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3 Unbelievable Theories PROVED In October
Post Date: 2017-11-04 13:21:17 by Horse
Poster Comment:JFK was shot from so front so the Lone Gunman theory was false. RFK was shot in the back at an upward angle but Sirhan was standing in front of him so Sirhan did not kill Bobby Kennedy.

Sailors driving the McCain were not qualified to be on watch, Navy says
Post Date: 2017-11-04 07:45:24 by Ada
The battered McCain arrives in port. Severe deficiencies in training and fundamentals on the part of watch-standers have been blamed for the Navy's recent fatal collisions. (U.S. Navy photo by Grady T. Fontana/Released) Five minutes before the guided missile destroyer McCain collided with a commercial vessel in August, McCain’s commanding officer felt the helmsman was having difficulty steering the ship and controlling its speed — normal duties for the watch station. The skipper then ordered the officer of the deck to change to the ship’s steering configuration so that another sailor could step in and help — a maneuver called splitting the watch. But instead of ...

s that service dog a fake? Under federal law, you can’t even ask
Post Date: 2017-11-01 18:07:10 by Ada
The unleashed dog lunged from the woman’s lap and right at Andy, Michaela Chase’s dog. “It was going for blood,” Chase said, thinking back to the narrow waiting room at her physical therapy gym in Lincoln, Neb. “It was in full attack mode.” Shielded by Chase’s wheelchair, Andy avoided the other dog, which had a tag on its collar that said “service dog.” But though there was no fight, the damage was done. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads “It really ruined Andy,” Chase said of her service dog trained by Paws for Freedom Inc. in Tonganoxie, Kan. Andy — the victim of a fake service dog, Chase said — now distrusts other ...

ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October
Post Date: 2017-11-01 15:50:24 by Horse
There are a variety of ways, in which businesses judge whether they’re having a successful business day. However, if you’re losing over 15,000 customers a day, that is generally frowned upon. No doubt, there are many frowns being worn on the faces of ESPN executives after reviewing the October Cable Coverage Estimates. ESPN lost over 15,000 subscribers for every day ending in “y,” during the month of October. To put that into perspective, that’s the equivalent of losing Sacramento, California, the 35th largest city in the country, in a month. While many would welcome the loss of Sacramento, for a variety of reasons, when discussing losing a city of that size in a ...

What U.S. Soldiers Actually Sign up For
Post Date: 2017-10-31 06:54:12 by Ada
President Trump is in hot water for supposedly disrespecting the family of a slain U.S. soldier. Earlier this month, four U.S. soldiers were killed in an ambush by Islamic extremists/militants/terrorists/bad guys in the African country of Niger during a joint patrol by American and Niger forces. At a press conference over a week later, a reporter asked the president: “Why haven’t we heard anything from you so far about the soldiers that were killed in Niger? And what do you have to say about that?” The next day Trump called Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the soldiers who had been killed in Niger, while she was on the way to the Miami airport to ...

Afghan Soldiers Went AWOL in America for Years
Post Date: 2017-10-30 06:35:37 by Ada
And that's the least of our problems. The news that 152 Afghan soldiers who came to the U.S. for training went AWOL generated a bit of excitement this month—especially since 83 of them never returned and several are considered “high risk” by federal officials because of their age and military training. That the percentage of troops who take off once they get to the U.S. is only going up—13 percent in 2016 compared to 6 percent historically—seems shocking at first. But really, what do these soldiers have to go back to? After 16 years and $70 billion of U.S. building and training, the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANDSF) Army remains corrupt, ...

Trump Heralds GOP "Anger, Unity" As WSJ Warns Dems "The Russian Dossier Dam Is Breaking
Post Date: 2017-10-30 00:46:01 by Horse
In a series if tweets this morning, President Trump has exposed some of the narratives that much of the mainstream media seems loathed to touch... Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia "collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. ...

