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"Hezbollah attack response to Israel's killing of Quntar"
Post Date: 2016-01-05 02:49:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:Israeli forces have launched rockets into southern Lebanon targeting residential areas in the Marjeyoun region. Lebanese media say Israel used the internationally-banned cluster bombs in the assaults. Earlier in the day fighters from Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah hit Israeli forces in Lebanon’s southern region of Shebaa farms. The Lebanese forces destroyed a military vehicle and injured a number of Israeli troops. Our Beirut correspondent Ali Rizk has the details.

The Dark Secret This 19-Year-Old Muslim Boy Was Hiding Just Got Him Arrested
Post Date: 2016-01-04 21:01:09 by BTP Holdings
The Dark Secret This 19-Year-Old Muslim Boy Was Hiding Just Got Him Arrested In these current times there are a lot of Americans who are worried about Muslims. They’re worried about the Muslims being allowed in the country and they’re worried about the Muslims who already live here. Because a large majority of Muslims believe the teachings of the Koran they suspect they’ll eventually follow through on the fundamental teachings requiring Muslims to wage jihad against infidels. And it’s not a far fetched concern, especially considering what officials just discovered about this 19-year-old Muslim. RightWingNews reported: Aziz is alleged to have posted a hyperlink ...

Isis May be Weakened by Co-ordinated Attacks But It Is Far from Being Overcome
Post Date: 2016-01-04 07:39:56 by Ada
The war in Iraq may become more like the war in Afghanistan over the coming years. Isis forces in fixed and identifiable positions cannot withstand ground assaults backed with intense air attacks by the US Air Force or, in the case of the Syrian army, by the Russians. The last extreme-fundamentalist Sunni state in the wider Middle East found this out in 2001 when US air strikes in support of the numerically smaller Northern Alliance overthrew the Taliban in Afghanistan. Like the Afghan Taliban, Isis may progressively revert to guerrilla war, in which it can best use its highly committed and well-trained fighters without suffering heavy losses. Isis is coming under growing military ...

The War Against the Cowboys
Post Date: 2016-01-04 07:25:54 by Ada
The Oregon stand off and US imperialism As our old republic fades into history, replaced by a voracious global Empire, the division between foreign policy and domestic policy is erased. A conquistador treats his helots on the home front with the same contempt he has for his subjects abroad. In both cases, conquest and subjugation is the goal – and rebellion is the inevitable result. Just as the people of Iraq rose up and finally threw out the American occupiers, so the people in the American West are rising up against their federal overlords. This is the reason for the occupation of a federal facility in Burns, Oregon, where hundreds of protesters rallied against the jailing of ...

Post Date: 2016-01-04 00:04:16 by wakeup

Agenda: Grinding America Down (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2016-01-03 23:55:04 by wakeup

The Science Of “The Invisible Bug-Out Bag”: How To Disappear In Plain Sight In A Crisis
Post Date: 2016-01-03 17:40:02 by BTP Holdings
The Science Of “The Invisible Bug-Out Bag”: How To Disappear In Plain Sight In A Crisis Jeff Anderson We’ve talked again and again about how critical it is to be ultra-prepared when the country shuts down – but WITHOUT letting anyone around you know that you’re prepared. If they know you’ve got all that survival gear you’ve been hoarding, you’re basically going to be walking around with a big target on your back, right? Your goal is to be virtually “invisible” to all around you. Unfortunately, most survivalists are going to stand out like a sore thumb because they’re following the common “doomsday prepper” approach with a ...

Post Date: 2016-01-03 14:32:09 by Ada
Corporate media portrays incident as illegal act by crazed gun-toting militias Corporate media coverage of the impending standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon will downplay the underlying issue—the federal government’s claimed ownership in the name of the “people” of nearly 650 million acres of land, almost 30 percent of the area of the United States. Click for Full Text!

Build a 6-Month Food Stockpile on a Tight Budget
Post Date: 2016-01-03 12:13:35 by BTP Holdings
Build a 6-Month Food Stockpile on a Tight Budget Leslie Hale six-month-food-stockpile Despite what you often see on TV and in the movies, stockpiling food is not only for those with conspiracy theories or living through a zombie apocalypse. It is now a part of life for those of us who are “what if” people or those with very strict budgets. Let’s face it: It’s not easy getting by in today’s economy. If we can save a little money on what we need to live by building a stockpile, then that’s what we should be doing. You may or may not be a fan of TLC’s Extreme Couponing, but I like to watch it just to see what those folks have built up. That being said, I ...

