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Artist Creates Fabric That Can Fool Facial Recognition Tech
Post Date: 2017-01-15 12:50:51 by Horse
A German artist has revealed a new technology that he hopes will make it easier for individuals to avoid the growing Surveillance State. Adam Harvey is an artist and “technologist” based in Berlin, Germany who is well known for using his artistic prowess to create art and fashion that could potentially disrupt the capability of facial recognition technology. Harvey has been profiled in the past for his elaborate ideas on styling hair and makeup in a way that prevents faces from being recognized by surveillance cameras outfitted with facial recognition software. He is now working on a new project called Hyperface. Harvey is working with international interaction studio ...

"They Are The Opposition Party" - Trump May Evict Press From The White House
Post Date: 2017-01-15 12:21:53 by Horse
The simmering cold, if heating up with every passing day, war between Trump and the press may be about to turn conventional, with the occasional chance of an ICBM. Just days after calling out CNN fake news during his first press conference of 2017, Esquire reports that according to three senior officials on the transition team, the incoming Trump administration is "seriously considering" a plan to evict the press corps from the White House. If the plan goes through, one of the officials said, the media will be removed from the cozy confines of the White House press room, where it has worked for several decades. Members of the press will be relocated to the White House Conference ...

Mad As Hell
Post Date: 2017-01-14 17:55:11 by Horse
Fair warning, my family just received a 61.5% increase in our healthcare insurance premium of 2017, on top of last year’s 24.8% increase, so I am quite annoyed at the moment. For my non-US readers, perhaps what follows will interest you as a means of understanding how and why Donald Trump came to be elected President. I am going to be channeling some of my inner crank today. If you want to understand why Trump won the recent US presidential election, you can't overlook the economic data. If you do, his victory may look mighty confusing, alarming even. But once you understand the degree to which the average US family and the entire Gen-X and Millennial generations are being ...

Post Date: 2017-01-14 05:38:33 by Horse
Poster Comment:Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, Trump will name his nominee to the supreme court in his first two weeks. On Wednesday, Trump said that he will announce his pick for the Supreme Court. You want the Supreme Court Justices Trump appoints to be no more than 40 so he or she outlives Ginsburg and Sotomayor. The latter is 62. She did a lot of funny things as a bankruptcy court judge that in the old days under Obama we could do nothing about. After a few months of Clinton Foundation scandals, maybe we could bounce her off the court and get another conservative Justice.

Artist's Impression Of Obama's Farewell Address
Post Date: 2017-01-13 23:47:46 by Horse

Ben Garrison eviscerates the mainstream mediasaurus with latest spicedy dank cartoon!
Post Date: 2017-01-13 16:26:08 by Horse

Civil War Begins In Washington
Post Date: 2017-01-12 22:44:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Darrin McBreen talks to former NSA Director William Binney about the Civil War that's brewing in Washington as U.S. intelligence agencies are caught red handed in their attempt to blackmail President Elect Donald Trump.

The Ft. Lauderdale Shootings
Post Date: 2017-01-12 18:27:10 by Ada
The Ft. Lauderdale Shootings By Chuck Baldwin January 12, 2017 There was another mass shooting in a gun-free zone: this time in the Ft. Lauderdale airport in Florida. As I have said repeatedly, the most dangerous place in the world to be is in a gun-free zone. An example is the heavily gun-controlled city of Chicago. In a place where very few good guys are legally allowed to possess a firearm, some 762 people were murdered during 2016. That’s over two per day. And true to form, the mass shootings in Ft. Lauderdale make no more sense than any of the other mass shootings in this country--except that they took place in a gun-free zone, of course. Here’s what we’ve been ...

DPS chief: Driver came upon wounded trooper and killed man who shot him; I-10 closed near Tonopah
Post Date: 2017-01-12 16:27:42 by Horse
DPS spokesman discusses shooting of trooper near Tonopah Damon Cecil answers questions about a trooper being shot Jan. 12, 2017, at the scene of a rollover accident on Interstate 10 near Tonopah. DPS TROOPER SHOT ON I-10 NEAR TONOPAH A DPS trooper was injured in a shooting on I-10 near Tonopah on Jan. 12, 2016 I-10 was closed off near exit 94 where a DPS trooper was shot Thursday. Officials instructed semi truck drivers to back out as investigators gathered evidence. A man traveling to California came to the rescue of a wounded state trooper who was struggling with the gunman who had shot him on an isolated stretch of Interstate 10, authorities said. The man, who was with his wife, ...

