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11-year-old claims classroom punishment violates Geneva Convention—and she’s right (kind of)
Post Date: 2017-05-26 16:11:00 by BTP Holdings
11-year-old claims classroom punishment violates Geneva Convention—and she’s right (kind of) The Daily Dot 23 hrs ago Everybody has had the most terrible teacher of all time, the ones who won’t extend the due date on your research paper even though you’re totally hungover, or the ones who say, “The bell doesn’t dismiss you; I dismiss you.” Or, if you’re still in elementary school, it’s the ones who make you put the blocks away before you’re done constructing the princess castle. But one girl is fighting back against her instructor’s oppression. By accusing her of some awfully serious criminal activity in what was probably a fairly ...

People are putting up 'Strong and stable my arse' signs up across London
Post Date: 2017-05-25 16:31:22 by Horse
Theresa May has called an election on June 8. She wants to be elected as Prime Minster, and she wants you to think she's strong and stable. She's said this a few times, in fact, it's pretty much all she's said in the campaign. However, it appears someone disagrees that she's going to be a 'strong and stable' leader. An anonymous artist is guerilla campaigning and putting up "Strong and stable my arse" signs up all over London. They've been spotted in Camden iucounu @iucounu Well done to whoever is putting these up Poster Comment:Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/20 ...

Thirteen Reasons Why: America’s High Schools Are Creating (Another) Lost Generation
Post Date: 2017-05-25 08:26:24 by Ada
Netflix’s recent announcement that it would be producing a second season of Thirteen Reasons Why has raised new questions about the disastrous state of the US public school system and its effects on the economy. “Hey, it’s Hannah Baker,” says the show’s protagonist, played by a stunning Katherine Langford in the opening episode. “Get settled in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended.” The Thirteen Reasons’ portrait of how a stifling, bureaucratic system progressively cuts this teenage girl to pieces, eventually driving her to death, provides a dramatized, insightful reflection on (another) ...

Post Date: 2017-05-24 20:13:52 by Horse
Baltimore police have found themselves in an awkward position as of late after a horrifying documentary from Netflix exposed a dark underground child sex ring involving the church, politicians, and cops. The series, titled, The Keepers, has forced the Baltimore police to set up an online submission form as people began to come forward after watching it. While the series is on Netflix for the world’s entertainment, the harsh truth is that it really happened. After the church attempted to keep it quiet by paying off the victims under the table, the documentary has exposed these monsters to the world. The seven-part documentary series, which premiered on Friday, also covers the unsolved ...

Top NSA Whistleblower WILLIAM BINNEY: “Every Time There Is a Terrorist Attack, What We Really Need to Do Is Demand that They CUT the Budgets of All the Intelligence Agencies”
Post Date: 2017-05-24 20:08:31 by Horse
The highest-level NSA whistleblower in history – William Binney – the high- level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, and managed thousands of NSA employees – has a great suggestion for motivating U.S. intelligence agencies to prevent terrorism. Binney tells Washington’s Blog: If you want to get into the real reason politicians, companies and agencies are hard over advocates for mass/bulk surveillance, then you need to look at all the money involved. It’s about 100 ...

DC Police Seth Rich / PizzaGate Heather Podesta & Rothschild Alefantis Connection
Post Date: 2017-05-24 01:50:29 by Horse
Poster Comment:Not only was Seth Rich murdered after he was taken to the hospital but the media is ignoring the murder of Sean Lucas. Lucas served papers on the DNC for a lawsuit claiming that the DNC stole the primaries from Bernie Sanders for Hillary. Explosive info on the DC police chief. The police had Seth Rich's laptop but lost it.

Krieger: America Has Become A Total Joke
Post Date: 2017-05-22 21:08:50 by Horse
I’ve stopped calling what our government has done a cover-up. Cover-up suggests a passive activity. What they’re doing now I call aggressive deception. – Former Senator Bob Graham, co-chair of Congress’s 9/11 Joint Inquiry This country is becoming a total joke and it’s not merely because of Donald Trump. While he’s certainly becoming a key player in our national embarrassment, this country’s decent into a reckless Banana Republic has been a long time coming. Let’s take stock of where things stand in mid-2017. Our opposition Democratic Party (Hillary in a leather jacket yelling about Russia) is a joke. Our corporate media is a joke. Our foreign ...

