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Trump Hammers On Brexit, “Independence Day” And Repudiation Of Rule By The Global Elite
Post Date: 2016-07-05 14:18:50 by Horse
One thing is clear, whether or not everyone will agree with what is said, Trump is at least speaking more directly than most politicians do. Donald Trump has always framed his candidacy as providing the average American with an opportunity to vote for an outsider, someone not already part of the traditional political machine. Immediately following Brexit, we asked whether or not this was Trump’s opportunity to seize the momentum and use the referendum result as an example of what can be done if the people stand up against the global elites. It turned out that Trump wasted no time in making sure that the people of America understood that what had been done in the UK can be done in the ...

Turkey Terrorist Attack: how this Hero prevented an even greater tragedy from happening
Post Date: 2016-07-04 11:45:29 by BTP Holdings
You've probably heard about the Turkey Airport terrorist attack that happened last week. 47 people dead and over 200 wounded... a truly inhuman tragedy. But what isn't as widely known is that one of the attackers was actually stopped by an airport cop who had a gun on him. If that brave man wasn't around... and if he didn't use his gun... there's no telling how much higher the death toll would have been. Of course, the liberal media quietly downplayed what this man did because it proves once again that owning and carrying a gun is the ultimate tool for self-defence... However, even I have to admit that airports ARE tricky. You can't get past airport security ...

Obama's transgender policy 'devastating' military 'Your heart goes out to these people, but this isn't the responsibility of the Armed Forces'
Post Date: 2016-07-04 08:49:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
One of the nation’s leading experts on military experts calls the Obama administration’s policy of allowing transgender troops to serve openly “more than irresponsible” and says the impact of the administration’s fiscal and social policies on the nation’s Armed Forces is “devastating.” On Thursday, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced he was changing Pentagon policy. “I’m announcing today that we’re ending the ban on transgender Americans in the United States military,” said Carter. “Effective immediately, transgender Americans may serve openly, and they can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the ...

udge Anna Riezinger - 02-20-2016 RBN (in Defence of Humanity)
Post Date: 2016-07-04 08:36:52 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to Itistoolate ============= Published on Feb 24, 2016Judge Anna Riezinger talks about the Evil FRAUD BAR gatekeepers of Bankster Corporate Governments that infest the world TODAY. And how to remove the FRAUD CRIMINAL LEGALESE PARASITES.GUILTY OF PERSONAGE: the crime of knowingly misrepresenting a living man or woman as a legal fiction - some form of corporation, such as a trust, public utility, or foundation.GUILTY OF BARRATRY: Named after the BAR Association for good reason. The crime of knowingly bringing false claims & charges based on PERSONAGE in order to use foreign statutory law against living ...

Ancient History All Over Again
Post Date: 2016-07-04 07:59:58 by Ada
The two most beautiful words in the history of the world, and in any language, are “Molon Labe,” the accent on the second syllable of both words, the b pronounced v in the second. These two little words were the laconic response by King Leonidas of Sparta to the offer by the great Persian king Xerxes of not only safe passage, if they lay down their arms, but also a settlement of lands of better quality than any they had possessed up to that time. You know what I’m talking about. The Hot Gates, or Thermopylae, in Greek. The year is 480 B.C., the month is August, and the Persians number more than 1,250,000 fighters, accompanied by 1,800 triremes in support. The rest of the ...

Contrary to US advice, Iraq bombs an Isis convoy
Post Date: 2016-07-04 04:45:49 by Tatarewicz
Voltaire Network | 2 July 2016 At the end of the battle for Fallujah, a convoy of around 500 vehicles allowed Isis fighters to flee the city to Syria. The Pentagon refused to bomb the convoy because the vehicles belonged to civilians and they were probably transporting the wives and children of some jihadists. However, the Iraqi army decided to bomb it, destroying more than 200 vehicles and killing their occupants. Iraqi soldiers are convinced that the Pentagon had received instruction to let the CIA advisers, that were training the jihadists, escape. Translation Anoosha Boralessa

NATO arrests Mateusz Piskorski, the Polish Leader of the Opposition
Post Date: 2016-07-04 04:40:16 by Tatarewicz
Voltaire Network | 23 May 2016 On 18 May, the houses of our collaborator, Mateusz Piskorski and his team, (Konrad Rkas, Tomasz Jankowski and Nabil Malazii), were searched by the Polish police. Mateusz Piskorski was arrested on the suspicion of “spying”, and put in prison. Central Europe is profoundly divided between those supporting closer ties with Western Europe (the European Union) and those in favour of closer ties with Eastern Europe (the Russian Federation). Mateusz Piskorski, a former MP and director of a publishing house, set up the European Centre for Geopolitical Analysis and, more recently, the party Zmiana (Change). Piskorski is fighting for the unity of the ...

