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September 11, 1941, Des Moines Speech by Charles Lindbergh
Post Date: 2021-12-03 09:59:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:The world changed for the worse from WW I to WW II.

Manchin Joins GOP Effort To Nix Biden's Vaccine Mandate For Large Businesses
Post Date: 2021-12-03 09:49:11 by Horse
"I have cosponsored and will strongly support a bill to overturn the federal government vaccine mandate for private businesses..."

Germany jews a dead "Holocaust survivor"
Post Date: 2021-12-03 08:30:04 by NeoconsNailed
Germany cut a reparations check to a Holocaust survivor. Then it demanded the money back The reparations checks Amira Gezow received every three months from the German government mattered to her. She had worked to get them and had helped other survivors secure theirs. For Gezow, a German-born woman who lost both her parents in the Holocaust, the checks were, monetarily, a pittance: 72.55 euros per month, or about 240 dollars per disbursement. But they represented a measure of accountability, a tangible admission of fault, even if the totality of her loss could never be repaid. She received the checks from the late 1980s until she died in January at the age of 92. A few months after her ...

Post Date: 2021-12-02 17:15:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:15 of 30 long term policy holders died this year. Clif High. What happens to insurance and finance next year?

BLM mob accuses white mother-of-three, 52, of being the 'new Kyle Rittenhouse'
Post Date: 2021-12-02 17:04:17 by Horse
after she sent 50 of them flying across Third Avenue when they 'attacked her car' during 2020 protests: She rejects six-day community service plea deal and demands TRIAL

CIA hushed up own child sex crimes, newly-released documents reveal
Post Date: 2021-12-02 16:49:52 by Horse
The CIA had evidence that at least 10 of its employees were involved in child sex crimes; however, only one was ever charged with a crime while the rest were dealt with internally, according to newly released documents. The bombshell revelation was reported by BuzzFeed News, which obtained hundreds of internal CIA reports through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits. The documents date from 2004 to 2019, and it took the outlet nearly a decade to gain access to them. According to the documents, one of the 10 CIA staffers had “inappropriate sexual activity with an unidentified two-year-old girl” and admitted to having sexual contact with a six-year-old on “two separate ...

"Sad Little Man" by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2021
Post Date: 2021-12-01 18:30:25 by Horse
Poster Comment:Great musical indictment of Fauci.

The Inca Empire: An Indigenous Leviathan State
Post Date: 2021-12-01 11:46:33 by Ada
One of the realities that nullifies persistent interpretations of the European colonization of the Americas as a cataclysm of subjugation is the existence of state exploitation in the precontact New World. As I have recently shown, many common Indians lived in banal slavery to a political class—the same servitude that every “citizen” of a state lives under, compelled to labor for the benefit of others, albeit with its own unique packaging and set of justifications. What this means is that there were also many politicians in the precontact world, with the same base lust for power that drives so many contemporary rulers. When the agents of European states dropped anchor off ...

Iraqi Political Groups Seek to Forge Bloc in Push to Drive Out US Forces
Post Date: 2021-11-30 20:55:50 by Horse
Washington and Baghdad agreed in July that the US combat forces will be withdrawn from the Middle Eastern country by 31 December 2021, with the remaining American personnel only remaining to play "a training, advising, assisting, and intelligence-sharing role." A group of Iraqi political parties has called for the formation of an alliance to push American forces out of the country by the promised 31 December deadline, Press TV reported, citing Fadel Jaber, a member of the Sadeqoun coalition in Parliament. According to Jaber, the prolonged presence of US forces in the country risks creating divisions in Iraqi society. His comments come as several observers reportedly voiced ...

Post Date: 2021-11-29 21:27:23 by Horse

Teacher Unions, Parents Gird For 2022 Battles
Post Date: 2021-11-29 21:07:45 by Horse
Authored by Susan Crabtree via RealClearPolitics.com, Over the last year, school board meetings have become ground zero for the country’s culture wars as irate parents have showed up in droves to decry school COVID closures, mask mandates, and critical race theory, as well as transgender policies. After political analysts credited a parental uprising with helping Republican political newcomer Glenn Youngkin capture the Virginia governorship this month, these fights show no sign of easing. Both major political parties are already gearing up for next year’s midterm elections with Republicans sensing an advantage and Democrats digging in to defend beleaguered school boards, ...

