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Joe Biden Responds Decisively to Mounting Russian Threat Against America [FUNNY 😂]
Post Date: 2021-04-15 10:45:41 by Ada
It’s good Joe Biden is protecting the people from Russia. I’ve been really worried lately about a Russian invasion. CNN: The Biden administration is expected to announce sanctions as soon as Thursday targeting Russian individuals and entities, in addition to new financial restrictions and the expulsion of as many as a dozen Russian diplomats from the US, in response to the hack of SolarWinds and election interference, according to two sources familiar with the plans. The sanctions will target intelligence and government officials and entities involved in the SolarWinds cyber intrusion, the officials said. One reason the rollout of these actions has taken longer than ...

Questions For DC Swamp Creatures
Post Date: 2021-04-15 04:33:05 by Horse
I have suggested some questions the DC Swamp Creatures should answer. Jean Luc Montagnier won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008. He said that covid-19 was made in a lab. It contains strands from the HIV virus. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. This allows it to enter human cells. 4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP 41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies. Dr Francis Anthony Boyle who wrote America's Bio-terrorism law agrees that it was made in a lab. Question: Do you support a criminal investigation with criminal charges and a death penalty for all those involved in killing millions of people ...

John Stossel: My Racist Bake Sale
Post Date: 2021-04-15 01:58:13 by Horse

VIDEO: O’Keefe Breaks Down "BIG WIN" Against The New York Times in Veritas Defamation Lawsuit
Post Date: 2021-04-14 19:09:25 by NeoconsNailed
The New York Times cited 52 sources including Wikipedia in its motion to dismiss our defamation lawsuit, in an attempt to claim that Project Veritas is “libel proof.” The Gray Lady argued they could print whatever they want about Project Veritas, because Wikipedia and other media outlets said bad things about Veritas first. New York Supreme Court disagreed: “Polling does not decide the truth nor speak to evidence, and Defendants have not met their burden to prove that the reporting by Veritas in the Video is deceptive.” Justice Wood: “There is a substantial basis in law to proceed, to permit the plaintiff [Project Veritas], to conduct discovery, and to then ...

Post Date: 2021-04-14 10:56:12 by NeoconsNailed
PICTURED: THE ORIGINAL ANTIFA, IN 1945, ON THEIR MISSION TO FIGHT RACIST WHITE SUPREMACISTS IN EUROPE NN COMMENTS: HAH! The biting ironies are piled as the galling hypocrisies were at that moment in history. Above his next image, a photo of GIs landing in Normandy, he comments An interesting idea I’ve locked my sights on today is the idolization of the Greatest/G.I. Generation and their participation in the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War 2, by the so-called “antifa”/”anti-fascists” of today. This meme in particular, and many others existing of a similar nature, spurred me into making this comic and article. The point of the above meme is to draw parallels ...

Post Date: 2021-04-13 13:59:14 by NeoconsNailed
Bitter media storm after former pro-migration French minister attacked in his home rmx.news/article/article/...portedly-by-four-migrants =NN comments: The name Bernard is (((a tipoff))) -- trust me. And this fool isn't the only 'diversity' promoter who got maimed by it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A my_Biehl Hungary launches English-language conservative magazine rmx.news/article/article/...age-conservative-magazine =NN comments: Welcome news -- there was a glorious site called Hungarian Ambience that tragically folded. This journal's:www.hungarianconservativ e.com/ Polish bishop: 11 years after the Smolensk catastrophe, Poland is becoming a defeated nation warring with ...

Llive on CNN, A Minnesota walked up to Sara Sidner and unloaded in an f-bomb-laden rant
Post Date: 2021-04-13 12:56:12 by Horse
Steve Krakauer @SteveKrak This was an incredible moment live on CNN, when a man in Minnesota walked up to Sara Sidner, and absolutely unloaded in an f-bomb-laden rant: “It’s all the press and all the extra shit ya’ll do makes this worse…Get away from here with all that media shit." https://twitter.com/i/status/1381786403399405579

Woke-a-Cola: How To Destroy A World-Leading Brand In 60 Seconds
Post Date: 2021-04-13 10:28:44 by Horse
Coke just told seven out of ten Americans they’re scum... Brand creation takes a lifetime to create and a minute to destroy... Poster Comment:CLICK TO SEE THE MEME:

Massive Child Sex Ring Busted at State Youth Facility—Hundreds of Children Tortured and Raped
Post Date: 2021-04-13 10:19:27 by Ada
Concord, NH — According to a recent investigation by the state of New Hampshire’s attorney general’s office, a state-run youth detention center has been ground zero for an utterly horrifying child torture and sex abuse ring spanning the course of decades. According to officials and a recent lawsuit, hundreds of victims have come forward alleging the abuse by over 100 government employees, and multiple arrests have been made. The abuse took place at the Sununu Youth Services Center, formerly known as the Youth Development Center. In 2019, the taxpayer funded center became the subject of an investigation after two staffers were arrested. The two former staffers were charged ...

