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US Military Battles Syrian Rebels Armed by CIA
Post Date: 2017-08-30 07:07:10 by Ada
Rebels Shot at US Troops Operating Near Manbij US ground troops were attacked outside of the Syrian city of Manbij today, according to coalition spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon. They came under fire from Syrian rebels allied with Turkey, and US forces returned fire before fleeing back into Manbij. This is a fight that many have feared was coming for months, and is particularly significant because the Syrian rebels attacking the US troops are the same rebel forces that the US was directly arming through CIA arms smuggling operations for years. With the CIA program ended, the rebels are now aligned with Turkey, and Turkey has made clear since their invasion of Syria that they intended to try ...

Are Any of Them Libertarian?
Post Date: 2017-08-29 08:04:46 by Ada
It’s back to school time. Time then to answer an important question. Vouchers, charter schools, education saving accounts, tuition tax deductions, and tuition tax credits: Are any of them libertarian? Vouchers are continually touted by some libertarians as a way for parents to send children to the school of their choice instead of a dangerous and destructive public school. Government at some level provides a voucher worth a certain amount that parents can use to pay all or part of their child’s tuition at a private school. The school would then redeem the voucher for payment from the government that issued it. Vouchers are certainly not libertarian. The government forcibly ...

New Confederate memorial unveiled in Alabama
Post Date: 2017-08-28 07:03:27 by Ada
More than 200 people attended an unveiling ceremony for a new Confederate monument Sunday afternoon in Alabama's Crenshaw County. The modest stone marker commemorates the "unknown Confederate soldiers" who died in the Civil War but have been forgotten by history, particularly those from Crenshaw County and the surrounding area. The memorial now stands in a confederate memorial park first opened in May 2015 on private land in an unincorporated area next to Dry Creek RV Park about three miles north of Brantley. It sits among existing monuments, replica cannons and tall flagpoles flying Confederate and other flags. "That's why we're here is to honor our ...

New Man Lives
Post Date: 2017-08-27 11:51:46 by Ada
When the Germans smuggled arguably the world’s most evil man into Russia 100 years ago, they did not imagine the harm they were springing on the human race. Once Lenin had prevailed, he decided to forge a new consciousness, a New Man, as the Bolshies called it, one that would overcome “the antinomies of subjective and objective, body and spirit, family and party.” Leave it to a horror like Lenin to design a new human being (although a certain Austrian tried to emulate him less than twenty years later). Yakov Sverdlov was such a man, having ordered the murder of the Tsar and all his family, plus having the family’s dogs hanged. We hear a lot about Nazis nowadays, but ...

Energy Transfer Files Federal Lawsuit Against Greenpeace International, Greenpeace Inc., Greenpeace Fund, Inc., BankTrack And Earth First! For Violation Of Federal And State Racketeering Statutes
Post Date: 2017-08-27 10:24:05 by farmfriend
DALLAS, Aug. 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Energy Transfer Equity, L.P. (ETE) and Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. (ETP) today filed a federal lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of North Dakota against Greenpeace International, Greenpeace Inc., Greenpeace Fund, Inc., BankTrack, Earth First!, and other organizations and individuals. The Complaint, which is Index number 1:17-cv-00173, alleges that this group of co-conspirators (the "Enterprise") manufactured and disseminated materially false and misleading information about Energy Transfer and the Dakota Access Pipeline ("DAPL") for the purpose of fraudulently inducing donations, interfering with ...

Two Men Arrested in Connection With Charlottesville Violence
Post Date: 2017-08-27 09:06:19 by BTP Holdings
Two Men Arrested in Connection With Charlottesville Violence The New York Times By FRANCES ROBLES 8 hrs ago © Zach D. Roberts, via Associated Press The beating of DeAndre Harris on the day of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., was caught on video. Two men have been charged in connection with the attack. The police arrested two men, including a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and were seeking a third in connection with violent episodes that took place at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., this month, including the beating of an African-American man that was caught on video and widely shared on social media. The arrests came two ...

After Charlottesville
Post Date: 2017-08-25 18:02:37 by Ada
The Retreat Of Law—And Law Schools One problem underlying our present discontents—a problem that looms larger and larger in my mind the more I think about it—is what I think of as the retreat of law. Case in point: the August 11/12 protests in Charlottesville should never have been allowed to get so violent. There were a few hundred protestors on each side. The torchlight parade on Friday night drew (I think) about a hundred Alt Rightists. There were more on the scene Saturday, perhaps four or five hundred. Counter-protestors were about the same in numbers. Only some proportion on each side were up for a fight, though. What proportion is hard to say, but we’re ...

