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Top 5 Libtard Fails of 2015
Post Date: 2015-12-28 12:15:34 by Horse

NC mall shooter killed: wasn’t already in jail?
Post Date: 2015-12-28 11:12:54 by Southern Style
NC mall shooter killed: wasn’t already in jail? Dec26 by Jon Rappoport NC mall shooter killed: wasn’t already in jail? by Jon Rappoport December 26, 2015 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.) “There is virtually no self-serving story governments can sell, unless there are designated victims. Without them, governments would collapse. Therefore, the idea of raising up victims so they become self-sufficient is preposterous. No government would ever undertake that mission. Instead, they have their front-men claim the whole notion of self-sufficiency is cruel and heartless, a devious myth propagated by greedy evil men. As the ...

Here's Your New Years Resolution: Don't Enlist!
Post Date: 2015-12-28 08:39:14 by Ada
In case you needed any more evidence as to why you should not volunteer to lose your life, body parts, or mind, have a look at this article. Ok, so, what does that mean? It means that if you do not get the Golden Ticket to the Willy Wonka VA system (aka the Magic Paper, aka the Honorable Discharge), then you basically get a piece of McPaper that follows you everywhere you go. It’s like having a felony, in other words. What the article didn’t tell you is that even if you DID get an Honorable Discharge Magic Paper, but served less than 2 years, you do not qualify for Willy Wonka, either. How does that happen? Let’s say you get something like a Chapter 13, which is to ...

When the FBI Went After 'Mad' Magazine
Post Date: 2015-12-28 08:31:16 by Ada
In a memo dated November 30, 1957, an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation identified as “A. Jones” raised an issue of critical importance: "Several complaints to the Bureau have been made concerning the 'Mad' comic book [sic], which at one time presented the horror of war to readers." Attached to the document were pages taken from a recent issue of Mad that featured a tongue-in-cheek game about draft dodging. Players who earned such status were advised to write to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and request a membership card certifying themselves as a “full-fledged draft dodger.” At least three readers, the agent reported, did exactly that. ...

The Latest Excuse for Curbing Free Speech? ISIS.
Post Date: 2015-12-28 04:51:19 by Ada
Law professor Eric Posner never misses a chance to scaremonger for limits on free expression. Eric Posner is making quite the name for himself as one of free speech's virulent critics. The University of Chicago law professor appears to have an inexhaustible supply of rationalizations for why free expression must be policed by a benevolent government entity, one that will always share the same values and sensibilities deemed righteous by himself. In Slate, Posner writes that the "unprecedented threat" of ISIS using the internet to propagandize and recruit "calls for new thinking about limits on freedom of speech." His reasoning for for the abandonment of one of ...

The six laws of survival: Strategies for beating the worst case scenario
Post Date: 2015-12-27 18:29:21 by BTP Holdings
The six laws of survival: Strategies for beating the worst case scenario Sunday, December 27, 2015 by: Natural News Editor (NaturalNews) ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we just finished a series on how to escape from Bill Ayers' Summer Reeducation Camp[1] (or Gulag 17, depending on the situation). Now we will cover one of the most important elements of all: How to stay out of the "Happy" Camp. Best thing of all: do not go in. Easier said than done, however, there are some things you can do beforehand that will increase your chances of staying out of the Gulag.[2] (Story by Jeremiah Johnson, republished from ReadyNutrition.com.) These things are not complicated, however, they ...

The 5 Best-Selling Guns of 2015
Post Date: 2015-12-27 16:39:48 by BTP Holdings
The 5 Best-Selling Guns of 2015 Concealed carry is the hot trend in firearms sales, and the favorite weapon on this list features light weight and accuracy. Images With concealed carry a primary concern for gun buyers, Smith & Wesson's M&P Shield line of subcompact guns has proved extremely popular, with over 1 million guns produced. Image: Smith & Wesson Holding. There are probably as many favorite guns among firearms enthusiasts as there are models manufactured. One way to determine what the "best" gun is is to see what people are buying. But that's not a straightforward endeavor. Since Smith & Wesson Holding (NASDAQ:SWHC) and Sturm, Ruger ...

2015 year in review: 29 trends and events that just reshaped history (and may end in collapse or civil war)
Post Date: 2015-12-27 13:44:14 by Horse
I’ve analyzed what I think are the 29 most important trends and events from 2015 along with how I think they’ll impact us all in 2016 and beyond. This analysis is now published as a series of six podcasts on HealthRangerReport.com. 1) Massive uprising against the political establishment (Donald Trump rides the wave). 2) Backlash against GMOs accelerates: Chipotle goes non-GMO, Russia bans GMO agriculture, more foods getting labeled as non-GMO. 3) Accelerating rejection of the mainstream media as leftist agendas are no longer hidden from the public. More people turning off CNN and the New York Times. 4) The rise of the alt media, including all the sites I’ve personally ...

