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A Real Insurrection Would Have Been Justified, And Things Would be a Lot Better had It Happened
Post Date: 2022-01-08 09:31:34 by Ada
I think we might be focusing too much on the fact that there wasn’t actually an insurrection. A better point to make might be that an insurrection would have been justified, and no one can really claim otherwise. If Vaxy Don didn’t want in on it, I’d be sitting cozy right now if the QAnon Shaman had just declared himself dictator of America. Is there anything that wouldn’t be better if things had gone that way? The entire thing was a hoax. Ray Epps is just the obvious part. The feds pulled the cops (half of them on a mission to track down the mysterious and infamous fake pipe bomber), and had instigators throughout the crowd, then they literally opened up the doors ...

The Pentagon and CIA Have Shaped Thousands of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda
Post Date: 2022-01-07 18:14:04 by Ada
Propaganda is most impactful when people don’t think it’s propaganda, and most decisive when it’s censorship you never knew happened. When we imagine that the U.S. military only occasionally and slightly influences US movies, we are extremely badly deceived. The actual impact is on thousands of movies made, and thousands of others never made. And television shows of every variety. The military guests and celebrations of the US military on game shows and cooking shows are no more spontaneous or civilian in origin than the ceremonies glorifying members of the US military at professional sports games — ceremonies that have been paid for and choreographed by US tax dollars ...

CNN Gives Award to Pfizer CEO
Post Date: 2022-01-06 17:28:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jimmy Dore takes on the criminal class.

The Time to Resist Vax Passports Is Now
Post Date: 2022-01-06 10:00:10 by Ada
Once QR code scanning becomes habitual, a social credit system is inevitable. I had Covid over Christmas break, after my triple-vaxxed husband brought it home from a conference, which means two things: I now have natural immunity, and you will never persuade me that vaccinated people don’t spread the virus to others. That was supposed to be the rationale for vaccine passports. If vaccines prevented the spread of Covid, then there might be value in giving people the peace of mind of knowing their local cafe or museum or office building was a safe space where nobody would infect them. Now that vaccines turn out to be better at protecting yourself than protecting others, the ...

Dr Jane Ruby Reveals Toxic Covid Vaxx Batch Labels
Post Date: 2022-01-06 08:16:33 by Horse
Dr Jane Ruby said on the Stew Peters show that Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are experimenting with lethal dose Covid vaxxes on humans, both adult and children. In fact their lot numbers reveal whether that batch is designed to only find the level at which the victims are killed or the level at which they are merely disabled for life. Normally, lethal dose studies are done on animals. The label LD50 would usually mean that the Lethal Dose of 50 units was the dosage required to kill either the rabbits or the mice. But we are in extraordinary times and the Establishment has to kill us in large numbers as they have stolen most of our pensions and investments. Knowing dose levels ...

"YOU CREATED THE V!RUS" Irritated Rand Paul SHREDS Dr. Fauci In Congress *NEW*
Post Date: 2022-01-06 08:05:35 by Horse

Lyft driver shoots two suspects attempting to carjack vehicle in Philadelphia, police say
Post Date: 2022-01-06 07:42:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:Seems like liberals in big cities are fed up with violent criminals. But will they continue to vote Democrat?

Revolution Topples Kazakhstan Government over Covid Mandates in less than 24 hours
Post Date: 2022-01-06 05:50:06 by Horse
Poster Comment:VIDEO. Not just about fuel prices but also about vaxx passes with QR codes and bans from public buildings like banks and post offices.

VIDEO: Deadly Vax Lot Numbers IDENTIFIED, Still in Circulation!
Post Date: 2022-01-05 14:42:27 by Horse
Doctor Jane Ruby joins us for her first segment of the year. She says she has the receipts to show that vaccine toxicity varies by batch, and it’s possible to find out if the vaccine you’re being pressured to take is from one of the tainted batches.

Santa, Vaccines, the Holocaust and other Fairy Tales
Post Date: 2022-01-05 11:35:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a great 2 minute video.

Zioclops Attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene, Endorses Deploying Military Against Americans
Post Date: 2022-01-05 11:19:23 by Ada
So Marjorie Taylor Greene is the single most popular Republican in Congress, and from what I’m able to tell, also the best (despite being a woman and other flaws). If “democracy” was what we’re told it is, Greene would be the leader of the House Republicans instead of the fiend Kevin McCarthy. Meanwhile, Dan Crenshaw, widely known as “Zioclops” because he got one of his eyes blown out while fighting a war for Jews, can’t possibly be popular with anyone, other than Jews themselves, and a small minority of evangelical lunatics who think it is real cool and hardcore to sacrifice body parts to the satanic, Christ-killing Jews. And now, this: the worst ...

Meta Censors Anti-Imperialist Speech In Obedience To The US Government
Post Date: 2022-01-05 11:06:04 by Ada
Anti-imperialist commentator Richard Medhurst reports that Instagram has deleted some 20 images from his account and given him a warning that he could face a permanent ban if he continues making similar posts. The posts in question are screenshots from a Twitter thread Medhurst made to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the Trump administration’s assassination of renowned Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani. Click for Full Text!

