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‘Incompetent enemies’: John McAfee blasts ‘poisoning’ attempt from his hospital bed (PHOTOS)
Post Date: 2018-06-23 09:56:18 by Ada
John McAfee says he has survived an attempt on his life after his “enemies” tried to poison him. The cybersecurity pioneer made the startling claim on Twitter and shared images of himself lying in a hospital bed covered in tubes. “My enemies managed to spike something that I ingested,” McAfee wrote. “However, I am more difficult to kill than anyone can possibly imagine. I am back.” READ MORE: ‘We live in a new world of sophisticated hacking & cryptojacking’ – McAfee to RT McAfee also issued a warning to those he alleges carried out the attempt on his life: “You will soon understand the true meaning of wrath. I know exactly who you ...

Iran makes Trump an offer he can’t refuse
Post Date: 2018-06-23 09:20:52 by Ada
Iran intends to make Trump an offer he can’t refuse by holding the oil supply hostage to his sanctions US president Donald Trump hoped to create economic pressure on the citizens of Venezuela and Iran by passing sanctions that would damage their oil market, among others. Now that Trump’s sanctions have increased the price of oil, some OPEC member nations want to increase production in order to compensate for the loss of supply in the market from Iran and Venezuela to get a handle on the price of oil, which is on the rise. However, in order to push through an agreement to increase production, OPEC needs unanimous agreement amongst its members. However, the oil producing ...

Time Magazine Cover You'll Never see
Post Date: 2018-06-22 21:40:30 by Horse

'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement
Post Date: 2018-06-20 11:55:13 by Horse
Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Map No fewer than 60 organizations branded "hate groups" or otherwise attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are considering legal action against the left-wing smear factory, a Christian legal nonprofit leader confirmed to PJ Media on Tuesday. He suggested that the $3 million settlement and apology the SPLC gave to Maajid Nawaz and his Quilliam Foundation on Monday would encourage further legal action. "We haven't filed anything against the SPLC, but I think a number of organizations have been considering filing lawsuits against the SPLC, because they have been doing to a lot of organizations exactly what they did to ...

A call to action -- the easy 3-minute kind
Post Date: 2018-06-20 10:20:49 by NeoconsNailed
From a legend in the paleoconservative field: Subject: Political Prisoner Bill White To All, Received the following personal letter yesterday from Bill White: June 11, 2018 Hello, S I am writing to you to share some good news. On May 10th, the Bureau of Prisons informed me that President Trump is considering granting me a pardon and/or commutation, on the basis that I was framed for the crimes for which I am currently imprisoned by Barack Obama's and Robert Mueller's FBI. Please write to President Trump to express your support for this pardon: Donald Trump. President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 Thank you for your support over the years. Sincerely, ...

How the Koch Brothers Are Killing Public Transit Projects Around the Country
Post Date: 2018-06-20 07:11:13 by Tatarewicz
NYT...NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A team of political activists huddled at a Hardee’s one rainy Saturday, wolfing down a breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Then they descended on Antioch, a quiet Nashville suburb, armed with iPads full of voter data and a fiery script. The group, the local chapter for Americans for Prosperity, which is financed by the oil billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch to advance conservative causes, fanned out and began strategically knocking on doors. Their targets: voters most likely to oppose a local plan to build light-rail trains, a traffic-easing tunnel and new bus routes. “Do you agree that raising the sales tax to the highest rate in the nation ...

People Of Light': New Campaign Seeks To Redefine What It Means To Be 'White'
Post Date: 2018-06-19 19:05:28 by Horse
A conceptual Wikipedia page was created to define the term: ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+StumbleUponRedditEmail A new campaign is seeking to redefine the "outdated" term "white people" with the "people-first" term "people of light," which is short for "people of light skin." "People of light," also known as "persons of light," or "PoL" for short, say the term "white" is racist and outdated and they want everyone to use "people-first language." The campaign got momentum after being shared on the internet message board 4chan, where users were encouraged to correct people using ...

The critical fraction
Post Date: 2018-06-19 15:21:15 by X-15
I’ve seen analyses of the long odds the U.S. government would face if it ever attempted to confiscate civilian firearms before. The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny seems like a particularly well done example. The authors compute that under very generous assumptions there are about 83000 door-knockers available to perform confiscation raids. Dividing that into the estimated number of semiautomatic rifles in the U.S. and assuming that each raid would net three rifles confiscated (which I think is optimistic in the raiders’ favor) each doorknocker would have to execute and survive 864 raids in order for the entire stock of rifles to be seized. Notice that we’re not even ...

