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Great free video downloader
Post Date: 2022-03-29 11:48:59 by NeoconsNailed
I had this years ago and it worked like magic. Would grab almost any video for me -- any from YT, amazingly fast and reliably. But it only allowed 100 free ones and then it wanted me to get the paid version. May still be the case, but what a joy it's back! Buying it back then (feels like 6-8ya) proved difficult, because its Russian sourcing got complicated. IIRC it was soon not available at all -- now it is, from the well-known Softonic portal in Spain. Use the green button on the linked page, which is utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=EN_US_DSA&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3IqS BhCoARIsAMBkTb3jYfVJI_gBonjjFVYN3dDn7CjRCsDo0 ...

Please do this for Gun Owners of America -- takes seconds
Post Date: 2022-03-28 17:13:24 by NeoconsNailed
[I just did -- a bunch. GOA is the real thing, NRA the imitation. THANK YOU.... NN] =-=-=-=-=-=-= Subject: We can’t give up now From: "Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America" We have to turn up the heat on Joe Manchin. NN, I need your help with an emergency. Joe Manchin just announced that he will vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. That’s why we’re diverting emergency funds into our ad budget to generate a nonstop stream of phone calls into Manchin’s office. We don’t want a SINGLE second to go by where Manchin’s phone isn’t ...

Outgunned Ukrainians lure Russian aircraft into defense traps, need planes to defend airspace: Expert
Post Date: 2022-03-28 05:51:50 by BTP Holdings
Outgunned Ukrainians lure Russian aircraft into defense traps, need planes to defend airspace: Expert Peter Aitken - 28 March 2022 Gen. Keane on the next steps in aiding Ukraine The U.S. can best support Ukraine by providing it with weapons, planes and parts to defend its airspace rather than establish a no-fly zone, a U.S. Air Force expert told Fox News Digital. "[The Ukrainians] are fighting with basically two very large feathers in their cap: one is the munitions we’re providing them and the other is the morale that they can sustain on their own," said John (JV) Venable, a veteran Air Force commander and senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. "By ...

Is This The New FBI?
Post Date: 2022-03-27 23:27:51 by Horse

Post Date: 2022-03-27 11:13:24 by Horse

What’s happening to the Marines?
Post Date: 2022-03-27 09:07:13 by Ada
Lately, when we think about what’s happening to America’s military under Biden, we’ve been focusing on the Pentagon’s obsessions with race, LGBTQ+++ issues (especially transgenderism), women’s rights, and political “wrong think” (i.e., conservativism). That obsession has consistently put progressive social policy ahead of military cohesion and readiness. However, Jim Webb, who was a Marine infantry officer while in Vietnam, then the Navy secretary under Ronald Reagan and, lastly, a Virginia senator during the Obama years, has written an op-ed about a different concern: The potentially damaging, purely operational changes Marine commandment Gen. David ...

Kamala Harris' Press Conference Disaster Shocks Even Her Supporters | Direct Message | Rubin Report
Post Date: 2022-03-26 13:11:11 by BTP Holdings
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Kamala Harris proving herself to be unqualified for office while in Poland, Sunny Hostin’s shameful defense of the vice president, Bill Maher’s appearance on The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special, and Ron DeSantis showing how to fight woke corporations like the Walt Disney Company. First, Dave shares multiple clips of Kamala Harris’ trip to Poland where she was unable to answer questions about refugees from Ukraine, as well as inflation and high gas prices. At the moment we most need true leadership, she is revealing herself to be completely unqualified for the job. That won’t stop liberals in the media like ...

Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs To Stave Off War With Russia
Post Date: 2022-03-26 10:23:46 by Ada
Two leaked stories from the Pentagon have exposed the lies of mainstream media about how Russia is conducting the Ukraine war in a bid to counter propaganda intended to get NATO into the conflict, writes Joe Lauria. The Pentagon is engaged in a consequential battle with the U.S. State Department and the Congress to prevent a direct military confrontation with Russia, which could unleash the most unimaginable horror of war. President Joe Biden is caught in the middle of the fray. So far he is siding with the Defense Department, saying there cannot be a NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine fighting Russian aircraft because “that’s called World War III, okay? Let’s get it straight ...