Rockford Saw It Coming
Post Date: 2022-01-05 00:15:55 by Horse

WhatsHerFace: "Welcome to the Great Resh*t"
Post Date: 2022-01-05 00:12:11 by Horse

Rand Paul Vows To Bring Fauci To Justice If GOP Wins Back Senate In Midterms
Post Date: 2022-01-04 20:11:33 by Horse
“I will be chairman of a committee in the Senate. We will use the subpoena power to bring forth all the records.” Poster Comment:Dr Fauci, how did strands from the HIV virus get spliced into covid? Dr Fauci, why did you give US taxpayer dollars to a Chinese military lab in China. Dr Fauci, the arresting officer will read you your rights. We will oppose bail as your decisions and actions did kill so many people.

CNBC’s Becky Quick Rips Democrats School Mask Mandate: “Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard”
Post Date: 2022-01-04 12:57:26 by Horse

Just Stop Listening
Post Date: 2022-01-04 09:51:06 by Ada
The "democracy" machine incessantly whirrs, but in 2022 you must pay it no heed. Here’s a new-year’s resolution for those still kicking around for one: In 2022, let’s ignore the entire Western democracy-promotion machine. For good. Not that our indifference will stop the machine doing its work. The men and women who operate the thing stopped caring about what you and I think a long time ago, if they ever cared at all. But by tuning them out, we can at least avoid feeding the monumental hypocrisy. By the democracy-promotion machine, I mean the entire complex of governmental agencies, think tanks, academic departments, foreign news desks and journalistic ...

Day 600 plus to Flatten the Curve
Post Date: 2022-01-04 08:57:59 by Horse
Poster Comment:Great Rant: One shot, two shots, three shots. How many more until you hit the floor?

The number of Americans who think violence against the government is justified is on the rise
Post Date: 2022-01-04 08:28:26 by Horse
A third of Americans think violence against the government could be justified, a new poll found. In 2015, 23% said violence was justified and in 2010, 16% said it was. The poll found that 40% of Republicans found it justified compared to 23% of Democrats. The number of Americans who think it's "justified for citizens to take violent action against the government" is on the rise, a recent poll from The Washington Post-University of Maryland showed. 34% of Americans believe violence against the government can at times be justified, which is up from 23% in 2015 and 16% in 2010, according to the poll's findings. The survey of 1,101 adults conducted from December 17 to ...

Tommy Robinson’s Car FIREBOMBED After Release of Documentary Trailer on Grooming Gangs
Post Date: 2022-01-04 08:02:41 by Horse
British journalist and free speech activist Tommy Robinson’s car was firebombed on Sunday, one day after he released a trailer for his upcoming documentary exposing Muslim grooming gangs. Robinson’s new documentary, “The Rape of Britain,” will expose the names and faces of those involved with the gangs of migrants raping young British girls in Telford and other towns. In the promo, one of the alleged survivors names Gulfraz Khan as the leader. Robinson also states that there are five women in Telford alone that have been killed by the gang. According to a report from the Shropshire Star, who did not know at the time of their report that the vehicle belonged to ...

Wordwarps: Smollett, Electoral etc.
Post Date: 2022-01-03 13:47:17 by NeoconsNailed
I was thinking recently it would be good to note down English solecisms as I experience 'em, then realized it's constant within my hearing every day. I don't mean to be mean -- really don't. Am not preaching at you folks in particular. But as Tucker says, thoughtless writing and speech make for sloppy thinking https://freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=256305&Disp=3#C3 Sloppy English plays into Enemy hands because the Enemy works night and day to destroy normal healthy dialectics. We've talked (I've yammered) about 'abortion' vs 'feticide', Covid 'vaccines' vs. 'injections' etc -- here are a few more that've lately ...

Jimmy Dore Wakes Up
Post Date: 2022-01-03 12:25:19 by NeoconsNailed
From: "Brasscheck TV" Subject: Jimmy Dore wakes up =================== BrasscheckTV Report =================== For nearly two years we've been scratching our heads. Why did otherwise insightful people like Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan and others not only not question the CV Con, but actually lent credence to it. It looks like at long last, Jimmy Dore has figured it out. Better late than never. brasscheck.com/video/jimmy-dore-finally-wakes-up/ - Brasscheck TV P.S. We can't make this unique news service available without the help of our subscribers. Please consider joining the ranks of BrasscheckTV.com supporters Thanks! Details here: www.brasscheck.com/video/d onate/ ...

Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘I SUPPORT Black Lives Matter’
Post Date: 2022-01-03 08:16:23 by BTP Holdings
Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘I SUPPORT Black Lives Matter’ Joe Biden, Democrat politicians and the mainstream media have done everything in their power to portray Kyle Rittenhouse as a far-right racist, even so, Mr. Rittenhouse has made it clear that he’s not eager to point fingers. In comments that are sure to surprise supporters and haters alike, Rittenhouse has made it clear that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement and peaceful demonstrations. He also referenced his own experience with prosecutorial misconduct and noted that change is needed in the justice system. It’s not hard to appreciate the sincerity of his comments, as the prosecutors at his trial blatantly ...

Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life...Thanks To Joe Rogan
Post Date: 2022-01-03 03:05:20 by Horse
Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance A couple of things all happened together over the last 48 hours. First, I came up with the idea of writing 100 predictions for the year 2022 – a blog post that I might still wind up finishing at some point. And second, I listened to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast interview of mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., hours after the doctor was banned from Twitter for having opinions on Covid that stood at odds with the mainstream narrative. The opinions that Malone echoed during his Rogan appearance included, but were not limited to: Calling the government “out of control” and “lawless” in their Covid response Stating ...

A Message For 2022 From Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Post Date: 2022-01-02 19:08:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:Resist the vaxxes.

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