Iceland's capital votes to boycott all Israeli products
Post Date: 2016-07-03 22:27:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Try that in America!!

Why Your Bug Out Bag Isn't Enough
Post Date: 2016-07-03 22:26:06 by BTP Holdings
I'm actually away in the mountains, and we just did a refreshing day's hike as well. It's such a great day, and I always look forward to it. We're having a nice barbecue & roast for dinner tonight - so plenty to look forward to! And I'm also grateful for you and our tribe - the Survive and Thrive Tribe, where I feel like we're making strides in preparedness.... And yesterday, I spent some time writing a piece for you, which I think will be really valuable... So in the spirit of the 4th, I hope you enjoy this article I've written for you... Why Your Bug Out Bag Isn't Enough The idea of having a bug out bag has gained in popularity to the point where it ...

US Mayors Blast Obama, NATO: War Games on Russia’s Border Endanger Humanity
Post Date: 2016-07-03 17:53:24 by Horse
The leaders of America’s towns and cities issued a resolution warning the Obama administration and NATO that continued anti-Russian provocations place humanity at greater risk of nuclear annihilation. The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), the official non-partisan organization for city leaders administering populations greater than 30,000, moved to condemn NATO’s Anaconda War Games on Russia’s border as increasing the threat of nuclear conflict. Soldiers park their amphibious vehicles on a ship as they participate in a massive amphibious landing during NATO sea exercises BALTOPS 2015 that are to reassure the Baltic Sea region allies in the face of a resurgent ...

WOW! The Indict Recommendation: Loretta Lynch Says She Will Indict if FBI Recommends — It’s Now Comey’s Choice!
Post Date: 2016-07-01 11:57:27 by Horse
I’m laughing my ass off, and looking forward to him giving the indict recommendation. Wow, this is huge. New York Times just broke the story that a high-level official is saying that Attorney General Loretta Lynch will accept any recommendation that FBI Director James Comey hands her, regarding Hillary’s email scandal. If Comey says to indict, Lynchwill indict. This move was seen as a reaction to her and Bill Clinton getting caught in theirsecret rendezvous on her private jet. From NYT: Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges ...

Austrian Court Orders Rerun Of Presidential Election After Finding "Widespread" Voting Fraud
Post Date: 2016-07-01 11:06:32 by Horse
In yet another slap in the face for an already reeling Europe, moments ago Austria's Constitutional Court ruled on Friday that the presidential runoff election must be held again, handing the Freedom Party's narrowly defeated candidate another chance to become the first right-wing head of state in the European Union. Norbert Hofer of the anti-immigration FPO lost the May 22 vote to former Greens leader Alexander Van der Bellen by less than one percentage point, or around 31,000 votes, all due to mailed-in ballots. This prompted a loud outcry of allegations that the vote had been rigged. As it turns out the allegations were spot on. Austrian Freedom Party presidential candidate ...

CIA knew it had the wrong man, but kept him anyway
Post Date: 2016-07-01 07:55:30 by Ada
Internal CIA report reveals new details of arrest of German citizen Khaleed al Masri Agents realized early that there was no reason to have detained Masri, report says Still, Masri was held for months in a dark cell with only a ‘bucket for his waste’ BERLIN By January of 2004, when German citizen Khaleed al Masri arrived at the Central Intelligence Agency’s secret prison in Afghanistan, agency officials were pretty sure he wasn’t a terrorist. They also knew he didn’t know any terrorists, or much about anything in the world of international terror. In short, they suspected they’d nabbed the wrong man. Still, the agency continued to imprison and ...

Yemeni nation steadfast in supporting Palestinians: Houthi leader
Post Date: 2016-07-01 01:42:40 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has described the Yemeni nation’s support for Palestine and Palestinian resistance movements in the face of the Israeli regime’s aggression as “solid and unwavering.” Houthi said late on Thursday that the Yemenis wholeheartedly love their Palestinian brethren and praise the courageous stands of Palestinian resistance movements, which hail from the core of the society. He further described popular uprising as the main means to withstand the US and Western support for the Tel Aviv regime. Houthi also pointed to the sacrifices made by the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, lauding it as an ...

Thanks in no small part to Russia, Hezbollah is now a full-fledged army
Post Date: 2016-06-30 17:44:05 by Horse
For now its focus is on the Syrian civil war, where it is sustaining heavy losses, but the Lebanese Shiite terror group has become a far more formidable player in the 10 years since the Second Lebanon War Times of Israel Pictures being published from time to time by Hezbollah tell a great deal about its role in the fighting in Syria. In some of the pictures Hezbollah fighters can be seen leaning against Russian tanks, and the truth is that since Russia began its open military activities in Syria, Hezbollah fighters are also learning Russian methods of war, becoming familiar with advanced Russian weaponry, coming to understand the latest Russian technologies, and in some cases, actually ...