Jury refuses to convict 4 in Nevada ranch standoff retrial
Post Date: 2017-08-23 14:10:20 by farmfriend
LAS VEGAS – A federal jury in Las Vegas refused Tuesday to convict four defendants who were retried on accusations that they threatened and assaulted federal agents by wielding assault weapons in a 2014 confrontation to stop a cattle roundup near the Nevada ranch of states' rights figure Cliven Bundy. Click for Full Text!

MILO on the Intolerance and Violence of the Left
Post Date: 2017-08-22 20:42:41 by farmfriend

Hi Everybody.!
Post Date: 2017-08-22 15:57:13 by sizzlerguy
Hi Everyone.!! Been off for a while. Had to cancel Comcast, the price is too outragious.!! Posting from local library. Lotz been goin' on. But everythin's under control. All is fair in LOVE and WAR..!! Have a great day.!!,, from the sizzlerguy,, aka therev8285.

The Real Cause of Natural Disasters Might Surprise You
Post Date: 2017-08-22 09:35:28 by Ada
What really causes natural disasters? At first glance that may sound like a silly question. We all know that natural disasters are acts of God/random occurrences that we have no control over. They don’t really have a unifying cause. They just happen. That’s one way to look at it. But after hearing about the flooding that New Orleans experienced earlier this month, I realized that there’s another way to look at what causes natural disasters. Read the following account of what happened to New Orleans recently, and see if you can spot the real cause of the flooding. Jamie Hill, a resident of the Mid-City neighborhood that has flooded twice in the past month, was clearing ...

New Comey FBI Lawsuit
Post Date: 2017-08-20 15:02:33 by Horse
Judicial Watch Pursues Comey FBI Scandal Former FBI Director James Comey sits in a firestorm of his own making. By his own admission, he created and then leaked memos to ensure that a special counsel would be appointed to investigate President Trump. It looks as if Comey broke government rules and laws as part of his machinations. Special Counsel Mueller is unlikely to investigate his friend Comey, and so it is up to your Judicial Watch to do the work of the Justice Department, FBI, Congress, and the media. For that reason, we have filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice for all non-disclosure agreements pertaining to the handling, storage, ...

We Recognize No Sovereignty But God, And No King But Jesus
Post Date: 2017-08-19 09:19:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

POLL: 62% Of Americans Believe Confederate Statues Should Remain, Only 27% Disagree
Post Date: 2017-08-18 16:24:04 by Ada
POLL: 62% Of Americans Believe Confederate Statues Should Remain, Only 27% Disagree These Videos Show The Alt-Left Violence Trump Talked About During His Epic Press Conference Tucker Warns Post 9/11 Attacks On Freedom Happening Again With Attacks On Free Speech Trump Tells The Truth About Alt-Left Violence At EPIC Press Conference; Leaves Leftists 'Literally Shaking' 'Final Warning' To 'White People' Goes Viral On Twitter After Charlottesville Rally ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+StumbleUponRedditEmail A new poll from PBS has found the majority of Americans of all races believe statues honoring the leaders of the confederacy should remain and only a small ...

Hillary Clinton Promised Wars, Too
Post Date: 2017-08-18 15:45:19 by Ada
Exclusive: President Trump has shattered the hope of many peace-oriented Americans that he would pull back from U.S. foreign interventions, but Hillary Clinton might have pursued even more wars, notes James W. Carden. The alliance between neoconservatives and the Democratic foreign policy establishment, which is largely made up of former Obama administration officials and former Clinton campaign surrogates, has been much noted of late, particularly since the formation of the German Marshall Fund’s “Alliance for Democracy Project” which brings together high-profile members of both groups in an effort to fight what is loosely (and often inaccurately) defined as Russian ...

Abraham Lincoln Statue in Chicago Burned and Vandalized
Post Date: 2017-08-17 18:31:29 by farmfriend
The statue of Abraham Lincoln was recently set on fire and vandalized in Chicago, according to an alderman who posted the picture of the charred bust on Facebook. Click for Full Text!

One Detail About The Monument Liberals Toppled Changes EVERYTHING
Post Date: 2017-08-17 18:24:40 by farmfriend
Via Liz Shield at PJ Media, we learn that this particular statue was meant to commemorate children that the Confederate army conscripted into its service against their will. Click for Full Text!

