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Ways You Can Be Killed During An Encounter with Police
Post Date: 2016-10-06 08:04:56 by Ada
“Police are specialists in violence. They are armed, trained, and authorized to use force. With varying degrees of subtlety, this colors their every action. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence is implicit in every police encounter. Violence, as well as the law, is what they represent.”—Author Kristian Williams October 05, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "The Rutherford Institute" - How do you protect yourself from flying fists, choking hands, disabling electrified darts and killing bullets? How do you defend yourself against individuals who have been indoctrinated into believing that they are superior to you, that their word is ...

Americans Are Ashamed Of The US Regime
Post Date: 2016-10-05 00:03:21 by Tatarewicz
Zharkov... We should be ashamed. The US government-financed senseless murders of millions of Iraqi, Libyan, and Syrian people, the needless destruction of their cities, villages, and culture, the mass genocide of the European culture, and the economic threats and threats of war against Russia and the Russian people are the most evil acts of the century. These satanic acts of revenge on the human race cries out to god for punishment. Maybe that's the function of Hillary Clinton, to punish America? Or maybe Obama is doing that now? But is this America's fault, or is it the fault of the tiny cabal of criminal elite, those who attend Trilateral/CFR meetings, Bilderberg meetings, ...

'Third Force' Throws a Wrench in Syrian Ceasefire Plans
Post Date: 2016-10-03 04:14:35 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... The Syrian ceasefire agreement brokered by the US and Russia has had certain flaws since the very outset, experts assume; according to Russian expert Stanislav Tarasov, the interference of a "third force" could have been behind the agreement's failure to take root. According to Antoun Issa, a US-based Lebanese-Australian journalist, the Syrian ceasefire deal has been doomed to failure since the very outset. "The collapse of the latest Syrian cease-fire is no surprise. Indeed, most observers had been pessimistic about the deal holding before it came into effect on September 12. Following the pattern of previous failed attempts to implement a cease-fire, the ...

Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President
Post Date: 2016-10-02 05:44:44 by Ada
Headline on Drudge. THUGS OF CHARLOTTE WHITE MAN DRAGGED, BEATEN BEGGING FOR MERCY Just another day at the Exceptional Nation. Racial attacks, racial threats, looting, burning. When I am politically upset, I loot stores. Don’t you? It is worth understanding what we deal with. The video makes it clear. The rioters grow in imagination. This time they tried to throw a photographer into a fire. There was stealing, of course. They steal in response to anything they don’t like. What they can’t lift, they break. And they attack whites. It doesn’t matter to them who did what to whom. An African cop in an African city with an African police chief shoots an African criminal, ...

The war against Syria: both sides go to “plan B”
Post Date: 2016-10-01 19:21:50 by Ada
In view of the total failure the US policy to regime-change Syria and overthrow Assad, the time has now come for the United States to make a fundamental choice: to negotiate or double down. Apparently, Kerry and others initially tried to negotiate, but the Pentagon decided otherwise, treacherously broke the terms of the agreement and (illegally) bombed the Syrian forces. At which point, Kerry, Power and the rest of them felt like they had no choice but to “join” the Pentagon and double down. Now the US “warns” Russia that if the Aleppo offensive continues, the US will not resume negotiations. This is a rather bizarre threat considering that the US is clearly unable to ...

Progressive, Heal Thyself
Post Date: 2016-10-01 09:12:57 by Ada
Once again, race riots plague America, this time in Charlotte, a relatively prosperous and quiet city in North Carolina. Not a good sign. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Volumes. My main work as a writer at this point is to discover, analyze and expose the various mindsets that have us trapped in problems, unable to grasp some very obvious and sensible solutions to those problems. I spent forty years trying to change things through the political process and by writing hundreds of articles that, in my opinion, diagnosed problems and proposed workable solutions. The response, not only to my modest efforts but to the whole liberty movement, was a yawn. People did not ...

