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Help Support Will Grigg
Post Date: 2017-04-01 08:36:47 by Ada
The great champion of liberty, anti-war, anti-police state writer and orator, William N. Grigg, our hero, our friend, our colleague, needs our help. Will is recovering from a sudden and serious medical crisis. His hospitalization and recovery will be costly. The Grigg family appreciates any financial support you can offer. Update: $6,405 raised in 24hrs. Thank you! If you can’t donate, please share this gofundme link with your networks. Will’s work is incredibly important and it must continue, but right now, he and his family need our support. Will needs time to heal so he can heroically fight for freedom for many more years to come. We are all better off for having known ...

Brexit Is a Victory for Democracy
Post Date: 2017-03-30 07:59:34 by Ada
When elites govern for themselves—not the national interest—a populist backlash is a good thing. One adjective, more than any other, is used in Brussels to describe the Brexit vote. It was, we are told a hundred times a day, “populist.” “We have to fight against nationalism,” was how Jean-Claude Juncker responded to the British referendum result. “We have the duty not to follow populists but to block the avenue of populists.” Ah, populism. There is no more vicious word in a Eurocrat’s vocabulary. He spits it out in the manner of a teenager at a party who has mistakenly taken a swig from a beer can that was being used as an ashtray. Yet he is ...

The Odds Against Antiwar Warriors
Post Date: 2017-03-30 07:43:00 by Ada
War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914–1918, Michael Kazin, Simon and Schuster, 400 pages. American advance northwest of Verdun. The ruined church on the crest of the captured height of Montfaucon. This was the condition of the site after the Americans finally drove the Germans out from it. France, 1918. National Archives A slog, but not without rewards: that’s what best describes this account of Americans who opposed U.S. participation in the European War of 1914–1918. While Michael Kazin, a historian of progressive bent who teaches at Georgetown University, tells an important story, his book suffers from a want of zip. The narrative meanders. The prose lacks ...

Is George Soros Behind This Plot To Topple Trump?
Post Date: 2017-03-30 06:26:18 by Tatarewicz
The Establishment is setting up Donald Trump. The mainstream media hates him. Hollywood hates him. The “Intellectual Yet Idiot” academia class hates him. Most critically, the CIA hates him. So does the rest of the Deep State, or the permanently entrenched “national security” bureaucracy. They did everything possible to stop Trump from taking office. None of it worked. I think the CIA hates Trump for a very simple reason: he’s threatening to take away their livelihood. Trump wants to make nice with Putin and the Russians. But countering the so-called “Russian threat” is how many thousands of Deep State bureaucrats make a living. These people feed off ...

Seriously? You Expected Perverts Who Routinely Savage Kids to Exempt Yours?
Post Date: 2017-03-29 11:05:08 by Ada
Jennifer Williamson of Grapevine, Texas, hoped to shield her “teenage” son (who looks to be in his very low teens, if he’s in them at all) from the TSA’s deviants, especially because the boy suffers from “sensory processing disorder” (a “neurological disorder in which individuals can’t process sensory information properly. … It has been described as a ‘traffic jam’ in which signals to and from various parts of the body are blocked or re- routed. That can lead to something as simple as being touched causing anxiety and fear”). And so, prior to their flight on Sunday, Mrs. Williamson “requested they attempt to screen [her son, ...

Ending Syria’s Nightmare Will Take Pressure from Below
Post Date: 2017-03-29 09:08:28 by Ada
Ominous developments in East Syria have drawn the United States and Russia into closer proximity increasing the likelihood of a violent confrontation. The Trump administration has embarked on a dangerous plan to defeat the terrorist militia, ISIS, in Raqqa. But recent comments by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggest that Washington’s long-term strategy may conflict with Moscow’s goal of restoring Syria’s sovereign borders. Something’s got to give. Either Russia ceases its clearing operations in east Syria or Washington agrees to withdraw its US-backed forces when the battle is over. If neither side gives ground, there’s going to be a collision between the two ...

Uncomfortable Questions
Post Date: 2017-03-25 15:40:38 by Ada
An interesting dialogue. One that raises uncomfortable questions. The dialogue has been ongoing at this blog for quite some time; in many ways, the dialogue can be summarized here, beginning with the comment by Nick Badalamenti March 22, 2017, at 6:38 AM. For close to two years I have been examining the relationship of the non- aggression principle and culture. The dialogue has been ongoing at this site throughout this time. This journey began with an examination of left- libertarianism; such an examination inevitably moved into the culture. With culture comes the topic of immigration. The Questions What if the NAP requires a certain cultural soil on which to thrive? What if that ...

