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Place Your Bets! Jim Crow, Jim Snow—or Murraytopia?
Post Date: 2021-08-05 08:35:53 by Ada
I’m going to offer for your consideration what Winston Churchill would have called a naughty question. Here’s my naughty question: Is Jim Snow worse than Jim Crow? I need to define terms here. For 245 years this country of ours has lived more or less uncomfortably with the fact that a big minority of its population is black while the rest, the majority, isn’t. The size of the minority has dwindled some since Independence, when we were 16 percent black; today it’s 13 percent. You can break that 245 years into three segments, marked off by two significant events: the end of the Civil War in 1865, and then the Civil Rights revolution, for which the 1964 Civil Rights Act ...

The Declaration of Vaccination, We The People Shall Not be Free
Post Date: 2021-08-05 00:37:34 by Horse

Boston Mayor Indicates Opposition To Vaccine Passports, Comparing Them To Slave Papers
Post Date: 2021-08-05 00:07:44 by Horse
...suggesting that so-called vaccine passports would disproportionately affect minorities. Poster Comment:See PHOTO of the mayor. I used to live in Boston when I went to school.

"They Can't Arrest Us All"
Post Date: 2021-08-05 00:03:33 by Horse
- Sen. Rand Paul Urges Americans To "Resist" Pelosi & The Petty Tyrants "We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats..."

Imagine… Communism (John Lennon Parody)
Post Date: 2021-08-04 12:37:43 by Horse

Women boycott Dove over 'virtue-signalling' support of trans athlete Laurel Hubbard
Post Date: 2021-08-03 20:21:09 by Horse
Dove is facing a boycott from women disgusted at the toiletries company's "virtue-signalling" support for transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard at Tokyo 2020, which some interpreted as "celebrating the end of women's sport". On Monday Hubbard became the first openly transgender athlete to compete at an Olympic Games when the New Zealand super heavyweight took part in the women's +87kg snatch at Tokyo 2020. Hubbard failed to register a weight from three attempts which put paid to any hopes of qualification despite the clean and jerk event still to go.

Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence of the Secretive Long Fuse Report
Post Date: 2021-08-03 10:25:48 by Horse
— Exposes Twitter-Government Collusion — As Momentous Discovery as Pentagon Papers Previously we reported on Dr. Shiva Ayyarurai was able to uncover Twitter’s “partner support portal.” Dr. Shiva discovered that Twitter built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call their “Twitter Partner Status.” Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered ...

The War on Free Speech Continues
Post Date: 2021-08-03 08:57:49 by Ada
Government and social media move to block platforms for those promoting “misinformation” The Biden Administration’s effort to withdraw nearly all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of the year is commendable and it is hoped that a departure from Syria will follow soon thereafter, but one must nevertheless be concerned that the overseas moves are being made to concentrate government resources on the domestic war that has already begun. I am, of course, referring to the ongoing efforts being made to extirpate “extremists” among American citizens who have been further identified as largely consisting of “white supremacists.” As part of the ...

Mark Dice: Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults!
Post Date: 2021-08-02 20:44:13 by Horse

Pfizer Shot Amazon Mandate Killed my 36 y/o Son”
Post Date: 2021-08-02 10:55:06 by Horse
Poster Comment:Woman's son was required by his employer to get vaxxed. He died.

"You'll Find Out In 18 Months, When People Will Die Like Flies" Italian Docto
Post Date: 2021-08-02 07:27:23 by Horse

"If You Try To Force Something On Me, I'm Going To Kill You" Former Marine
Post Date: 2021-08-02 07:07:02 by Horse

From Vaxxed To Victory
Post Date: 2021-08-02 06:16:36 by Horse
There has been a revolt against mRNA injections and we are near the point of victory. Israel has vaccinated a higher percentage of their people than any other nation even though the Palestinians are refusing to be vaxxed. Israel is not giving their Jewish population blank vaccines. They have had lots of young men experience myocarditis soon after being vaxxed by Pfizer. Israel will be the first nation in the world to give their people the third Pfizer injection. They will begin vaxxing everyone 60 and over. It seems that the human body stops producing those dangerous spike protein after 6 months which is about how long the “alleged protection against covid” lasts. The world has ...

10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC
Post Date: 2021-08-01 22:05:11 by Horse
“These guidelines, like most of the Biden Administration’s actions these days, make little sense and seem without scientific direction...” Poster Comment:Nice idea but still a pipedream at this point. Biden is planning to use a threat of covid to lockdown voting at the polls and let the Donkeys print up 10 million more ballots than they sent out just like they did in 2020. The public will have to revolt. The media leaked that a successor variant of covid might kill 35% of the people who were infected. Sounds like the binary bioweapon of the mRNA vaxxes will be released just as soon as they can fore even more people to get vaxxed. Of course the public will be suspicious if ...

