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Post Date: 2017-08-12 18:12:32 by Ada
Southern nationalists seek “nothing less than the complete reconquest and restoration of our patrimony – the whole, entire South.” As 21st century activists seek to topple monuments to the 19th century Confederate rebellion, some white Southerners are again advocating for what the Confederates tried and failed to do: secede from the Union. It’s not an easy argument to win, and it’s not clear how much support the idea has: The leading Southern nationalist group, the Alabama-based League of the South, has been making the same claim for more than two decades and still has an address in the U.S.A., not the C.S.A. But the idea of a break-away Southern nation ...

Post Date: 2017-08-11 12:44:00 by Horse

Communist Libertine Trigger Warning
Post Date: 2017-08-07 06:17:48 by Ada
The Cultural Marxist, libertine, communist wing of the libertarian movement is up in arms over the talk given by Jeff Deist last week at Mises University hosted by the Mises Institute and broadcast simultaneously to the Corax 2017 Conference in Malta – with Hans Hoppe in attendance. I have written previously about this talk here; the talk outlines the only path available for libertarians who choose not to contribute to the path chosen by cultural Marxists. Needless to say, the Antonio Gramsci Libertarians are up in arms. I have already offered two reasons why, in the opening paragraph. Do you see these? I will give a hint: Mises Institute;Hans Hoppe. What else from Deist’s ...

The End of the "Wars on the Cheap" for the United States
Post Date: 2017-08-06 19:45:54 by Ada
With the Neocon coup against Trump now completed (at least in its main objective, that is the neutralization of Trump, the subsidiary objective, impeaching Trump and removing him from office remains something for the future) the world has to deal, yet again, with a very dangerous situation: the AngloZionist Empire is on a rapid decline, but the Neocons are back in power and they will do anything and everything in their power to stop and reverse this trend. It is also painfully obvious from their rhetoric, as well as from their past actions, that the only “solution” out the Neocons see is to trigger some kind of war. So the pressing question now becomes this: “where will the ...

One Day
Post Date: 2017-08-06 02:38:05 by X-15
There have been a lot of times when I have been ready to step off the porch and take up the torch of American freedom, but always I have been counseled that I am jumping too quick. Okay, I am the sort of barroom brawler that you would expect of oilfield trash, so my temper is often too short and my feet too quick to move, but as I have grown older, I have learned to take good counsel from others and submerge my more spontaneous instincts. And, in the past, they have been right, it was too early, but that does not mean that the injustices weren't real, or that they didn't deserve a response, only that few others would have reacted the way I would and I would have been standing out ...

Trump’s Choices
Post Date: 2017-08-02 13:56:46 by Ada
Donald Trump as President of the United States was humanity’s hope, or, I should say, the hope of that part of humanity aware of the danger inherent in provoking conflict between nuclear powers. For two decades, the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes have thrown sticks, stones, and nasty words at the Russian bear. The US has broken and withdrawn from security agreement after security agreement and has compounded the threat that Russia sees by conducting war games on Russia’s borders, staging a coup in Ukraine, a province of Russia for centuries, and by a continuous stream of false accusations against Russia. The result of this irresponsible, thoughtless, and reckless ...

Judge Slams ‘Incompetent’ Police Following Raid On Family’s Tomato Garden
Post Date: 2017-07-28 20:21:30 by Ada
A Federal judge declared raid on a family's tomato garden was an "unjustified government intrusion based on nothing more than junk science." Bob Harte displays the indoor garden his family cultivates. (AP/Orlin Wagner) Wichita, KS – In a “huge and significant victory for the Fourth Amendment,” the federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a lawsuit brought by a Kansas City couple who endured a SWAT raid over their tomato plants. Robert and Adlynn Harte — and their two young children — were caught up in a county-wide sweep of suspected cannabis growers, in a prohibitionist state which still has not even legalized any form of medical ...

Why You’re Being Invited to Fewer Weddings
Post Date: 2017-07-28 18:13:55 by Ada
Fewer people are getting married, and they’re inviting fewer guests. You’re not the only one spending fewer summer weekends watching other people get married—but don’t worry, the weddings you’re still invited to might feel a little more special these days. Fewer Americans are getting married, and the ones who still are have scaled back their weddings. Their nuptials are becoming smaller, though not necessarily cheaper, affairs. Click for Full Text!

Trump’s Slide into Endless-War Syndrome
Post Date: 2017-07-26 20:05:43 by Ada
During his campaign for the presidency, Donald Trump touted his nationalist “America First” foreign policy, which implied that he wanted to stay out of foreign brushfire wars. Even before that, he tweeted his disapproval of American involvement of the Afghan War. The photograph released by the White House of President Trump meeting with his advisers at his estate in Mar-a-Lago on April 6, 2017, regarding his decision to launch missile strikes against Syria Yet now he has delegated the authority to his Secretary of Defense to send several thousand more troops to Afghanistan to join the almost 9,000 that remain there advising and assisting Afghan forces and hunting Islamist ...

