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Infowars Back Up. On Bitchute now
Post Date: 2018-08-15 03:00:06 by Horse
I don't see how to post Bitchute videos here. This is the URL to the announcement on the take down. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iQ6bzGWPjuvb/ Poster Comment:Vimeo also banned Infowars. The CEO is a Hindu woman and is pissed off at people who oppose unlimited immigration.

Infowars.com is under attack. Unreachable.
Post Date: 2018-08-14 18:13:31 by Horse
Go to the back up channel https://www.prisonplanet.com/ Poster Comment:Interesting to see who did it. Dot Mil, Israel, Russia, China, Apple, Microsoft, Google?

This is Why You Carry With A Round in the Chamber! | Active Self Protection
Post Date: 2018-08-13 21:36:28 by Horse

How can we begin preparing for domestic conflict?
Post Date: 2018-08-13 19:50:15 by X-15
Good morning and happy Monday. This morning I want to address something that may be of interest to you… For the past few months, I’ve outlined in a series of blog posts why I believe we’re already in a domestic conflict. Based on what we’ve seen, there’s zero doubt. We in the United States of America are in a low intensity conflict — it’s here. (Ref: August Update on the Second American Civil War and What will it take to start a domestic conflict?) forwardobserver.com/august-update-on-the-second-american-civil-war/ forwardobserver.com/what-will-it-take-to-start-a-domestic-conflict/ There’s ample evidence on the national level, so my focus ...

Throwing Children Away: The School-to-Prison Pipeline
Post Date: 2018-08-13 07:46:42 by Ada
Zero tolerance and the proliferation of cops on campus are sending more kids into a life of incarceration than ever. Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a collaborative series with the R Street Institute exploring conservative approaches to criminal justice reform. Imagine receiving a phone call that your child had misbehaved at school. Imagine if that call came from the local police. Tens of thousands of parents go through this scenario every year. And while it’s natural to assume the police will only get involved if a serious offense is committed, the majority of these cases—and arrests of juveniles at school—involve bad behavior, not criminal activity. Students ...

Why are more troops going to Afghanistan?
Post Date: 2018-08-13 07:25:34 by Ada
Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that 440 more British military personnel will join the Nato mission in Afghanistan. But how do the UK and US allies see their role in the country? The additional troops will be ferrying international advisors safely around the country's capital city, Kabul, in their Foxhound vehicles in what has been dubbed "Armoured Uber". All part of the Nato mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan security forces. For British soldiers and most of Nato's forces it is no longer a combat mission. It's now almost four years since British troops left the heat and dust of Afghanistan's Helmand province. It's where hundreds lost ...

(Black Female) Portland Police Chief: Why isn't ANTIFA held accountable?
Post Date: 2018-08-11 17:19:47 by Horse

Videos – 538 Violent Attacks On Peaceful Trump Supporters. If You Can’t Demonstrate Peacefully, The Alternative Is Not To Demonstrate At All, Or Be Prepared To Strike Back At Your Attackers! Which Will It Be?
Post Date: 2018-08-11 16:41:52 by Horse
538 Violent Attacks On Trump Supporters YOU TUBE MAY PULL THIS STUFF – YOU TUBE IS THE ENEMY! Many Links Below – Become Informed!

Turkish lawyers want US soldiers arrested for 'ties to coup movement'
Post Date: 2018-08-11 16:15:40 by Ada
Turkish lawyers are calling for US soldiers at Incirlik Air Base to be arrested, alleging they have ties to the movement behind the 2016 coup attempt. They want the base searched via warrants and flights leaving it to be halted. As the political row between Ankara and Washington intensifies, the attorneys from the pro-government Association for Social Justice and Aid ask for the “arrest of the commanders of the US Air Force who are the superiors of the soldiers based at Incirlik and took a role in the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016.” Read more © Umit Bektas Trump doubles steel & aluminum tariffs on Turkey The details of the demands have been outlined in court ...

Could Colin Flaherty Have Saved 95 y/o If Not Kicked Off YouTube and Relatives Knew the Danger?
Post Date: 2018-08-11 08:53:02 by Horse

The reactionary program for the coming civil war
Post Date: 2018-08-09 12:51:04 by X-15
The reactionary program is fallen governance for a fallen world: Immanentizing the Eschaton is the progressive program, it is the opposite of the reactionary program. Whosoever claims that the truest and most pure reaction will Immanentize the Eschaton is a progressive entryist, like those telling Muslims that Islam is the religion of peace, therefore the truest Islam is something that is suspiciously progressive sounding, like those telling Christians that single mothers are heroes, and that they should adopt blacks from Saharan Africa. “hello fellow white male hetero sexual reactionaries. My reaction is purer than your reaction. And yet at the same time we need to be acceptable to ...

