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MSM's new favorite thing to do: Tweet an absolutely false headline, then issue a correction an hour later. The fake story gets circulated, the correction doesn't.
Post Date: 2017-06-15 19:26:02 by Horse

THIS is WHY the Deep State is Targeting Trump -- Liz Crokin
Post Date: 2017-06-15 16:39:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Liz broke the story of Hillary Clinton's campaign stealing money from her poorest contributors. That is when she started getting threats. They poisoned her dog. She said she is working on a breaking story on Seth Rich.

Our Rulers Never Learn (Probably Because They Don’t Want To)
Post Date: 2017-06-15 10:01:11 by Ada
Of this morning’s shooting at the Republicans’ baseball field, “Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) [said]… ‘You’re pretty helpless … We have nothing but baseball bats to fight back against a rifle with.'” To which Virginia’s contemptible Cur-in-Chief, “Terry McAuliffe (D)” responded by “advocat[ing] for stricter gun laws in the wake of the shooting. ‘I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,’ McAuliffe said. ‘ … there are too many guns on the streets.” Really? So why weren’t any of the Republicans able to fire back? If there are so many guns running amok on the streets, why didn’t ...

Political Violence is a Game the Right Can’t Win
Post Date: 2017-06-14 23:24:11 by X-15
If there’s one thing righties believe, it’s that they could beat lefties in a fight. You see this attitude reflected over and over again, to the point that it’s probably something engrained in the right-wing psyche. Pajama Boy vs. tactical deathbeast? Pffft. No contest. Look, righties have the guns, righties have police and they have the military. If one day the balloon ever goes up, righties will just organize behind a leadership of their veterans, coordinate with the active service, give all the lefties free helicopter rides, and live happily ever after. Right? That’s pretty much what the Confederacy thought about the Yankees, and it didn’t exactly work out well ...

Lee Camp Explains How The New York Times Manufactures "Hit Piece Propaganda"
Post Date: 2017-06-13 21:06:40 by Horse
Comedian Lee Camp has hosted a show on RT called Redacted Tonight since 2014. While I certainly don’t always agree with his conclusions, he’s clearly a passionate, genuine and highly intelligent American who cares deeply about the country and the people living in it. He believes (rightly), that our fellow citizens are are suffering unnecessarily due to our demonstrably parasitic, corrupt, imperial, oligarchic, corporate-state. Because he possesses such attributes, The New York Times found it necessary to dispatch one of its minions to write an embarrassing, unprofessional and downright shady piece of propaganda about him. His response is lengthy, but it’s also extremely ...

Poll: 42% Of Trump (35% of Jill Stein) Voters Say It's Appropriate to Body Slam Members Of The Media
Post Date: 2017-06-13 19:30:48 by Horse
A new poll from Public Policy Polling found 42% of Trump voters believe it's appropriate for "Republican politicians to body slam members of the media." "42% of Trump voters think it's appropriate for politicians to body slam reporters, compared to 45% who think it's inappropriate," PPP reports. "By contrast only 6% of Clinton voters think it's appropriate to body slam reporters, to 89% who think it's inappropriate. Overall 22% of voters think it's ok to body slam reporters, to 69% who think it's not." They should have asked Democrats if they feel it's "appropriate" to assassinate Donald Trump. I'm sure most ...

Tommy Robinson: Cops threaten store over "Don't fund terrorism" sign
Post Date: 2017-06-13 18:57:02 by Horse
British Govt Houses ISIS Next To Children’s Primary School

"We Need To Rise Up" Militia Activity Spikes In Early Trump Era
Post Date: 2017-06-13 09:54:49 by Horse
Members of US militias aren’t waiting for Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller to move against the Trump administration. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, militia activity has spiked in the early days of Trump’s presidency, which could be problem for the deep state and Democratic lawmakers who have joined in opposition to the president, and maybe even for Trump himself. An intensifying atmosphere of disillusionment and anger is attracting new members to these groups, which could be a problem for Trump if he fails to adhere to his campaign promises - something that could trigger a backlash from a legion of heavily armed former supporters. "What would ...

Gallup Finds Stunning Decline In Americans' Respect For US Government
Post Date: 2017-06-12 23:52:09 by Horse
On June 9th, Gallup’s Editor-In-Chief, Frank Newport, headlined «Americans Want More Than Just Budget Cuts» and reported that, «Gallup's latest update shows that 28% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the federal government, while 55% have an unfavorable opinion. That's the lowest rating for any business or industry sector we tested». Here are the details on that net minus 27% (55% minus 28%) favorability-rating for «The federal government»: Dr. Newport then points out that, the last time when Gallup had reported about Americans’ opinions of Congress, which was on 28 September 2015, «The More Americans Know Congress, the ...