Jonathan Pie Rant about the Left
Post Date: 2017-01-12 14:55:00 by Pinguinite
Too good a rant to not post.... I don't know if it will play without being logged in to FB but... www.facebook.com/viralthread/videos/598130190359668/

The Dialogue in the Kremlin
Post Date: 2017-01-12 10:05:44 by Ada
Not that I have an inside source or anything… Imagine the conversation in the Kremlin. Certainly, they have their hawks and doves. Let’s call them the “war party” and the “hopeful diplomats.” War Party: “NATO has been moving ever closer to the motherland. First Yugoslavia, then the Baltics, then Georgia, now Ukraine.” Hopeful Diplomats: “We think we finally have someone in Trump that we can work with. He says he wants to talk. Let’s give it a chance.” War Party: “You don’t understand. There is no more buffer between NATO and the motherland; next stop St. Petersburg, then Moscow.” Hopeful Diplomats: “We only ...

The Black Community and Crime
Post Date: 2017-01-11 17:41:35 by Ada
The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black. Listening to the news media and the Black Lives Matter movement, one would think that black deaths at the hands of police are the major problem. It turns out that in 2015, police across the nation shot and killed 986 people. Of that number, 495 were white (50 percent), 258 were black (26 percent) and 172 Hispanic (17 percent). A study of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, conducted by John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the ...

Hurrah For Weeds, Coyotes, and Rattlesnakes!
Post Date: 2017-01-10 07:48:56 by Ada
A friend of mine recently got a warning from City of Tucson that someone “reported” tall weeds in his yard. Oh, you didn’t know that weeds (or any plant the city and its snitches thinks is one) taller than 6 inches is illegal? Now, I don’t know if they’re worried about “assault weeds” with high-capacity seed pods or what. All I know is that the notice my buddy got said a city inspector didn’t even come out. They just accepted the report from some anonymous snitch and mailed out the decree from the government. He called and was told that the city doesn’t verify these reports, they’re called in anonymously, and they don’t know if ...

Prosecutors want California man to remove blog posts on FBI informants in refuge occupation case (Oregon, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge)
Post Date: 2017-01-08 20:09:17 by X-15
As a second trial looms in the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, federal prosecutors are perturbed that a California man associated with a network of militia groups obtained FBI reports on its confidential sources and has written about them in an online blog. Prosecutors on Friday asked a judge to order Gary Hunt to immediately remove all material about the confidential sources from his website and prevent him from continuing to share the sensitive information. The presence of nine informants on the eastern Oregon refuge during the 41-day occupation last winter as well as six other informants who worked on the case for the FBI was revealed during testimony during the first ...

Fake News Meme
Post Date: 2017-01-08 13:24:50 by Horse

The Political Elite Versus The People
Post Date: 2017-01-07 09:00:51 by Ada
For thirty years I have been hammering away about the crucial importance of understanding “power elite analysis” or “libertarian class analysis” in order to make sense of how American society operates. Historic events are not random and unconnected but fall within an intelligible political/economic context. This is clearly something our Founding Fathers knew well. They spelled this out for all the world to see and reflect upon in the Declaration of Independence. I have never seen this stated in such a clear and eloquent manner than in Angelo M. Codevilla’s new book, The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America And What We Can Do About It. It should be read by ...

Trump Aims To Cut The Neocon Deep State Off At The Knees
Post Date: 2017-01-06 00:02:11 by Horse
The Neocon-Neoliberals must be fired and put out to pasture before they do any more harm. I have long held that America's Deep State--the unelected National Security State often referred to as the Shadow Government--is not a unified monolith but a deeply divided ecosystem in which the dominant Neocon-Neoliberal Oligarchy is being challenged by elements which view the Neocon-Neoliberal agenda as a threat to national security and the interests of the United States. I call these anti-Neocon-Neoliberal elements the progressive Deep State. If you want a working definition of the Neocon-Neoliberal Deep State, Hillary Clinton's quip--we came, we saw, he died--is a good summary: a ...