Food for Freedom (aquaponics)
Post Date: 2015-12-26 19:27:10 by BTP Holdings
Please STOP and take a moment to think about it! You have just seen the undeniable proof of the sinister agenda that will take over the entire US food supply! Believe me, you don't want to be depend on FEMA for your food... For my part... I can't forgive myself if you don't get a final chance to make the right choice ... even if I have to give you my hard earned knowledge on setting up you Aquaponics System at a loss... I know that some of you may not be able to spare $37 so that is why, right now I'm giving you a 40% discount... that $27 for the “FOOD FOR FREEDOM” blueprints and its bonuses Why am I doing this? Because when food hyperinflation hits $27 will ...

Emergency Food Secrets for Your Survival Kit (video)
Post Date: 2015-12-26 17:48:18 by BTP Holdings
Emergency Food Secrets for Your Survival Kit Leslie Hale , / 1519 3 emergency food for your survival kit One of the most important questions to ask yourself when forming a survival plan is how you’re going to feed yourself and your family when SHTF. Many people plan for a shelter-in-place scenario and stock their pantries full of emergency food rations. While this is of course a great idea, you also have to keep in mind that there may be a situation where you will need to bug out for survival. In such a situation, you will need to prepare by making sure you have plenty of food in your bug out bag or emergency survival kit. Of course, when it comes to packing a survival kit, space ...

ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Warns Israel: 'We Are Getting Closer to You'
Post Date: 2015-12-26 16:15:48 by BTP Holdings
ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Warns Israel: 'We Are Getting Closer to You' Image: ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Warns Israel: 'We Are Getting Closer to You' Saturday, 26 Dec 2015 01:47 PM BEIRUT — The Islamic State group on Saturday released a new message purportedly from its reclusive leader, claiming that his self-styled "caliphate" is doing well despite an unprecedented alliance against it and issuing an ominous warning to Israel. In the 24-minute audio, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said airstrikes by the international coalition only increase his group's determination and resolve. The message was al-Baghdadi's first since May, and comes amid battlefield setbacks ...

Feds Stop Sharing Stolen Cash & Cars with Police Depts, Setting Off Nationwide Cop Tantrum
Post Date: 2015-12-26 15:52:10 by NeoconsNailed
(Emphasis added -- NN :-) (RT) — The Department of Justice has announced a moratorium on splitting gains made from its civil asset forfeiture program with local law enforcement. Budget cuts of $1.2 billion made keeping the practice “impossible,” the DOJ said, upsetting police groups. While federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the US Marshals will continue using the legal tool, the“equitable sharing payments” will not return until “a later date should the budget picture improve,” according to the DOJ. Civil asset forfeiture is the taking ...

Gun Saves Compilation
Post Date: 2015-12-26 15:17:06 by Horse

Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law to Feed the Homeless – Hundreds Clothed and Fed
Post Date: 2015-12-26 15:04:41 by Horse
One week after DontComply.com staged one of it's biggest headline grabbing events, a mock shooting in a gun free zone, the group hosted its annual Feed the Need event in Dallas. The group fed and provided warm clothes to hundreds of homeless people in defiance of a city ordinance which requires a permit and fee to feed more than 75 people.

John Friend's The Realist Report – Martin Hill Confronts Trump- Podcast
Post Date: 2015-12-26 13:34:02 by Artisan
On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com. In this podcast, Martin and I discussed his activism, 9/ 11 research, and, most importantly, his confrontation with Donald Trump i n which he exposed the fact that Jews connected to the Mossad and the Israeli military were arrested on 9/ 11. This is one podcast you do not want to miss! Poster Comment:I am VERY happy with this interview, John did a great job, the audio is crystal clear. Fun interview.

3 Guns Juries HATE You To Own!
Post Date: 2015-12-26 09:26:36 by BTP Holdings
Bulletproof Legal Defense DVD For a Limited Time: FREE with Shipping Tell Us Where We Can Send Yours Below: Claim yours now: 1 Bulletproof Legal Defense DVD - FREE + $4.95 S&H Features "50% of your fate lies in this one single factor in the court room. Screw this up and your chances of going home just got drastically slimmer! The District Attorney's sneakiest trick to make it illegal for you to ever own a firearm again! Why 99% of all Defense Attorneys are wrong, wrong, wrong about what you should tell the police when they show up to the scene of the shooting! The 3 "tests" you must prove your actions against when sitting on the witness stand. (If you fail ...

Tea partyers fume over Paul Ryan’s spending bill, seek conservative challenger
Post Date: 2015-12-25 18:46:55 by Horse
Conservative activists are targeting House Speaker Paul D. Ryan for a primary challenge next year as retribution for the massive spending bill the Wisconsin Republican ushered through Congress at the end of the recent session. The effort is spearheaded by Wisconsin tea party groups and pro-life activists, who feel betrayed by Mr. Ryan’s nearly $2 trillion package. The spending bill avoided a government shutdown by surrendering on conservatives’ top priorities, including giving up the fights to defund Planned Parenthood and to block President Obama’s plan to bring at least 10,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S. The hunt is on to find a suitable conservative candidate who can ...

