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Investigating #ShadySuperPACs And Media Manipulation With Andrew Kerr
Post Date: 2016-12-16 22:40:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is the man who discovered that Media Matters shares office space with a Super PAC and others and is pocketing the rent money. Maybe $900,000. David Brock’s Super PAC Has Made Over $1 Million in Rent Payments to a Company That Might Not Exist. http://www.thecitizensaudit.com/2016/12/15/david-brock-super-pac-making-rent- payments-to-company-that-doesnt-exist/ David Brock’s Media Matters Has Hidden $1,052,500 From The IRS Since 2010 http://www.thecitizensaudit.com/2016/12/13/david-brocks-media-matters-has- hidden-1052500-from-the-irs-since-2010/

If our soldiers were really fighting for our freedom...
Post Date: 2016-12-16 15:10:26 by Horse

Georgia Sec. of State asks Trump to investigate DHS over hack
Post Date: 2016-12-15 15:12:28 by Horse
Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp requested in a letter written to Donald J. Trump Wednesday that the President-elect investigate the Department of Homeland Security itself for attempting to breach the state’s voter database back in November once Trump takes office on January 20. This comes after the Secretary of DHS Jeh Johnson failed to provide Kemp with any prudent information regarding the attack, which Johnson blamed on the misconfiguration of a staffer’s computer. Kemp says the matter needs to be independently verified by Microsoft and other experts and that he will not accept Johnson’s statements haphazardly. “There are still many questions regarding the ...

The Cost of Failure
Post Date: 2016-12-15 09:03:18 by Ada
The Pentagon wastes money while failing to update key military vehicles. An internal Pentagon study found $125 billion that could be saved over a five-year period by eliminating waste and inefficiency, the Washington Post reported last week. But as is now standard operating procedure at the Pentagon, senior leaders dismissed the claims, disparaged those doing the study, and continued pursuing business as usual. This should not be ignored, because the status quo of wasteful business practices demonstrably weakens our national defense. For years, service chiefs have sat before Congress and testified that sequestration and reduced defense budgets have compromised their ability to defend ...

When SWAT Raids Are Routine
Post Date: 2016-12-15 08:12:07 by Ada
A conversation with the director of Do Not Resist. In his documentary Do Not Resist, Craig Atkinson depicts the militarization of police in the United States. Atkinson embedded himself with numerous SWAT teams across the country and followed them on their regular deployments. John Payne interviewed Atkinson by phone in November, and the conversation has been edited for length and clarity. John Payne: What inspired you to make a film about police militarization? Craig Atkinson: My father was a police officer, and I think that very much influenced my curiosity. He was a SWAT officer for 13 years, during the late ’80s and early ’90s, which gave me a background to see that things ...

Aleppo Fighting Resumes With Shelling, Airstrikes
Post Date: 2016-12-14 14:46:11 by Ada
Syria, Rebels Trade Blame Over Collapse of Evacuation Deal Just a day after Russia had brokered a ceasefire which would lead to the evacuation of what is left of the rebels in Syria’s northern city of Aleppo, the rebels and government are back to fighting again, with no sign that the evacuation is going to happen any time soon. The military is described as controlling upwards of 99% of the city at this point, and airstrikes hit what is left of rebel territory, amid artillery fire from the rebel areas into the rest of the city. The UN warned that the new fighting may amount to a war crime, though honestly in Aleppo it’s just the latest of many crimes over the last half decade. ...

Why They Hate Rex Tillerson
Post Date: 2016-12-14 07:24:07 by Ada
He’s not John Bolton, he’s not Mitt Romney, and he’s for peace with Russia While the Democrats morph into a neoconservative party of paranoiacs whose main issue is hating on Russia, and the John McCain-Lindsey Graham duo arises to make its last stand in a Trumpified GOP, Rex Tillerson is the perfect target of their ire. Seeking to delegitimize the President-elect as a Russian-controlled Manchurian candidate, the CIA-Clinton-Saudi axis of “resistance” is on the warpath, and Tillerson’s alleged ties to Vladimir Putin are taking center stage in what is bound to turn into a knock-down drag-out fight on the Senate floor. What’s noteworthy about this ...

