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The Empire Will Strike Back
Post Date: 2016-02-29 00:12:21 by Horse
The populist revolt fueling non-mainstream political movements in both Europe and the US flows from a single source: you can not fool all the people all the time. The central lie of our time is that governments can and should forcibly assume control of individuals’ lives, in the name of vague and always shifting greater goods. The Command and Control Futility Principle holds that governments and central banks can control one, but not all variables in a multi-variable system. The number of variables global governments and central banks have arrogated to their purported control has grown beyond measure. Breakdowns are visible everywhere, and as those failures exact their ever-increasing ...

ACTION REPORT: NN and company covered by Yahoo, Young Turks, Stormer
Post Date: 2016-02-28 18:31:19 by NeoconsNailed
Our showing in Columbia SC on the 20th, the same day as the Republocrat primary there, has struck a nerve. Two minutes with Dr. Carter: www.yahoo.com/politics/pro-confederate-group-endorses-donald-trump-in- 005353727.html Four with the gang: www.dailystormer.com/our-people-in-south-carolina-stood-with-trump/ Extremely rare for the Stormer to wax that enthusiastic. Comments are good so far and I agree with some criticisms but where is that young lady when we need her and what's her real name? I didn't make it down there but am of course heavily involved, and sure am proud of our team. This cause desperately needs young people! Order copies here if you like -- get involved ...

2 Animals Home Invaders Fear Most. One Is A Dog. But The Other One Is Waaaaaay Scarier!
Post Date: 2016-02-28 10:18:29 by BTP Holdings
2 Animals Home Invaders Fear Most. One Is A Dog. But The Other One Is Waaaaaay Scarier! by Jeff Anderson In talking with convicted home invaders and burglars, studies show that they fear two animals over everything else… The first is dogs. A Pit Bull, Doberman, Rottweiler or German Shepherd are badass guard dogs and will give any home invader a fight for his life… but their large size can also make them more difficult to handle on a daily basis. Even smaller, yappy, scrappy dogs can be effective as “early warning devices” lurking outside your home and even after an intruder breaks in, can delay an attack by biting an invader’s lower legs and ankles. So you ...

Stand Up For Whistleblowers — Our Liberty Depends On Them
Post Date: 2016-02-28 08:05:08 by Ada
The inhumane criminal organization that goes under the name of the United States Government has violated its laws and international laws by refusing to punish torturers and war criminals, instead punishing only those who expose the evil and illegal deeds of the United States government. After blowing the whistle on torture and domestic surveillance by the George W. Bush administration, former CIA officer John Kiriakou and former NSA executive Thomas Drake were prosecuted under the Espionage Act — by the same Obama Justice Department that has refused to prosecute a single torturer or any official who ordered illegal mass surveillance. I urge you to support whistleblowers such as ...

I laughed When My Attacker Pulled Out A Gun...
Post Date: 2016-02-28 07:52:06 by BTP Holdings
“Don't you dare move! Hand over your wallet, NOW!” A hooded figure emerged from behind me waving his black .44 magnum, waiting for my reaction. But all I did was bite my lip. I wanted to laugh. Not only did this fool still have the safety switch on… but he had no idea he was begging for a death-wish by asking me to reach my arm out toward his hand. Little did he know that handing over my wallet would put me in close enough range to execute the 3-Point Death-Touch. Now, I’m no trained fighter. And I’ve only mastered this technique just recently. But if a move can dismantle an enemy in 5 seconds without needing years of training to master it… then who ...

Take Control of Your Personal Safety
Post Date: 2016-02-27 09:25:16 by BTP Holdings
Take Control of Your Personal Safety Kevin Michalowski | February 26, 2016 The shootings in Kalamazoo, Michigan will no doubt be the topic of conversation for quite some time. You can bet that the anti-gun crowd will use the actions of this killer as a reason to continue to press ahead with demands for more and more gun control. You can also bet that people are going to start making calls for further, more intrusive mental health checks prior to the purchase of a firearm. Reacting to this case with legislation is useless. The suspect in this case was, by every indication, able to pass every background check anyone could institute. Then, one day, he decided that he would, for whatever ...