The Dynamics of a Riot
Post Date: 2017-07-26 08:47:05 by Ada
In my lifetime, I’ve had the misfortune of being present in two major natural disasters and one violent social crisis. Each taught me valuable lessons. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, there’s the danger of the loss of shelter, services, and food. In most cases, people who experience the loss of shelter and services realise that “things are bad all around” and they tend to do the best they can, accepting that life will be hard for a period of time. Food is a different matter. People, no matter how civilized, tend to panic if they become uncertain as to when they will next be able to eat. And, not surprisingly, this panic is exacerbated if they have dependents, ...

Central Europe Takes on the Soros Empire
Post Date: 2017-07-25 09:23:49 by Ada
The issue is national sovereignty and their enemy is George Soros Poland’s judicial reforms bill has the European Union in a foaming lather that could escalate quickly. But Poland continues to get support from its closest neighbors, most notably Hungary. The issue is national sovereignty and their enemy is George Soros. Taking out His vast network of agents around Europe through his Open Society Foundation is the tactical goal. Soros always responds with charges of anti-Semitism, which now even Israel is calling him on, and appealing to our better nature. But as I pointed out in a recent article: For this purveyor of global butchery who openly admits to having a god-complex to ...

“Someday This Army Is Going to Leave”
Post Date: 2017-07-25 07:22:15 by Ada
Korean farmers face off against the US military's largest overseas base. If you drive about an hour south of Seoul, you will find yourself next to the largest US military construction project in the world. As the capital’s metropolitan region gives way to the Korean countryside, rice paddies, ginseng fields, rows of hot peppers, corn, and tobacco, and peach orchards replace roads and buildings. Soon, though, these orchards are overshadowed by the constant hum of planes landing and taking off from the most active airfield in Asia. Backyard vegetable gardens grow right up to the walls of the base. Out of this militarized landscape, local activists and townspeople have carved ...

America 2017 = France 1789
Post Date: 2017-07-24 13:30:08 by Horse
We are looking more and more like France on the eve of its revolution in 1789. Our classes are distributed differently, but the inequity is just as sharp. America’s “aristocracy,” once based strictly on bank accounts, acts increasingly hereditary as the vapid offspring and relations of “stars” (in politics, showbiz, business, and the arts) assert their prerogatives to fame, power, and riches - think the voters didn’t grok the sinister import of Hillary’s “it’s my turn” message? What’s especially striking in similarity to the court of the Bourbons is the utter cluelessness of America’s entitled power elite to the agony of the ...

Omar Khadr: Canadian Hero or Villain? Not the latter.
Post Date: 2017-07-23 14:50:21 by Ada
The neo-cons in Canada are all a-twitter that their government is going to give Omar Khadr some $10 million in damages in payment for the suffering he underwent as a Guantanamo Bay prisoner. The then 15 year old boy was sent by his father from Canada to Afghanistan to fight against an invading U.S. army; while there, he threw a grenade which killed a U.S. soldier. According to a petition I was asked to sign written by a Canadian taxpayer group: “… giving Khadr $10 million of taxpayer money is a slap in the face to the families of Canadian soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan by people who were fighting alongside Khadr. Not that the federal government has an extra $10 million ...

Why White Nationalism 1.0 Failed
Post Date: 2017-07-23 13:26:49 by Ada
After chatting with Brett Stevens on Twitter, this is my attempt to move beyond the recent tiff and explain why White Nationalism 1.0 failed and how the Alt-Right is moving beyond that now. I’ve outlined the external and internal factors that held the movement back: Structural Factors Here’s a summary of the most important external headwinds which held White Nationalism 1.0 back followed by how this changed in the Barack Obama/Donald Trump era. The Cold War The Cold War with the Soviet Union that was the driving force behind many of these undesirable racial and cultural changes in the West. For decades, anti-communism was the glue that held together the diverse factions of ...

Norway’s New Air Base Is Part of the Strategic Encirclement of Russia
Post Date: 2017-07-23 08:18:31 by Ada
The militarization of Scandinavia continues The Norwegian air force is in the process of redeploying the operational centre of its forces. Earlier, during the cold war, the main air bases were located in northern towns, such as Bodø and Andenes. The new main air base will be located at Ørland, situated 500 kilometres further south, in the middle of this long country, at the entrance of the Trondheim-fjord. The area around this fjord has been subject to heavy US interest. Since January, a deployment of US marines has been stationed close by, in Værnes, formally on a ‘rotational’ basis. This force is set to double in size, now to 650 marines. The Marine Corps ...

He Fights
Post Date: 2017-07-22 15:19:11 by X-15
My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency. We tried statesmanship. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as John McCain? We tried propriety – has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt ...

Pray for Countenance (blogger)
Post Date: 2017-07-20 20:22:44 by Dakmar
Guest post by Puggg Yes, this is the same Puggg who sometimes writes comments here. I am one of the very few people other than his close relations that gets contacted if something serious happens to our host, our blogmeister. Some time back, he trusted me with his important internet passwords, including e-mail accounts and the password to this blog, which is how I can even be writing and uploading this post at all. Last night, late in the evening, I got such a call. He was sent to an emergency room, I know which one it is but I won’t say, with a serious head injury. Using my law enforcement powers, I back tracked the whole thing, from the nurses at this ER, who put me in touch with ...

