viewpoint-discriminatory security fee policy.4) Abolish its heckler’s veto—protestors will no longer be able to shut down conservative expression. This landmark victory for free ...

Macron Folds: France Suspends Fuel Tax Hike After "Yellow Vest" Riots
Post Date: 2018-12-04 17:13:34 by Horse
With his popularity rating at record lows (recent polls put it at around 26%, on par with Hollande), his capital city burning and the populists he defeated during his stunning electoral victory last year making serious electoral inroads, French President Emmanuel Macron finally caved, and on Tuesday ordered a six month suspension of planned 'fuel taxes' which spurred widespread and destructive protests across France over the past three weeks. After reportedly weighing declaring a state of emergency that would have cleared the way for an unprecedented crackdown on dissent, Macron decided that such measures would only intensify the popular opposition to his government. And according ...

What do Luke Harding, Mohammad Bin Salman and Poroshenko Have in Common?
Post Date: 2018-12-04 11:24:40 by Ada
Three phrases come to mind when comparing these notable figures’ careers: moral hazard, servitude to Empire, and expiration date. Harding of the Guardian who, according to former ambassador Craig Murray, is an MI6 mouthpiece has a history of writing “tall tales” about Putin and Russia. Because this sort of journalism sells and because the editors at the Guardian are Russophobic, the often outrageous claims he has made go unpunished. Moral hazard in this case refers to not being punished for violating basic rules of journalism and feeling emboldened to act with impunity in more outrageous ways. Harding's official Guardian portrait - even here he looks terribly weaselly ...

Man Confronts Teacher For Putting His Grandson & Other Kids In A Dress! "We Don’t Do The Transgender
Post Date: 2018-12-03 14:18:29 by Horse

Sayonara, 'America First'! We Hardly Knew Ye!
Post Date: 2018-12-01 20:21:51 by hondo68
President Donald Trump’s cancellation of his planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Buenos Aires G20 is another sign of the now almost certain demise of his declared “America First” agenda – and perhaps of his presidency. Supposedly decided in response to a Ukraine-Russia naval incident in the Kerch Strait, dumping the meeting is universally and correctly seen as a response to the guilty plea of his former lawyer and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, to lying to Congress (notice that James Clapper isn’t forced to plead to his perjury before the Senate) and Cohen’s disclosure of Trump’s fruitless business dealings in Russia. Keep in ...

Report from Charlottesville - The Fields Monkey Trial for Murder Gets Off to a Rocky Start
Post Date: 2018-11-30 10:00:19 by Ada
Editor's Note: This trial has nothing to do with Russia, but I am running this series for I have seen no other reporting from inside the courthouse which is sympathetic to the defendant, who, on the face of things, has a very strong case that he is not guilty of the charges. Unfortunately for him, he faces a clearly biased judge, dishonest and hysterical media coverage, an apparently incompetent defense team (court-appointed public defenders), and most importantly, a local jury drawn from a small, hyper-liberal town which is hot for a lynching. That the judge denied a motion to move the trial to a less biased location gives you an idea of the inequity of proceedings and the mood of the ...

Corsi says he will file criminal charges against Mueller
Post Date: 2018-11-29 15:44:16 by Horse
Jerome Corsi said on Thursday that he intends to file criminal charges against special counsel Robert Mueller. "My attorney is preparing to file criminal charges against Mueller," Corsi told Hill.TV's Buck Sexton and Jamal Simmons in an interview set to air Friday on "Rising." "So if you want to know what I think of him, I think he's a political hack and a criminal. I'm going to file charges with the Department of Justice. My attorneys are preparing it right now. We're going to file it with [acting Attorney General Matt] Whitaker," Corsi said. "We're going to say to the Office of Professional Responsibility and the inspector general ...

Trump Threatens To Declassify "Devastating" Docs If Democrats Investigate Him
Post Date: 2018-11-28 18:28:52 by Horse
If only to vent his frustrations about GM, the stock market chaos, and the prospect of turning over power to the Democrats (who have gleefully bragged about the many investigations they're planning to launch in January), President Trump has given a series of freewheeling interviews over the past two days where he has threatened a government shutdown, expressed his regret over choosing Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and even opined that Janet Yellen was "too short" to be chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. Trump by Tyler Durden Wed, 11/28/2018 - 17:05 261 SHARES Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print If only to vent his frustrations about GM, the stock market chaos, and the ...