Poroshenko vetoes parlimentary amendment which would have allowed opting out of Ukraine army
Post Date: 2016-09-30 00:54:42 by Tatarewicz
Mass Desertion In The Ukraine Junta Military As The Donbass Campaign Is A Complete Disaster ! on: September 29, 2016 Speaking at a briefing on Tuesday, Deputy Chief of the Ukrainian Junta General Staff Volodymyr Talalay confirmed that Coup leader Poroshenko had recently vetoed a law proposing amendments to the Law on Military Service, which would allow contract soldiers to break their contracts. Army According to the officer, the changes proposed by this law would have resulted in “negative consequences” for Ukraine’s national defense. “We cannot afford to strip military units of personnel today,” he added. Commenting on this decision in an analysis for the ...

Mike Rivero: Under The New World Order
Post Date: 2016-09-24 16:01:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:Mike Rivero is challenging YouTube to take down his video. YT has a volunteer force ready to take down videos that offend (the NSA, CIA, the Banks and Israel.)

No matter what, don’t use Google’s new Allo messenger app, says Edward Snowden
Post Date: 2016-09-23 08:40:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
09.22.16 | 6:17 am No matter what, don’t use Google’s new Allo messenger app, says Edward Snowden The search giant's new WhatsApp competitor combines messaging with a digital assistant to allow you to chat like never before—but those who care about their privacy and mass surveillance should steer clear of the app, Edward Snowden said in a series of tweets. Free for download today: Google Mail, Google Maps, and Google Surveillance. That's #Allo. Don't use Allo. https://t.co/EdPRC0G7Py— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) September 21, 2016 What is #Allo? A Google app that records every message you ever send and makes it available to police upon request. ...

"Deplorables Unite" - (Do you hear the people sing) Trump Anthem
Post Date: 2016-09-22 16:01:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:Great song and video. I am listening to this for the second time.

Poll: "Disrespectful' float at fair parade causes controversy (Hillary & Obama in Jail)
Post Date: 2016-09-20 11:54:59 by Horse
AMARILLO, TX (KFDA) -A float at the annual Tri-State Parade sparked mixed reactions among fairgoers Saturday morning. A picture of the float was submitted to NewsChannel 10 by a viewer. In the photo, a man wearing a President Obama mask is shown waving to the crowd as the float passes by. The Obama look-a-like is also barricaded inside a makeshift prison alongside a faux Hillary Clinton. The photo circulated through Facebook over the weekend with some users believing the message was racist. "A lot of people in the black and Hispanic community are saying, 'why would you put a black man in a cage?'," said Amarillo resident Rodney Darnes. "The fact that Hillary is in ...

Priceless Bartering Chips: Part 1 (In SHTF Scenario)
Post Date: 2016-09-17 20:34:52 by BTP Holdings
Priceless Bartering Chips: Part 1 by 'Above Average' Joe Thursday, September 15, 2016 barter and trade Any survivalist that’s worth his salt has a stockpile of things he or she has identified that they may need to survive a natural or man-made disaster. However, it is extremely important that you realize the value of maintaining a barter store as well. When things go south, particularly in an economic collapse where the dollar is nearly worthless, a number of non-monetary goods will be more valuable than a fistful of dollar bills. It’s also important to recognize that no matter what we do we could never store enough of every item to account for every scenario for an ...

The Duke Campaign, Mike Pence, and the “Stoning of the Devil”
Post Date: 2016-09-15 19:09:33 by X-15
It is customary during the annual Hajj pilgrimage that Muslim devouts throw pebbles at three walls (formerly pillars), called jamart, in the city of Mina just east of Mecca. One of a series of ritual acts that must be performed in the Hajj, it is a symbolic re-enactment of Abraham’s hajj, where he stoned three pillars representing the temptation to disobey God and preserve Ishmael. The ceremony is commonly known as “the stoning of the Devil,” and may be regarded as a practice designed to reinforce socio-religious conformity and obedience. I’ve been reminded of this practice by the constant re-appearance in our own society of a primitive, ritualistic “stoning of ...