“My Kind of Town (Chicago Is)”
Post Date: 2016-02-27 09:02:06 by BTP Holdings
“My Kind of Town (Chicago Is)” Mark Walters | February 26, 2016 You remember the lyrics, right? The Frank Sinatra tune? My kind of town, Chicago is My kind of town, Chicago is My kind of razzmatazz And it has, all that jazz It may be Frank Sinatra’s kind of town but it ain’t mine. To me, it’s a socialist-controlled, gang-ridden cesspool. Now to be sure, I have been to Chicago many times in the past and really enjoyed the culture of the city when I was there…every time. The restaurants, the vibe, the pubs, and the sports. I’ve watched the Bucs lose to the Bears in the old Soldier Field more times than I care to remember both on television and from ...

The Law of Self-Defense
Post Date: 2016-02-27 08:18:48 by BTP Holdings
The Law of Self-Defense BY TIM SCHMIDT - USCCA FOUNDER Earlier this week, I had the great honor of welcoming author, attorney, and self-defense-law expert Andrew Branca to the USCCA Headquarters here in West Bend, Wisconsin. Among other very impressive credentials, Branca is a Master-class IDPA competitor and an Adjunct Instructor on the Law of Self Defense at the SIG Academy in Epping, New Hampshire. He’s also a longtime concealed carry permit holder in his home state of Massachusetts. Branca published the 2nd edition of his book, The Law of Self Defense, in 2013—and I have to say: it’s an extremely articulate yet accessible presentation of absolutely critical ...

What It Means If Apple Makes an iPhone It 'Can’t Hack'
Post Date: 2016-02-26 21:03:18 by NeoconsNailed
Even if the US government forces Apple to help break into the iPhone of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook, the company reportedly has plans to design its new devices to prevent it from being technically capable of assisting the feds in future cases. Unfortunately for Apple and its privacy-conscious customers, this change would only go so far in protecting companies from being forced to write software for the government if the company loses its case in court. Read more: Apple's Motion to Vacate the FBI's Order: Full Text According to a report Wednesday night from the New York Times, the company's public spat with the FBI over encryption has accelerated efforts to improve its ...

This Is the Only Way to Buy Gold Without the Government Tracking You
Post Date: 2016-02-26 13:10:41 by NeoconsNailed
(This reads like one of those long promotions that ends with a link to buy the info -- but Doug, being Doug, just gives it away right in the text. You won't believe how ingeniously simple it is. NN) If you’re buying gold right now…the government could be tracking you. If you’re buying gold, you’re likely not doing it to make money. You’re buying it to make sure you don’t wake up poor one day. Gold has been used as money for thousands of years because it is easily divisible, easily transportable, has intrinsic value, is durable, and has consistent form around the world. And, as Doug Casey reminds us, it's a good form of money because governments ...

NATO can’t fight Russians in Europe, says leading US think tank
Post Date: 2016-02-26 09:07:03 by Ada
A report by influential US-based think tank the Atlantic Council says NATO’s European members can’t fight a war against Russia. Earlier, the commander of US European forces said Americans were ready to “fight and win” against Russia. The report, due to be released Friday, was prepared by six senior defense experts, including former NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, deputy supreme commander Sir Richard Shirreff and former Italian defense minister and NATO military committee chair Giampaolo di Paola. The Financial Times said it warns of a “lack of progress” in NATO’s build-up plans. Many of the key members of the alliance are dogged by ...

