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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Poll: 50% Of Americans Support Cutting Aid To Israel
Post Date: 2021-09-17 06:48:20 by Horse
Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found. The survey taken last month found that the US government's deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and unrepresentative of popular opinion. On the question of whether to restrict US military aid to Israel, 50% of all Americans support ending such support, compared to 45% who oppose it. Among supporters of aid restrictions are 32% of registered Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 52% of Independents. This is a drastic rise from historical opinion polls for all political persuasions right, left and center. In ...

Mayor Tells School Board Resign
Post Date: 2021-09-15 16:10:57 by Horse
Or Be Charged With ‘Child P*rn’ Over Assignment, Parents Erupt In Applause An Ohio mayor on Monday confronted a school board over sexual and inappropriate writing prompts students were given in class, informing board members they can either resign or face potential charges of child pornography. Mayor Craig Shubert received wild applause from parents when he told board members he spoke to a judge who said the “642 Things to Write About” assignment amounted to the distribution of “essentially what is child pornography.” “It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom,” Mayor ...

Rand Paul Goes Off on Antony Blinken for Bombing Terror Babies
Post Date: 2021-09-15 10:20:54 by Ada
Rand Paul doesn’t actually do anything, in terms of laws or whatever. But he’s a great actor. He does these big spectacles. He doesn’t stop anything, but he’ll put on a show. In fact, he might just herp you the derp out. Click for Full Text!

Banker Gouging Meme
Post Date: 2021-09-15 08:50:21 by Horse

Constitution Day 2021:
Post Date: 2021-09-15 07:51:49 by Horse
It's Time To Make America Free Again “We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties...

Polls Show That The American People Are Extremely Angry
Post Date: 2021-09-14 18:03:40 by Horse
– And They Are About To Get Even Angrier This wasn’t supposed to happen. We were promised that once Joe Biden was in the White House that the tremendous anger that was building up in our country would start to subside, but that obviously is not happening. In fact, as you will see below, Americans have been getting even angrier. Needless to say, the stunt that Joe Biden pulled last week is certainly not helping matters. When he visited Boise on Monday, enormous crowds of extremely angry protesters were waiting for him. And everywhere I go on social media this week, I am seeing huge explosions of anger. What in the world is our country going to look like if all of this anger ...

Americans support Governors’ revolt against Biden’s “VCC Mandate”
Post Date: 2021-09-14 17:55:15 by Horse
Majority believes Biden does not have the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees. New polling shows that the majority of Americans do not approve of President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandate. Biden announced the mandate last week, which includes requirements that any business with more than 100 employees ensure they are vaccinated or be tested weekly. Biden’s announcement included a range of other federal rules that are estimated to affect 100 million Americans. Convention of States Action released new polling Monday that showed 58.6% of those surveyed “do not believe President Biden has the constitutional authority ...

Ex-Special Forces Soldier Beats Woman to a Pulp... And the Left Is Cheering Him for It
Post Date: 2021-09-14 11:01:02 by Ada
In any decent society, it is a generally accepted principle that a man who beats up a woman should be arrested and imprisoned. Apparently, that rule gets thrown out the window if a man decides he wants to become a female MMA fighter. Of course, it is scientifically impossible for a man to actually become a woman. But thanks to the radical left, he can simply decide he is a woman and be treated as one, with all the rights and privileges of womanhood. Those privileges apparently include beating up a woman and receiving praise for it. Former U.S. Special Forces soldier Alana McLaughlin took advantage of that very privilege on Friday. According to ESPN, the 38-year-old man who believes he ...

The Lee Statue and the Rebellion to Come
Post Date: 2021-09-13 10:25:12 by Ada
On Wednesday, the Commonwealth of Virginia took down and then sawed to pieces Robert E. Lee’s 21-foot bronze equestrian statue in the former Confederate capital of Richmond. On paper, this was illegal. In 1889, the General Assembly guaranteed that the state would “hold the said [Lee Monument] perpetually sacred to the monumental purpose to which it has been devoted.” In 1890 the association to build the monument deeded the land to the Commonwealth. This month, the Virginia Supreme Court noted that: The 1890 Deed states that The State of Virginia . . . executes this instrument in token of her acceptance of the gift and of her guarantee that she will hold [the Lee Monument ...

California Medical Ethics Prof With Natural Immunity
Post Date: 2021-09-12 21:12:56 by Horse
Sues University Over Vaxx Mandate “[i]f my immunity is as good, indeed, very likely better, than that conferred by the vaccine, there doesn’t seem to be any rational basis for discriminating against my form of immunity and requiring me to get a different form of immunity.” We recently discussed the lawsuit filed by a George Mason University professor who refused to get the Covid vaccine upon the recommendation of his doctors and due to his natural antibodies after recovering from the virus. GMU later relented and gave him an exception. However, now a University of California professor has sued on the same ground. Aaron Kheriaty, professor of psychiatry and human behavior ...

College Football Fans Chant “F*ck Joe Biden!”
Post Date: 2021-09-12 09:14:30 by Horse
It all started last week when Trump supporters at the Virginia Tech game started chanting “F*ck Joe Biden!” Since last week, the anti-Biden chants have spread to more games, bars and even concerts. Students chanted “F*ck Joe Biden!” during the Auburn/Alabama game. Old Row @OldRowViral FUCK JOE BIDEN! The best new tradition! @OldrowAuburn https://twitter.com/i/status/1436756127849533443

NY Hospital Forced To Stop Delivering Babies [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2021-09-11 19:22:21 by Horse
After Maternity Workers Resign Over Vaccine "Cayer said 165 hospital employees have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19; that’s 27 percent of the workforce." Poster Comment:A baby delivered at home should avoid that initial Hepatitis B shot. This is an excellent form of resistance.