Super Snowden Whistleblower Releases 600,000,000 Pages Of Illegal NSA Spying
Post Date: 2017-03-23 16:36:56 by Horse

FBI Director Comey Lied To House Intelligence Committee About Surveillance Of Trump
Post Date: 2017-03-23 16:24:40 by Horse
Poster Comment:Comey should be hauled back to testify before the committee on March 28th - Klayman to be present at hearing.

Quite Possibly the Definitive Text On the Subject
Post Date: 2017-03-23 08:15:29 by Ada
Well, Mas Ayoob has done it once again, a superbly researched and well- written book on the use of deadly force in a self-defense situation. This book is loaded with lots of very sound and well research information and provides you with a library of recommended reading material that you should also study. Great Stuff! The following is a list of the chapters in this book and a brief synopsis of what each chapter entails. Chapter 1: Introduction In this section, the author gives you a standard introduction on what to expect in this book. A couple of things, in particular, stood out to me in this section, and the following section and that was the recommendation of one book entitled, ...

Honest Government Advert - Visit Hawai'i
Post Date: 2017-03-23 07:07:32 by Horse

But Remember: Killing White People Isn’t “Racism”
Post Date: 2017-03-22 22:45:25 by Horse
Constable Keith Palmer, age 48, stabbed to death by an ugly mud who should never have been allowed to live in a White country. Imagine how his wife & kids feel right about now — or do you reserve all your fake pity for undeserving nigs & asianigs? Westminster 22 March. 2017 Poster Comment:Orwell's Daughter would prefer that you read the remainder of this article and her other writings at her site.

Inside the 'billionaire bunkers' where the world's super rich will ride out the apocalypse - as sales surge 300 PER CENT since Donald Trump was elected
Post Date: 2017-03-22 07:58:25 by Ada
An increasing number of people are spending millions on 'doomsday bunkers' to survive a catastrophic event Sales of underground bunkers have increased in some instances by 300 per cent since Trump's election win Some of the biggest US-based facilities are located in: South Dakota, Texas, Kansas, and New York Many of the bunkers are built to house thousands of people and to potentially withstand nuclear explosions A growing number of the world's super rich are preparing for the apocalypse by purchasing 'doomsday bunkers'. But don't expect the one per cent to slum it out in drab, concrete dwellings as they survive the end of the world - these bunkers ...

The Collapse of Trust in the West
Post Date: 2017-03-21 08:48:52 by Ada
Just as President Putin has stated that governments and media in the West have destroyed Russia’s trust in the West, the governments and media in the West have destroyed the trust of their citizens, who have been transformed into serfs to whom government no longer is accountable. I have stressed in many columns that the absence of trust between nuclear powers is a great threat to all life on earth. Yet the Western governments and media continue to work 24/7 to worsen relations between the US and Russia and the US and China. Those of us who warn of the possible consequences are put on lists of “Russian dupes” and purveyors of “fake news.” These lists show the ...

Mainstream Media in Total Collapse
Post Date: 2017-03-21 08:45:16 by Ada
Few any longer believe the “mainstream media,” that is, the presstitutes. This has put them into a panic as the presstitutes lose their value to the ruling elite if the presstitutes cannot control the explanations in order to justify the self-serving agendas of the ruling elite. To fight back against the alternative media that does tell the truth, a secret group, PropOrNot, as well hidden as an offshore money-laundering operation, published a list of 200 websites accused of being “Russian agents/dupes.” PropOrNot’s effort to discredit truth-tellers was hurt by the site’s anonymity. Consequently, the next list appeared on the website of the Harvard ...

3 Exciting New Ways to Destroy Humanity That Everyone is Talking About!
Post Date: 2017-03-21 08:25:24 by Ada
You know what everyone is really nostalgic for? The good old days during the Cold War when everyone thought humanity was going to be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust. There was something cozy about nuclear fallout shelters and cowering under a desk as the air raid sirens blared in the distance. Now-a-days, people don’t seem to be peeing their pants as often about the possible extinction of our species at the hands of governments and their nefarious technologies winding up in the wrong hands. The Trump election was a good little boost to the doom the media sells, but it targeted the same demographic that Global Warming whipped into a frenzy. We are already past Al Gore’s ...

Obamacare-Lite Showdown: House Vote Scheduled for Thursday
Post Date: 2017-03-20 21:08:34 by hondo68
House Republicans plan to vote on the House floor on Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare-lite bill Thursday, amidst serious internal strife between Republican leadership and conservatives in the House and Senate. Sources told NBC News that the GOP leadership scheduled the vote only after it believed it had the support to pass the bill. Speaker Ryan and Republican leadership will now rally support for the plan, amid strong opposition from the House Freedom Caucus. House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows referred to Speaker Ryan’s repeal bill as “Obamacare-lite” and criticized the bill for creating new entitlements through the bill’s tax credits to purchase health insurance. ...