Why the US Will Be Force to Leave Syria Soon. The Kurds Are Waking Up
Post Date: 2018-08-09 09:27:57 by Ada
The US-backed Syrian Kurdish faction in the civil war there is realizing the US isn't a reliable backer and that they must reach an accommodation with Damascus The Syrian army is conducting its southern campaign with the pacification of the last two percent of the Qunietra province that remains under the control of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) terrorist group. That will free tens of thousands of troops of the Syrian army and its allies from the burden of fighting in the south of the country and will mark a turning point in the seven years of war imposed on the Levant. The whole of Syria will be liberated from the territorial control of militias and jihadists. What remains of ...

Alex Jones, YouPorn and the New Resistance
Post Date: 2018-08-09 08:20:08 by Ada
Rey; “How do we rebuild The Resistance from this…?” Leia: “We have everything we need.” — The Last Jedi Monday’s coordinated hit on Alex Jones and InfoWars was an act of desperation. Control of information is one of the pillars of social control and Jones, for all of his faults, is a threat to that. And today he is an even bigger threat than he was the other day. I could do this entire post comparing moments in Star Wars to the Banning of Alex Jones and by the time I was done even the alt-right guys would appreciate The Last Jedi a little more. I won’t stretch the metaphor too far. The Deep State is like Kylo Ren on seeing Luke Skywalker for ...

Alex Jones and the rise of corporate censorship
Post Date: 2018-08-08 08:56:46 by Ada
The banning of Infowars is an alarming act of capitalist intolerance. o we’re now trusting the capitalist class, massive, unaccountable corporations, to decide on our behalf what we may listen to and talk about? This is the take-home message, the terrible take-home message, of the expulsion of Alex Jones’ Infowars network from Apple, Facebook and Spotify and of the wild whoops of delight that this summary banning generated among so-called liberals: that people are now okay with allowing global capitalism to govern the public sphere and to decree what is sayable and what is unsayable. Corporate censorship, liberals’ new favourite thing – how bizarre. We live in ...

Waiting For The Spark
Post Date: 2018-08-07 19:07:04 by X-15
I was at lunch last week when I overheard a couple of young women talking about the coming revolution. I thought it was a joke, at first, so I eavesdropped for a little while and sure enough, they were talking about revolution. The bossy looking one was going on about something Trump did, I missed that part, and how it was going to be the thing that “woke people up about what’s happening.” My guess is the part I missed had something to do with Russians or maybe the Manafort Trial. The Left is obsessed with that now. Since the election, the Left has been dreaming up scenarios in which the results of the election are overturned. For a long time they were sure Trump would be ...

PURGED: Facebook Permanently Bans Inforwars After Intense Lobbying by Mainstream Media Competitors
Post Date: 2018-08-07 09:41:28 by Ada
There's a war on for you mind. The establishment extracts billions in corporate and taxpayer monies to fight it, why would they balk at purging the media space by outright political censorship? Facebook has permanently banned Infowars for using language that is derogatory towards Muslims, transgender people and immigrants in a shocking intensification of Big Tech’s censorship purge. Facebook announced in a blog post that the four main Infowars pages were “unpublished for repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes.” “More content from the same Pages has been reported to us — upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying ...

Watch: Antifa Caught Smashing Windows at Marines Recruiting Office
Post Date: 2018-08-07 07:25:31 by BTP Holdings
Watch: Antifa Caught Smashing Windows at Marines Recruiting Office By Henry Rodgers August 6, 2018 at 2:02pm Members of Antifa smashed out the windows of a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting office during a violent protest in Berkeley, California, on Sunday. During the protest, Antifa also set a car on fire and damaged 21 other vehicles in city, slashing some of the tires and bashing out windows, Fox News reported. The group also allegedly lit trash cans on fire, adding to the destruction across the city in its fight against members of the “alt-right.” Throughout the day, police arrested 20 people who were allegedly involved in the violence and vandalism. WATCH: ...

Trump To Override Rosenstein, Declassify Remaining DOJ FISA Docs: Report
Post Date: 2018-08-06 14:20:27 by Horse
After months of dribbling out incomplete document requests made by frustrated GOP lawmakers, President Trump may be about to override Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and use his presidential authority to declassify several caches of information related to the DOJ/FBI's ongoing Trump-Russia counterintelligence operation, according to former IBD Bureau Chief Paul Sperry. Sperry tweeted on Sunday that President Trump may declassify: 20 redacted pages of a June, 2017 FISA renewal, "and possibly" 63 pages of emails and notes between "Ohr & Steele," and FD-302 summaries of 12 interviews - In reference to twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr and/or his wife ...

