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Applications Open For the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant
Post Date: 2017-02-01 07:46:51 by Ada
Applications for the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant, a college tuition grant created by Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO exclusively for white men, are now being accepted. “The Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant, launched by Milo Yiannopoulos and funded by Milo and private donors to provide college funding assistance to white males, is pleased to announce that applications for its pilot program are now being accepted to receive grants of $2,500,” announced the grant in a post on Tuesday. “The application period will close on February 14th, 2017, and recipients will be announced on March 31st, 2017. Grant payments will be made directly to the recipient’s college or university ...

Post Date: 2017-02-01 00:39:35 by Horse
Macro-brew beer conglomerate Anheuser-Busch has produced a pro-immigration commercial intended to be aired during Super Bowl Sunday. The multi-million dollar, minute-long ad follows the journey of German immigrant Aldophus Busch, who arrives during a chaotic 19th century America. The Busch character is shoved and berated by old-timey Americans, who tell him, “You’re not wanted here,” and, “Go back home.” Even though the ad addresses a timely, hot-button national issue, Budweiser bosses claim they didn’t intend it as political commentary. “It’s true, Adolphus Busch made an incredible journey to this country, and that’s really what this is ...

Pat Buchanan: The First Firestorm
Post Date: 2017-01-31 17:24:51 by Horse
That hysterical reaction to the travel ban announced Friday is a portent of what is to come if President Donald Trump carries out the mandate given to him by those who elected him. The travel ban bars refugees for 120 days. From Syria, refugees are banned indefinitely. And a 90-day ban has been imposed on travel here from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen. Was that weekend-long primal scream really justified? As of Monday, no one was being detained at a U.S. airport. Yet the shrieking had not stopped. All five stories on page one of Monday’s Washington Post were about the abomination. The New York Times’ editorial, “Trashing American Ideals and ...

Meanwhile, the Real Trump Disaster Is Ignored
Post Date: 2017-01-31 08:46:28 by Ada
Writes Tom Woods (tomwoods.com): The left just makes me crazy. Yet for several years I set my sights almost exclusively on the neoconservatives. Some people on the right wondered why I wasn’t hitting Obama — whom I hardly ever spoke about — harder. Answer: I thought it was obvious how bad he was, and plenty of people were writing and speaking about him already. The wickedness of the neocons, on the other hand, was in my view vastly underappreciated. But in doing so I managed to forget how earth-shatteringly awful the left is, which is why, by way of making up for lost time, I’ve spent so much of the past year focused exclusively on them. Left-liberals are suddenly ...

The Justice System Is Criminal
Post Date: 2017-01-31 07:48:13 by Ada
On January 23, 2017, I asked, “Are Americans Racists?” I pointed out examples where racist explanations prevail over empirical fact. I did not write that there is no racism in America. I said that racism is not the be- all and end-all explanation of American history and institutions. The point I made is that racist explanations are often inadequate and both work against racial harmony and blind us to more general and more serious problems. Perhaps the worst of America’s failed institutions is the criminal justice system. The US has the largest prison population in the world, not only as a percentage of the population but also in absolute numbers. “Freedom and ...

A “Color Revolution” Is Under Way in the United States
Post Date: 2017-01-29 01:09:22 by X-15
A Russian joke goes like this: “Question: why can there be no color revolution in the United States? Answer: because there are no US Embassies in the United States.” Funny, maybe, but factually wrong: I believe that a color revolution is being attempted in the USA right now. Politico seems to feel the same way. While I did predict that “The USA is about to face the worst crisis of its history” as far back as October of last year, a month before the elections, I have to admit that I am surprised and amazed at the magnitude of the struggle which we see taking place before our eyes. It is now clear that the Neocons did declare war on Trump and some, like Paul Craig ...

With ISIS Flags Waving
Post Date: 2017-01-29 01:00:09 by X-15
The coalition of the American Left and Islam, long-known to those paying attention, was on full display during the Women's March in Washington DC. The insanity of it seems vexing: how could women, the most oppressed and victimized of all people in Islamic nations, support Islam? It boggles the mind. That is, until one realizes what has been taking place. It is a matter of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The American Left will side with anyone against Christian Whites, even though many of them are Christian Whites. They think, stupidly, that by getting out in front of the issue of cultural change they will save themselves from the Islamists when the beheadings begin. The truth is, ...

California’s Secession Movement Gains Traction in Wake of Trump’s Election
Post Date: 2017-01-28 06:01:59 by Tatarewicz
The Corner The one and only. California’s secession movement has grown significantly since Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States. The golden state overwhelmingly disapproved of Trump at the ballot box — nearly 3.5 million more Californians voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton than voted for Trump — and a new Reuters/Ipsos poll found that one in three Californians now support the secession movement. (In 2014, only 20 percent of Californians favored secession.) “Yes California,” the leading political action committee fighting for California’s independence from the union, has capitalized on the shift in public opinion. ...