The Eighth and Deadliest Sin
Post Date: 2022-03-26 09:51:13 by Ada
By Catholicism schools its adherents on the seven deadly sins, behaviors or feelings that if left unchecked will inspire further sin. They consist of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. To these, I propose adding deception, the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery. Our waking life is full of deception, truth as unreal as that filling our dreams while asleep. The difference between the two is that while those dreams evaporate as water does in heat, deceptions inflicted by day can have lasting, even deadly effect. Much of recorded history is based on deception. A narrative is created to substantiate the end-result, whether positive or ...

NATO Is Propagandizing Itself Into War
Post Date: 2022-03-26 08:21:53 by Ada
Those who rely on Western media have the impression of a stalled Russian campaign in Ukraine with demoralized Russian soldiers deserting and surrendering to Ukrainians in order to get something to eat. Russian soldiers are even allegedly shooting holes in the gasoline tanks of their motorized equipment so that they cannot advance, out of sympathy for the innocent Ukrainians. This propaganda has been so effective on NATO that NATO is considering deploying troops in Western Ukraine where Russian troops are not operating. This would be a fatal mistake, but propagandists usually end up believing their own propaganda. To prove our solidarity with the official narrative, we in the West are ...

Volunteer Foot Patrols In SF's Chinatown After Shop Owners Fight Off Robbers
Post Date: 2022-03-25 14:33:45 by Horse

Reason: Opposing War With Russia Doesn't Require Excusing Putin's Aggression
Post Date: 2022-03-25 12:18:04 by NeoconsNailed
As a long-time critic of American military interventionism, I've been dismayed by the lack of moral clarity expressed by some libertarians and conservatives regarding Russia's inexcusable attack on Ukraine. There's a difference between opposing, say, direct American military interference with a nuclear-armed Russia and excusing its autocratic leader, Vladimir Putin. Sadly, many of these folks haven't just gotten close to the latter. They've gone over the line. It's one thing to argue that perhaps the United States shouldn't have pushed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to Russia's borders and another to sound like those old Soviet commentators ...

US to Welcome 100,000 “Ukrainian Refugees”
Post Date: 2022-03-25 10:29:34 by Ada
Just what the doctor ordered – more refugees. And before “at least they’re white” – they won’t be. Since the 2014 coup, the Jewish occupation government of the Ukraine has flooded the country with brown people and has been handing out passports to them. That’s who you’re going to get. Maybe you’ll get a few Slavic gang members who the Zelensky government has been trying to get rid of after they freed them from prison under the premise that they would fight against the Russians. You might also get some neo-Nazi terrorists, I guess. RT: The United States will allocate $1 billion in humanitarian assistance to Kiev while welcoming up to 100,0 ...

NATO Wants a Ground-War in Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-03-25 08:05:18 by Ada
“While the US succeeded in goading the Russian government to take the first shot, it is clear that the war in Ukraine is the first stage of a much broader conflict. Having provoked the Russian government into a desperate and disastrous invasion of Ukraine, the United States is using the war to reassert its global hegemony, building a war coalition for what the United States has termed “great power conflict” targeting not only Russia, but China as well.” Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site “What is important to our managerial and foreign policy elites, is, above all, the major effort and push for a globalist “Great Reset” using the Ukrainian conflict ...

Tucker: What is a woman?
Post Date: 2022-03-24 18:01:30 by Horse

Home Depot Employee Guide Unpacks Privilege, Check-Lists White, Male, Christians
Post Date: 2022-03-24 09:48:58 by Bill D Berger
(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Home Depot is getting hammered for an employee-training pamphlet that warned workers about the dangers of white privilege and check-listed male, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied and heterosexual workers for special concern. The training leaflet, titled “Leading Practices: Unpacking privilege,” included the company’s logo and was posted in an employee lunchroom at a Home Depot in Calgary, Alberta, reported the Daily Mail. The training guide provides a definition of “White Privilege” as “societal privilege that benefits white people beyond what is commonly experienced by people of color under the same social, political and ...

Why the West Hates Putin
Post Date: 2022-03-23 11:29:27 by Ada
Putin is a liberal in the old fashioned sense that no longer exists in the West. He believes in sustaining a network of laws and agreements that resolve disputes diplomatically instead of with violence. He believes that government should serve the people and not the economic interests of the elite. He believes that religion is an important element of social unity and sustains moral behavior on which society depends. He is constrained in implementing his beliefs by Washington and Russian leadership elements that are pro-Western. This leaves Putin frustrated and angry. Putin’s views contrast sharply with what passes for liberalism in the West today. Western liberals teach race and ...