Elon Musk admits to “Unschooling” his Children
Post Date: 2017-05-22 09:34:04 by Ada
“Unschooling” is an educational method advocating learning in a natural environment via self-direction of the student. Around since the 1970s and used by educator John Holt, it is still considered to be a controversial method of schooling for children. While homeschooling has attracted wide- spread debate, what is normally considered a sub-set, unschooling is a more extreme philosophy focusing on equipping the child with real world situations. Inventor and entrepreneur of SpaceX, PayPal, and Tesla Motors, Elon Musk has set up his own alternative school for his children, describing the process as “unschooling,” after he reveled that traditional schooling was neither ...

Al-Saud’s Only Gamble Option
Post Date: 2017-05-22 08:58:56 by Ada
A lot has been said and speculated on about the “real” objectives of Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. Seasoned veteran British journalist/analyst and Middle East expert Robert Fisk sees it as an attempt to create a Sunni-style NATO to curb the Iranian expansion, and his speculation is on the money, but in realistic terms, what can this visit and its “aftermath” achieve? Despite the slump on crude oil prices over the last 2-3 years, the Saudis are not short on cash, despite the huge and growing deficit they are running. Their reserve cash is estimated to be a whopping three quarters of a trillion American dollars, and the unit “trillion” has been chosen ...

"Everybody's Freaked" - Washington Nuclear Facility Admits Second Radiation Leak, Workers Contaminated
Post Date: 2017-05-22 08:45:27 by Ada
Just under two weeks since the emergency at the Hanford nuclear facility in Washington state (following a tunnel collapse), NBC’s local affiliate King5 reports Hanford’s owner, The U.S. Department of Energy, is scrambling to deal with a second emergency – signs have emerged that a massive underground double shell nuclear waste holding tank may be leaking. The tank is known as AZ 101 and was put into service in 1976. The tank’s life was expected to be 20 years. Now it has been holding hot, boiling radioactive and chemically contaminated waste for 41 years. This 2013 @ENERGY graph shows expected life of AZ tanks holding hot, liquid nuclear waste. Now 21 years past ...

Newt Calls for Seth Rich Investigation,
Post Date: 2017-05-22 01:49:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starts at 45 seconds. Bar owner said DC police never asked for his CCTV coverage. They never interviewed the patrons. Seth Rich did not die on the street. He died at the hospital.

Schlichter Warns "This Is A Coup Against Our Right To Govern Ourselves"
Post Date: 2017-05-21 11:09:31 by Horse
The blizzard of lies and distraction blowing through Washington is not just any routine stuffstorm, but a calculated attempt to bring down a president – our president, not the establishment’s president. And more than that, it’s an attempt to ensure that we never again have the ability to disrupt the bipartisan D.C. cabal’s permanent supremacy by inserting a chief executive who refuses to kiss their collective Reid. This is a coup against us. It’s a coordinated campaign by liberals and their allies in the bureaucracy and media to once and for all ensure their perpetual rule over us. We need to fight it, here and now, so we don’t have to fight it down at the ...

And The Winner Of The 2017 Pulitzer Prize For Journalism Goes To...
Post Date: 2017-05-21 00:07:57 by Horse

'Battle is over but the war has just begun': Julian Assange
Post Date: 2017-05-20 02:48:47 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that “the battle is over but the war has just begun” after Swedish prosecutors closed a seven-year investigation against him. “While today was an important victory, an important vindication, the road is far from over,” Assange said standing on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Friday. He made the remarks after Marianne Ny, the chief prosecutor in Sweden, announced that she “has decided to discontinue the investigation regarding suspected rape” by Assange. Assange also lambasted the UK police who said they would still arrest him if he came out of the Ecuadorian embassy because he had ...

The Special Counsel Comes to Town: It’s the Moscow Trials, Revisited
Post Date: 2017-05-19 19:37:41 by Ada
The witch-hunt begins Donald Trump ran on a platform of improving relations with Russia: his victory was a mandate for that policy. Yet the real power in this country doesn’t reside within the ballot box, and that reality was brought home when the Justice Department appointed a “special counsel” to investigate “any links and/or coordination with the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” After months of leaks coming from the intelligence agencies, who bitterly oppose the new policy, and a barrage of innuendo, smears, and character assassination in the media, the will of the people has been abrogated: the Deep ...

Video: Tucker Carlson Just Proved The DNC Wants A Civil War
Post Date: 2017-05-19 15:15:13 by Horse
Carlson opened with a monologue describing how the left has progressed from COMMUNISM to TRIBALISM where CIVIL WAR determines who wins and loses through violence. CARLSON JUST PROVED THAT CIVIL WAR IS INEVITABLE. PREPARE AND PRAY Poster Comment:Tucker starts on Civil War and Identity politics at 1:40. Things are different now. What happens when the Dollar Dies and the non-whites come looking for whites?

