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Pelosi Confronted By Patriot in San Francisco —
Post Date: 2023-02-26 13:23:52 by Horse
‘Why Do We Have $150 Billion Going to Ukraine, When We Have Homeless in Your Own City?’ Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson · Nancy Pelosi gets heckled in her own district over the U.S. giving Ukraine billions in aid while her constituents live in the streets and her insider trading.

Project Veritas Releases Video Saying That They Want James O’Keefe Back,
Post Date: 2023-02-25 06:14:25 by Horse
After Desperate Plea For Donors Not to Jump Ship “I Stand with James O’Keefe” – Exclusive: 14 Courageous Project Veritas Whistleblowers Release POWERFUL VIDEO and LETTER in Support of James O’Keefe –

Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill To Audit Billions Flowing To Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-02-24 23:00:19 by Horse
"It’s going to force Congress to give the American people an audit."

‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Tells Whites Point Blank to Get Away from Blacks
Post Date: 2023-02-24 09:29:10 by NeoconsNailed
I have not followed Scott Adams over the years because he had some really tame takes on issues, but it looks like he is finally realizing the racial realities of America. “The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people, because there is no fixing this. Every damn day I look on social media and there’s some black person beating the shit out of some white person. I’m kind of over it.” [VIDEO] ------- Extremely refreshing thoughts from the funny papers creator who's become a real 'somebody'. His topical views have often been disappointing heretofore (how you get famous and respected today) -- speshly since the thrust ...

Florida County RETURNS CDC Funds After Confirming Vaxx is a Bioweapon
Post Date: 2023-02-23 12:57:22 by Horse

US governor blacklists major outlet over blatant lie
Post Date: 2023-02-23 12:41:13 by Horse
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took an unusual step on Wednesday, informing NBC and MSNBC that he will ignore them until he receives an apology for being falsely accused of racism. “There will be no consideration of anything related to NBC Universal or its affiliates until and at least Andrea Mitchell corrects the blatant lie she made about the governor… and NBC and its affiliates display a consistent track record of truthful reporting,” DeSantis’ press secretary, Bryan Griffin, said in a statement. NBC and its affiliates also need to “display a consistent track record of truthful reporting,” Griffin added.

Republican Senators Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response
Post Date: 2023-02-23 12:01:36 by Horse
"The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19..." Poster Comment:Does anyone remember that those initial dark and exaggerated estimates of covid which prompted the lockdown were made by Niall Ferguson who wrote a history of the Rothschilds and represented their interests at the annual Bilderberg Society conferences? He is an historian so we should never have listened to him about the lockdowns.

The Donbass is Maybe 6 Million Times More Important Than Ohio
Post Date: 2023-02-23 10:26:39 by Ada
Ohio can rot in hell, okay? They’re not even a democracy. The Ukraine is a true democracy. The people of Ohio deserve to be poison gassed by the government – why do you think the government gassed them in the first place? They are against democracy. The only real democracies on earth are Israel and the Ukraine, and that’s why that’s where the money goes. The only way the people of Ohio can possibly have any value at all is if they work to produce tax money to send to the Ukraine. Period. Otherwise, the white scum deserve to die from poison gas – slowly, if possible. Bradley Blankenship writes for RT: It’s been weeks since the Ohio train derailment that ...

NY Politicians Continue Getting Confronted On Ukraine And Nord Stream - Pressure Building
Post Date: 2023-02-23 05:46:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Only as a New Yorker can do it. Very colorful, very powerful.

Oversight Committee Demands Account Of All Economic, Military Aid To Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-02-22 18:02:18 by Horse
As President Biden boarded a European train destined for Kyiv, back in Washington, Rep. James Comer and his team drafted a long-expected letter. Standing next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden pledged Monday that the lifeline of economic and military aid to that nation, support already well in excess of $100 billion, would not slack, and that the United States would stand with Ukraine “as long as it takes.” Comer, the new chair of the House Oversight Committee, delivered a different message to the Biden administration Wednesday: Save your receipts. All of them. The committee is calling on the administration to turn over all documents and internal communications ...

Did Elon Musk Just Buy GOOGLE?
Post Date: 2023-02-22 12:34:18 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is in proposal stage. The merger of Twitter, Spacex, Musk's tessellate ISP and Google will be very powerful when added to the blockchain and to AI.

Report from Washington: DC Gulag Vigil for January 6 Political Prisoners
Post Date: 2023-02-22 07:52:01 by Ada
Nicole Reffitt, whose husband Guy is now serving over 7 years in prison. While in Washington for the Rage Against the War Machine rally on Sunday, February 19, I took time out on Friday and Saturday to check out the nightly DC Gulag vigil outside the DC Central Detention Facility. Across the street from the jail in a blocked-off area dubbed the “Freedom Corner,” some serious patriots are holding the space not just for January 6 political prisoners, but for American democracy as well. The largest manhunt in U.S. history continues apace as Americans connected to January 6 are being silently hunted down and persecuted. The Feds are rounding up people at an average rate of about ...

Time For Guillotines by Trevor Moore
Post Date: 2023-02-21 06:59:00 by Horse

JFK Witness Deaths With Richard Belzer And Roger Craig
Post Date: 2023-02-20 20:07:37 by Horse
Poster Comment:Belzer just died. He was Jewish but was very much against the Establishment.