The Massacre of Mosul: More Than 40,000 Civilians Feared Dead
Post Date: 2017-07-20 05:48:43 by Ada
More than 40,000 civilians were killed in the devastating battle to retake Mosul from Isis, according to intelligence reports revealed exclusively to The Independent – a death toll far higher than previous estimates. Residents of the besieged city were killed by Iraqi ground forces attempting to force out militants, as well as by air strikes and Isis fighters, according to Kurdish intelligence services. Hoshyar Zebari, until recently a senior minister in Baghdad, told The Independent that many bodies “are still buried under the rubble”. “The level of human suffering is immense,” he said. “Kurdish intelligence believes that over 40,000 civilians have been ...

Zombies R Us: ‘We the People’ Are the Walking Dead of the American Police State [SHORT]
Post Date: 2017-07-19 07:38:59 by Ada
RIP George Romero (1940-2017). Romero—a filmmaker hailed as the architect of the zombie genre—is dead at the age of 77, but the zombified police state culture he railed against lives on. Just take a look around you. “We the people” have become the walking dead of the American police state. We’re still plagued by the socio-political evils of cultural apathy, materialism, domestic militarism and racism that Romero depicted in his Night of the Living Dead trilogy. Romero’s zombies have taken on a life of their own in pop culture. Zombies also embody the government’s paranoia about the citizenry as potential threats that need to be monitored, tracked, ...

French army chief resigns over dispute with Macron
Post Date: 2017-07-19 06:51:12 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... France’s military chief has resigned following a public dispute with President Emmanuel Macron over the government’s proposed defense budget cuts. The head of the French armed forces, General Pierre de Villiers, said in a statement on Wednesday that he had tendered his resignation to the president and that it had been accepted. Villiers explained that with the financial constraints imposed on the army, he was “no longer able to guarantee the robust defense force I believe is necessary to guarantee the protection of France and the French people, today and tomorrow, and to sustain the aims of our country.” A disagreement between the army chief and Macron ...

BUSTED! Flight Attendant Group Reveals Ann Coulter Was ‘Targeted On Purpose’ In Seat Fiasco
Post Date: 2017-07-18 19:30:15 by Ada
Conservative icon Ann Coulter isn’t letting up in her battle against Delta after the airline gave away her pre-booked seat to another passenger. Coulter, who is 6-feet-tall paid an extra $30 for a seat with more leg room, but was removed from her seat. TGP previously reported, conservative powerhouse, Ann Coulter unleashed hell on Delta airlines on Saturday after they removed her from her pre-booked seat and gave it to another woman. Coulter pointed out that the woman who took her seat was not elderly, sick or a child. Was this politically motivated? Coulter said she asked the flight attendant why she was being forced to move from her seat and the response was “I don’t ...

Fun with Slavery
Post Date: 2017-07-18 06:12:08 by Ada
Dark Spots in a Shining Sea of Twaddle Much is written about slavery and its aftermaths. A large part of this is frenetically modified history issuing from people both excited and poorly read, a comic-book version apparently intended to support agendas of the impenetrably adolescent Left. A few points: First, slavery was always bad, frequently hideous, much worse in the Deep South than in Tidewater or New York, and consequent to the same desire for cheap labor that now results in importing Mexicans and exporting jobs to China. Any notion that abuses were rare or exaggerated is twaddle. A vast amount of contemporary writing documents this. The best-known account of slavery in the South is ...

Trump’s Air War Has Already Killed More Than 2,000 Civilians
Post Date: 2017-07-18 05:39:47 by Ada
The president promised to ‘bomb the sh*t’ out of ISIS. But an Airwars investigation reveals that more and more innocents are being killed in American-led attacks. Civilian casualties from the U.S.-led war against the so-called Islamic State are on pace to double under President Donald Trump, according to an Airwars investigation for The Daily Beast. Airwars researchers estimate that at least 2,300 civilians likely died from Coalition strikes overseen by the Obama White House—roughly 80 each month in Iraq and Syria. As of July 13, more than 2,200 additional civilians appear to have been killed by Coalition raids since Trump was inaugurated—upwards of 360 per month, ...

Mommy blogger turned alt right poster girl: Mormon mom-of-six causes outrage by urging her thousands of followers to back her 'white baby challenge' and have children to stop 'black ghetto culture'
Post Date: 2017-07-17 18:02:46 by Horse
Racist alt right blogger, who only goes by the name Ayla online, claims her Mormon religion is under attack by 'black ghetto culture' The mother-of-six issued a 'white baby challenge' to encourage white families to have as many as or more children as her Blogger criticized rapper James the Mormon, aka James Curran, who she claimed was promoting 'ghetto culture' 'It seems Mormonism and Utah are the next target for cultural destruction,' she wrote on her blog Comments have been denounced by other members of the Mormon church But others admit there is still an issue with racism within the church A racist Mormon 'mummy blogger' has issued a ...

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