Dinesh D'Souza DESTROYS Abortion with one question
Post Date: 2017-10-29 10:41:40 by GreyLmist
1 minute:

In Ukraine a Political Struggle Between the Crooks, the Clowns, and the Nazis
Post Date: 2017-10-27 09:50:49 by Ada
So far the crooks are in power but they're terrified of the nazis and constantly making concessions to them The latest big news out of the Ukraine Have you heard what the latest big news out of the Ukraine is? No? There is a mini-Maidan under way and Ukrainian nationalists seem to hope that Poroshenko will be kicked out before the end of the week. You did not know? Well, that is the real big news, the fact that you did not hear about this. Truthfully, what is going on is kind of interesting. Let me sum it up: the former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili (who was stripped of his Georgian citizenship and of this Ukrainian citizenship) recently crossed the border (through ...

DOJ Over Rides FBI/ Informant to talk about uranium controversy
Post Date: 2017-10-26 19:09:48 by Horse
Poster Comment:$21 Trillion Went Missing From 2 US Agencies Since 1988. https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2017/10/03/21-trillion-went-missing-from-2-us- agencies-since-1988/

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims October 24, 2017, as United Nations Day
Post Date: 2017-10-25 16:27:58 by hondo68
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims October 24, 2017, as United Nations Day UNITED NATIONS DAY, 2017 - - - - - - - BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION On United Nations Day, we recognize the more than seven decades of contributions the United Nations has made to peace and security among nations. The United Nations was founded on the vision that diverse nations could cooperate to preserve sovereignty, enhance security, build prosperity, and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms. Its purpose remains as essential today as ever before. As the world faces increasing transnational threats ‑‑ including the spread of terrorism and mass atrocities ...

When 20,000 American Nazis Descended Upon New York City
Post Date: 2017-10-24 10:16:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source. 1939.

European Spring – The Taking Back of Europe
Post Date: 2017-10-24 07:55:11 by Ada
Never before has such political upheaval taken place on the European continent without actual warfare taking place. Insurgent parties of all stripes are gaining seats and winning elections, and what’s the one overarching factor? Anti-Globalization. Whether their own particular form of fight back against Globalization comes as anti-mass immigration or anti-EU fervor, they are taking a stand against the globalist machinations that have sought to undermine nation state democracy. In the Czech Republic, the national election has just been won by ANO (Yes) Party under the helm of Andrej Babis who is often described as the “Czech Trump.” With 30% of the vote, his party will be ...

The Medical Kidnapping Of Justina Pelletier And The Hacker That Saved Her
Post Date: 2017-10-23 19:56:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/how-a-crusade-to-save-children- landed-a-hacker-in-prison-w489735 The hacker is still on trial.

Disturbing Discovery at Boston College
Post Date: 2017-10-23 19:41:47 by Horse
Poster Comment:Don't apologize for being white is considered racist.

Divorce Anthem
Post Date: 2017-10-23 09:59:06 by Ada
I rarely see a modern “family movie” (since they are usually decidedly anti- family), but as it was one of my children’s birthdays, we went to see “The LEGO Ninjago Movie.” How could a movie about Lego ninjas be anti-family? I took a chance. Well, it was as bad as they come. From the very beginning, the father was the caricature of an evil uncaring absentee dad. To drive the point home (in case you missed it), they went the extra mile and gave him devil horns, red eyes, dressed him in black, made him a greedy capitalist, and had him live in a fire-and-brimstone volcano lair. Well, I gave him a chance. Maybe he was an homage to Darth Vader and would turn around in ...

VEGAS BOMBSHELL: VIDEO SHOWS 17 AMBULANCES PULLING BODIES OUT OF HOOTERS Video captured night of the Oct. 1 massacre reveals LVMPD and FBI are withholding key details about what actually transpired
Post Date: 2017-10-22 19:06:55 by Horse
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — On the night of October 1, Youtuber Benjamin Franks and his friend had just grabbed some tacos and were heading back to their hotel room at the MGM when they noticed a separate disturbance at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana Ave. 15-minutes later, from the leisure of his hotel room, Franks managed to capture bombshell video footage which shows a total of 17 ambulances removing human bodies from Hooters, contradicting the official story told by Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo. “They are just pulling so many bodies out of that Hooters,” a man’s voice can be heard saying at the 24-second mark. “I don’t know if people are ...