Narrative Is Used To Override Healthy Human Self-Interest
Post Date: 2023-02-20 08:59:08 by Ada
It’s very odd how humans can be manipulated into acting against their own self-interest to the benefit of their rulers in ways that animals would never tolerate, just by exploiting the fact that we experience thoughts in our heads that animals do not experience. Take violence, for example. Predator animals survive by attacking and killing other animals for their own benefit, but as soon as a prey animal makes it clear that it’s not worth the effort, the predator will back off in its own self-interest. The predator understands instinctually that attacking a healthy bull elephant isn’t worth the risk to its own physical wellbeing, and even a wildebeest that proves stronger ...

Banning Seymour Hersh's "Offensive" Ideas
Post Date: 2023-02-18 08:05:52 by Ada
Subverting America's Democracy---Now! The full availability of the Seymour Hersh interview video has now been restored with the Democracy Now! channel providing the following explanatory message: UPDATE: We have blurred some imagery about 30 seconds into the video in response to a content warning from YouTube that severely limited the reach of this interview. What you see now is an edited version. For the uncensored version of this interview that aired on our show, visit This may be the entire explanation. However, it does strike me as slightly surprising that the content problem would have developed only many hours after the original video was released In an ...

Naomi Wolf Details 'The Chamber of Horrors' the Jab Poses to Women's Reproductive Health
Post Date: 2023-02-18 01:12:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:Pfizer acknowledges 20-something different ways its shot can send women’s menstrual cycles into disarray.

"It's A Bio Weapon" Autopsies From Report 56 Reveal Medical Atrocities From COVID Shots
Post Date: 2023-02-18 01:01:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Naomi Wolf reveals proof that the covid vaxx is a bioweapon. Read the full report at The Daily Clout

Watch: Rand Paul Grills School Of Nursing Head On Student COVID Vaccine Mandate
Post Date: 2023-02-17 21:20:28 by Horse
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, During a hearing Thursday, Senator Rand Paul grilled the dean of Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and exposed the hypocrisy of the institution’s COVID vaccine mandate. Paul asked Dr. Sarah Szanton during the hearing on Health Care Workforce Shortages if she was “pro-choice in regards to patients making individualized medical choices?” to which Szanton responded “Broadly, thank you, yes.” The Senator then asked “Are you aware that your university doesn’t allow choice with regard to vaccination, that you require all of your students to have three vaccines in order to be students?” Szanton responded in the ...

More Nord Stream bombshells to come Seymour Hersh
Post Date: 2023-02-17 14:43:08 by Horse
Journalist Seymour Hersh has promised to reveal more incriminating information linking the US to the demolition of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. President Joe Biden ordered the lines destroyed to prevent Germany from resuming the purchase of cheap Russian gas, he claimed. In a post to his Substack page on Wednesday, Hersh slammed the mainstream media – singling out the New York Times and Washington Post – for refusing to “run a word” on the pipeline story, and for ignoring Russia and China’s calls for an international investigation. Both papers, he said, published his exposés on the US military’s war crimes in Vietnam, but are now seemingly ...

Fauci Changes His Public Tune on Covid Vaccines
Post Date: 2023-02-16 15:49:31 by AdaC
But the mandates he continued to promote when he knew the shots gave limited protection had disastrous effects. All Our Opinion in Your Inbox NR Daily is delivered right to you every afternoon. No charge. Dr. Anthony Fauci has finally acknowledged that there had always been good scientific reasons to believe that vaccines against the respiratory virus that causes Covid-19 — SARS-CoV-2 — would provide limited protection against infection that would not be long-lasting. That is precisely what happened: It quickly became apparent that protection against transmission lasted just a few months, and initial effectiveness declined as each new viral variant proved more contagious than ...

Republicans SUBPOENA the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Meta and Alphabet
Post Date: 2023-02-15 20:13:37 by Horse
for all documents on 'collusion' with the government to 'suppress free speech' Jim Jordan subpoenaed some of the biggest names in the U.S. tech world on Wednesday, requiring them to hand over a flurry of materials to the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary chairman wants all documents and communications related to alleged 'collusion' between government and technology companies on suppressing free speech. The subpoena specifically calls on materials from CEOs Mark Zuckerberg of Meta; Tim Cook of Apple; Sundar Pichai of Alphabet; Andy Jassy of Amazon; and Satya Nadella of Microsoft.

Civilizational Collapse? Musk Warns World Government Summit Against 'Too Much' World Government
Post Date: 2023-02-15 19:30:24 by Horse
"We just want to have an amount of civilizational diversity..."

Talking Points for the Revolution
Post Date: 2023-02-15 04:43:29 by Horse
When I say revolution, I simply mean that a majority of thinking people around the world will refuse to comply and summon the strength to say No to the Globalists. Why will people suddenly gather courage? Because they can see a disaster coming into their immediate future which will be precipitated by the collapse of the Neocon's Ukrainian project. Let me explain why the defeat of NATO in the Ukraine will give us talking points to encourage the revolt of the previously timid. Ron Paul said that when President Nixon closed the gold window on Sunday August 15, 1971, the US went onto the US military standard. They told Arabs that you will sell oil only in US dollars and you will accept ...

The American Legal System Is Becoming An Instrument Of Injustice
Post Date: 2023-02-12 10:22:15 by Ada
In “The Law,” Frédéric Bastiat writes that a nation’s laws, which should protect private property, can also be used to plunder property. It is much easier to take others’ wealth using legalized theft than violent plunder. According to Bastiat, “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” The law, when morally applied, protects life, liberty, and property. Immoral law can be written to plunder those same rights. There is no greater evil to society than “the conversion of the law into ...

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