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A Sword For Survival? Violent Stalker Defeated By “Samurai Bishop”!
Post Date: 2016-01-24 11:40:41 by BTP Holdings
A Sword For Survival? Violent Stalker Defeated By “Samurai Bishop”! Jeff Anderson She was stalked by a 37-year old pervert… Ambushed outside of her Salt Lake City, Utah home as she was leaving for work, the young woman was knocked to the ground by her attacker who tried to take her keys and get into her home. A 14-y.o. boy saw the attack and woke his father – a Mormon Bishop and 4th degree black belt – to come to her aid. Did he grab a baseball bat? A gun? The Bible? No… he ran out of the house with the #1 weapon he relies on and… This Mormon Bishop Defeated A Violent Stalker With A 29-Inch Samurai Sword! Man With Sword Saves Woman Now, of course ...

US – Turkey eyeing military operation in Syria against ISIS if peace talks fail
Post Date: 2016-01-24 08:13:04 by Ada
[ Editor’s Note: My, my… John Kerry is signaling he is going into the Syrian negotiations prepared to put a gun to someone’s head if the US and Turkey do not get what they want. Gosh, I wonder whose head that could be, as ISIL is not going to be there… maybe ISIL’s supporters, like the Saudis or Qataris? Israel maybe? … certainly not Turkey, despite its now well-publicized oil smuggling. So it must be Assad, whose Army has done more to fight ISIL than anyone, and this is the thanks he gets — a threat that the US and Turkey would move into Syria, under a NATO diplomatic cover of course, to occupy a part of northern Syria to salvage their pipeline plans ...

The Undisputed Truth (About Veterans)
Post Date: 2016-01-24 00:56:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a song with words and pictures about the awful treatment veterans receive. 'I love my country. But my country doesn't love me.'

‘They caused problems’: CIA involved with Gitmo inmates’ suicides – former guard to RT
Post Date: 2016-01-23 08:41:50 by Ada
A former Guantanamo guard, who says he witnessed hunger strike “leaders” being brought to a secret CIA “black site”, is accusing the agency of having staged their suicide to get rid of the “problem”. At the time, the US said the men hanged themselves. On June 10, 2006, the Department of Defense reported that Saudi Arabians Mani al- Utaybi and Yasser al-Zahrani, and a Yemeni citizen, Ali Abdullah Ahmed, “killed themselves in an apparent suicide pact.” “Two Saudis and one Yemeni, each located in Camp 1, were found unresponsive and not breathing in their cells by guards,” Joint Task Force-Guantanamo said at that time, adding that “all ...

Emancipating the Military, Containing the Citizenry
Post Date: 2016-01-23 07:37:36 by Ada
Those who try to understand military policy often confuse themselves by focusing on minor matters such as strategy, tactics, logistics, and armament. Here they err. For years the central goal of the military, the brass ring, has been independence from control by civilians. It has been achieved. In time of war, the first concern of the command is to limit the flow of information to their publics. The actions of the enemy are an important but secondary consideration. Thus militaries strive to prevent the dissemination of photos of mutilated soldiers or, as in Washington today, of governmentally tortured prisoners. In the United States, which characteristically fights wars unrelated to the ...

'Save us Bill Gates!’ Satirical video game slams billionaire’s philanthropy
Post Date: 2016-01-22 19:01:43 by Horse
Anti-poverty campaigners have launched an online video game satirizing Bill Gates' global philanthropy and featuring a pixelated version of the billionaire flying across stereotypical African landscape. ‘Save us Bill Gates’ was released on Friday by UK campaign group Global Justice Now in a bid to highlight the business magnate’s role in international development. The game’s creators opted for 1980s-style animation, and have made it impossible for Gates’ character to lose money. Players must try to throw away all his money within 30 seconds by clicking their mouse. But no matter how hard players click, the billionaire’s wealth increases as the game ...