7 Examples Of Demonizing Dissension & Public Opinion
Post Date: 2015-12-25 07:51:54 by Ada
As the Western world’s “powers that be” tighten their tyrannical controlling noose on humanity’s dissension and public opinion, it has never been more important to remember the quote from Orwell‘s novel 1984:“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” To countermeasure this much-needed dissension and free public opinion to raise awareness and free humanity the powers that be have taken a severe stance on punishing those who oppose their views regardless of truth or untruth to advance an oppressive agenda. So, in response, during these times of universal deceit and oppression, here are 7 examples of unjustly demonizing ...

Democrat convention schedule released
Post Date: 2015-12-24 19:32:16 by Horse
Breaking News : 2016 Democratic Convention Schedule Leaked 11:15 AM – Free Lunch, "medical" marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention. Forms passed out for Food Stamp enrollment 2:30 Group Voter Registration for Undocumented Immigrants 4:00 Opening Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN 4:05 Singing of ”God #$% America “, led by the Righteous Reverend Jeremiah Wright 4:10 Pledge of Allegiance to Comrade Obama 4:15 Ceremonial "I Hate America" led by Michelle Obama 4:30 Tips on “How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you travel the world” – Hillary Clinton 4:45 How to have a successful career without ever ...

Busted: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine
Post Date: 2015-12-23 17:29:45 by Ada
German station, using CIA money said to be from Booz Allen Hamilton (Moscow Times and Syrian Human Rights Observatory funder) guilty as hell A Russian television channel alleges a German state broadcaster hired actors to show Russian involvement in the eastern Ukraine conflict. The scandal centers around a Russian ‘volunteer’ paid by the German company to say he was fighting in Ukraine. The documentary film, entitled ‘Strongman Putin’ produced by ZDF, suggests many Russians are fighting for the separatists opposed to the Kiev government. However, holes in the channel’s story start to open immediately, such as the Ukrainian flag being visible on the soldier’s ...

The Big Short: "Every American Should See This Movie & Be F##king Pissed Off"
Post Date: 2015-12-23 16:46:37 by Horse
The Big Short opens nationwide today. But it happened to have one showing last night at a theater near me. My youngest son and I hopped in the car and went to see it. I loved the book by Michael Lewis. The cast assembled for the movie was top notch, but having the director of Anchorman and Talledaga Nights handle a subject matter like high finance seemed odd. The choice of Adam McKay as director turned out to be brilliant. The question was how do you make a movie about the housing market, mortgage backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, collateralized debt swaps, and synthetic CDOs interesting for the average person. He succeeded beyond all expectations. Interweaving pop ...

Post Date: 2015-12-23 11:18:21 by Southern Style
"Renegade" Some prayers never reach the sky Some wounds never heal They still say someday the South will rise Man, I want to see that deal I don't want to grow old gracefully I don't want to go 'til it's too late I'll be some old man in the road somewhere Kneeling down in the dust by the side of the Interstate I am a renegade I've been a rebel all my days I am a renegade I've been a rebel all my days We were hopelessly outnumbered It was a lost cause all along But when we heard the bugles call We swore we'd stand or fall together right or wrong We ain't seen no reconstruction here Just the scorched earth all around And the high school band ...

What really happened to the U.S. train-and-equip program in Syria?
Post Date: 2015-12-23 07:23:31 by Ada
Participants’ descriptions suggest trainees and trainers never agreed on mission Inserted back into Syria, trainees’ first act was to take two weeks off There were arguments and walkouts over goals, escorts, food supplies, expenses Fifty-four U.S.-trained Syrian fighters arrived at the Bab al Salama crossing in Syria in mid-July 2015 in a convoy of pickup trucks after completing a two-month training course in Turkey. But after they reached their base, the men decided to take a home leave. On returning to base two weeks later, calamity struck when many walked into a trap set by the Nusra Front, the Al Qaida affiliate in Syria. Fifty-four U.S.-trained Syrian fighters arrived at ...

The Heart of the Trump Matter
Post Date: 2015-12-23 07:16:42 by Ada
I’m genuinely grateful to the reader who posted this on an earlier thread. He explains Trump better than anyone I’ve yet read: Rod: “Trump is not my guy, and Trumpism not a credible answer.” On an intellectual level, I agree. The visceral level is another matter. I am an atheist white Southerner who has always voted a straight Democratic ticket because I found the Republicans to be repulsive. But even I feel the appeal of Trumpism. I lost all hope for a better future when I completed an advanced degree and found that I had not improved my job prospects a bit. I am sick to death of hearing politicians bleat on about how wonderful America is, when it is demonstrably not ...

Why you should watch the hands & hips of everyone you see
Post Date: 2015-12-23 05:42:41 by BTP Holdings
Why you should watch the hands & hips of everyone you see Dec 22, 2015 Today I want to share with you two simple tips that might keep you or your family out of trouble … But first, you must understand, these tips are completely useless without realizing you must be aware of your surroundings. If you’re like most people, with their face buried in a cell phone or simply day dreaming while walking around in public — then the two tips I’m about to share with you won’t matter at all. So it’s important to be more present and aware of where you actually are and what is going on around you, no matter where you are. Of course, this is easier said than done ...

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