The Elites Have Lost The Right To Rule
Post Date: 2016-06-30 09:58:25 by Horse
Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, In the end, the elites will be overthrown and a power vacuum will form. The transition period will be extremely difficult as the elites will fight their demise to the end. For you see, they care nothing for you they care about their power and control. Nevertheless, rulers have always only ruled by the will (or apathy) of the people and when the people become overly taxed and abused they always rebel. The main thing to think about is what kind of society do we want to rebuild from the ashes. I am of the view that it must be a return to the Constitution and an elimination of central banking power and secrecy. Let’s not fall for a ...

Post Date: 2016-06-30 08:46:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In a column for Foreign Policy Magazine, Council on Foreign Relations member James Traub argues that the elite need to “rise up” against the “mindlessly angry” ignorant masses in order to prevent globalization from being derailed by the populist revolt that led to Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump.Concerned that, “Today’s citizen revolt — in the United States, Britain, and Europe — may upend politics as nothing else has in my lifetime,” Traub notes that Brexit was an “utter repudiation of….bankers and economists” and an example of how “extremism has gone mainstream”.Citing the potential for Trump to split the ...

Do You Need Weapons, Combat Skills in Today’s World?
Post Date: 2016-06-30 08:02:05 by BTP Holdings
Do You Need Weapons, Combat Skills in Today’s World? Jeff Cantor | Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 7:30 am While shopping at my local supermarket, I witnessed something so vile that I just have to tell you about it. I’m not sharing this experience merely to put a sensational story in my newsletter. I want to increase your awareness about the potential dangers that lurk everywhere in today’s crazy world. And I want you to start thinking about how to prepare for a situation like the one I am going to describe just in case it ever rears its ugly head near you. The incident at the market began while I was looking over shelves jam-packed with jars of jelly and peanut butter. ...

Judge Jeanine's Open (On Brexit and Trump)
Post Date: 2016-06-28 22:00:31 by Horse

What Difference Does It Make: Meme
Post Date: 2016-06-28 12:47:18 by Horse

Edward Snowden Denounces Russia’s New 'Big Brother' Surveillance Bill
Post Date: 2016-06-27 05:57:00 by Tatarewicz
RI... Edward Snowden has been in exile in Russia since 2013, when he leaked classified documents about the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programs. Now he’s entering a similar fight in his new home, speaking out on Twitter against a Russian bill that would require internet service providers and phone operators to archive records of users’ communications and make them available to law enforcement for six months. Mass surveillance doesn't work. This bill will take money and liberty from every Russian without improving safety. It should not be signed. The bill, approved by Russia’s Duma on Friday, encompasses more than just digital surveillance. It also ...

Keeping Food Cool Without Refrigeration
Post Date: 2016-06-25 23:22:40 by BTP Holdings
Keeping Food Cool Without Refrigeration Posted In Gardening and Food, Survival | 1 comment Dear Fellow Survivalist; One of the scariest scenarios we face in our modern world is that of an EMP, terrorist or cyber-warfare attack taking out our electrical grid. Modern society is so dependent on electrical power, that if we every truly lose it, our entire way of life will go down with it. According to estimates by the EMP Commission, 90 percent of Americans would die in the aftermath of an EMP. That makes it one of the most devastating disasters that could possible strike this country. With that in mind, preparing for an EMP makes a good basis for establishing how you plan on surviving a ...

WHen Even the Super Genius MicHio KaKu LOST HiS COOL ! ! !
Post Date: 2016-06-25 22:32:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Post Brexit Meme
Post Date: 2016-06-25 18:38:59 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is actually the post Brexit headline from the NY Post.

New Scientific Studies From Russia Show How 6 Hours Sitting in a Chair Could Save Your Life from a Violent Criminal Attack
Post Date: 2016-06-25 09:29:22 by BTP Holdings
New Scientific Studies From Russia Show How 6 Hours Sitting in a Chair Could Save Your Life from a Violent Criminal Attack When you’re too close to draw your gun and the attack happens too quickly to get out your knife or any tactical weapon… you need training to fill the gap. Now you can turn the criminals “rule book” to your advantage even without spending a minute on a mat practicing these “lethal force” moves. From: Tim Larkin Las Vegas, Nevada Saturday, June 25, 2016 Dear Friend, In a matter of a few hours, YOU can turn the tables on a bad guy who wants to take you out. You can be equipped to end any random act of violence on your terms. In a mere ...

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