I Am Woman Helen Reddy (Satire)
Post Date: 2017-01-27 21:19:24 by Horse
I am woman, hear me whine In numbers too big to ignore I know nothing so I just pretend 'Cause Your success should be mine I want back down there on the floor No one will ever rise above me again Social Justice has made me wise It's wisdom born of the fear of work Yes, My parents paid the price And look how much I gained I don't want to do anything I am stronger than a tamed male I am invisible in the crowd I am woman I never bend. I will break men Until they learn to serve me More determined to achieve my final goal And I come back even stronger Not a novice any longer 'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul I am a woman. Men must give me ...

Guess Which President The Media Labels A Liar?
Post Date: 2017-01-27 18:29:08 by Horse

Trump’s First Big Mistake
Post Date: 2017-01-27 08:37:02 by Ada
Syrian “safe zones”: a disaster waiting to happen The text of a draft executive order on “Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks From Foreign Nationals,” expected to be signed by President Trump, which deals primarily with excluding citizens of selected countries from entering the United States, includes what may be the biggest mistake the newly elected President will ever make: “Sec. 6. Establishment of Safe Zones to Protect Vulnerable Syrian Populations. Pursuant to the cessation of refugee processing for Syrian nationals, the Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense, is directed within 90 days of the date of this order to produce ...

US in the death grip of people pursuing Israel’s interests: Scholar
Post Date: 2017-01-27 01:28:20 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The United States is in the “death grip” of the Jewish Zionists who are completely obsessed in pursuing the interests of Israel, says Kevin Barrett, an American author and political commentator. Dr. Barrett, the author of Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday while commenting on a report which said three US Republican senators again put forward a measure aimed at imposing fresh sanctions on Iran over various allegations against Tehran, including its missile program. Senators Marco Rubio, John Cornyn and Todd Young proposed the bill on Tuesday, accusing the Islamic Republic of supporting ...

Heroic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Confirms Met With Assad on Syria Trip (Video)
Post Date: 2017-01-27 01:11:56 by Tatarewicz
RI... Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat, Hawaii) is back from her four-day visit to Syria and she could not have been more active. She's got a full-length article out about her impressions, interesting material on Facebook, and spoke to CNN which wanted to know if she had met with the Syrian president Assad. She confirmed this and boldly justified her decision: "When the opportunity arose to meet with him, I did so because I felt that it's important that if we profess to truly care about the Syrian people, about their suffering, then we've got to be able to meet with anyone that we need to if there is a possibility that we can achieve peace." "Whatever you think about ...

Punching Richard Spencer
Post Date: 2017-01-24 07:27:53 by Ada
By now everyone will have heard seen the clip of white nationalist leader Richard Spencer being sucker-punched by a masked left-wing “anti-fascist” activist on the streets of Washington. I am on the record in this space as rejecting and loathing everything Richard Spencer stands for. He has publicly denounced me, and said that I represent the decline of this magazine. Spencer is a Nietzschean who despises Christians. But his being attacked on the street when he was doing nothing violent, and threatening nobody, is indefensible. Many on the Left are celebrating it. I’m not going to link to any of that violence porn. You can find it all over the Internet if you want to see it. ...

Why Fractional-Reserve Banking Would Be Limited in an Unhampered Market
Post Date: 2017-01-23 08:17:00 by Ada
The so-called multiplier arises as a result of the fact that banks are legally permitted to use money that is placed in demand deposits. Banks treat this type of money as if it was loaned to them, thus loaning it out while simultaneously allowing depositors to spend that money. For example, if John places $100 in demand deposit at Bank One he doesn’t relinquish his claim over the deposited $100. He has an unlimited claim against his $100. However, let us also say that Bank One lends $50 to Mike. By lending Mike $50, the bank creates a deposit for $50 that Mike can now use. Remember that John still has a claim against $100 while Mike has now a claim against $50. This type of lending ...

The Craziest Regulations in the Obama Era
Post Date: 2017-01-22 11:43:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Obama administration set a record by issuing 97,110 pages of regulations for nearly 4,000 new federal rules, at an estimated cost of nearly $350 billion. Rules such as the Obamacare employer mandate and the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations over power plants and rivers, streams, and ponds are well known, and reflect the expansion of the federal bureaucracy. But lesser known rules shed light on the size and scope of the government, as well. Here are the craziest federal regulatory moves in the Obama era: Removing ‘He’ and ‘She’ From Regs to Avoid Gender Norms The pronouns “he” and “she” were too heteronormative for the Department ...

Inauguration: Street Artist Targets Hollywood Anti-Trumpers With '24' Spoof Posters
Post Date: 2017-01-20 15:47:11 by Horse
Protesters are gathering Friday in Los Angeles for something called "United Against Hate Inauguration March,” where Sabo posted several fake advertisements for '24: Legacy.' A conservative street artist famous for lampooning liberal Hollywood is celebrating the inauguration of President Donald Trump at an anti-Trump rally Friday in Los Angeles using faux posters of Fox’s revival of the hit TV show 24. The artist, who goes by the pseudonym Sabo, is also attacking a bunch of musicians scheduled to perform at an anti-Trump rally, also in Los Angeles. Protesters are gathering Friday in and around L.A. City Hall and L.A. Live — an entertainment area ...