MCS Podcast #109: Self-Defense Over 50
Post Date: 2016-09-13 21:46:36 by BTP Holdings
MCS Podcast #109: Self-Defense Over 50 Loren Christensen Self Defense Over 50 One of the most frequent questions we get from listeners and readers when it comes to self defense is… “Can an older person really defeat a younger, stronger attacker in a real fight?” Now I’m not so stupid to think that a giant, 240 lb street thug doesn’t have a size and strength advantage against most “over 50” men and women. But frankly, it’s the wrong question. A better question is, “What specific tactics can an older person rely on to completely destroy that overconfident piece of sh*t who thinks I’m an easy target?” Now THAT I can work with! And ...

Is Philippine President Duterte Boldly Challenging America?
Post Date: 2016-09-13 11:35:16 by Stephen Lendman
Is Philippine President Duterte Boldly Challenging America? by Stephen Lendman Rodrigo Duterte is unlike previous Philippine leaders, subservient to US interests, going along to get along. Earlier this month, he called Obama a “son-of-a-bitch,” warning him not to criticize his extrajudicial killing policy, aimed at eliminating drug kingpins and dealers - reminding him of America’s longstanding deplorable record of unaccountable assassinations at home and abroad. On Monday, he challenged Washington again, calling for removal of US forces from Jolo and Basilan islands, saying: “These special forces…have to go. I do not want a rift with America, but they have to ...

10 Must-Have SHTF Survival Items
Post Date: 2016-09-12 18:51:32 by BTP Holdings
10 Must-Have SHTF Survival Items by Survival Life Contributor Monday, January 11, 2016 10-survival-items-fi Millions of Americans believe that in the not-too-distant future, America, and possibly the entire world, could be mired in a disaster of epic, Armageddon-sized proportions. Whether it comes from social upheaval, natural, act-of-God disasters, economic failure, world war, or even extraterrestrial attack, concerned individuals are preparing for the worst. Collectively, the apocalyptic event is known as when the SHTF, and is expected to be the ultimate challenge to mankind’s survival. SHTF stands for Sh*t Hits the Fan.The Internet is fairly replete with information on what to ...

How to Make Pemmican The Ultimate Survival food
Post Date: 2016-09-11 18:45:33 by BTP Holdings
Invented by the natives of North America Pemmican was used by Indian scouts as well as early western explorers. These people spent a great deal of time on the go and depended on having portable, high-energy, highly nutritious, and filling foods that would last for long periods of time without refrigeration. Click HERE to Learn How to Make Pemmican The Ultimate Survival Food www.thelostways.com/vsl/index.php?r=8494&hop=greenjk&split=600 People really should avert their gaze from the modern survival thinking for just a bit and also look at how folks 150 years ago did it. These guys were the last generation to practice basic things-for a living-that we call survival skills now. ...

The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
Post Date: 2016-09-11 10:40:09 by Southern Style
Must Watch Video – “The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime” Michael Krieger | Posted Sunday Mar 20, 2016 at 9:33 am 4 Comments All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him…The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent ...

‘He is one of us:’ Snowden’s lawyer on how whistleblower hid among refugees in Hong Kong
Post Date: 2016-09-11 02:03:56 by Tatarewicz
The refugees who provided Snowden with shelter in Hong Kong recognized that the whistleblower was in distress and embraced the opportunity to assist him, as they had experienced similar circumstances in the past, human rights lawyer Robert Tibbo told RT. Whistleblower Edward Snowden found shelter in the homes of several refugees in Hong Kong in 2013 while he was on the run from US authorities after revealing the NSA’s spy programs. Some of the asylum seekers used to be the clients of Snowden’s lawyer, Robert Tibbo. RT: It’s been three years since Edward Snowden was granted asylum in Russia, and little is known about how he evaded authorities or even that he was sheltered ...

