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Northern Taiwan hair salon refuses to remove 'Nazi swastikas' from entrance
Post Date: 2018-09-17 18:32:25 by X-15
Despite demand by German Institute in Taipei that it removes 'Nazi swastikas,' Hsinchu owners insists they are just 'razors' TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- The German Institute in Taipei (GIT), Germany's de facto embassy in Taiwan, has requested a Taiwanese hair salon remove symbols from its entrance that resemble Nazi swastikas, however, the owner has remained defiant and claims that they are merely "razor blades." A hair salon, which lists itself on Facebook as "Berlin Hair Salon" has recently been discovered to have posted two logos on its front entrance which bear a strong resemblance to Nazi swastikas, including the fact that they are right-facing ...

Communism in America
Post Date: 2018-09-17 15:09:12 by X-15
Those who believe in a republican form of government are incapable of understanding a communist. Their lives are designed specifically to distance themselves from politics. They might hold opinions, but think nothing more of it than to express those opinions on occasion. Their opinions are not their agenda. Communists live their opinions; breathe them in; they are given to them by their leaders and they become part of their soul. It is their duty to express those opinions, because they are relaying the message of their leaders to the rest. They need to use these opinions to sniff out enemies and confirm the identities of comrades. Communists have spent generations upon generations to ...

Dealing With the Spaces In Between
Post Date: 2018-09-17 09:59:31 by Ada
When one cannot discern where one ends and the other begins…. Several weeks ago we were presented with the news of Alex Jones being banned from various social media platforms. This raised an interesting question for libertarians: is this a free speech issue or a private property issue? A free speech issue occurs only when it is government that clamps down on speech. If the speech is occurring on private property, the property owner is free to decide if the speech will be allowed or not. There were many libertarian voices stating that it was a private property issue and that the owners of these various social media platforms had the right to decide who was or wasn’t allowed to ...

Nunes Will Declassify 70 Depositions
Post Date: 2018-09-16 22:22:15 by Horse

WikiLeaks Says it will Bring Hillary Clinton Down by October 21
Post Date: 2018-09-16 21:21:15 by Horse
President Donald Trump has one campaign yet to fulfill and WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange is vowing to see that one fulfilled sooner rather later. In his words – “If Trump doesn’t take Clinton down, we will.” For almost two years, Clinton and the Deep State have been hell-bent on drumming up a ‘Trump/Russia’ collusion story that has yet to produce anything beyond made-up stories and ‘anonymous’ insiders. It seems Assange realizes time is running out for him in exile and he needs to do something to do that has evaded the President. In a WikiLeaks letter he wrote: Hillary Clinton’s crimes will not go unpunished. If she is not formally ...

Days After 9/11 Tulsi Gabbard Slams "Betrayal Of American People" Over Syria
Post Date: 2018-09-15 09:13:10 by Horse
In a rare and unprecedented speech delivered on the House floor just two days after the nation memorialized 9/11, Democratic Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday slammed Washington's longtime support to anti-Assad jihadists in Syria, while also sounding the alarm over the current build-up of tensions between the US and Russia over the Syria crisis. She called on Congress to condemn what she called the Trump Administration’s protection of al-Qaeda in Idlib and slammed Washington's policies in Syria as "a betrayal of the American people" — especially the victims and families that perished on 9/11. Considering that Congresswoman Gabbard herself is an ...

Why the Public Must Revolt Over Eminent Domain
Post Date: 2018-09-14 17:13:37 by Ada
Only democratic pressure can fight government abuse, as a recent case in Idaho demonstrates. But now BSU is garnering attention for something very different: its attempt to seize private land through eminent domain. The reason? It wants to build a baseball stadium for a team that does not yet exist. This has sparked outrage from the public, which sees it as not only exacerbating the community’s housing affordability crisis, but showing just how unimportant private property is in Boise. In 2018, Boise was recognized as the fastest growing city in the nation. Some 20,000 people have moved into this metro area of just over 700,000 in the course of 12 months, and the influx shows no ...

