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Questioning The War On COVID-19
Post Date: 2021-05-19 09:49:59 by Ada
A war effort based on bad information has endangered civil liberties, promoted public disorder, and deepened our social divides. Last year, America went to war against an invisible enemy. Calling himself a “wartime president,” Donald Trump deemed the outbreak of COVID-19 “worse than Pearl Harbor … worse than the World Trade Center.” Democrats echoed his martial rhetoric. Joe Biden proposed a revival of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s War Production Board. Andrew Cuomo urged Americans to support our troops, though in this battle, he said, “the troops are healthcare professionals.” Wartime spirit spread. Every night at seven, the streets of Manhattan echoed ...

Zoom Hearing Takes Wild Turn as Judge Outsmarts Defendant; Watch the Look on His Face When He Realizes It's All Over
Post Date: 2021-05-19 07:36:08 by BTP Holdings
Zoom Hearing Takes Wild Turn as Judge Outsmarts Defendant; Watch the Look on His Face When He Realizes It's All Over by Garion Frankel May 16, 2021 at 2:02pm Zoom court was a result of circumstances, but it is something that should be (and in many places, already has) done away with as soon as possible. An incident in Michigan back in March is a great illustration of why. According to CTV News, 21-year-old Coby James Harris was in court on March 2nd in relation to an assault with intent to cause bodily harm charge. The victim, Mary Lindsey, was also on the call, and took the “stand” to testify. But, the outlet reported that prosecutor Deborah Davis noticed something ...

This Land is Mine (Anti-Zionist cartoon)
Post Date: 2021-05-18 22:57:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Left this comment over there: Had enough of their wars? I wrote this: Israel Did 911. All the Proof In The World https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/resurrecting-israel-did-911-all-the-proof-in-the-world/ And this: Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/israel-killed-jfk-and-has-ruled-america-ever-since/

1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
Post Date: 2021-05-18 16:08:37 by Horse

No point in owning a home at ground zero
Post Date: 2021-05-18 14:22:45 by Horse
Everyone on 4um ought to asses their real estate holdings now that crunch time approaches. No point in owning a home at ground zero. I expect it all to blow up long before the November 2024 elections. Sell real estate now so you can relocate to a safer area. The whole West Coast and the New Madrid area from Memphis to St Louis within a 250 mile radius will probably be toast. And then there are the looters. Of course those quakes could happen anytime over the next decade. But that third Pfizer shot is coming around December. The binary part of the Bioweapon will be released after that. I expect Hyperinflation and Nationwide Food Riots. I also expect every city to be burned to the ground ...

The False God
Post Date: 2021-05-18 10:02:49 by Ada
Beneath all the psychotic babble that sore besets the collective national hive-mind over a pandemic that comes and goes in waves, and phantoms of contrived identity animus, looms an economy that would collapse without gigantic IV infusions of “money” from the false god that our government has become. The collapse is working its way out in strange ways as we create ever stranger work-arounds for avoiding it — such as the unanswered “help wanted” signs while legions of unemployed adults cash government support checks. Of course, a lot of those unanswered signs are for what used to be called shit-jobs, flipping burgers, bagging groceries, and such. For a lot of ...

Space Force Officer's Book On Marxism In The Military Reaches No. 1 On Amazon After Being Fired
Post Date: 2021-05-17 21:48:50 by Horse
..how long before Bezos bans it?

New Book By Charles Murray Who Wrote The Book “The Bell Curve”
Post Date: 2021-05-16 19:53:00 by Horse
Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America Hardcover, by Charles Murray, is expected to be out on June 15, 2021, and the left is already worried about the contents. Murray is the co-author of the 1990’s classic The Bell Curve, and his research on race is considered “hate speech” by the left. “We on the center-left and center-right who are the American Creed’s natural defenders have painted ourselves into a corner. We have been unwilling to say openly that different groups have significant group differences. Since we have not been willing to say that, we have been left defenseless against the claims that racism is to blame. What else could it be? We have been ...

Federal Judge Signals He May END Twitter’s Immunity in Dr. Shiva Case – Speech Police in Panic —
Post Date: 2021-05-15 19:50:40 by Horse
Watch Hearing Live on May 20 A federal judge in Massachusetts is going to make Twitter explain whether or not it is a “state actor” or a truly private company, and the effects could be significant in reigning in Big Tech’s oppression of conservative views. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.

Hezbollah fully prepared to deliver crushing response if Israel attacks Lebanon
Post Date: 2021-05-15 13:18:55 by Horse
Amid the Israeli regime’s ongoing military drills in the occupied territories, a Lebanese political analyst says the Hezbollah resistance movement is fully prepared to give a crushing response to Tel Aviv in case of any mistake, or attack on Lebanon. The Israeli regime’s ongoing military drills aim to send a threatening message to the Hezbollah movement, amid the ongoing economic, social, financial and political crisis in Lebanon, Faysal Abdel Sater told Press TV on Thursday. He added that Israel is staging the maneuvers at a time that it is aware of the resistance movement’s high power and simultaneous with a full-scale Palestinian uprising, which shows the depth of a ...

Teenage boys are proving to be unexpected blessings
Post Date: 2021-05-15 08:29:05 by Ada
As the mother of a former teenage boy, who has now passed through that stage, I can say that there are few human beings on earth who can show rawer, often foolhardy, courage than a teenage boy. In 2021, this is proving to be an extraordinary blessing because it turns out that it is teenage boys who have the courage to stand up to crazy teachers. The latest example comes out of Wisconsin, where a completely out-of-control teacher lambasted a very relaxed teenage boy for showing his naked face. When you write as much as I do, you inevitably find yourself repeating themes. One of my themes for the past eight months or so has been that leftist women, especially young women, have been driven ...