The Lawyer Bringing The Lawsuit Against The DNC Speaks Out
Post Date: 2017-05-19 01:49:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:DNC says they can rig the primaries if they want. News media will not cover this story. Ditto the murders of Seth Rich and Michael Hastings.

Monsanto GMO FOODS Products List - World Wide - Boycott All GMO Foods!
Post Date: 2017-05-18 10:49:12 by Horse

In ‘Impeachment’ Talk, Washington Establishment Declares War on Trump Voters
Post Date: 2017-05-17 20:01:07 by Ada
Democrats were talking about impeaching Donald Trump long before he took office. The media have taken up the refrain in the past several days, insisting that the Washington Post and New York Times “scoops” — neither of which showed Trump doing anything illegal — are grounds for impeachment. Now some Republicans, like Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), are chiming in. They are not just attacking Trump, but his voters. And they all may soon regret it. Trump voters understand what is going on here. Trump declared he would “drain the swamp”; the swamp is fighting back. There is no substance to the claims against him. There is no evidence Trump colluded with Russia. There ...

The Hazards of Military Worship
Post Date: 2017-05-15 13:50:17 by Ada
Everyone Loves the Troops and Their Generals, But History Indicates That Military Advice Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be More, more, more. I was guilty of it myself. Commanding a small cavalry troop of about 85 soldiers in southwest Kandahar Province back in 2011, I certainly wanted and requested more: more troopers, more Special Forces advisers, more Afghan police, more air support, more supplies, more money, more… everything. Like so many others in Afghanistan back then, I wanted whatever resources would protect the guys in my unit and fend off the insurgent threat. No one, of course, asked me if the U.S. military should even be there, nor did I presume to raise the ...

Who's Really Behind The Massive 'Ransomeware' WannaCry Attack?
Post Date: 2017-05-13 20:12:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:DAHBOO77 is on to something here.

Embarrassing the Government Is the Ultimate Crime
Post Date: 2017-05-12 07:05:05 by Ada
President Barack Obama was a master at using the tools available through the Justice Department to silence whistleblowers and otherwise put a lid on developments that might embarrass his administration. He initiated numerous claims of the state-secrets privilege to stop lawsuits against the government, while also prosecuting leakers with a zeal previously unseen. So perhaps it is not completely surprising to learn of a truly bizarre tale that surfaced last week regarding an Obama-era closed-door trial and imprisonment of a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) translator. Daniela Greene, a German linguist who reportedly traveled secretly from Detroit to Syria to wed a leading ISIS ...

Why the FBI might wage “war” on Trump — and how they would actually do it
Post Date: 2017-05-12 05:50:30 by BTP Holdings
Why the FBI might wage “war” on Trump — and how they would actually do it Vox.com Zack Beauchamp 10 hrs ago © Provided by Vox.com It’s not often that you hear members of the FBI threatening to go to war with the president. But that’s where we are after Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. “[Trump] essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI,” an anonymous FBI official told the Washington Post. “I think there will be a concerted effort to respond over time in kind.” There’s every reason to believe that the FBI is as angry as this official says. Interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday told ...

Majority of Americans Believe U.S. Losing its Culture and Identity
Post Date: 2017-05-11 15:52:47 by Ada
A new study has found that 55% of the U.S. public believe America is in danger of losing its culture and identity. Non-partisan research group PRRI has published a raft of statistics that underscore how insecure Americans, particularly white working class Americans, feel about their future. Asked if the United States was “losing its culture and identity,” 55% of respondents said yes, with 68% of white working class Americans feeling that way. Almost half (48%) of white working class Americans also feel that “things have changed so much that I often feel like a stranger in my own country,” while 62% believe that immigrants arriving from other countries threaten ...

Trump’s Firing of Comey
Post Date: 2017-05-10 19:51:26 by bush_is_a_moonie
Rod Dreher’s response to Trump’s firing of FBI Director Comey seems right to me: Either Trump is a colossal idiot, or he is hiding something, and is a colossal idiot about trying to cover it up. Either way, I don’t see how anybody can take what Trump has done here at face value. The first possibility of sheer stupidity can’t be ruled out. When I heard the news last night, I said this: Removing Comey was probably one of the dumbest things this admin could do, so of course this is what they did If the hope was that firing Comey would reduce scrutiny on the administration, Trump and Sessions could not have miscalculated more. Many members of Congress, including some ...

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