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14 words
Post Date: 2021-03-12 15:31:01 by Horse
14 Words is a reference to the popular white supremacist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." Would the ADL criticize Blacks who said,"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Black children."

Prosecuted for Memes: Donate to Ricky Vaughn Freedom Fund!
Post Date: 2021-03-12 09:44:50 by Ada
As we’ve written about extensively here on the Daily Stormer, on February 10, Douglass Mackey, who was known on the internet as Ricky Vaughn, was indicted by Joe Biden’s Justice Department for memes he made during the 2016 election cycle. Ricky was among the most influential figures in the entire right-wing in 2016. He served as a bridge between normal Republicans and more legit information. He was a meme genius. He was ranked by MIT as one of the top 100 election influencers. He was responsible for so many of the great memes that got Donald Trump elected, and changed our internet culture so fundamentally. He was the father of good optics, and played a major role in ...

Post Date: 2021-03-11 14:15:11 by Horse

George Lincoln Rockwellwas right
Post Date: 2021-03-10 12:15:33 by Horse

Daily Caller Tattletales on Louis Farrakhan, Gets His Anti-Vaccine Warning Banned
Post Date: 2021-03-10 08:41:42 by Ada
The Daily Caller was founded by Tucker Carlson, and used to be a news website. It was sort of a more professional version of Breitbart. Now, however, Tucker Carlson has sold his part of the company, and it has become just another tattletale fake news outlet, trying to get people banned for criticizing Jews. The Daily Caller recently ran a piece tattling on the Minister Louis Farrakhan for being against vaccines, demanding he be further banned from social media. Click for Full Text!

Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR
Post Date: 2021-03-10 02:07:45 by Pinguinite

Post Date: 2021-03-09 12:50:07 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Major -- major -- major. Their mgrs = Brian Epstein, Allen Klein. Their publisher = Vapnick ('Dick James'). Their director = Liebman ('Richard Lester'). Their producer = Shenson. Ringo's wife = (Gold)Bach. Paul's = Epstein ('Eastman'). Ed Sullivan's -- Weinstein. JOHN WAS JEW TOO. And maybe Ringo.

Lots of people have died or been injured so far but what happens after 100 days and everyone starts talking to one of the 10 to 20 million who will be permanently injured? The Deep State will have some explaining to do.
Post Date: 2021-03-09 12:12:20 by Horse
For the benefit of those who were educated in California public schools, a 60% pay cut means that your $20 an hour after taxes job will soon be paying $8 an hour. Who is the Boss? David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. What have they done to rob us and make us poor? Most recently, they unleashed a lab made coronavirus that was funded by NIH, Dr Fauci and Barack Obama in 2014 to the tune of $3.7 million to that facility in Wuhan. The covid virus contains strands from the HIV virus. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. ...

VIDEO: Visibly Shaken Fauci Gets Emotional Over States’ Decision To Reject His Guidelines, End Mask Mandates
Post Date: 2021-03-09 11:31:47 by Horse
Biden White House Covid advisor Anthony Fauci appeared visibly shaken by the news that multiple states have now rejected his calls for mask mandates and massive lockdowns continuing throughout the whole of 2020, stating that the legal decisions made by multiple states to re-open are “inexplicable.” “It just is inexplicable why you would want to pull back now,” the highest paid federal employee in the United States complained. “I understand the need to want to get back to normality but you’re only gonna set yourself back if you just completely push aside the public health guidelines.” https://twitter.com/i/status/1367517450875641867

It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview
Post Date: 2021-03-08 16:07:23 by Horse
ActivistPost reported: In this interview, which was initially banned by YouTube before it was even published (but now reversed), Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination. Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if ...

Study Finds Book Burners Always Stop With Just A Few Fringe Books, So There's Nothing To Worry About
Post Date: 2021-03-08 11:29:12 by Horse
U.S.—A new study has confirmed that people who burn books always stop with just a few obscure, third-tier books with a couple of problematic things, and their book-burning activities never go beyond that, so there's really nothing to worry about when books start getting burned. The study covered book burnings carried out by governments and private groups throughout history. In every case, the researchers claim, book burners never went beyond their original targets. They couldn't find even a single time that destroying a few books led to banning and destroying even more books. Therefore, they say, we're totally in the clear when people start destroying Dr. Seuss books, ...

"We'll Level Tel Aviv": Iran Responds To Israel 'Preparing' Strike Plans Against Nuclear Sites
Post Date: 2021-03-08 11:27:36 by NeoconsNailed
Iran has responded to a Fox News interview from late last week wherein Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Israel is currently updating its plans to strike Iran's nuclear program and is prepared to act independently if the United States is not willing. The interview was unusually blunt even for Israel in terms of the defense chief openly stating war plans. Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami promptly fired back with a counterthreat on Sunday. He said Iran's military will level Tel Aviv and Haifa should Israel do anything "out of desperation". "Sometimes, the Zionist regime [Israel] out of desperation makes big claims against the Islamic Republic of Iran ...

Anti-vaxxer Louis Farrakhan callS COVID vaccine the 'vial of death' is shared on Twitter and Facebook
Post Date: 2021-03-08 11:16:29 by Horse
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told believers that the COVID-19 vaccine is a 'vial of death,' a claim that was shared on Twitter and Facebook despite their misinformation policies. A video of Farrakhan saying the vaccine 'is death itself' was reportedly shared on Facebook and YouTube, where it remained until Saturday night, according to Fox News. A link to the video still remains on Twitter despite Farrakhan comparing the vaccine to the Kool-Aid from the Jonestown Massacre of 1978 when more than 900 members of an American cult called the Peoples Temple died in a mass suicide-murder under the direction of their leader Jim Jones. By rushing so fast to get something ...