A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon
Post Date: 2016-01-03 11:35:25 by Ada
BURNS, Ore. (AP) — A protest in support of Oregon ranchers facing jail time for arson was followed by an occupation of a building at a national wildlife refuge led by members of a family previously involved in a showdown with the federal government. Ammon Bundy — the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights — told The Oregonian on Saturday that he and two of his brothers were among a group of dozens of people occupying the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Ammon Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for militia members to come help him. He said "this is not a time to stand ...

How to Report Internet Fraud
Post Date: 2016-01-03 10:01:38 by BTP Holdings
How to Report Internet Fraud By Chandra Steele March 5, 2014 11:50am EST The rate of Internet fraud is increasing. Here's what to do if you're one of its victims. How to Report Internet Fraud People get fleeced on the Web every day, and not just by obvious scams like Nigerian princes who want to share their abundant wealth or "girlfriends" who can never seem to get around to meeting you in real life. The United States reports more fraud than any other country, accounting for over 90 percent of the complaints in 2012, according to the Internet Complaint Center, a joint effort between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. On average, victims lost $1,813 ...

Ad Shows Army Prepping for Martial Law: “This Is Not Battle Training. This Is Riot Control”
Post Date: 2016-01-02 14:51:35 by BTP Holdings
Ad Shows Army Prepping for Martial Law: “This Is Not Battle Training. This Is Riot Control” by Mac Slavo Will martial law be declared on American soil? Will economic collapse and urban riots result in the final and total loss of civil liberties right here at home? It could happen, and it is one of the "eventualities" that the military is preparing for, though they are constitutionally barred from being used domestically against the American people. Part of the U.S. Army's latest ad campaign, broadcast frequently during football games and sporting events, and widely across many television programs, includes a 30-second spot that shows soldiers training with ...

“What Americans can Really Expect When the Dollar Collapses”
Post Date: 2016-01-02 14:13:01 by BTP Holdings
“What Americans can Really Expect When the Dollar Collapses” This man’s true-story is “like a crystal-ball view into our likely future in the USA.” —John L Dear Reader, If you are one of the millions who believe that simply buying gold or storing ammo or building a bunker are enough to keep you safe when the dollar collapses then you need to see this man’s story… He was just an ordinary architect with a wife, two children and a house in the suburbs when he was thrust into the largest collapse of sovereign debt the world has ever seen. The riots began in late December, just a couple days before Christmas Eve. Practically overnight, the banks ...

Free Report Reveals How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization!
Post Date: 2016-01-01 21:19:04 by BTP Holdings
Free Report Reveals How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization! In this FREE report find out what to do if the unthinkable happens. Could your family survive, even for a few weeks, without electricity... hospitals... water pumped in from miles away... and food trucked in from out of state? If terrorists succeed in attacking the U.S. power grid with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, they could throw America into the dark ages in a split second. A new generation of drug-resistant "superbugs" could result in global epidemics that kill up to 100 million people. And as hurricanes Katrina and Sandy proved, the Federal Government's ability to help during a national ...

A New Year’s resolution for revolution
Post Date: 2016-01-01 20:57:15 by BTP Holdings
A New Year’s resolution for revolution by Becky Akers As the police state tightens its stranglehold on us, patriots often despair: How can any one person fight such overwhelming force? Rulers spy on us 24/7, openly thirst to murder those who oppose them, expand an already burgeoning bureaucracy while hiring more bullies to boss us, steal our money via crushing taxation to finance it all and exceed even Marie Antoinette’s extravagance while we struggle to pay our mortgages. The state is so enormous and engulfs so much of life that defeating it seems impossible. Even the few congresscritters who try, however minimally, to restrain Leviathan’s growth fail. Nonetheless, we can ...

Post Date: 2016-01-01 15:25:56 by Horse
Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well- known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years. It began with trials of polio vaccines and yellow fever vaccines given in the early 1930s. This is when the first recorded cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism appeared. It involved the use of laboratory mice to prepare vaccines for human use. [1] 20 Million Americans Likely Infected with Retroviruses Retrovirus exposure ...