"Daily Stormer Main Stream Media Compilation" -- Comey refuses to bit anti-free-speech bat
Post Date: 2018-06-18 13:11:24 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Such fun to see the world's most honest but suppressed news get named in Congressional hearings, e.g. by semi-literate dark ones >;-}

Hart County grandmother kills rabid bobcat with bare hands (Georgia)
Post Date: 2018-06-16 00:12:43 by hondo68
DeDe Phillips took this photo of the rabid bobcat just moments before it attacked her on June 7. [Contributed] A rabid bobcat recently attacked a Hart County grandmother in her yard, spurring a furious battle that ended with the cat’s strangulation death.“I thought, ‘Not today.’ There was no way I was going to die,” DeDe Phillips said Thursday as she recalled the attack that occurred June 7 at her home off Liberty Church Road.Phillips has begun a round of rabies shots at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. She also has a broken finger, and numerous bite and claw wounds to her hands, arms, chest and legs.“I’m very lucky,” the 46-year-old woman said.The ...

NN's mailbox - my correspondence with other great minds ;-]
Post Date: 2018-06-15 18:11:22 by NeoconsNailed
From: G I was listening to the Never Trumper Jew, Michael Medved today. Josh Kimbrell regains his old time slot July 1st sadly. The caller was an excited , fast talking black man who hated Trump so Medved sat back and let him ramble at length. The black caller wanted Trump impeached and imprisoned and Medved encouraged him to keep going until the black man mentioned the involvement of the Russian mafia and the fact that it was almost totally Jewish. Got to go, next caller please. HAH! Medved is a sickening phony like the other one you can't get away from, Prager. These CONservative radio messiahs are really living for Jewish supremacism. I'm sure the caller gave MM off-air ...

Evil Mutant Death Walrus (John Bolton)
Post Date: 2018-06-15 11:13:07 by Horse

Shocking details in IG report reveal James Comey, Peter Strzok and FBI agents plotted TREASON against America
Post Date: 2018-06-14 21:13:12 by Ada
(Natural News) Stunning details from the newly-released IG investigative report — download from the DOJ here — reveal a pattern of treason against the United States of America by James Comey, Peter Strzok and other deep state operatives inside the FBI and DOJ. Among other bombshell findings, the IG report revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok actively plotted to “stop” Trump from becoming President. Furthermore, that admission by Strzok was surreptitiously deleted from the texts the FBI previously handed over the Congress, demonstrating yet again that the FBI is engaged in a massive cover-up to hide its own role in committing treason against America. (The FBI, in ...

Dennis Rodman Bashes Obama and Wears MAGA Hat on CNN
Post Date: 2018-06-14 00:59:46 by NeoconsNailed
I’ve written several positive articles about Dennis Rodman over the past few years both on this site and on the Daily Stormer. I’ve even called for him to be some sort of envoy or ambassador to North Korea. He might be an eccentric black man who has made some strange lifestyle choices, but he did a very good thing a few years back when he brought basketball to North Korea. It was a gesture of goodwill that undoubtedly helped lay a foundation for the Trump-Kim summit that we just saw. Rodman was in Singapore as the summit occurred. It was speculated by some that he would play some sort of role in the events, but it turns out that he was just there to watch and to support his ...

Gay Americans are arming themselves to stay alive
Post Date: 2018-06-12 20:18:38 by Ada
“I don’t want to get beaten to death, stabbed and burnt alive,” a slight woman with long blond hair and a checked shirt says. “I want a gun to feel equal.” She is a member of one of the United States’ fastest-growing gun clubs, the jauntily named Pink Pistols. Two years after the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, gay, lesbian and transgender Americans are nervous. According to the Human Rights Center (HRC), a US LGBTI advocacy group, 52 gay people were murdered in the US last year because of their sexuality, and 28 transgender people met the same fate. In increasing numbers, they are fighting back by taking up arms. It’s brought them into ...

All of the Ways Underground Bunkers Can Kill You
Post Date: 2018-06-12 08:28:04 by Ada
When people think of crazy preppers, they often think of underground bunkers, full to the brim with supplies, locked up beneath a Fallout-style hatch. But few of us have, or want bunkers. Why? It’s not exactly something you can build for cheap. If you can afford to pay professionals to build one for you, sure, I suppose it could come in handy. These can run from $40,000 to over a million dollars though. To cut costs, some people try to do it themselves, but that is a really, really bad idea. Without expertise, your bunker will just be a death trap. We’re about to point out all of the reasons why. The next time someone hears you’re a prepper and wants to talk to you ...

Confederate West Virginia
Post Date: 2018-06-12 01:34:41 by NeoconsNailed
Confederate West Virginia has always been an enigma. A bright fellow riding through Monroe County was intrigued by the Confederate monument in a field near Union. This biker-hiker-writer Michael Abraham wondered why. For clues, he went straight to local historians ‘Bud’ Robertson and Stuart McGeehee. In his thoughtful book, The Spine of the Virginias (2010, Pocahontas Press; Blacksburg, Virginia) he lets these experts tell a harrowing tale of why West Virginia will probably always fly Confederate flags. Our schools told us that we seceded from Virginia. Public Broadcasting and National Public Radio tell us the same thing in Boston accents as they brag about telling “West ...