The Titanic Sails at Dawn: Warning Signs Point to Danger Ahead in 2017
Post Date: 2017-01-05 08:54:05 by Ada
“When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters Despite our best efforts, we in the American police state seem to be stuck on repeat, reliving the same set of circumstances over and over and over again: egregious surveillance, strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, government spying, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, etc. Unfortunately, as a nation we’ve become so desensitized to the government’s acts of violence, so accustomed to reports of government corruption, and so ...

WikiLeaks threatens to sue CNN after ‘pedophile’ charge repeated on air
Post Date: 2017-01-05 08:15:17 by Ada
WASHINGTON The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks on Wednesday threatened to sue CNN over unproven allegations that its founder is a pedophile, an accusation that a former CIA deputy director repeated on air. “We have issued instructions to sue CNN for defamation,” WikiLeaks said in a Tweet, unless the Atlanta-based network airs within 48 hours “a one-hour expose of the plot.” Former CIA counterterrorism official Philip Mudd, appearing on CNN’s New Day program, called WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange “a pedophile who lives in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.” Within hours, CNN’s New Day Twitter account carried a statement saying that Mudd regretted the ...

Pentagon: US Will ‘Offer’ Support to Turkey in North Syria Invasion Spokesman Says Discussions Ongoing
Post Date: 2017-01-05 08:08:44 by Ada
A day after hyping the idea that having warplanes fly over the ISIS city of al-Bab, but not bombing them, amounted to a “show of force” in support of Turkey, the Pentagon is now hyping that they’re going to “keep supporting” Turkey in al-Bab, and that might include more than just taking a good look at it while they fly by. Pentagon spokesman Col. John Dorrian claimed talks “at a diplomat level” are ongoing with Turkey and that the US is prepared to “offer” additional support to Turkey, though no such offer has yet been made, and it isn’t clear what that might entail. Turkey has been invading al-Bab for weeks, with limited success, and ...

Another Feeble Attempt To Legitimize Killing in War
Post Date: 2017-01-03 07:13:27 by Ada
I have not yet seen the movie Hacksaw Ridge about Desmond Doss, the first conscientious objector to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, but I have read numerous reviews and comments about the movie. Doss was a devout Seventh-Day Adventist who registered as a conscientious objector before the United States entered World War II. When he was drafted in 1942, he requested assignment to medical duty so as to serve his country according to the dictates of his conscience by caring for the sick and wounded. Doss was harassed, mocked, and derided by his platoon mates for his devotion to prayer and his refusal to touch a weapon or perform drills on Saturdays. That he also didn’t ...

Why Are You Telling Me?
Post Date: 2017-01-01 06:22:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:Never in the history of this sad planet have so many bitched about so much. And it all amounts to nothing. It isn't changing a damned thing. I have yet to hear "Storm the Castle". "Lynch the bastards!"

Post Date: 2016-12-30 12:19:42 by Horse

PIZZAGATE UPDATE - Megyn Kelly and Faux News REALLY Don't Want You to See This!
Post Date: 2016-12-30 11:03:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Dec 18, 2016How embarrassing! They actually call this REAL news, my friends, while they strut around like peacocks conducting interviews like this!Smelly Kelly and Faux News are hiding something...I'm convinced!Here's the scoop on the Alex Jones clip IN CONTEXT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifri5...This is where Alefantis admits Comet Ping Pong DOES have a basement: http://archive.is/2O5n7#selection-158...

Bundy Militants ‘Locked And Loaded’ After Obama Monument Push
Post Date: 2016-12-30 08:19:40 by Ada
The decision by Obama to protect 300,000 acres of land in Nevada prompted new calls for confrontation among American militants Anti-government militants erupted with fury and calls for an armed uprising after President Obama designated a new national monument in Nevada that includes the site of the infamous Bundy Ranch standoff between right-wing agitators and federal agents. Members of the self-styled militias that swarmed to the aid of Cliven Bundy outside of Las Vegas in 2014 — and who later joined the rancher’s sons to seize a federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon — said they were readying for another showdown. Obama’s move on Wednesday to protect 300,000 acres ...

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