Local Frenchman with Shocking English Skills Comments on Yellow Vest Revolution Movement
Post Date: 2018-11-27 18:38:41 by Ada
Being a lifelong Parisian and a supporter of this movement, I’ll try to give you as honest and fair a take as possible: THE CONS It’s, to the core, a boomer’s movement. Pensioners voted for Macron en masse, then he started taxing them, something they didn’t expect. Many of them are really pissed off about this. This movement has a shitload of marxist/socialist talking points: a good number of spokespersons for the “yellow vests” or random protesters interviewed on the teLevyZion give the usual “muh poor people suffer while dem rich fucks get richer”. A line so basic that it even features in a good number of old US rap songs. Sad. There is no clear ...

25 Basic Life Skills That Should Be Taught in School (But Aren’t)
Post Date: 2018-11-27 18:06:29 by Horse
Think of the vast amount of time that students spend in school. But what do they come away knowing? They are taught very few life skills, so are they really prepared for the real world? Here’s one of the glaring problems with public school: it’s designed to waste time. Like a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who, school can zap your life away. It wouldn’t be half bad if you were being taught something useful. Sure, reading and math are important, but the bulk of those things can be taught in much shorter periods of time than are being utilized right now. Plus, reading skills are deteriorating and math was swallowed by Common Core. Ideally, there would be myriad forms of ...

With Shoe on Other Foot, Trump Admin Mum on Syria “Rebel” Chemical Attack in Aleppo
Post Date: 2018-11-26 12:45:54 by Ada
Despite the fact that chemical weapons were used by al Qaeda-linked militants in Idlib, the U.S. government and its allies have thus far been silent about the recent attack — a starkly different response from their bombing of Syria after its government was falsely alleged to have used chemicals in April. ALEPPO, SYRIA — On Saturday evening, a barrage of mortars filled with chemical weapons was launched into Syrian government-controlled territory in the Aleppo province by “rebels” linked to al Qaeda in the nearby Idlib province. The attack – which was confirmed by both pro-government and pro-opposition sources – left over 100 civilians hospitalized after ...

New Study Reveals Surprising Truths About Conspiracy Theories
Post Date: 2018-11-26 10:21:29 by Ada
The largest study of conspiracy theories has revealed some interesting and telling facts about how people feel about authority, who really runs the government, and even what demographics are most likely to believe in alternative truths. The study polled people from 9 different countries over a six-year period and was performed by researchers at the University of Cambridge and YouGov, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. This study is the deepest ever conducted on the subject and marks the first time academics have explored questions of conspiracy beliefs, social trust, and news consumption habits across different countries. The timing of this study is interesting as many people are turning ...

How the NSA Tracks Everything You Say
Post Date: 2018-11-25 21:12:59 by sonny
All phone calls , texts , postings , fakebook , and possibly everything you say in the privacy of your home - Yep it all gets recorded to be used to bring about the new Government Entity - Artificial Intelligence and this new Agency will become Judge , Jury and Jailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYg_0Imrnr4 Check out Bill Binney's website ( Former NSA Programmer ) - lots of good info drrobertduncan.com Just another reason why the 2nd Amendment is the only obstacle preventing the Shearing One things for sure - All Terrorists attacks are 98% orchestrated by Government Traitors

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha
Post Date: 2018-11-25 13:51:32 by X-15
Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buyback—which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on it—and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes. And everybody was like, wait, what? Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and he’d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American ...

Confederate "General" Julius Howell Recalls the 1860s
Post Date: 2018-11-24 01:36:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:He was 15 when the Civil War started. This was recorded in 1947. The title general was honorary one bestowed after the war. He enlisted at age 16.

House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe
Post Date: 2018-11-22 12:45:45 by Horse
House Republicans will hear testimony on December 5 from the prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, according to Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC). Meadows - chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations, told The Hill that it's time to "circle back" to former Utah Attorney General John Huber's probe with the Justice Department into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in improper activities, reports The Hill. "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton ...

Trump, JFK, and the Deep State: Part Q
Post Date: 2018-11-22 09:30:16 by Ada
We are now at year 55 since the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. This defining event of the Baby Boomer generation still looms large over the American nation, ever finding new ways to stay relevant to contemporary events. There have been two significant developments during the Trump presidency. First was Trump’s tweet in October 2017 saying that he would declassify all the remaining JFK files that the government is still withholding. I and many others who are interested in the JFK investigation were hopeful that this would happen, as I wrote in March of that year. While Trump’s supporters cheered and took it as further confirmation of Trump’s anti-establishment ...

'Game Changing' guided-missiles Target Israeli military bus [Forces Israeli Ceasefire]
Post Date: 2018-11-21 11:29:04 by Horse

Feed the Need 5 with Dont Comply
Post Date: 2018-11-20 14:01:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:It is illegal to feed the poor and homeless so people in Dallas feed the poor while carrying AR-15s. Police talk rather arrest armed men.

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