COVID Deaths — Putting the Numbers in Perspective
Post Date: 2021-05-14 21:19:14 by Horse
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people died of the flu in 2017 than died of COVID in 2020. Every year roughly between 2.8 and 3 million people die in the United States — just under 1% of the population. In some years, deaths exceed projections, for instance in a bad flu year. These extra deaths are characterized as “excess deaths.” In February, the CDC reported it attributed 376,504 deaths in 2020 to COVID-19. Each death is regrettable, but to put that number in perspective, the COVID deaths in 2020 were actually lower than the 401,000 excess deaths in 2017 — a bad flu year. This finding mirrors excess death data from other ...

Video: Rand Paul Continues Fauci Feud; "He Could Be Culpable For The Entire Pandemic"
Post Date: 2021-05-13 20:35:40 by Horse
"The person they hired to investigate the lab for the WHO perspective is the guy who gave the money" Paul was attacked by leftist media Wednesday for merely questioning Fauci’s extensive role in granting funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology at a Senate hearing. CNN’s Anderson Cooper declared that Paul should “have more respect at least for medical science.” Paul hit back, noting that Fauci is lying about the NIH’s involvement in funding of the Wuhan lab. Now in a further appearance on Fox And Friends, Paul has gone even deeper, accusing Fauci of being personally to blame for the global pandemic. “The person they hired to investigate the lab ...

BLM Insurrectionist Screams ‘I Can’t Wait Until Black People Lynch White People’
Post Date: 2021-05-13 14:00:26 by Horse
Video footage from Black Lives Matter and left-wing riots in Bellevue, Washington this week shows a female agitator repeatedly shrilling, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people!” Other rioters also chime in to voice agreement with the insurrectionist, black supremacist narrative. “I can’t wait until black people hang you!” the protester screams at an onlooker, who is caught off guard and says, “Wait, what was that? Do you want to say it again?” Um yeah,” the female agitator responds, taking a deep breath before bellowing, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people!” ...

STUPID IDEAS: Why The Great Reset Will Fail
Post Date: 2021-05-13 09:05:27 by Horse

Post Date: 2021-05-13 08:43:56 by Horse

Alyssa Milano labelled a 'white supremacist' in online viral video
Post Date: 2021-05-12 20:16:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Black woman puts White Liberal in her place.

"It Will Be MANDATORY, This is Really Happening!" - Edward Snowden 2021
Post Date: 2021-05-12 19:55:22 by Horse

Republican states revolt against Joe's handouts: ELEVEN GOP governors now refuse Biden's $300 unemployment benefit
Post Date: 2021-05-12 13:41:49 by Horse
makes it 'impossible for employers to fill jobs' Eleven Republican states have announced they will decline federal coronavirus aid from President Joe Biden by withdrawing from the $300 per week enhanced unemployment scheme, with others set to follow.

Wyoming Becomes 11th State To Ban Vaccine Passports
Post Date: 2021-05-12 13:37:45 by Horse
Republican Mark Gordon’s directive outlines that “Vaccine passport programs have the potential to politicize a decision that should not be politicized.” They would divide our citizens at a time when unity in fighting the virus is essential, and harm those who are medically unable to receive the vaccine. Gordon was also an early proponent of scrapping the mask mandate back in March, and allowing businesses to reopen. Wyoming joins other states including Alabama, Minnesota, South Carolina, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Texas and South Dakota that have all either passed legislation or issued orders to prevent mandatory vaccinations or COVID passport schemes. ...

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021
Post Date: 2021-05-12 13:06:55 by Horse
he New Nuremberg Trials 2021 A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / ”infections” tracked ...

Intruder shot, killed after kicking in door, charging occupant with a knife
Post Date: 2021-05-10 06:03:54 by Horse
Poster Comment:He was supposed to be going to his anger management class afterwards but he never made it.

Police: 3 Hurt in Florida Mall Shooting as Shoppers Scatter
Post Date: 2021-05-09 17:36:19 by BTP Holdings
Police: 3 Hurt in Florida Mall Shooting as Shoppers Scatter May 8, 2021 Shoppers look from a restaurant as police officers enter the Aventura Mall after a shooting left three people injured and several suspects in custody, Saturday, May 8, 2021, in Aventura, Fla. (AP Photo/Marta Lavandier) (Associated Press) A shooting at a South Florida shopping mall that was sparked by a fight between two groups of people sent panicked shoppers fleeing and left three persons injured Saturday afternoon, police and witnesses said. Live aerial television news footage showed people scattering outside the Aventura Mall after the initial reports of gunfire. Law enforcement vehicles could be seen converging ...

Turn Over Routers Or Face Subpoenas, Arizona Lawmakers Tell Maricopa County
Post Date: 2021-05-09 07:08:55 by Horse
Arizona’s Senate told Maricopa County on Friday that it would issue subpoenas for live testimony from the county’s Board of Supervisors unless it received the materials that are being withheld. Poster Comment:Arizona was settled by Confederate veterans after the Civil War.

CIA Replaces Waterboarding With 12-Hour Lectures On Intersectional Feminism by Babylon Bee
Post Date: 2021-05-09 06:59:42 by Horse

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