Monopoly The New Rules
Post Date: 2016-01-22 11:31:41 by Horse

Israeli Snipers Shoot Marines
Post Date: 2016-01-22 11:09:37 by wakeup
Israeli Snipers Shoot Marines Part 1 from John DiNardo on Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/152431534

"The Best of Attack and National Vanguard" -- complete book, free PDF!
Post Date: 2016-01-22 08:56:57 by NeoconsNailed
This is a ecx.images- http://amazon.com/images/I/51VC7OrJonL._SX390_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg">huge paperback published 30+ years ago, a "whole earth"-type collection of our kind of history, reality, news, comment, pics. Had it and gave it away merely because it wouldn't fit on any bookshelf, wish I hadn't! The stuff is selected from National Alliance periodicals -- yeah, by Kevin Strom, but during his pre-disgrace golden age. It's awkward to read online, but a grand tour of previous eras in rightist/whitist scholarship, wit and wisdom if you use the handy resize buttons at top. Currently priced $222 at Amazon. Whew, the complete text in Courier? You can see this ...

Nullifying the Jury
Post Date: 2016-01-22 08:07:49 by Ada
“Could we discuss potential punishments?” asked the tall, middle-aged man identified as “Juror 25” during the voir dire for the trial of Matthew Townsend on a ludicrous felony charge of “witness intimidation.” His supposed offense was to publish a well-reasoned and inoffensive Facebook post complaining about being arrested without cause. Pointing out that he had worked as a prison mentor for many years, and had actually counseled inmates facing the death penalty, the juror thought it would be worthwhile to know what would happen to Townsend if he were found guilty. Trial Judge Lynn Norton pointed out that once the trial proper began, the jury would be ...

The Right to Tell the Government to Go to Hell: Free Speech in an Age of Government Bullies, Corporate Censors and Compliant Citizens
Post Date: 2016-01-22 02:22:20 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell Free speech is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who are easily offended, readily intimidated or who need everything wrapped in a neat and tidy bow. Free speech is often messy, foul-mouthed, obscene, intolerant, undignified, insensitive, cantankerous, bawdy and volatile. While free speech can also be tender, tolerant, soft-spoken, sensitive and sweet, it is free speech’s hot-blooded alter ego—the wretched, brutal, beastly Mr. Hyde to its restrained, dignified and civil Dr. Jekyll—that tests the limits of our so-called ...

That South Carolina bill to register journalists? It was a ruse.
Post Date: 2016-01-21 14:10:57 by Horse
The South Carolina lawmaker who filed a bill Tuesday that would establish a registry for “responsible” journalists now says the whole thing was really — well, mostly — about exposing the media’s double standard on gun control. Gotcha! After submitting the “South Carolina Responsible Journalism Registry Law,” state Rep. Mike Pitts, a Republican, basically told the Post and Courier of Charleston that he was trolling the media; he knew journalists would flip out over the proposal to curtail 1st Amendment freedoms (we did), and he figured that reaction would stand in contrast to their lack of outrage over efforts to limit 2nd Amendment rights. “It ...

Best Second Amendment Video Goes Viral
Post Date: 2016-01-21 13:20:34 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video about the Battle of Athens.

The Glorious Underground Economies and How Folks are Learning to Survive and Thrive While Pissing Off Statists, Socialists and Tax Collectors
Post Date: 2016-01-20 21:11:35 by christine
Man has always survived through his labor - he simply must produces, trade and/or sell; it's how he feeds, houses and clothes himself and family or, put another way, it's absolute survival in the rawest sense. It's been that way throughout history and that paradigm will never change. But along comes government that literally extorts the product of his labor at the point of a gun, and the bigger the government theft machine the greater the efforts of man to skirt the robbery and extortion of taxation and government regulations. In the modern world, the activity of toiling to survive outside the expropriating system is called the underground economy or the shadow economy, and ...

HOMEOWNER SHOOTS, KILLS HOME INVADERS AFTER THEY BEAT HIM, PISTOL WHIP HIS MOM "I feel like if I hadn't had the gun in there, this whole news story would be about me and my mother being dead...”
Post Date: 2016-01-20 11:29:14 by Horse
A Georgia man used a firearm to fend off and subdue two gunmen after they invaded his home and proceeded to beat him and his mother. Last Wednesday afternoon around 5pm, Decatur resident Timo Hernandez, 28, and his visiting mother were sitting down for a chili dinner when they heard a knock on the door. “When I opened the door, these two guys stormed in with guns and started pistol- whipping me and took me to the ground,” Hernandez recounted to WTVM. The homeowner said one of the intruders next targeted his mother. “He started pistol whipping and kicking her in the side,” Hernandez described. Fortunately, one intruder made the mistake of leading Hernandez to the extra ...