There Is No Turning Back After This
Post Date: 2021-09-10 17:27:08 by Horse
This is the most sickening thing that Joe Biden has ever done. That is saying a lot, because Biden has a long history of doing sickening things. For the past couple of hours I have been trying to find the right words to put what we just witnessed into proper perspective. This truly is one of the most pivotal moments in American history, and there will be no turning back after this. We are descending into full-blown tyranny, and I have literally felt sick to my stomach as I have pondered the ramifications. What remained of the country that so many of us once loved is being absolutely eviscerated, and it is deeply heartbreaking to watch it happen. The new mandates that Biden has decided to ...

Resist Vaccine Mandate (Meme)
Post Date: 2021-09-10 17:20:31 by Horse
Poster Comment:If you have the software, please post an even better version for the Vaccine Resistance rebellion. Thanks.

Judicial Watch Asks Federal Court For Discovery In Lawsuit
Post Date: 2021-09-10 07:21:30 by Horse
Against U.S. Capitol Police For January 6 Videos Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a motion for discovery in its lawsuit against the United States Capitol Police (USCP) for videos and emails and videos concerning the disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police). Congress exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch therefore brings this case pursuant to the common law right of access to public records. The Capitol Police declined to produce any records about the disturbance to Judicial Watch, however, arguing that the requested videos and other records are not "public records" and the public ...

200 Organizations Ask Gates Foundation to Stop Funding Green Revolution
Post Date: 2021-09-10 05:59:29 by Horse
The billion-dollar Alliance for a Green Revolution has “unequivocally failed in its mission” and “harmed broader efforts to support African farmers,” said 200 groups in a letter to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other donors. Billions of dollars in aid and subsidies for industrial agriculture in Africa are harming food security in one of the world’s hungriest regions, according to a network of African groups asking donors to switch their funding to African-led efforts and agroecology. In a letter delivered Tuesday, 200 organizations led by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa asked the Bill & ...

Former War Crimes Prosecutor Lays Out Blueprint to Prosecute Fauci and Co.
Post Date: 2021-09-09 13:12:43 by Horse
for Creating COVID-19 Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the details of how Fauci can be prosecuted for engineering COVID-19. Poster Comment:Dr. Francis Boyle wrote the draft of America's Bio-terrorism law.

Rand Paul Calls For "Five Years In Jail" For Fauci Lying To Congress
Post Date: 2021-09-09 12:29:31 by Horse
“He has definitely lied to the American public and he should be held responsible but not just that.”

Children’s Health Defense Sues FDA
Post Date: 2021-09-08 04:00:55 by Horse
Over Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine The lawsuit, filed Aug. 31, alleges the U.S. Food and Drug Administration violated federal law when the agency simultaneously licensed Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID vaccine and extended Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Aug. 31 filed suit in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its acting director, Dr. Janet Woodcock, for their allegedly deceptive, rushed licensure of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine. CHD argues that the licensure was a classic “bait and switch,” allowing Pfizer, the Biden ...

Czech Boars Discovered Helping Each Other Out of a Tight Spot!
Post Date: 2021-09-07 08:40:40 by Ada
I recently tried to eat a piece of corn in a cage and was trapped by a log, and I was yelling at the people on the street to help me and no one would. Instead, a fat woman started mooing at me, then a fat man started drinking Pepsi and masturbating. It was completely humiliating, and I had to just sit there and wait for the scientists to come release me. Pigs actually are much better than people, in terms of morality. Click for Full Text!

Aussie Truckers Victorious! South Australia Drops Mandatory Jab For Interstate Drivers
Post Date: 2021-09-06 15:34:46 by Horse

I Didn't Sign Up To Be A Revolutionary': Former Elementary School Teacher Explains Why She Resigned
Post Date: 2021-09-06 15:32:25 by Horse

Pelosi Battles Centrists Over Budget Bills
Post Date: 2021-09-06 10:12:58 by BTP Holdings
Pelosi Battles Centrists Over Budget Bills Two important centrist House Democrats have asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi to provide additional assurances about the Democrats’ big social spending program; the centrists are claiming this is a requirement in order for them to back the spending bill. It’s Democrats vs. Democrats in this Fight It’s the latest twist in a battle between the Democrat Party’s factions fighting over the bill’s size, breadth, and timing; meanwhile, Pelosi aims to put to a referendum on the House floor by the end of next month. After ten of these Democrats almost derailed the House’s effort to pass the budget framework in August, the ...

London is popping offÂ…
Post Date: 2021-09-05 15:31:33 by Horse
Rasta Redpill @RastaRedpill Damn!! It’s going off in London https://twitter.com/i/status/1433853637931978752 Four police officers injured after violence breaks out at Vaccine Freedom protest in London. Paul Brown 🇬🇧 Browns fan🏈 London News 🎥Vlogger @PaulBrown_UK Police and Pro choice freedom protesters fight outside HM Government 10 south colonnade, Canary Wharf - no one arrested https://twitter.com/i/status/1433769028359708684

True the Vote Prepared to Go to Police in Georgia
Post Date: 2021-09-04 10:40:43 by Horse
Video Evidence of Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots into Georgia Voter Drop Boxes — MORE STATES INVOLVED True the Vote has thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona!” All our research, including suspected locations where ballots were delivered, processed, and distributed, along with the individual devices associated, has been submitted in the form of a formal complaint, along with all data, to the FBI. Briefings have been provided to state law enforcement and political leadership in several states. These conversations will continue to broaden in the coming days. We’ve also ...

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