Trumped up Fu@#en Lies
Post Date: 2016-02-25 13:54:56 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Red Pill podcast #43- Alternative News Censorship, Scalia murdered? ZIka & other distractions

Guantánamo Bay is only the symptom of a sickness: indefinite detention
Post Date: 2016-02-25 08:18:33 by Ada
President Obama wants to close Guantánamo. But unless he ends the policy of indefinite detention, it’s shameful spirit will live on Guantánamo has been a pockmark on our society ever since it opened. The detention facility itself is a human rights abomination, but it’s not just the physical center that is a problem – it is the spirit it embodies. The policy of indefinite detention in Gitmo makes a mockery of the US constitution. That’s why, as Barack Obama makes his latest impassioned and forceful plea to close it once and for all, it is shameful that he is leaving in place the practices that enabled it to flourish in the first place. It’s unlikely ...

A Warning To The Feds On Incremental Prosecutions Of The Liberty Movement
Post Date: 2016-02-25 01:03:22 by Horse
At the very onset of what would become the Soviet Empire, Vladimir Lenin decreed the creation of a national internal army called the “Cheka.” The Cheka were handed very broad police powers and tasked with the disruption and elimination of any form of dissent within the communist system. Lenin launched what would later be known as the “Red Terror”, in which nearly every Russian population center had an established Cheka office of operations using surveillance, infiltration, nighttime raids, imprisonment, torture and execution to silence opposition to the authority of the state. Some of these people were active rebels, some were outspoken political opponents and ...

Is NATO sprawl aggravating a ‘Serbian Spring’?
Post Date: 2016-02-24 09:05:30 by Ada
A symbolic treaty between NATO and the Serbian government has spurred mass demonstrations and calls for an alliance with Russia. With pending elections offering a choice between bad and worse, the frustrated populace is channeling the spirit of 1941. Last week, the Serbian parliament voted overwhelmingly to ratify a treaty with NATO’s Support and Procurement Organization (NSPO). President Tomislav Nikolic signed it into law on Friday. On Saturday, thousands of protesters marched through the capital, shouting slogans against NATO and calling on Russia for help. Some have even compared the treaty with NATO to the old Kingdom of Yugoslavia entering the Tripartite Pact in March 1941; ...

JR's Rare Books and Commentary
Post Date: 2016-02-23 17:24:13 by Horse
— A White Nationalist Literary Resource — Poster Comment:Look at his titles. If anyone has done business with him in the past, please ask him to post some of DB Smith's articles at Iamthewitness.com. His site was closed in fear of a French government impending arrest.

John McAfee blasts FBI for ‘illiterate’ order to create Apple iPhone backdoor (EXCLUSIVE)
Post Date: 2016-02-23 09:01:38 by Ada
Computer programming expert John McAfee has said the FBI would have to put a gun to the heads of all Apple programmers to get what they say they want, and that anyone who understands the issue stands with Apple, in an exclusive interview with RT. “There is no question that what the FBI has asked Apple to do is create a backdoor," McAfee said to RT America’s Ed Schultz. He disputed the bureau’s argument that only one phone used by one of the San Bernardino mass shooters would be affected. A contender for the Libertarian Party’s 2016 presidential nomination, McAfee is best known for creating the leading anti-virus program in 1987 that bears his name. Times have ...

Turkey Demands Unconditional US Support in Fighting Syrian Kurds
Post Date: 2016-02-22 09:13:59 by Ada
Reiterates Claim YPG Was Behind Ankara Bombing Over the weekend, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu demanded that the US pledge “unconditional” military support for Turkey in the fight against the Kurdish YPG, a Syrian faction which has been the primary US ally in fighting ISIS. “The only thing we expect from our US ally is to support Turkey with no ifs or buts,” Davutoglu insisted, reiterating the claim that the YPG was behind last week’s Ankara bombing, despite a Turkish faction, the TAK, claiming it. Turkey has repeatedly demanded the US sever ties with the YPG, and the US has repeatedly rejected those demands. Turkish officials appear to be hoping that ...