Revolution No
Post Date: 2016-09-09 18:31:09 by Ada
I’ve received a few emails from folks wondering what it would take for people to figure out that the United States government is a police state. And, also, what it would take for people to look beyond it towards a different system. However, there are some things we must consider carefully here. For example, if we were to say that we wished to create a new country, are we not then making the very same mistake? Was this not how the United States government came into existence, after all? Before anything can be done, we must examine where people are getting these ideas about government, to begin with. The idea that some fictitious concept is “better” than the rest of them ...

Post Date: 2016-09-09 12:02:55 by Horse
WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election, Julian Assange said Thursday, thanks in part to new sources who stepped forward after the organization leaked internal emails from the Democratic National Committee. “We have tens of thousands, possibly as many as a hundred thousand, pages of documents of different types, related to the operations that Hillary Clinton is associated with,” the WikiLeaks founder said in a radio interview with Sean Hannity. “There are some, several … in response to the DNC publications, a lot of people have been inspired by the impact, and so they have stepped forward with ...

A Political Hurricane Is About To Sweep Across Europe
Post Date: 2016-09-09 09:55:52 by Horse
If you’ve been paying attention, you could see this coming a mile away. Although I’ve forecast huge political shifts in the West for years now, I made my strongest prediction on European changes late last year following the Paris terror attacks. In the post, A Message to Europe – Prepare for Nationalism I wrote: Actions have consequences, and people can only be pushed so far before they snap. I believe the Paris terror attacks will be a major catalyst that will ultimately usher in nationalist type governments in many parts of Europe, culminating in an end of the EU as we know it and a return to true nation- states. Although I think a return to regional government and ...

How Snowden escaped
Post Date: 2016-09-07 14:09:55 by Ada
EXCLUSIVE: The never-been-told story of those two pivotal weeks when the most wanted man in the world was hidden in the depths of a Hong Kong slum. HONG KONG — The tall, lanky American dressed in all black looked familiar. But Ajith, a 44-year-old Sri Lankan refugee seeking asylum in Hong Kong figured the nervous-looking man with the red-rimmed eyes fidgeting in the darkness outside the United Nations building in the Tsim Sha Tsui district of Kowloon was a U.S. army dodger. Summoned by his immigration lawyer in the late evening of June 10, 2013, Ajith (last names of the refugees in this story have been withheld), a former soldier in the Sri Lankan military, was told the ...

MCS Podcast #108: Integrating Armed & Unarmed Combatives (With Tim Larkin)
Post Date: 2016-09-06 20:25:19 by BTP Holdings
MCS Podcast #108: Integrating Armed & Unarmed Combatives (With Tim Larkin) by Tim Larkin Target Focus Training Tim Larkin Are gun-owners a little “too confident” in their ability to use a firearm for personal defense? No, I’m not talking about whether or not you can put a bunch of holes within 1 square in a paper target. I’m talking about whether or not you’re ignoring your “back-up plan” for when your gun may not be readily available in an attack. Sadly, most firearm-focused protectors out there fail to take a more holistic approach to their defense plan. So I asked my buddy, Tim Larkin, to share his insights on how to integrate combatives ...

US Denies Entry to Ex-UK Ambassador Who Is Critical of US Foreign Policy
Post Date: 2016-09-06 11:40:02 by Ada
The United States over the weekend denied travel to a former British ambassador, Craig Murray, who was also a British diplomat for some 30 years, and is the author of several books. Murray has stood twice for election to the House of Commons. He was “honored” by being thrown out of Uzbekistan by its repressive government after risking his life to expose appalling human rights abuses there. He is not a terrorist and is not a social media jihadi. He has no criminal record, no connection to drug smuggling, and does have a return ticket, a hotel reservation and ample funds to cover his expenses. He is however seen as a threat to the United States. Ambassador Murray was headed to ...

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