Philippines’ Duterte Says Didn’t Seek US Support in City Siege
Post Date: 2017-06-12 19:41:25 by Ada
Says He Is 'Not Aware' of US Joining Fight for Marawi Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has made a top priority of his foreign policy establishing a strong measure of autonomy compared to the nation’s traditional dependence on the US, and the sudden news of US forces becoming involved in the siege of Marawi has raised a lot of eyebrows. Duterte, for his part, says he “never approached America” for military support in the offensive, and that he was “not aware of that until they arrived” in the area on the southern island on Mindanao, which has been placed under martial law since the local ISIS affiliate seized the city of Marawi. Duterte has publicly ...

PORTLAND ANTIFA ATTACKS LONE BLACK GUY. GETS HUMILIATED. A white male Portland Antifa member [who apparently identifies as a "she"] assaults a smaller black male
Post Date: 2017-06-12 07:55:41 by Horse
Portland Antifa attacks lone black guy. Gets humiliated. (Antifa guy claims to be a girl after getting hit.) Other Antifa members try to shield video cameras so the assault can not be captured on film. The Antifa tranny throws a very weak punch and then gets beat up. Other Antifa scream hysterically and seem confused https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_-w2HbhjrI ANTIFA gets knocked the fuc* out ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNtJr-qMyOo Trump supporters beating the shi* out of antifa at Berkley rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ttWbqt8Dxg

Tolerance-Preaching Professor: 'Diversity Of Opinion' Is "White Supremacist Bullshit" (If white men ran this country, these black idiots would be working as janitors)
Post Date: 2017-06-09 01:17:20 by Horse
At a recent conference on Critical Race Theory, professors discussed how "there is no virtue in whiteness," with some saying "whiteness" is "inherently violent." Other conference-goers reportedly called the concept of intellectual diversity "white supremacist bullshit," while another said "research" is a "colonial, white supremacist, elite process. Professors at a recent conference hosted by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis reportedly called whiteness “inherently violent,” saying “diversity of opinion” is just “white supremacist bullshit.” The conference, held between May 31 and ...

Britain Has Finally Had Enough
Post Date: 2017-06-08 01:50:32 by Horse
(Commercial does not stop until 1 minute mark.) Poster Comment:Knife crime up 24% in London from last year. 4,000 people a year stabbed in London. Remember America First from before WW II? Now there is Britain First. Their Facebook page had 39 million hits in a week. Jeremy Corbyn was doing better in the polls until he said that we ought not to interfere with Muslims in ISIS who say bad things. Don't deport them. Just understand them. Wonder what does with the electorate.

Did the FBI have evidence of a breach larger than Snowden? A lawsuit says yes. (this can undo the DC swamp)
Post Date: 2017-06-07 12:22:11 by Horse
A former U.S. intelligence contractor tells Circa he walked away with more than 600 million classified documents on 47 hard drives from the National Security Agency and the CIA, a haul potentially larger than Edward Snowden's now infamous breach. And now he is suing former FBI Director James Comey and other government figures, alleging the bureau has covered up evidence he provided them showing widespread spying on Americans that violated civil liberties. 1 of 15 Watch |Sara Carter's interview with Dennis Montgomery 2 of 15 The suit, filed late Monday night by Dennis Montgomery, was assigned to the same federal judge who has already ruled that some of the NSA's collection ...

US Airstrikes Target Pro-Assad Forces in Southern Syria
Post Date: 2017-06-07 07:36:23 by Ada
US Accuses Forces of Getting Too Close to Tanf Rebel Base For the second time in less than a month, US warplanes have carried out an attack on pro-government forces in Syria, attacking Shi’ite militia forces in the nation’s south, accusing them of having crossed into the “safe zone” area around Daraa. The Syrian government condemned the attack, saying it proved the US was “in support of terrorism” in carrying out the attack. Syrian forces in and around Daraa have recently been fighting against al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, in particular, and elsewhere in the south are also trying to soften up ISIS forces near Palmyra. US officials, however, are presenting ...

WikiLeaks Declares War on The Intercept
Post Date: 2017-06-06 16:58:19 by Ada
The FBI says a reporter led them to an NSA leaker. Julian Assange says that person, whom he suspects is an Intercept reporter, is a "menace" to sources, journalists, and democracy. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told The Daily Beast he holds reporters—not just the Trump administration—responsible for the arrest of a U.S. intelligence contractor charged with leaking classified information. On Monday, the Justice Department said Reality Winner, a 25-year-old National Security Agency contractor, sent top secret information to a news outlet. The announcement came shortly after The Intercept published a series of NSA documents claiming that Russian hackers targeted a ...

(Fake Title To Beat Fake News Cesnors)PUPPY DOGS, LOLLIPOPS & UNICORNS!
Post Date: 2017-06-06 12:34:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starting at 3:35 he has proof about a Polish plane crash that wiped out the anti-Rothschild Polish government. June 4th info. There is an active investigation gathering steam in Poland. This can break up the New World Order, EU and Bankers. He uses fake titles to get around YouTube Fake News censors.