Trump Is Bad, Hillary Would Have Been Worse
Post Date: 2017-08-17 07:22:27 by Ada
Laughably Democrats are telling themselves the world would have been better off with Hillary at the helm of the Empire The alliance between neoconservatives and the Democratic foreign policy establishment, which is largely made up of former Obama administration officials and former Clinton campaign surrogates, has been much noted of late, particularly since the formation of the German Marshall Fund’s “Alliance for Democracy Project” which brings together high-profile members of both groups in an effort to fight what is loosely (and often inaccurately) defined as Russian “disinformation.” Those who applaud the new alignment are quick to point out that Donald J. ...

WATCH: This Video Shows Violence From Antifa In Charlottesville
Post Date: 2017-08-14 22:52:26 by farmfriend
Video from Saturday’s “Unite The Right” demonstration in Charlottesville shows what appears to be the initiation of violence by counter-demonstrators — presumably “AntiFa,” “Black Lives Matter,” and assorted neo-Marxist and Democrat-aligned agitation groups. “Unite the Right” demonstrators — presumably white racial nationalists and assorted “alt-right” persons — are seen displaying Confederate flags. Watch the video below. ~snip~ Click for Full Text!

“It’s Just Tyranny!”
Post Date: 2017-08-14 19:44:17 by Ada
From Jordan Peterson’s Biblical Series VI: The Psychology of the Flood, at about 35 minutes; he is addressing the common complaints aimed at patriarchy (cited as accurately as I could after a few passes): The patriarchal aspect of existence can become tyrannical, it does that quite regularly. Every solution carries within it certain problems; no solution is perfect. ….That’s why I am so irritated with the post-modernists, yammering about the patriarchy, and it’s very, very annoying. It’s self-evident that social systems are tyrannical; that’s not news, folks! That’s obvious. But that’s not all they are. It’s the reduction of the entire ...

If War Comes, Don’t Blame the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ – Things Are Even Worse Than You Think
Post Date: 2017-08-14 09:37:37 by Ada
As the drumbeat intensifies for what might turn out to be anything but a «splendid little war» against North Korea, it is appropriate to take stock of the ongoing, seemingly successful effort to strip President Donald Trump of his authority to make any foreign and national security policies that fly against the wishes of the so-called Military-Industrial Complex, or MIC. A Google search for «Military-Industrial Complex» (in quotation marks) with «Trump» yields almost 450,000 hits from all sources and almost 26,000 from just news sources. During the 2016 campaign and into the initial weeks of his administration, Trump was sometimes described as a threat ...

Charlottesville AAR
Post Date: 2017-08-13 16:46:50 by Ada
The rally that wasn’t. Charlottesville had the possibility of being the largest nationalist/pro-white rally of the last decade, and certainly the largest in the short history of the Alt-Right. The city of Charlottesville denied the permit for the event and then reinstated it after a judge determined it violated our First Amendment rights. Not to be outdone, the mayor, city counsel and police elected to ignore all pretense of legality and actively helped Antifa, creating a situation in which one person is dead, and at least 19 injured. DGqsvcdVwAIgcPOThe approaches to Lee Park were surrounded by armed Antifa and those looking to attend the event had to wade through 2-3 city blocks of ...

A Government in Rebellion
Post Date: 2017-08-13 14:02:25 by X-15
The USA is a failed state. It was charged at its founding to protect and defend the borders. Fail. It was charged with securing the rule of law. Fail. It was charged with securing the right of the people to be secure in their papers and effects. Fail. It was charged with protecting a citizens right to a fair trial, a thing lost in the current judicial system of trumped up charges and plea bargains. Fail. It was charged with requiring the popularly elected House of Representatives with making all legislation, that does not exist where 90% of all new legislation is considered "rules" and "regulations" and is originated and passed in committees of bureaucracies. Fail. ...

Charlottesville: Violence in the Streets | Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux
Post Date: 2017-08-13 13:37:49 by Horse
Poster Comment:Best explanation of Charlottesville.

The Coming Violence of the Left
Post Date: 2017-08-13 13:27:38 by X-15
In my AmRen wrap-up about AntiFa, I noted that it was the women on the Left with the blood lust. The mentally disturbed woman I highlighted is a good example. She goes on social media with hysteric rants about imaginary violence, in an effort to get her fellow wackos to do something crazy. Her claims about gun fire and riots at American Renaissance were entirely false, but clearly she was hoping her tweets would get her coreligionists into a violent mood. Her life is dedicated to bringing about bloodshed. Further to that, this was floating around on social media yesterday in the run-up to the big rally in Charlottesville. Every claim in it is false. Mike Enoch has been lecturing people for ...

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