Forget American Whines, It Would Be Irresponsible of Russia Not to Have Contact With the Taliban
Post Date: 2016-12-14 02:34:50 by Tatarewicz
RI... Americans unleash chaos from the other side of the ocean, but Russia has to live with it Given the record of American occupations it may very well come to where peace with the Taliban is preferable to further empowering ISIS The basic rule of geopolitics is that everything American interventionists touch turns into an umitigated disaster. Take Iraq for example where the problem for Americans has gone from being Saddam Hussein to being a Sunni insurgency to being ISIS -- each less desirable for the US than the other. So Iraq used to be run by a clean-shaven strongman but the US did not like that and deposed him. As soon as it did that however it found itself facing a scary Sunni ...

Snowden claims US govt ‘trapped’ him in Russia
Post Date: 2016-12-14 01:48:30 by Tatarewicz
RT... Edward Snowden claimed the US government could have allowed him to travel to another country but instead “trapped” him in Russia in an attempt to raise suspicion that he was a spy. “The government could have let me go to Ecuador or Bolivia,” he said, but chose instead to “keep” him in Russia, Snowden told Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Snowden was in Russia and due to leave the country when his passport was revoked. He has remained in the country since 2013. READ MORE: Snowden-Dorsey interview: Periscope chat for whistleblower & Twitter CEO (LIVE VIDEO) The whistleblower claimed he had in no way been working alongside the Russian government and has ...

Woman Fired For Calling Michelle Obama An "Ape In Heels" Quietly Gets Her Job Back
Post Date: 2016-12-13 15:11:45 by Horse
Pamela Taylor, the director of the Clay County Development Corp in West Virginia, who got some unwelcome fame for calling Michelle Obama an "Ape in Heels" on Facebook has just been cleared to go back to work. According to the Chareleston Gazette-Mail, Taylor will return to work on December 23rd at the CCDC which received nearly $2.0mm in state and federal funding in 2014. The director of a Clay County nonprofit group, who was removed from her position after making a racist Facebook post about first lady Michelle Obama, plans to return to her job later this month, according to a letter from the agency's acting director. Pamela Taylor, whose online post referred to Obama as an ...

Snouts in the Trough, Hooves in the Till: Why You Shouldn't Donate to a Police Charity
Post Date: 2016-12-13 08:58:56 by Ada
To understand why the public cannot confide in government-employed police to protect private property, it is useful to consider how frequently police steal from each other – and members of the public who ingenuously donate to police-operated charities. This isn’t because police officers are underpaid; it is because their occupation cultivates a sense of privilege and contempt for other people’s property. The median annual household income in Idaho is roughly $49,000. Mark Furniss, 46, was making almost $20,000 a year in excess of that figure when he resigned from his job as a Boise Police Officer on October 20, the same day that he and his wife Sara filed for Chapter 7 ...

Burqas, mosques, ‘gay propaganda’ all banned in Hungarian village
Post Date: 2016-12-13 00:30:56 by X-15
The far-right mayor of a southern Hungarian village has banned the open expression of Islam, including the building of mosques and wearing of veils and headscarves, as well as the promotion of same-sex marriages. In a post on Facebook, Laszlo Toroczkai, mayor of Asotthalom, a village near the Serbian border, outlined the proposals adopted by his council after a session on Wednesday. All board members voted for the new rules, with only two abstentions. “Instead of looking for a scapegoat, I offer an immediate solution, a defense against the forced mass resettlement [of migrants] by Brussels,” Toroczkai wrote in his post. “Today the Asotthalom village council adopted my ...