The Hitler Test
Post Date: 2015-12-31 22:01:35 by Horse

TV news anchors are 'human puppets'... The 2016 police state accelerates... living the greenie Big Oil LIE... new batch of Health Ranger podcasts posted to SoundCloud
Post Date: 2015-12-31 19:13:31 by BTP Holdings
TV news anchors are 'human puppets'... The 2016 police state accelerates... living the greenie Big Oil LIE... new batch of Health Ranger podcasts posted to SoundCloud Thursday, December 31, 2015 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) In addition to posting all my new podcasts on HealthRangerReport.com and iTunes, I've just opened up a new SoundCloud account to carry all my new audio commentary. Now you can get my informed, intelligent and totally uncensored commentary almost any way you wish! I also post these on my YouTube channel, although that's usually the last place to receive them. I'll be posting a whole lot more audio commentary in 2016. If you want ...

Well-Paid Pandering Pundits And The Fantasy Of Reform
Post Date: 2015-12-31 14:40:08 by Horse
Any serious reform has to start with the dissolution of the existing political parties and the Federal Reserve. Anything less is self-serving, pandering fantasy. Well-paid econo-pundit Joseph Stiglitz has a new book that repeats the usual pandering fantasy that "reform" can fix what's broken with the U.S. economy: Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity. Stiglitz has penned an economist's equivalent of round up the usual suspects: if only we limit rentier skims, too big to fail banks and "democracy" auctioned off to the highest bidder, everything will be peachy: debt-serfs' wages will magically soar and all ...

No, We don't Need This Bloated Military
Post Date: 2015-12-31 06:05:19 by Ada
I got a couple emails that asked me, “Hey, don’t you think we NEED a military?! What are we going to do if we’re attacked?!” Very well. I’ll play. Pay attention, boys and girls. Get up and make coffee and settle in for a nice winter’s chat. NUMBER ONE: The reason we end up being “attacked” in this day and age is because we stick our rather big nose into everyone else’s business. Listen, we all cannot stand neighbors that do that, so how much more would another country hate that behavior? Especially when it comes in the form of killing their citizens for vague political objectives none of them signed up for, wanted, or asked for. Most people on ...

Hezbollah Fighters Are Fed Up With Fighting Syria’s War
Post Date: 2015-12-31 04:46:50 by Ada
The Assad regime in Damascus has depended on Lebanon’s Army of God to shore up its weakened troops. But now many Lebanese fighters are refusing to serve. BEKAA VALLEY, Lebanon — They joined to fight Israel in Lebanon, but after multiple combat tours in the Syrian cities of Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, and around Damascus, Hezbollah reservists tell The Daily Beast that they are no longer willing to die in Syria’s unending, bloody civil war. As a result of their refusal to continue volunteering to prop up the embattled government of Bashar al-Assad, they say that the Shia Party of God has cut off the money they were accustomed to receiving: reservist paychecks and permanent family ...

“They Knew It Was the Right Thing to Do”
Post Date: 2015-12-30 10:01:26 by Ada
The unlikely rise of restorative justice in a conservative upstate New York county. This is the final installment in a series on victims of crime. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. When officials in rural Genesee County, New York, decided 35 years ago it was time to replace their old jail, they wanted to build something not just better but bigger. Doug Call, an assistant county attorney, thought that was a mistake. Though he lacked a law enforcement background, Call had seen enough of traditional punitive criminal justice—as an Air Force JAG officer and during the nearby Attica prison uprising nine years earlier—to put his faith in sentencing alternatives. His ...

Daughter of Stanley Kubrick Speaks Out
Post Date: 2015-12-29 04:29:13 by NeoconsNailed
Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the iconic filmmaker and director Stanley Kubrick, talks to Alex Jones about the nature of power and the human awakening that is taking place as a vibrant form of resistance against the takeover. A film director in her own right, Vivian explains why her father was decades ahead of his time in creating movies such as A Clockwork Orange and Doctor Strangelove, while also revealing what he would have thought of America today. Click for Full Text!

White Genocide Wiki
Post Date: 2015-12-29 03:06:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a resource center on White Genocide.

Let’s not lose our humanity
Post Date: 2015-12-28 20:25:22 by BTP Holdings
Let’s not lose our humanity Posted on December 28, 2015 by Kevin Michalowski woman holding glock The thought of what each of us might do when confronted with ruthless violence is, and should be, in the back of our minds at all times. It is something we need to prepare for. When the time comes and we are forced to fight, we need to be ferocious. We need to fight without mercy to stop the threat as quickly as possible in order to prevent death or great bodily harm from befalling those we have chosen to protect. But the operative words in the previous paragraph are the first four: “when the time comes.” We all know it is our responsibility to know when we can use force ...

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