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Emails Found on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop
Post Date: 2018-09-14 03:12:11 by Horse
Judicial Watch announced Tuesday that it has sued the Department of Justice for all of the emails found by the FBI on former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop just days before the 2016 presidential election. Weiner is married to top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, and the lawsuit comes after DOJ “did not act” on two FOIA requests for the documents. The government watchdog organization released a statement which reads, in part: In October 2016 The Washington Post reported that the FBI obtained a warrant to search the emails found on a computer used by Weiner that may contain evidence relevant to the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private ...

Turkey Secretly Undermining Russia and Iran in Syria
Post Date: 2018-09-12 21:15:59 by BTP Holdings
Turkey Secretly Undermining Russia and Iran in Syria Cristina Maza 5 hrs ago © Provided by IBT Media As Russia and Iran prepare to support the Syrian government’s planned offensive against the rebel-held province of Idlib, Turkey is allegedly working behind the scenes to undermine them by providing arms to the rebels, according to reports. Rebel sources in Idlib told Reuters that Turkey has been giving large supplies of weapons, including rockets, to rebels in Idlib after leadership in Ankara failed to convince Russia and Iran to call off the offensive. Leaders from Iran, Russia, and Turkey met last Friday to discuss Syria’s future, but only Turkey opposed the attack. ...

Bannon: Trump Facing Crisis Not Seen Since Days of Lincoln
Post Date: 2018-09-11 05:27:30 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- US President Donald Trump is facing a “coup” and the country was facing a crisis comparable only to that faced by former President Abraham Lincoln during the US Civil War, according to former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. In an interview with Reuters in Rome, Italy, Bannon said the coup was highlighted by an anonymous column in The New York Times detailing resistance within the Trump administration. “What you saw the other day was as serious as it can get. This is a direct attack on the institutions,” Bannon stated, adding that "this is a coup, okay?” The Times column was published on Wednesday and was written by an unnamed ...

Billionaires v teachers: the Koch brothers' plan to starve public education
Post Date: 2018-09-08 12:56:23 by Horse
A small group of women have succeeded in putting a state law promoted by Betsy DeVos and billionaire donors which they see as an attack on public education on the ballot in November Are you a teacher? We want to hear from you ‘The Koch brothers and DeVos are trying to do everything they can to divert money that should go to the public-school system, where 90%-plus of students go,’ according to the Arizona teachers’ union. ‘The Koch brothers and DeVos are trying to do everything they can to divert money that should go to the public-school system, where 90%-plus of students go,’ according to the Arizona teachers’ union. Photograph: Alamy Arizona has become ...

The Left is Crazytown
Post Date: 2018-09-07 12:24:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:RNC ad.

A Year After Calling Idlib 'Al-Qaeda’s Largest Safe Haven Since 9/11' the US Govt Is Trying to Save it
Post Date: 2018-09-07 09:46:42 by Ada
Keep Idlib safe for al-Qaeda! -- current US policy As the Syrian government and its allies prepare to begin a military offensive against the last rebel-held province in the country, top US government officials and even US President Donald Trump have recently urged Syria to refrain from “recklessly” attacking the Idlib province, warning that it could result in a high civilian death toll. These recent statements of US government officials have sought to portray Idlib as chiefly populated by civilians and benign opposition “rebels.” Yet, just last year, one of the US government’s top counterterrorism officials involved in the country’s Syria and Iraq policy ...

Secret Grand Jury Proceedings Underway Against Andrew McCabe; Witnesses Summoned
Post Date: 2018-09-06 21:35:32 by Horse
Federal prosecutors have been using a grand jury over the last several months to investigate former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, reports the Washington Post, citing two people familiar with the matter. What's more, the grand jury has summoned at least two witnesses, and the case is ongoing according to WaPo's sources. The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged. -Washington Post McCabe was fired on March 16 after Justice Department ...

Malcolm X on Liberals
Post Date: 2018-09-06 17:16:12 by Horse
Poster Comment:"Why is it that you do and do for the Democrats and they don't for you? I'll tell you why. Because yo' is a chump."

Criminalizing Childhood: School Safety Measures Aren’t Making the Schools Any Safer
Post Date: 2018-09-05 19:59:40 by Ada
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning. From metal detectors to drug tests, from increased policing to all-seeing electronic surveillance, the public schools of the twenty-first century reflect a society that has become fixated on crime, security and violence.”—Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes It used to be that if you talked back to a teacher, or played a prank on a classmate, or just failed to do your homework, you might find yourself in detention or doing an extra writing assignment ...