Bundy..the true story
Post Date: 2016-12-12 22:12:51 by john stadtmiller
Ammon Bundy is being punished in his maximum security prison cell and being kept in solitary. If you want to hear the entire broadcast that was done with Al Whitney and Ron McDonald on the National Intel Report. Go to the website Republicbroadcasting.org click on archives and look for my show dated 12-12-16. "I was feeling sorry for myself because I didn't have enough money to buy a new pair of shoes.......until I met a man that didn't have any feet"

Putin Sends Chechen Special Operation Forces to Syria
Post Date: 2016-12-11 19:13:32 by Ada
Very interesting news today: according to the journal Izvestia, Russia will be sending operators from the so-called “Chechen” special forces battalions “West” and “East” to Syria to “guard the Russian installations” in Khmeimim and Tartus. According to Russian sources, these two battalions have been converted into a “military police” force which will be fully deployed by the end of December. This news leaves many fascinating questions unanswered. First, even though the Russian sources make it sound like we are talking about two full battalions, I suspect that this is not the case and that a few companies will be formed from elements drawn ...

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria
Post Date: 2016-12-10 08:25:17 by Ada
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) may have more sense than all the other democrats (and most republicans) in congress put together. Ms. Gabbard appeared on the Chutzpah News Network (CNN) and answered questions about her alignment with President-elect Donald Trump on foreign policy. Gabbard denounced the US policy of regime change and support for radical Islamic terror in Syria, accusing Washington of direct material support to the terrorists. Jake Tapper: “Are you really suggesting that US govt is funding these terrorist groups?” Tulsi Gabbard: “Ah, I’m not only ‘suggesting’ it. This is… this IS the reality that we’re living in.” Tapper: “Not ...

Standing Athwart at Standing Rock
Post Date: 2016-12-09 06:11:53 by Ada
Can the president-elect broker peace between Native Americans and oil companies? On the evening of November 20, near Cannon Ball, N.D., members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their supporters, some 400 in all, tried to cross the Blackwater Bridge on Highway 1806, protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. If completed as planned, the pipeline would carry oil beneath the tribe’s sole source of drinking water, Lake Ohae, on the Missouri River. According to the Morton County Sheriff’s Department, the bridge had been closed owing to safety concerns arising from the fires set by protesters in late October. Indeed, two burned vehicles obstructed the crossing. ...

A Goal for Trump: End Disproportionate DC Affluence
Post Date: 2016-12-08 16:18:45 by Ada
A friend is fond of saying, “But for the federal government, Washington would be Richmond.” He’s not dissing Richmond. He’s making the common sense observation that behemoth government is the reason DC metro thrives. After all, as of late 2014, five of the nine richest counties in the U.S. were commuting distance from Washington. A Trumpian government reform project would reduce the federal government as an engine of DC metro’s wealth. That wealth has created legions of affluent professionals, in and out of government, who reside in DC’s ever-sprawling reach. These government-dependent pros are about protecting their turf and growing government when possible. ...

In the Donetsk People's Republic,(Ukraine's East) It's Impossible to Tell What's Real
Post Date: 2016-12-08 08:24:54 by Tatarewicz
Vice/PMF... In March of 2014, Russian-backed separatists began to forcibly take control of large areas of east Ukraine. They started riots, invaded government buildings and set up roadblocks. They were opposed to the Ukraine revolution, favouring the ousted pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. With him gone and the country moving towards Europe, the separatists took up arms. With the help of Russian-supplied firepower such as tanks and Grad missiles, the separatists fought off Ukrainian troops. The insurgency turned into a full-scale war. At that time, the Ukrainians were poorly trained and ill equipped. After nearly three years of conflict, though, they've grown battle hardened ...

Lame Duck Senate Shouldn't Ratify NATO's Inclusion Of Corrupt, Military Midget Montenegro
Post Date: 2016-12-08 08:13:00 by Ada
Historically countries made alliances to improve their defense or otherwise advance important security interests. In contrast, the U.S. uses NATO as a form of international welfare, inducting nations with little military capability or even economic strength. The latest recipient of defense charity is expected to be Montenegro, whose membership application influential Senators hope to rush through the lame duck session. Montenegro is a postage stamp nation with the population of one congressional district. It is located in the unstable, brutal, and nationalistic Balkans, the fount of so much conflict and hardship throughout history. Montenegrins never had an easy time of it, with the ...