Federal judge green-lights lawsuit against San Jose for failing to protect Trump supporters outside rally
Post Date: 2017-03-19 10:56:01 by Horse
It’s difficult to believe it’s already March, particularly since such a large percentage of the population seems stuck back in November. We’re nowhere near as anxious to revisit 2016 as are the members of “the resistance,” but it’s good for a chuckle now and then to look back and remember just how very, very wrong the mainstream media managed to get everything. The truly evergreen tweet of 2016 has to be Hillary Clinton lecturing America on how dangerous it was to even hint of not accepting the result of the election, but another of our favorites comes from CNN’s Brian Stelter, who insisted that any violence after Election Day could be traced back to ...

The Violent Left: What would the Founders Do?
Post Date: 2017-03-18 09:55:14 by Ada
Nationally syndicated “conservative” talk radio host Michael Savage and his poodle, “Teddy,” were recently assaulted while they exited a restaurant in San Francisco. A man followed them from the eatery and mocked Savage for his real surname (“Weiner”) before kicking Teddy and throwing Mike to the ground. Neither master nor dog, fortunately, sustained any serious injuries—though Savage was “bloodied and shaken.” According to his lawyer, Dan Horowitz, criminal charges will be filed. They are also going to pursue the possibility of having the assailant charged for committing a hate crime on the grounds that Savage was attacked because of his ...

‘Assange’ Doc Suggests Russia Knew In Advance Ed Snowden Would Spy on NSA
Post Date: 2017-03-18 00:51:08 by Tatarewicz
Exclusive: Leaked doc shows Russian spies from Cuba met Ecuadorean counterparts in Quito on April 4th, 2013 The letter of credentials was held in Ecuador’s London Embassy among intelligence files marked ‘Assange’ Julian Assange tried to arrange Snowden’s asylum in Ecuador Snowden originally planned to fly there via Cuba – but never boarded On April 5th, Snowden sends his only legal email to the NSA During the month of April 2013, Snowden admittedly stole top-secret NSA documents Snowden has always maintained he was a ‘whistleblower’ and had no contact with foreign intelligence agencies before leaving the NSA But the FSB’s head in Cuba flying to Quito, ...

Greg Johnson: White Nationalism
Post Date: 2017-03-17 08:41:06 by Horse

Trump Budget Proposes Killing All Funding for PBS, NPR and National Endowment for the Arts
Post Date: 2017-03-16 17:35:26 by Horse
President Donald Trump made good on a long-time conservative goal in his first proposed budget Thursday morning, targeting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities for complete elimination. Trump’s budget would zero out the $445 million budget for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a relatively small source of funding for programming and broadcast operations on public TV stations and NPR radio stations nationwide, per the Washington Post. The budget would also eliminate the budgets for both national endowments, which stood at $148 million each in 2016, as well as $230 million for the Institute of Museum and Library ...

Video: Secrets Of The FBI Finally Revealed and Leaked
Post Date: 2017-03-16 17:13:13 by Horse

Sovereign Duty
Post Date: 2017-03-16 13:17:40 by GreyLmist
Provided to YouTube by Catapult Reservatory, LLC Sovereign Duty · Casey Winn 1776 The Revolutionary Minutemen [3.75+ minute instrumental prelude] Poster Comment:Introduction: State Legislators Have a Duty to Protect State Sovereignty - 1.75 minute YouTube Published on May 19, 2016 by Liberty Grows What is a State Legislator's job description? I recommend reading Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall's book Sovereign Duty. Follow the Blog: http://libertygrows.wordpress.com Learn more: www.krisannehall.com

Camille Paglia Discusses Her War on 'Elitist Garbage' and Contemporary Feminism
Post Date: 2017-03-15 08:45:28 by Ada
In an interview about her new essay collection, the professor and controversial feminist discusses the failure of feminists on college campuses, why men deserve more credit for their labor, and how Sheryl Sandberg is "smug and entitled." For five years, art history professor and controversial pro-sex feminist Camille Paglia has been quiet—at least by the standards she set in the 1990s when she sparked controversy for everything from questioning the existence of date rape to hailing Madonna as "the future of feminism." During the Obama era, she published one book and occasional viral essays, like her Sunday Times cover story about how Rihanna is the new Princess ...

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