The United States versus America
Post Date: 2016-02-22 09:05:25 by Ada
Our regime-change policy in Syria is insane Here’s the final proof that our foreign policy of global meddling has gone off the deep end: the two Syrian factions we are subsidizing are now battling one another. The latest iteration of the “moderate” Islamist jihadists we’ve been backing recently engaged in a pitched battle with the Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG). Both are recipients of US tax dollars and the Kurds have the luxury of US “advisors” embedded in their ranks. In effect, one branch of our gargantuan national security bureaucracy is conducting a proxy war against another branch – and if that doesn’t underscore ...

RIP Bradley Smith, Holohoax-busting hero and legend
Post Date: 2016-02-21 20:54:01 by NeoconsNailed
(Smith founded CODOH = Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust and took the cause of Jue-truth to many college and university campuses. This caused much needed ruckuses and fermentation. He's had a great online presence on it. As you'll see, his quest started in the foul swamp of gliberalism -- so what. Being such a Californian I'm guessing he died one too -- so what. Faurisson is a proud gliberal but has done as much as anyone living to bust Jue power at excruciating cost to himself...... Smith was born and died on my birthday, if I'm next it's been good to know you. Typically for Revisionist luminaries, his material and approach always epitomized civility. See him ...

Turkey's increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers
Post Date: 2016-02-21 13:08:27 by Ada
Turkey is confronting what amounts to a strategic nightmare as bombs explode in its cities, its enemies encroach on its borders and its allies seemingly snub its demands. ISTANBUL – Turkey is confronting what amounts to a strategic nightmare as bombs explode in its cities, its enemies encroach on its borders and its allies seemingly snub its demands. As recently as four years ago, Turkey appeared poised to become one of the biggest winners of the Arab Spring, an ascendant power hailed by the West as a model and embraced by a region seeking new patrons and new forms of governance. All that has evaporated in the wake of the failure of the Arab revolts, shifts in the geopolitical ...

Snowden: ‘I would return to US if fair trial guaranteed’
Post Date: 2016-02-21 10:24:08 by Ada
Contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden told the New Hampshire Liberty Forum on Saturday he would return to America if the government guaranteed him a fair trial and allowed the jury to distinguish between “right and wrong.” More than 400 people gathered in a conference room at the Radisson Center in New Hampshire on Saturday to hear former NSA contractor speak via Skype from Russia. Snowden announced he would return to the United States if a fair trial were conducted. “I’ve told the government I would return if they would guarantee a fair trial where I can make a public interest defense of why this was done and allow a jury to decide,” Snowden was quoted ...

Post Date: 2016-02-21 03:22:40 by NeoconsNailed
The White Evangelical voting trends are something that has been a serious source of worry in recent weeks, as their support was what brought us Neo-Conservative idiot George W. Bush, as well as a slew of senators and congressmen that have proven to be nothing but cuckolds to the umpteenth degree. However, it finally seems as they have begun to stir from their long-time slumber by declaring their support for Donald Trump, as it becomes obvious that if current trends and policies were to continue, these folks would be stuck with a mongrel-land teeming with half-breed monstrosities, tens of millions of foreign beasts, and degeneracy that would make the pit of hell seem chaste and virtuous. ...

Hammer Time in Oregon
Post Date: 2016-02-20 10:24:28 by john stadtmiller

Kurds Warn Turkey of ‘Big War’ With Russia If Troops Enter Syria
Post Date: 2016-02-18 20:33:11 by BTP Holdings
Kurds Warn Turkey of ‘Big War’ With Russia If Troops Enter Syria Henry Meyer Stepan Kravchenko February 18, 2016 — 6:51 AM CST Updated on February 18, 2016 — 9:18 AM CST A Kurdish fighter handles a weapon in Tal Abyad, Syria. Photographer: Ahmet Sik/Getty Images MOSCOW, RUSSIA - FEBRUARY 16: Russian president Vladimir Putin attends a meeting of federal and regional judges at President Hotel on February 16, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Dmitry Azarov/Kommersant Photo via Getty Images) Russia has promised to protect Kurdish fighters in Syria in case of a ground offensive by Turkey, a move that would lead to a “big war,” the Syrian group’s envoy to ...

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