Remembering Robert Whitaker, a great man of the right
Post Date: 2018-06-10 22:55:29 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:I see it's exactly a year since Bob Whitaker left us. The anniversary was apparently last Sunday, June 3. Have just left a tribute of sorts in a 4um comment: http://freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=216478&Disp=3#C3 DON'T MISS the excerpt from his writings I included. Here are the links once again: http://www.fightwhitegenocide.com/robert-whitaker-old-blog-archive/ Short, sane bio: https://en.rightpedia.info/w/Bob_Whitaker If a book it mentions -- Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor- Priesthood -- is anything like the columns he did on the subject, it's an absolute must-have. Really cleans out the cobwebs! ...

Ukraine Opens Criminal Probe Against Elderly Jewish Officer of WWII
Post Date: 2018-06-10 01:16:27 by NeoconsNailed
In an unprecedented move, Ukrainian authorities are opening a criminal investigation into 94-year-old Jewish WWII hero, Col. Boris Steckler, who is accused of having killed a Nazi collaborator. Steckler was a senior officer in the Soviet Army and after the war was appointed as an officer in the KGB and was responsible for capturing Nazis and collaborators in western Ukraine. During a battle in the Rivne Oblast in western Ukraine, Steckler was involved in a confrontation with nationalists who cooperated with the Nazis. During the confrontation, a man by the name of Neil Hasiewicz, who was a propagandist and district judge during the war, was shot and killed. Local nationalist groups ...

VIDEO: Bill Maher Says "Crash The US Economy To Stop Trump"
Post Date: 2018-06-09 22:55:44 by Horse
Poster Comment:Fast forward to 1:10 to miss AJ. Stop at 1:37 and start again at 2:08 and ending 2:44.Start again at 4:22 and stop at 5:16.The final 3 minutes is the blowhard blathering. The Bankers might crash the economy but they realize that if we do the resulting Depression will be far worse than 1933 America and result in Civil War. Initially, we will have Nationwide Food Riots but when the bottom 120 to 150 million realize they will never again feed themselves and their children, we will go to war against the Bankers.

A note to readers (Charles Krauthammer's Farewll)
Post Date: 2018-06-08 20:20:31 by BTP Holdings
A note to readers The Washington Post By Charles Krauthammer 4 hrs ago I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me. In August of last year, I underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in my abdomen. That operation was thought to have been a success, but it caused a cascade of secondary complications — which I have been fighting in hospital ever since. It was a long and hard fight with many setbacks, but I was steadily, if slowly, overcoming each obstacle along the way and gradually making my way back to health. ...

Long-range anti-drone gun
Post Date: 2018-06-08 16:57:44 by Horse
Citizens must fight new technology with new technology. Luckily for us, inventors are quickly coming up with weapons that can counteract these killer robots. For example, check out this anti-drone gun made by Drone Shield: This gun jams the vital functions of the drone and knocks it out of the sky at very long ranges. Entrepreneurs are developing Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) guns as well. This technology provides a short and powerful burst of electromagnetic energy that can turn off or damage electric systems. It can stop planes, cars, small electronic devices and, most importantly, robots. These EMP guns are still in the early developmental stages but will soon be made into ...

The Forgotten Verses of “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Post Date: 2018-06-07 17:58:02 by BTP Holdings
The Forgotten Verses of “The Star-Spangled Banner” Do you know all the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner”? Many people have difficulty memorizing the lyrics of the first verse of this song, which is commonly performed at sports events and other public gatherings. But did you know that there are three additional verses that we almost never hear? How Did the “Star-Spangled Banner” Become the US National Anthem? In 1814, the poet and lyricist Francis Scott Key penned the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner,” originally known as “Defense of Fort M’Henry.” During the War of 1812, Key witnessed the attacks on Baltimore and wrote the words ...

Why No One Answers Their Phone Anymore
Post Date: 2018-06-07 05:59:19 by Tatarewicz
Atlantic... The telephone swept into Americans’ lives in the first decades of the 20th century. At first, no one knew exactly how to telephone. Alexander Graham Bell wanted people to start conversations by saying, “Ahoy-hoy!” AT&T tried to prevent people from saying “hello,” arguing in Telephone Engineer magazine that it was rude. Make your inbox more interesting. Each weekday evening, get an overview of the day’s biggest news, along with fascinating ideas, images, and people. Email Address (required) Thanks for signing up! But eventually, Americans learned to say “hello.” People built a culture around the phone that worked. Etiquette ...

MSNBC Interviews White Nationalist Candidates: ‘Monstrous Nature of Jewish People’ Must Be Exposed
Post Date: 2018-06-07 02:36:49 by NeoconsNailed
MSNBC highlighted the surge of racism in American politics today by running a segment in which correspondent Morgan Radford spoke with a number of white nationalist candidates running for office in 2018. “There’s a really alarming trend happening in the 2018 midterms. Anti-hate groups say they’re seeing a surge in candidates running on an explicitly white nationalist message,” said MSNBC host Hallie Jackson. “The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified eight candidates running for office with white supremacist ties, a number they say is higher than any election in recent memory.” The MSNBC report noted that there are eight candidates currently running on ...

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