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard makes secret 'fact-finding trip' to Syria
Post Date: 2017-01-19 08:09:48 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), joins colleagues and members of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America in support for the permanent re-authorization of the Zadroga Act. (file photo) A US congresswoman made a secret "fact-finding trip" to the Syrian capital Damascus days before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Democratic Representative and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard visited Damascus "to meet with a number of individuals and groups including religious leaders, humanitarian workers, refugees and government and community leaders," Gabbard’s spokeswoman confirmed on Wednesday. The exact dates of the trip were kept secret for security reasons, ...

Pizzagate Is Back: CBS Reality Check with Ben Swann Airs Honest Segment On Comet Ping Pong
Post Date: 2017-01-19 01:20:56 by Horse
With the Inauguration just days away, "PizzaGate" has been thrust back into the spotlight for the first time since the election thanks to reporter Ben Swann of CBS46 in Atlanta - only this time, it's not a puff piece labeling it a conspiracy theory, or another New York Times article going out of it's way to defend Comet Ping Pong. Swann lays out the players, including Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis (who was in a relationship with CTR-mastermind David Brock), as well as pedophile terminology, logos, and some of the pedo-friendly musical acts featured at the restaurant. Swann even mentions John Podesta's close relationship with convicted pedophile Dennis Hastert, ...

Help End the Discrimination Against Gold and Silver
Post Date: 2017-01-18 16:43:57 by EoghanG
THE PETITION We The People request the new administration Make Money Great Again; that gold and silver may freely be used as money alongside United States dollars. The Constitution explicitly recognizes gold and silver as money. We therefore petition that: All tax discrimination against gold and silver must cease, including the removal of all capital gains tax on holdings of, and transactions in gold and silver, and; That all impediments to using gold and silver as constitutionally-recognized money be removed. We Petition the Administration to sign this Executive Order to Make Money Great Again. Sign the Petition www.change.org/p/presiden...mp-make-money-great-again

Bill calls for abolishment of ATF
Post Date: 2017-01-18 09:01:31 by Ada
A bill has been proposed in U.S. House of Representatives that would eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The ATF Elimination Act, which was reintroduced by Wisconsin Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner on Thursday, calls for an ATF hiring freeze and would transfer the ATF’s current responsibilities to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration. According to the bill, the FBI and DEA would need to submit a plan for scaling down ATF affairs within 180 days of the bill’s enactment into law. Within one year, the FBI would have to issue a report to the General Services Administration regarding ATF property that will either need to ...

NYT Bashes Trump's NATO and EU Critique
Post Date: 2017-01-18 07:18:40 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Bashes Trump’s NATO and EU Critique by Stephen Lendman NATO is a US controlled killing machine, used for offense, not defense. Trump called it obsolete, criticized most of its members for not paying their fair share. He wants the alliance used for combating terrorism, not overthrowing targeted countries. He called Brexit “a great thing,” believes other EU countries will follow Britain, while calling the European Union “a vehicle for Germany.” Agree or disagree with him, including communicating with millions of followers via Twitter and Facebook, his comments are refreshingly different from typical presidential boilerplate - notably Obama, America’s ...

Breaking: #DisruptJ20 Far Left Terror Group’s Twitter Account Hacked – Documents Posted Online
Post Date: 2017-01-17 15:14:51 by Horse
Earlier today Project Veritas dropped another undercover video bombshell. This time they exposed radical leftist group, D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition or Disrupt J20. The group was planning a potential terrorist act which included setting off butyric acid stink bombs and fire alarm sprinklers at a Trump inaugural party. According to Project Veritas, shortly after the election they received many tips that radical groups were planning to derail President-elect Trump’s inaugural events. Various groups gathered together under the #DisruptJ20 umbrella. This particular meeting was with three guys from the group, D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition. The three men in the video are: Colin Dunn, Luke ...

Of Course I’m a Libertarian
Post Date: 2017-01-17 07:28:07 by Ada
Libertarians are usually on the defensive because their principles seem so extreme and some of their views so radical. This is true whether the opponent or critic of libertarianism is a liberal, a conservative, a Democrat, a Republican, a centrist, a populist, a socialist, a moderate, or a progressive. All are united in their attacks on libertarians in many areas. But it is these groups who ought to be on the defensive. They all believe that it is appropriate for government at some level (1) to arrest, fine, imprison, or otherwise punish people for engaging in entirely private, peaceful, voluntary, and consensual actions that do not aggress against the person or property of others, (2) ...

Post Date: 2017-01-16 12:59:03 by Horse
Actor Mark Ruffalo has just reportedly been added to a US terror advisory list after campaigning in support of a documentary that focuses on the alleged dangers of natural gas drilling. Ruffalo recently drew the attention of Pennsylvania’s Office of Homeland Security after organizing screenings for the documentary Gasland, according to the Guardian. The Telegraph confirmed that Ruffalo was added to the list, as far back as 2010. That documentary recently won the special jury prize at this year’s Sundance film festival. Ruffalo said he was “concerned about the impact of drilling on water supplies.” For some time now, the well-known actor has addressed the subject, ...

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