New Jersey Becomes the 12th State to Consider Right to Repair Legislation
Post Date: 2017-06-03 18:15:47 by Horse
NEW JERSEY WILL PUSH TO MAKE FIXING YOUR GADGETS EASIER. New Jersey assemblyman Paul Moriarty knows that his office is about to get a lot of calls from the tech industry's biggest lobbyists. "I assume it goes something like this—people introduce legislation, the industry hires lobbyists that descend upon the statehouse, they kill the bill," Moriarty told me. "If we're the 12th state, they have a well-oiled machine on how to tackle this, but I'm used to that." Moriarty announced Friday that he's introducing the "Fair Repair Act," a bill that would require electronics manufacturers to sell replacement parts and tools to the general public ...

Memorial Day and the Rising Gorge: More than I Can Take
Post Date: 2017-06-03 08:11:26 by Ada
Apparently I have missed Memorial Day by being on the road in Guanajuato. I gather I should have thanked Our Boys for their service to the exceptional nation. I will pass. My tolerance for nauseating twaddle has diminished with the years. To begin with, “Our Boys,” so affectionately denominated, are not our boys but suckers of the ruling rich. Think not? Think again. Ending the draft protected the sons of the well-off from military service and the military from anti-war movements. If you draft the moneyed elegants of Princeton, you get resistance. Instead, the oligarchs send the expendable children of the lower orders. Who volunteer. Further, the soldiers are not heroes but ...

SHTF: Five Reasons Why America Is About To Become A Very Conservative Country
Post Date: 2017-06-03 02:17:42 by Horse
For generations, we’ve seen the political landscape in this country teeter back and forth between the Left and the Right. Usually about every 8 years or so, whichever political party is dominating Congress, the Executive Branch, and the state legislatures, is kicked out by voters and replaced with the other political party. However, there’s something very different going on this time around. Donald Trump’s ascent to the oval office represents a major shift in our society and culture, and I’m not talking about the intermittent shuffle of politicians that we see every few years. Instead, the pendulum is about to swing very hard to the right. I think that the political ...

Washington 'is Going to Want to Occupy Certain Portions of Syria'
Post Date: 2017-06-01 09:18:52 by Ada
The United States is unlikely to withdraw its troops from Syria once the devastating six-year war in the Arab country is over, former senior security policy analyst to the US Secretary of Defense Michael Maloof told Radio Sputnik. "President [Bashar al-Assad] wants all of Syria back, but I think the reality is that you are never going to see the same Syria that you did prior to the civil war. The United States is going to want to occupy certain portions. Syria will not be the autonomous state that it once was. I think what is evolving is the partitioning. The Kurds are going to want something out of this. Russia in the past has proposed, over Assad's objections, an autonomous ...

NATO Joins Anti-ISIS Campaign, But It’s Russia In The Crosshairs
Post Date: 2017-05-30 08:28:34 by Ada
NATO has officially joined other countries in the anti-Daesh (ISIS) coalition, vowing to fight the terror group with resolve. But there is some concern that its addition could lead to a confrontation with Russia in Syria, as the organization has historically shown great hostility toward Moscow. MINNEAPOLIS — Last Wednesday, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) announced that it would formally join the fight against Daesh (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq, a move that diplomats have labeled as symbolic. Indeed, the move is somewhat redundant, as all 28 NATO allies are already members of the anti-Daesh coalition. According to NATO Secretary-General Jen Stoltenberg, the ...

Trump: Dancing with Wolves on the Titanic
Post Date: 2017-05-28 20:33:14 by Ada
Robert Fisk put it best: “Trump Is About To Really Mess Up In The Middle East”. Following his fantastically stupid decision to attack the Syrian military with cruise missiles, Trump or, should I say, the people who make decisions for him, probably realized that it was “game over” for any US policy in the Middle-East so they did the only thing that they could do: they ran towards those few who were actually happy with this aggression against Syria: the Saudis and the Israelis. Needless to say, with these two “allies,” what currently passes for some type of “US foreign policy” in the Middle-East will only go from bad to worse. There are many ways in ...

Special Prosecutor For Seth Rich Murder?
Post Date: 2017-05-27 23:42:29 by Horse

'Deep state' leakers undercut country in their zeal to hurt a president
Post Date: 2017-05-27 14:19:59 by BTP Holdings
‘Deep state’ leakers undercut country in their zeal to hurt a president U.S. President Donald Trump, right, sits next to British Prime Minister Theresa May during in a working dinner meeting at the NATO headquarters during a NATO summit of heads of state and government in Brussels on Thursday, May 25, 2017. ... more > By Mercedes Schlapp - - Thursday, May 25, 2017 ANALYSIS/OPINION: The leakers of classified intelligence information are chipping away at our democratic institutions. It’s becoming a dangerous game where those who are feeding sensitive information to the media are also creating distrust within our intelligence agencies and damaging relationships ...

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