Francis Marion, the Real Patriot
Post Date: 2018-09-05 15:48:48 by Ada
Today's complicated racial politics obscure the commitment of the 'Swamp Fox' portrayed in Gibson's 2000 film. CHARLESTON, S.C.—The Southern memorial controversy is here, too, in South Carolina. For example, a September 1 headline on the op-ed page of the Charleston Post and Courier reads, “History in the making — and breaking.” The piece notes the loud controversy over a towering statue of John C. Calhoun, which dominates a downtown landmark, Marion Square. Strictly speaking, Calhoun wasn’t a Confederate; he died in 1850, more than a decade before the Civil War. Yet he was a slaveowner, and an ardent defender of slavery. And so of course, as a ...

Support Class Action v. YouTube and Other Leftist Social Media
Post Date: 2018-09-05 12:54:25 by Horse

DC REPORT Jeff Sessions
Post Date: 2018-09-03 22:07:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Judge Jeanine rips Sessions.

Blacks For Trump Speak Out
Post Date: 2018-09-03 02:00:02 by Horse

McCain’s funeral was a disgusting exercise in historical revisionism
Post Date: 2018-09-02 18:12:21 by Ada
John McCain’s death has inspired a slew of whitewashed obituaries, cringeworthy plaudits and declarations of love from both sides of the political divide — but as historical revisionism goes, his funeral was a step too far. If there is anyone who owns the right to whitewash John McCain’s legacy, it is his daughter, Meghan McCain. In her hour of grief, we can permit her to rewrite her father’s personal history, to cast him as a hero among men. That much is to be expected — and few would take much issue with it. Read more FILE PHOTO. John McCain in 2008. © Brian Snyder MSM one step away from McCain myth-making – well, you can learn from Lenin classic! ...

Trump Has Changed How Teens View the News Young people can see the president’s tweets as jokes, but they still often share his negative feelings about the press.
Post Date: 2018-09-02 13:33:54 by Horse
Since President Trump took office, he has relentlessly attacked the media. He’s shunned individual reporters, referred to the press as “the enemy of the American people,” and popularized the term “fake news” to denigrate credible articles. Meanwhile, public trust in the press is at an all-time low. According to a recent Knight-Gallup report, only a third of Americans view the press positively. There is increasing evidence that this skepticism, exacerbated by the president’s relentless attacks, is trickling down to the next generation of voters. A 2017 report on a series of focus groups with 52 people between the ages of 14 and 24, conducted by Data & ...

Post Date: 2018-09-01 19:41:14 by Horse
Poster Comment:Connecting corruption dots at FBI and DOJ.

What will it take to start a domestic conflict?
Post Date: 2018-09-01 13:56:41 by X-15
“It will never happen.” That’s often a response I get when I start talking about why I think we’re headed towards a domestic conflict. Never mind that we’re seeing the early warning hallmarks of a civil war/domestic conflict; most people can’t be bothered to consider the possibility. But, in fact, we’re probably already in a very low grade domestic conflict and we’re just waiting to see when/if it goes hot. Here’s the key thing about our future conflict: it won’t be a conventional war. We’re not talking about tanks in the streets or bombing insurgents into submission. The combatants of tomorrow won’t take part in pitched battles of ...

Robert Redford on Retiring From the Screen: ‘I Felt My Time Had Come’
Post Date: 2018-09-01 10:58:44 by BTP Holdings
Robert Redford on Retiring From the Screen: ‘I Felt My Time Had Come’ Kristopher Tapley 15 hrs ago © Provided by Variety Screen legend Robert Redford gave the crowd gathered to see the world premiere of “The Old Man & the Gun” Friday just the smallest bit of hope when asked if it is indeed his final film. “I also said ‘never say never,’” he reminded. But then he let them down gently. As he sees it, it’s simply time to ride off into the sunset. “The truth is that I really do feel that it’s time for me to move into retirement,” the 82-year-old star said. “I’ve been doing this since I was 21. I’ve put ...

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