Major Unions Push Back Against Biden's Vaccine Mandates
Post Date: 2021-08-01 16:33:57 by Horse
Groups representing educators, postal workers, law enforcement officers, Treasury Department personnel and other government employees expressed unease..

California Biggest Public Sector Union Opposes Newsom's Vaccine Order
Post Date: 2021-07-31 23:12:17 by Horse
State of California to “cease and desist enforcing this requirement or imposing an immediate deadline” until the union has had the chance to meet and confer...

Climate Tax Meme
Post Date: 2021-07-31 11:52:29 by Horse

Nearly 50% of Republicans believe; 'patriotic Americans' will 'have to take the law into their own hands'
Post Date: 2021-07-31 11:42:20 by Horse
Nearly half of Republicans believe there will be a time soon where 'patriotic Americans' will 'have to take the law into their own hands,' according to a new poll.

Who in the US is STILL unvaccinated against COVID-19?
Post Date: 2021-07-31 11:16:48 by Horse
CDC stats show fewer than half of people under 40, 27% of black people and 39% of rural dwellers have had shots Unvaccinated Americans are most likely to be younger, male, black and living in a rural area, a DailyMail.com analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show.

27 Groups Urge Congress To Close FBI ‘Backdoor Search’ Loophole
Post Date: 2021-07-31 11:06:15 by Horse
"Ending this unconstitutional practice is imperative to ensure that foreign intelligence surveillance does not swallow Americans' privacy rights." Over two dozen advocacy groups on Monday sent a letter urging members of Congress to back a measure that, if enacted, would close the so-called “backdoor search” loophole that allows warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens’ data by government agencies including the FBI and CIA. The letter (pdf), led by Demand Progress and signed by 27 groups, calls on House leaders to support an amendment to H.R. 4505 – the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2022 – ...

Keith Olbermann Wants Jimmy Dore Banned From All Platforms
Post Date: 2021-07-31 09:43:56 by Ada
Proving once again he doesn’t care who he has to step on to claw his way to rock bottom, fallen liberal media hero Keith Olbermann has called for the complete removal of left wing comedian and podcaster Jimmy Dore from all internet platforms. “Time to ban this feral succubus Jimmy Dore from Twitter and other platforms,” Olbermann told his one million Twitter followers on Friday. Olbermann’s wrath was incurred by a short video clip bizarrely described as “misogynistic” in which Dore portrayed out of touch liberal elitist Emma Vigeland as an out of touch liberal elitist, saying that if people like her ever tried to bring their esoteric university Marxist ...

Pedo Ring dealt with in the 90s
Post Date: 2021-07-30 19:42:21 by noone222
Poster Comment:If you don't watch these guys take out a pedo ring you be pissed you didn't view it ! I've never seen anything like this on film !!!

Yelling, Throwing, Tweeting: The Day Masks Returned to Congress
Post Date: 2021-07-29 16:50:45 by Horse
Hours into the return of a face mask requirement in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) threw a mask at a Democratic staffer, a Democrat and a Republican got in several shouting matches about the Republican’s vaccination status off the House floor, and the Speaker of the House called her GOP counterpart a “moron” for criticizing the mask guidance... And that was all before lunch..

220,000 Member American Postal Workers Union Releases Statement Against Mandatory Vaccinations for Federal Employees
Post Date: 2021-07-29 10:19:22 by Horse
One of the reasons why the federal mandate for vaccinations will fail will be the backlash and refusal compliance by the blue-collar workforce. While the U.S. ideological media will downplay the scale of power within the middle-class and blue-collar workforce, they know the true power exists. The team behind Biden might poke this bear to test a reaction, but they will not dare confront it directly. They know that. WE know that. The 220,000 members of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) released a statement saying the federal government has no business attempting to force vaccinate the workforce. This union will not be the only one…

The Fauci Protection Team
Post Date: 2021-07-28 19:38:29 by Ada
Someone, almost certainly Dr. Fauci’s business partner, Big Pharma, has organized an active Internet support system to shield Dr. Fauci from accountability. Fauci is in difficulty for a variety of reasons, including his conflicts of interest with Big Pharma. He has a financial relationship with companies whose products he approves. But his big trouble at the moment is that he lied to Congress when he denied funding research working to develop the Covid virus. NIH records show that he financed research on how to make Covid virus more transmissible at UNC and at the Wuhan lab. When Fauci denies funding the research at Wuhan, he is trying to hide behind having used a third party, ...

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