The Enemy of the People
Post Date: 2018-08-06 06:32:57 by Ada
Trump is right about the “mainstream” media Last night before I put down The Star Beast and fell into dreamland I wondered to myself: “What will I write about tomorrow?” There didn’t seem to be anything especially pressing or interesting: and then I thought, “Oh, don’t worry, he’ll tweet something that’ll have them frothing at the mouth before dawn breaks.” And, lo and behold, I was right! It was 4:30 in the morning, with most of the country asleep, but there was Trump tweeting truth to power: “The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service ...

Twitter Suspends Black Conservative For Changing NYT Bigot's Tweets From "White" To "Jewish" And "Black"
Post Date: 2018-08-06 00:21:03 by Horse
Candace Owens @RealCandaceO Black people are only fit to live underground like groveling goblins. They have stopped breeding and will all go extinct soon. I enjoy being cruel to old black women. The above statements are from @nytimes editor @sarahjeong. I simply swapped out the word “white” for “black”. Actually, Twitter only removed (or forced Owens to remove) her tweet about Jewish people, while the one in which she swapped the race from white to black remains as of this writing...

Official Daily Stormer Position: Don’t Go to “Unite the Right 2” – We Disavow
Post Date: 2018-08-05 20:16:57 by Ada
The whole attempt to turn the Alt-Right – which was essentially a cultural movement – into a street protest movement was the result of baiting by the Jewish media. And it turned out to be a fucking disaster. There were certainly good aspects to Charlottesville, and as an event, it was historically necessary. But all subsequent events following it have been horrible cringefests where the people still willing to go out on the streets at these planned events are simply further alienating the people who were previously energetic about the movement, further pushing our ideology – which is naturally mainstream and populist – into the realm of the lunatic fringe. Everyone ...

Chris Matthews Actually Thinks Trump’s Tweets Will Lead To His Impeachment
Post Date: 2018-08-04 15:26:30 by BTP Holdings
Chris Matthews Actually Thinks Trump’s Tweets Will Lead To His Impeachment On Thursday, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews attempted to push the narrative that President Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice in the Mueller probe and that based off his tweets; he could be removed from office, Newsbusters reported. “Obstruction in plain sight…Could Donald Trump’s tweeting cost him his presidency? Could Robert Mueller find that Trump’s relentless threatening and bullying of possible witnesses constitute obstruction of justice? Does the fact that Trump does so so outrageously in broad daylight constitute any defense? Is this all Trump’s lawyer has to ...

Cliven Bundy Vows To Fight DOJ Appeal Of Dismissal In Standoff Trial Case
Post Date: 2018-08-04 08:39:50 by Ada
The Nevada rancher who led a standoff with the federal government nearly four years ago is vowing to fight the Department of Justice’s move to appeal a judge’s decision to dismiss an indictment against the man. Larry Klayman, legal counsel for Cliven Bundy, issued a statement on behalf of Bundy vowing to fight the DOJ’s attempt to retry his client for his role in the 2014 standoff. Klayman is the founder of Judicial Watch and is a former prosecutor. “My client and friend Cliven Bundy is confident that the Ninth Circuit will affirm Judge Navarro’s dismissal,” Larry Klayman, legal counsel for Bundy, said in a press statement Thursday. The government’s ...

Watch: Punk Goes Up Against Mom with Shotgun, Loses Big Time
Post Date: 2018-08-03 21:24:15 by BTP Holdings
Watch: Punk Goes Up Against Mom with Shotgun, Loses Big Time Shotgun-Wielding Mother Chases Off Intruder By Benjamin Arie August 3, 2018 at 8:47am Firearms have been called “the great equalizer” — and with good reason. When someone is unarmed, they can be easily overpowered by any predator that has a strength or tenacity advantage. All too often, this means that women are the ones who end up hurt. Sorry, feminists: The reality is that in a male-versus-female fight, the fairer sex has a distinct disadvantage. A gun in the hands of a woman who knows how to use it changes that equation. Suddenly, even the smallest woman can defend herself against an attacker intent ...

Reporters, Celebs Call Trump Supporters ‘Nazis,’ ‘KKK,’ Want Them ‘Euthanized’ After Tampa Rally
Post Date: 2018-08-02 09:39:10 by Horse
President Trump held a raucous rally in Tampa, Florida, Tuesday night. Thousands of supporters packed the arena to hear Trump hammer his critics and tout his administration’s accomplishments. There was plenty of hecklers, comedy and chants about Hillary and 2020. Trump stopped to pick on one of his favorite targets, the media, approximately half-way through the speech. The president heckled the press in the press pen as “fake news” and the audience roared, chanting “Fake News” and “CNN Sucks” at the reporters. On of the favorite targets of the audience was CNN’s Jim Acosta, who tweeted multiple videos of the crowd mocking him before and after the ...

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