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Man Walks Out Of Pharmacies With Covid Vax Vials, Overnights Them To Diagnostics Labs…Results Soon! (Video)
Post Date: 2021-05-07 18:32:01 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Man Walks Out Of Pharmacies With Covid Vax Vials, Overnights Them To Diagnostics Labs…Results Soon! (Video) Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Here's the new Black Superman! lol! way to go!

Lebron James Responds
Post Date: 2021-05-07 18:29:31 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!

Refusing to be in contact with the Vaccinated
Post Date: 2021-05-07 08:43:04 by TeaTephi
A doctor is refusing to give appointments to people who have been vaccinated since he does not want them to harm the people in his office. This is according to Natural News www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-06- http://doctor-">www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-06-doctor- refuses-patients-vaccinated-for-covid19.html I feel this is probably a smart decision since the 1918 flu pandemic was caused by the flu vaccine. The men of WW1 were drafted (forced) into the military to fight against their brethren in Europe and then forced to get the flue vaccine. The men returning from WW1 are the ones that introduced this flue to the American population and the world. This book called 'The Horrors of ...

Roger Daltrey: The ‘Woke’ Generation is Creating a Miserable World
Post Date: 2021-05-06 07:08:01 by NeoconsNailed
“It’s terrifying.” The Who legend Roger Daltrey says the ‘woke’ generation is creating a miserable world that serves to stifle the kind of creative freedom he enjoyed in the 60s. The iconic frontman made the comments during a recent appearance on Zane Lowe’s Apple Music 1 podcast. “I don’t know, we might get somewhere because it’s becoming so absurd now with AI, all the tricks it can do, and the woke generation,” said Daltrey. “It’s terrifying, the miserable world they’re going to create for themselves. I mean, anyone who’s lived a life and you see what they’re doing, you just know that it’s a route to ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-05-06 06:59:38 by Horse
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken." Bobby Sands

Judge had enough of BLM nonsense (Video)
Post Date: 2021-05-05 22:37:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source.

'50 Cent' Flees New York For Texas After Complaining About COVID Restrictions, High Taxes
Post Date: 2021-05-05 21:47:47 by Horse
"I'm headed to Texas, f**k this..." Poster Comment:I guess after Cuomo raises taxes he would have to change his name from 50 cent to Nickel.

FBI Spied On Rudy Giuliani From The Moment Trump Hired Him
Post Date: 2021-05-05 20:09:34 by BTP Holdings
FBI Spied On Rudy Giuliani From The Moment Trump Hired Him BY REPUBLICANWIRE MAY 5, 2021 Rudy Giuliani Something’s up here. As it turns out, the FBI, who recently raided Rudy Giuliani’s apartment, began spying on him the moment Trump hired him as a lawyer. According to reports, the DOJ began watching the 9/11 Mayor as soon as he began representing Trump in his defense against the fake Russia scandal. “And with regard to the much worse surveillance and the taking of my iCloud account from the first day that I became Donald Trump’s lawyer,” Giuliani told Steve Bannon recently, before revealing what the spying was really about: “They didn’t even make any ...

How is the Agenda This Obvious…?
Post Date: 2021-05-05 19:00:16 by Ada
So, there’s this thing called the 2030 Great Reset that is being pumped by the United Nations. The organization uses a rainbow circle logo for the project. They have 17 rainbow goals that amount to creating some kind of utopian world order. The rainbow circle with these 17 goals represents what Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has dubbed “The Great Reset.” Schwab has been shockingly straightforward about his desire to use the coronavirus hoax to establish a New World Order. He even wrote a book about it, entitled – straightforwardly enough – “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” This “Great Reset” is a version of the old “End ...

D'Souza: Abolish The FBI
Post Date: 2021-05-04 14:42:06 by Horse
For a long time, the FBI has stood as the admirable symbol of a police agency of government, implacably going after the bad guys and neutrally enforcing the laws. This is the FBI of the movie “The Untouchables,” in which special agent Eliot Ness leads his devoted crew of armed agents in a heroic battle against the forces of organized crime. Well, forget about the Untouchables. Today’s FBI has quite obviously been corrupted from the top. This is a process that seems to have begun under President Barack Obama, endured during the Donald Trump years, and has now reached its unfortunate nadir under President Joe Biden. It’s time for conservatives and Republicans to start ...

Giant Killers Tackle Google
Post Date: 2021-05-04 13:20:16 by Horse
The digital giants have taken over the world. Nobody has ever amassed this much power. Hitler would die of envy if shown the greatness of Google. Huxley and Orwell’s protagonists could only dream of what Bezos and Gates do. The latter overthrew the US President and installed one they prefer, and for good reason. The combined net worth of the top 100 ultra-rich people in the US has skyrocketed by $195 billion since Biden took office, according to Bloomberg’s calculations. These giants control the minds of billions. Nations hock their lands and industries to purchase their patent medicines. These giants know our faces, our names, all about us, even the cells we are made of, down to ...

Vendetta: How the Obama Administration Harassed Sharyl Attkisson for Her Reporting on Operation Fast and Furious
Post Date: 2021-05-04 08:18:37 by Ada
U.S. presidents never have been fond of journalists who criticize their policies – especially if that negative coverage exposes blunders or criminal conduct. White House occupants devote considerable effort to uncovering the identity of sources leaking such information to enterprising reporters. The obsessive campaigns that the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations have waged to demonize, prosecute and destroy WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange provide the latest evidence of the intense desire for vengeance. But there is a lesser-known episode that also underscores that tendency and confirms that Hell hath no fury like an administration whose malfeasance or incompetence has seen the ...