Trump to End Regime Changes, Focus on Fighting ISIS
Post Date: 2016-12-07 07:02:35 by Ada
Says Policy of 'Intervention and Chaos' Must End In comments which provide the most detail yet on President-elect Trump’s foreign policy intentions, he laid out a vision of a more focused style of US military intervention abroad, insisting the focus needs to be on “defeating terrorism and destroying ISIS.” On the other hand, Trump said the US would “stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn’t be involved with,” saying that the policy of “intervention and chaos” needs to come to an end. Trump delivered the comments to a large crowd in Fayetteville, NC, as part of his vision for rebuilding the US ...

Federal government blocks Dakota Access oil pipeline route (Protesters will not be removed)
Post Date: 2016-12-04 19:05:15 by hondo68
A crowd gathers in celebration at the Oceti Sakowin camp after it was announced that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers won't grant easement for the Dakota Access oil pipeline in Cannon Ball, N.D., Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016. (AP Photo/David Goldman) CANNON BALL, N.D. (AP) -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Sunday that it won't grant an easement for the Dakota Access oil pipeline in southern North Dakota, handing a victory to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and its supporters, who argued the project would threaten a water source and cultural sites.North Dakota's leaders criticized the decision, with Gov. Jack Dalrymple calling it a "serious mistake" that "prolongs ...

Italian PM Renzi loses key referendum (On EU), exit polls say
Post Date: 2016-12-04 17:49:35 by Horse
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has lost a key referendum on constitutional reform, exit polls suggest. Polls for national broadcaster Rai and the La7 television channel both projected the "No" camp as winners by a margin of at least 54% to 46%. Mr Renzi had staked his future on a "Yes" vote, vowing to resign if voters rejected his plans to reduce the role of the country's Senate and take back powers from regional authorities. He is due to address the nation at around midnight local time (11pm UK time. 6 pm US CT). Opposition parties were quick to call for Mr Renzi to go. "Renzi is going to go and with him the powerful lobbies who were also ...

Something Strange Is Taking Place In The Mediterranean
Post Date: 2016-12-04 17:19:57 by Ada
NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale For two months, using marinetraffic.com, we have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs, and, using data from data.unhcr.org. We have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness of a big scam and an illegal human traffic operation. NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities. Human traffickers contact the Italian coast guard in advance to receive support and to pick up ...

MILO Calls Out Conservative-Bullying College Professor at West Virginia University
Post Date: 2016-12-02 09:28:54 by Ada
MILO called out Daniel Brewster, a West Virginia University professor during his talk at the college on Thursday, criticizing the professor for allegedly purposely holding a “multicultural LGBTQ event” at the same time as his and offering extra credit to students who attended. After listing all of the things he enjoys about West Virginia University, Milo declared that “There is one thing about this college however that I have got to tell you I’m not so fond of… and his name is Daniel Brewster.” “I understand he has a bit of a reputation on campus. Now, Professor Brewster teaches sociology, which comes in just above gender studies in my “burger ...

FLASH: Kremlin to Consider Citizenship for US Columnist Paul Craig Roberts
Post Date: 2016-12-01 08:26:58 by Tatarewicz
RI... Press spokesman Dimitri Peskov said today an application from the former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury would be considered Well, talk about cutting through the red tape. Just hours after RI republished a letter from top alternative media columnist Paul Craig Roberts asking President Putin for a Russian passport, the Russian president's press spokesman has responded: The Kremlin is ready to consider the issue of granting the Russian citizenship to Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, if he were to file a corresponding application, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday. Earlier this week, Roberts asked Russian ...

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