Saying Dont Hate yourself is considered Hate Speech by YouTube
Post Date: 2021-03-08 10:51:12 by Horse

Narrative Collapse: Only 36% Of Americans Think George Floyd's Death Was 'Murder'
Post Date: 2021-03-08 10:29:49 by NeoconsNailed
ShareFacebookTwitterRedditEmail Last June, sixty percent of Americans thought George Floyd's death was "murder." From RT, "BLM backfire? US public opinion shifts on George Floyd's death, law & order, as racial divide widens after summer of riots – poll": US public opinion on the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody has shifted since the early days of last year's Black Lives Matter protests, with trust in law enforcement growing after violent unrest in the streets. Just 36 percent of respondents in a USA Today/Ipsos poll released on Friday described Floyd's death as murder, down from 60 percent last June. The racial divide in ...

LBGTQ Donkey Meme
Post Date: 2021-03-07 13:16:56 by Horse

America Sours on BLM: Only 28% of Whites Believe George Floyd was “Murdered”
Post Date: 2021-03-07 08:43:52 by Ada
The majority of people have officially soured on the black agenda. At this point, everyone has seen the arrest videos of George Floyd, and everyone has witnessed enough violent black destruction, that the entire BLM agenda has stopped making sense to all but a few diehard true believers. It will take some time before people are ready to admit it to each other, but they’re at the point where they’re ready to admit it to pollsters: the entire hysteria of 2020 was the result of a trauma- induced state, and it did not represent the actual views of the mob. RT: US public opinion on the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody has shifted since the early days of last ...

ideo: Families Burn Masks Outside State Capitol To Protest Lockdowns — Liberals Melt Down
Post Date: 2021-03-07 08:05:30 by Horse
Families in Idaho rallied outside the State Capitol on Saturday to protest the nationwide lockdowns still in effect in many parts of the country. Over a hundred fifty people gathered at the Idaho State Capitol to rally against Gov. Brad Little’s emergency powers and the lockdowns in general, with some families seen burning masks en masse. Sergio Olmos @MrOlmos Parents encouraging kids to burn masks on Idaho Capitol steps https://twitter.com/i/status/1368261041696632832 Sergio Olmos @MrOlmos Anti-lockdown Protestor burns “sleepy joe” photo on Idaho Capitol steps https://twitter.com/i/status/1368261898609696769 About 150 people are gathered in Boise, Idaho on the ...

Another one Bites the Dust:
Post Date: 2021-03-06 14:17:00 by Horse
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Water Parks at Full Capacity

Ben Stein Issues WARNING: Suffers Severe Side Effects from COVID Vaccine DAYS AFTER Getting Shot (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2021-03-06 14:11:56 by Horse
American writer, lawyer, actor and comedian Ben Stein posted video this week warning Americans about the side-effects of the Moderna COVID vaccine booster shot. According to Stein he was horrible sick for days following the injection. Ben Stein: I had the COVID booster by Moderno four or five days ago and I am still feeling wild side effects from it like I have the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, extreme irrational thinking. And it has just been devastating. The video is posted on Banned.video because we all know the tech giants will not approve of anti-vaccine testimonials. https://banned.video/watch?id=604270533282f82eeac002ad Poster Comment:I ...

AFPAC II: All Speeches and Comments
Post Date: 2021-03-06 09:57:07 by Ada
The second annual meeting of Nick Fuentes’ America First Political Action Committee (AFPAC) meeting happened last weekend in Orlando, Florida, alongside the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC). The purpose of holding the AFPAC conference in the same city as CPAC is to draw attention to the distinction between the two conferences and the worldviews they represent. CPAC has gone full anal, and they refuse to talk about immigration. Instead, they talk about taxes and how Democrats are secretly the real racists. Eventually, this CPAC agenda is going to get really old for a lot of people. By my estimate, not even one conservative is going along with this anal agenda that ...

The Power of Progressive Conspiracy Theories
Post Date: 2021-03-06 09:30:41 by Ada
There is a story about Dr. Samuel Johnson and his famous dictionary. Some ladies told him they were glad he had omitted “indelicate and objectionable” words. Dr. Johnson said he was sorry they had looked for them. That could be a story about conservatives and progressives. Progressives are dying to find hate crimes and neo-Nazis and will invent them if they don’t exist. If non-whites attack Asians, they manage to blame whites. They are more obsessed with race than we are. The problem is that conservatives and corporations take their delusions seriously. The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) began with an attempt to pander to blacks. CPAC invited and then ...

Student Journalist Sues University President for Allegedly Forbidding Journalism
Post Date: 2021-03-04 13:25:40 by Horse
Jared Nally is fighting for his rights — and the rights of student reporters across the country. Nally wants Haskell Indian Nations University, a public institution operated by the federal government, to answer for the 90 days he was silenced, without any due process, under a directive that banned him from engaging in basic acts of journalism. He also wants Haskell to restore over $10,000 of funding that the university inexplicably shorted the newspaper, approve its registration as a student organization, and revise the unconstitutional policy on campus speech used to issue the directive. Today, backed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Nally and The Indian Leader ...

Korean store owners defend their business during the 1992 LA
Post Date: 2021-03-03 11:53:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:At the time of the riots Tom Bradley was mayor.

"Complete Loss Of Trust": Half Of French Home Health Workers Say They'll Resist Taking Vaccine
Post Date: 2021-03-03 10:27:38 by Horse
"those recommending the vaccine are the same people - the French state - whom care home workers blame for their low pay and tough working conditions..."

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