Australian M.P Bob Katter: '8 of My Own Staff are Dying' from the Bio-Weapon!
Post Date: 2021-11-29 16:42:35 by Horse

emonstrators gather with the photos of their relatives killed by the bioweapon aka Covid vax
Post Date: 2021-11-29 16:11:53 by Horse

Taliban Covert Operatives Seized Kabul, Other Afghan Cities From Within
Post Date: 2021-11-29 08:41:13 by Ada
Success of Kabul’s undercover network, loyal to the Haqqanis, changed balance of power within Taliban after U.S. withdrawal KABUL—Undercover Taliban agents—often clean-shaven, dressed in jeans and sporting sunglasses—spent years infiltrating Afghan government ministries, universities, businesses and aid organizations. Then, as U.S. forces were completing their withdrawal in August, these operatives stepped out of the shadows in Kabul and other big cities across Afghanistan, surprising their neighbors and colleagues. Pulling their weapons from hiding, they helped the Taliban rapidly seize control from the inside. The pivotal role played by these clandestine cells is ...

Post Date: 2021-11-28 20:10:55 by Horse
Poster Comment:Short speech from Bill Cooper.

Flag of our Nation
Post Date: 2021-11-28 12:55:09 by X-15
The tragic results of decades of Multiculturalism in the U.K., Europe and Australia is growing more and more evident as the rebellion to COVID tyranny grows. Those tragic results simply put are WEAKNESS and DIS-UNITY. If I have said it once I have said it ten thousand times: Multiculturalism is a NATION KILLER. The Great Reset “Because even though the vast majority of people present are white, they are not unified. The obvious truth of that statement is reflected in the number of different flags on display. Every different flag is a cause of division. Some of the flags are of entirely different countries. It is antithetical to me that people would take part in a political march ...

Omicron is an anagram from moronic
Post Date: 2021-11-28 09:53:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:Expletive laden rant from Brit against the new level of stupidity revealed by the public willing to believe nonsense from politicians about covid.

Why you do not need to fear the new covid "scariant" being hyped by the media
Post Date: 2021-11-26 22:05:06 by NeoconsNailed
[email from Brighteon] Why you do not need to fear the new covid "scariant" being hyped by the media As you've noticed over the last two days, the global corporate media psyop spell weavers have puked up another "scariant" called "Nu," and they are now hyperventilating over it, claiming it has over "30 horrifying mutations" and might spread faster than anything in history. The underlying message, of course, is that everybody should stop resisting and immediately obey the demands of (corrupt) government. Part of the message being delivered in this mass media scariant panic is that all the vaccines and boosters that people already took are ...

Watch: California Town Declares Independence From "Dictatorship Powers" Of State, Federal COVID Mandates
Post Date: 2021-11-26 19:17:04 by Horse
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, A town in California has declared itself a “constitutional republic,” independent of executive orders issued by the federal or state governments, in protest of lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations. Appearing on Fox News, Oroville California’s vice-mayor Scott Thomson outlined the move, noting “I was sitting at City Hall, and the mandates continue to come. As you know it started with ‘two weeks to stop the—slow the curve,’ and it just seems like a carrot keeps being dangled in front of our faces of just a little more… and it seems like every mandate that comes down, it is a loss of ...

The Making of Daily Wire's 'Truth Bomb'
Post Date: 2021-11-25 12:45:26 by Esso
Poster Comment:That is cool.

Babylon Bee: Feminist Husband
Post Date: 2021-11-25 11:34:51 by Horse

Senator John Kennedy — Oil is in Louisiana, but dipsticks are in DC
Post Date: 2021-11-25 11:09:23 by Horse

The Reality of Thanksgiving Hate EXPOSED by Babylon Bee
Post Date: 2021-11-25 10:55:05 by Horse

Florida Good Samaritan Video Released
Post Date: 2021-11-25 10:29:07 by Horse
Poster Comment:A Black man who had concealed carry permit killed a man who was trying to kill a deputy. Black man praised by White Sheriff. Judge ruled self-defense.

Ann Coulter: This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much To Be Thankful For
Post Date: 2021-11-25 10:15:32 by Horse
Why such a sourpuss, Joy-Ann? On the whole, life and MSNBC are treating you pretty well. And yet, over the last 10 years, you have complained pretty much nonstop about how badly you, and “people who look like [you],” are treated in America. I will take on faith, Joy-Ann, that your life up to age 16—spent in the racist hellscape that was 1980s Denver, Colorado—was practically a maelstrom of cross burnings, Night Riders and segregated water fountains. Let’s focus on the recent past. Consider: You were admitted to Harvard with SAT scores that would have gotten an Asian kid disowned by his parents. You manage to keep your show at MSNBC with ratings that would get a ...

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