Modern Day Tea Party
Post Date: 2021-05-03 18:51:04 by Horse

America First Legal Pursuing Lawsuit Against Critical Race Theory: Stephen Miller
Post Date: 2021-05-03 15:53:09 by Horse
America First Legal (AFL) is seeking to pursue a lawsuit to stop critical race theory (CRT) training, according to Stephen Miller, a former adviser to then-President Donald Trump. “We’re also looking for plaintiffs—if we can find them—who are willing to stand up and file suit on critical race theory,” he said during an interview with Fox News. Miller encouraged federal workers who have been compelled to participate in CRT training to join the effort. “Go to our website and tell us what happened to you,” he said. The White House and the Justice Department didn’t immediately respond to requests by The Epoch Times for comment.

'Anti-woke' candidates win in landslide Texas school board election
Post Date: 2021-05-03 15:21:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:Against critical race theory candidates with 70% vote.

Project Veritas - OLIGARCHY (Official Video)
Post Date: 2021-05-03 15:19:23 by Horse
Poster Comment:A different sort of Veritas video. A musical response to his defamation lawsuits.

Be Very, Very Quiet… it’s Whitey Season
Post Date: 2021-05-03 08:26:18 by Horse
There is a growing sentiment among leftists that hatred of, violence against, and the destruction of white people’s lives is just fine. That it may in fact be long overdue. That white people because of their “white privilege” and “white supremacist” beliefs deserve nothing more than to be fired from their jobs, assaulted on the streets, and looted and pillaged in their businesses because they have it coming to them. And this sentiment is being nurtured and advocated for by many powerful institutions in this country such as the media, corporate America, and leftist politicians right up to the White House. The message to white people is to be very, very ...

Majority Of French Agree With Military Generals That Nation Is Nearing "Civil War", New Poll Finds
Post Date: 2021-05-02 12:58:34 by Horse
..nearly half want the military to be sent into multicultural banlieues to restore order... Poster Comment:No such poll in America. Do you want to see the US military to be on the streets of NYC and the 20 biggest cities in America?

Three More Cities Vote ‘No Confidence’ In Progressive L.A. County D.A. Gascón Amid Recall Threat
Post Date: 2021-05-02 02:26:45 by Horse
Organizers of an effort to recall Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón say they are working closely with county officials to finalize the petition, three more cities declared “no confidence” in the progressive prosecutor this week. Poster Comment:He is a George Soros type DA. Nobody goes to jail.

Stop Sending Your Friends Depressing Crap
Post Date: 2021-05-01 10:33:35 by Ada
There is a war. The war is with someone who wants to destroy your home, your family, and you. That enemy realizes something: if he wants to control you, your family, and your home — all that enemy needs to do is to control your mind. Controlling your mind is a victory for the enemy. Liberating your mind is a step toward victory for you. The war is not kinetic, which makes that war considerably harder for some people to recognize, since so many have been inundated with the notion that war is kinetic. This war is psychological. This war is spiritual. This war is ideological. This war is preparing to be one of the greatest epics ever written. It is hardly kinetic, if at all, and may ...

Gov. Noem suing White House over Mount Rushmore fireworks ban (6:42)
Post Date: 2021-05-01 04:42:32 by NeoconsNailed
South Dakota governor calls the administration's permit denial 'partisan and political' on 'Your Word.' #FoxNews NN COMMENTS: This lady is very impressive and well-spoken here. Neil Cavuto is a dismal nerd as usual -- what IS he doing on TV. Noem says MI is the only state that decreed no masks or lockdowns. She won't commit to anything re 2024 -- INCLUDING HITCHING HER STAR TO TROMP'S -- which is very sage. Tromp is a has-been and was never really that good. HE WAS THE ORIGINAL PLANDEMIC PREXY and this must never be forgotten!!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46co3L5gPM Click for Full Text!

White farmers sue feds over being banned from government program 'solely due to their race'
Post Date: 2021-04-30 10:03:42 by Horse
A group of white Midwestern farmers has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for racial discrimination over being banned from a loan forgiveness program offered only to farmers of color, due to the fact that they are ineligible "solely due to their race."

More Cartoons
Post Date: 2021-04-29 21:12:22 by Horse

Kristi Noem Issues Executive Order Banning Vaccine Passports
Post Date: 2021-04-29 10:58:16 by Horse
On Tuesday, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem signed an executive order effectively banning so-called vaccine passports in the state. The order bars all South Dakota government agencies and local municipalities from requiring citizens to carry proof of vaccinations in order to engage in everyday life. Noem joins Greg Abbot of Texas, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Gianforte of Montana, Doug Ducey of Arizona, Brad Little of Idaho, and Spencer Cox of Utah — all Republicans — on the list of governors who have issued executive orders against such anti-freedom measures. “Since the start of the COVID pandemic, we have provided the people of South Dakota with up to date science, ...

Official Stormer Statement: We’re All in on Matt Gaetz
Post Date: 2021-04-29 10:57:01 by Ada
Matt Gaetz is undoubtedly a weird person. I’ve spoken negatively of him in the past, primarily due to his weirdness, and for boomerish positions he has taken. However, recently, I’ve been more pro-Gaetz after he was targeted by a bizarre deep state conspiracy to try to frame him as a heterosexual. If Gaetz is able to beat this deep state conspiracy – and frankly, it looks like he already has, because nothing is happening and there is no indictment – he will be able to do whatever he wants. He young enough that I can forgive some of the things he’s done that I don’t agree with, and I can forgive his weirdness because, whatever, that just is what it is. ...

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