Dinesh D'Souza Explains Why Nationalism is Not Fascism
Post Date: 2017-10-22 13:49:42 by GreyLmist
2.5 minutes:

What Are U.S. Forces Doing in Niger Anyway?
Post Date: 2017-10-21 05:14:27 by Ada
For five years, U.S. forces operated under the radar—until four of them were killed. On October 4, four U.S. troops and five Nigerians were killed in ambush by heavily armed ISIS-affiliated fighters near the restive Mali border in Niger. While the press has been obsessed with how President Donald Trump has handled it politically back home, it’s important to note that this event not only marked the first U.S. combat deaths in Niger, but the first public revelation that the Pentagon was carrying out anything close to combat operations there at all. That isn’t to say that we didn’t know the U.S. had troops in Niger. In February of 2015, U.S. African Command announced a ...

Marc Faber Responds To Racism Accusations
Post Date: 2017-10-20 19:11:38 by Horse
Having been forced off the boards of Sprott, NovaGold, and Ivanhoe mines and excommunicated from mainstream business media following his comments earlier in the week, Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report writer Marc Faber responds to his racism allegations... "I have been labeled by the mainstream media as a racist - I don't think this corresponds at all with reality. I wrote a report about capitalism and socialism and about private property rights, and I also wrote about the tendency nowadays to want to rewrite history. In the US they are trying to tear down statues of people who had a different view from other people at the time... they also tried to tear down statues of Columbus.. ...

US Air Force AIRLIFTS! ISIS Fighters From Raqqa to Fight Russians - Russian TV Report
Post Date: 2017-10-18 08:26:09 by Ada
Despite completely leveling Raqqa Dresden-style, the US deliberately let 1000 ISIS fighters escape, and, get this: AIR-LIFTED! them to Deir ez-Zor, to aide in the battle against Russia and Syria there. Can't make this stuff up. America has 'Dresdened' Raqqa Russian TV keeps hammering away at the US, accusing them of all manner of double-dealing and treachery - deliberately helping ISIS hang in there in Syria, despite the fact that their situation is hopeless militarily. US aide to ISIS has become a very loud refrain on Russian TV, covered in detail on a daily basis. Comments from the Ministry of Defense and top commentators are literally dripping with angry sarcasm: ...

British Crowd Boos Hillary…
Post Date: 2017-10-17 15:32:23 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source.

Former NATO Chief Rasmussen Really, Really Wants War in the Ukraine
Post Date: 2017-10-17 10:11:21 by Ada
Rasmussen is delusional if he thinks there is a military solution to the Ukraine standoff. Entertaining fantasies about European wars is a job prerequisite for NATO commanders. "The Donbass rebels have about 40,000 troops and hundreds of heavy weapons systems. Take a look at Syria and Iraq, and how long it took to capture cities such as Aleppo, Mosul, and Raqqa, against armies much smaller and less well-equipped." Rasmussen - a warmonger extraordinaire and one of his admirers It’s always a pleasure to read the words of former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, so imagine my joy at breakfast this morning when I opened up the Globe and Mail and found his latest ...

Post Date: 2017-10-16 15:51:12 by Horse
Poster Comment:12 states have constitutional carry. Buy a gun legally and it's OK to conceal carry.

The Deep Unfairness of America’s All-Volunteer Force
Post Date: 2017-10-16 07:28:27 by Ada
Children of the elites fight in disproportionately small numbers. Does that lead to more war? As far as we know, the phrase “all-recruited force” was coined by Karl Marlantes, author of Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War, a book that provides vivid insight into the U.S. Marines who fought in that conflict. Mr. Marlantes used the expression to describe what’s happened to today’s allegedly “volunteer” force, to say in effect that it is no such thing. Instead it is composed in large part of people recruited so powerfully and out of such receptive circumstances that it requires a new way of being described. We agree with Mr. Marlantes. So do others. In The ...

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