Are you ready to go 'kick ISIS' a**?' Sarah Palin says that a Trump presidency would mean 'no more pussyfootin' around as she publicly endorses the 'rogue' Republican frontrunner
Post Date: 2016-01-20 06:16:09 by noone222
Sarah Palin joined Donald Trump on the campaign trail this evening in Iowa after offering him her endorsement earlier in the day, calling him a 'rogue' candidate who is 'beholden to no one but we the people. The one-time vice presidential candidate said a Trump presidency would mean 'no more pussyfootin' around.' 'Our troops deserve the best, you deserve the best,' she said at Trump's Ames, Iowa, rally tonight. 'He's from private sector, not a politician. Can I get a Hallelujah?' Palin, whose son Track is a veteran, told the troops to 'hang in there, help is on the way,' and asked her audience, 'Are you ready for a commander in ...

Shiksa Goddess: Destroy Them- 'S&M' Rhianna Parody
Post Date: 2016-01-19 19:21:53 by Horse

This 1 Meme Utterly Destroys Liberals’ Entire “White Privilege” Lie
Post Date: 2016-01-19 10:06:17 by Horse

Double Dip: Always on the Wrong Side: US Vet Questions Military’s Muddled Loyalties
Post Date: 2016-01-19 08:25:08 by Ada
An American Marine combat veteran has provided his own analysis of why US military leaders are frequently perceived as “mental cripples, delusional, paranoid and morally repugnant” and why the US military simply cannot be trusted by either the US president, its Commander-in-Chief, or by the American people. ____________ … from Sputnik News, Moscow – – Gordon Duff, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War and a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, has recently been very critical of the US military and its top commanders.The reason for his frustration is the incompetence and the either intentional or deliberate delusion of the country’s ...

Edward Snowden Speaks Out: “Hillary Clinton", "The Donald", & "Freedom"
Post Date: 2016-01-18 00:13:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
UPDATE 9/05/2015

Freedom Law School
Post Date: 2016-01-17 12:45:09 by BTP Holdings
Here is the audio player for weekly conference call. Poster Comment:Live free from taxes, both Federal and State.

The Man who fought the Bank
Post Date: 2016-01-17 10:34:30 by Horse

The Ascendance of Sociopaths in U.S. Governance
Post Date: 2016-01-16 11:02:59 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In this article, I’m going to argue that the U.S. government, in particular, has been overrun by the wrong kind of person. It’s a trend that’s been in motion for many years but has now reached a point of no return. In other words, a type of moral rot has become so prevalent that it’s institutional in nature. There is not going to be, therefore, any serious change in the direction in which the U.S. is headed until a genuine crisis topples the existing order. Until then, the trend will accelerate. The reason is that a certain class of people - sociopaths - are now fully in control of major American institutions. Their beliefs and attitudes are insinuated throughout the ...

Single-Serving Stalinism: The Continuing Persecution of Matthew Townsend
Post Date: 2016-01-16 09:10:48 by Ada
The State of Idaho remains perversely determined to steal five years from the life of Matthew Townsend as punishment for publishing a defiant but harmless statement on his Facebook page. His supposed offense was to criticize Meridian Police Officer Richard Brockbank by name, demand the dismissal of an equally spurious “resisting and obstructing” charge filed by the officer, and to promise a “non-violent and legal shame campaign” employing “peaceful but … annoying” tactics in the event that charge wasn’t dropped. The trial, which will be a Soviet-style exercise in seeking the imprisonment of a political dissident, will begin on January 19. ...

Shiksa Goddess: T.V-Unbelievable- 'E.T- Extraterrestrial' Katy Perry Parody
Post Date: 2016-01-14 14:01:28 by Horse
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