Ukrainian Forces Caught Attempting to Leave Mariupol Dressed in Women’s Clothing – Video
Post Date: 2022-03-23 09:14:49 by Ada
Captured suspected Ukrainian serviceman or Azov fighter attempting to flee Mariupol conflict zone dressed in women's clothing. Screengrab. - Sputnik International, 1920, The coastal city of Mariupol has become a major focal point of fighting in eastern Ukraine. As many as 15,000 Ukrainian troops and National Guard fighters are concentrated here, among them the 53rd Mechanized Brigade and the infamous neo-Nazi Azov battalion. Up to 150,000 civilians also remain trapped in areas controlled by nationalist forces. Ukrainian forces have been attempting to disguise themselves as civilians in order to escape Russian and Donbass militia encirclement in Mariupol, with some even resorting to ...

Wild Video: Suspected Shoplifter, Accomplice Body-Slammed by Fed Up Man
Post Date: 2022-03-23 07:37:09 by Horse
Dion Lim @DionLimTV 𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗖𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗦𝗹𝗮𝗺𝘀 𝗦𝘂𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 & 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲 ⠀ A man who asked to be ID’d only as Kevin told me he was fed up watching a shoplifter in action at a Walgreens in Alameda 3/19. ⠀ He tackled the ...

The Hippies, 50 Years Later: From “Make Love, Not War” to “Make War, Not Hate”
Post Date: 2022-03-21 21:09:12 by Dakmar
Full disclosure: This isn’t my war. I didn’t approve of this war. No one even consulted me about it, which frankly felt like a bit of a snub. And I’m certainly not a pacifist. I’m not against this new war because I hate to see human beings getting killed — quite the opposite, I think more of them need to be killed, and quickly — but because I don’t see the end result being good for me on any possible level. But just like comedian Patton Oswalt once said that the worst thing about the Bill Cosby rape scandal was the hypocrisy, the worst thing about the fact that this planet may not even exist in one year won’t be the extinction of the human race and ...

Lawsuit Accuses University Speech Policy of Infringing on Students’ Freedom of Expression
Post Date: 2022-03-20 20:07:58 by Horse
By Kate Anderson Speech First filed a lawsuit against the University of Houston on behalf of three students. “The harassment policy is too broad,” one student told Campus Reform. The non-profit group Speech First filed a lawsuit against the University of Houston (UH) on Feb. 23 regarding its anti-discrimination policy. The suit is on behalf of three students who are being kept anonymous: Student A, Student B, and Student C. According to the lawsuit, these students voiced concern after an official university video on the school’s website stated that using improper pronouns may be considered “hate speech,” according to the suit...

This cartoon has been censored by Instagram
Post Date: 2022-03-20 16:30:46 by Horse

GOP Launches Voter Mobilization Effort At Gas Stations
Post Date: 2022-03-20 16:12:29 by Horse
As 'Pump Pains' Leave Hole In Americans' Wallets "Democrats are really angry we're registering voters at gas stations. Bless their hearts."

U.S. to defend 'every inch' of NATO territory? Really?
Post Date: 2022-03-20 10:48:45 by BTP Holdings
U.S. to defend 'every inch' of NATO territory? Really? Pat Buchanan can't identify 'sufficient value to us in Eastern Europe' justifying conflict with Russia By Patrick J. Buchanan Published March 10, 2022 at 7:25pm When several NATO nations revealed that they had dozens of Russian-made MiG-29s, the idea arose to fly them to Ukraine and turn them over to Ukrainian pilots familiar with the MiGs. America would provide F-16s to replace the MiGs. Poland had an even better idea. Warsaw would fly its 27 MiG fighter jets to the U.S. Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. The planes would be turned over to the Americans there, repainted and flown to Ukraine. How to get the ...

Biden energy secretary uses Russia-Ukraine conflict to 'urgently' push green agenda
Post Date: 2022-03-18 08:26:55 by BTP Holdings
Biden energy secretary uses Russia-Ukraine conflict to 'urgently' push green agenda Says quiet part out loud By Mike Landry, The Western Journal Published March 16, 2022 at 11:28pm The Biden administration says increased gas prices caused by the invasion of Ukraine present a good opportunity to switch to electric vehicles. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the war in Ukraine “creates…an urgent moment” to switch to clean energy, according to video in a tweet from Tom S. Elliott. At an American Clean Energy Leadership conference Granholm was asked if -- with time slipping away for a Democrat-dominated Congress -- “stand- alone” clean energy ...

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