Words of wisdom -- MENCKEN
Post Date: 2021-04-12 15:38:41 by NeoconsNailed
"All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him... One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them." ~ H. L. Mencken, "Prejudices: Third Series (Le Contrat Social)". Book by H. L. Mencken, 1922. Poster Comment:Devastatingly true. If only such pearls impact matched their profundity :(

I DID A THING (Vaccination Humor)
Post Date: 2021-04-12 12:24:02 by Horse

How State Legislators Are Working To Reign In The Empire
Post Date: 2021-04-12 08:29:23 by Horse
Authored by Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities, Fed up after years of relentless National Guard deployments in undeclared wars, state lawmakers across the country are pushing legislation that would prohibit the use of Guard units in combat zones without a formal declaration of war by Congress. The bills are being promoted by BringOurTroopsHome.US, a self-described organization of "right-of-center" veterans working to end American involvement in "endless wars" and restore congressional authority over war-making. The libertarian 10th Amendment Center is also backing the cause. The proposed laws would require governors to determine the constitutionality of orders that ...

White Toddlers Taught to Hate Themselves
Post Date: 2021-04-10 15:10:40 by Horse

‘Trouble filling our schedules;’ Rural clinics, pharmacies seek to fill open vaccine slots as hesitancy looms
Post Date: 2021-04-10 10:29:55 by NeoconsNailed
When St. James Parish Hospital in Louisiana began COVID-19 vaccinations this winter, it routinely would administer 500 daily shots and could not keep pace with the long lines of vaccine seekers. But as Louisiana joined a cascading number of states to waive age restrictions and allow all adults to get vaccinated, hospital leaders are finding more appointments going unfilled. The hospital that serves a Mississippi River community of about 22,000 no longer hosts the large vaccination events, instead directing about 200 doses each week through smaller clinics and targeting hard-to-reach populations. It's a fast-changing scenario hospital leaders did not imagine would happen so quickly. ...

“Regime” And “CCP”: Propaganda Tools For Dissociating A Targeted Nation From Its Government
Post Date: 2021-04-09 08:46:51 by Ada
Have you ever seen a mainstream news report containing the phrase “the French regime”? How about “the British regime” or “the Australian regime”? If these phrases look a bit odd, it’s because you’ve never seen them written down before. Ostensibly the word simply means “a form of government” or “a government in power”, but it’s generally understood that it’s got a kind of negative connotation to it just because of the way it tends to be used. In theory its meaning is closer to “a bad or authoritarian government”, and in practice by the western media it means “a government which disobeys the dictates of ...

Meet The Censored: The U.S. Right To Know Foundation
Post Date: 2021-04-08 21:46:36 by Horse
A nonprofit that investigates Genetically Modified Organisms and the origins of Covid-19 is the latest to see its traffic plunge after a search engine update. Later in the year, the Foundation began publishing the results of those document requests. These included reports of unsafe conditions at biolabs in Fort Collins, Colorado, as well as emails connected with the EcoHealth Alliance, an American non-profit that has been supported in part by taxpayer-funded grants, and has collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Those emails were not flattering to the EcoHealth Alliance. They showed that its leadership had a role in helping organize a letter in the prominent medical journal, ...

Mike Lindell TV Releases Irrefutable Election Theft Proof on New Television Special That Features World Renowned Physicist
Post Date: 2021-04-08 10:04:45 by Horse
On March 31st, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, released a one-hour television special entitled, Scientific Proof: Internationally Renowned Physicist Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History.

Ukraine Redux: War, Russophobia and Pipelineistan
Post Date: 2021-04-08 09:09:51 by Ada
Ukraine and Russia may be on the brink of war – with dire consequences for the whole of Eurasia. Let’s cut to the chase, and plunge head-on into the fog of war. On March 24, Ukrainian President Zelensky, for all practical purposes, signed a declaration of war against Russia, via decree No. 117/2021. The decree establishes that retaking Crimea from Russia is now Kiev’s official policy. That’s exactly what prompted an array of Ukrainian battle tanks to be shipped east on flatbed rail cars, following the saturation of the Ukrainian army by the US with military equipment including unmanned aerial vehicles, electronic warfare systems, anti- tank systems and man-portable ...

Funny youtuber smashes and pulverizes anti-Georgia hatemongs
Post Date: 2021-04-07 19:06:13 by NeoconsNailed
Baseball Moving All-Star Game Because of 'Voter Suppression' Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The title is deceptively generic. He goes through numerous aspects of the fraud including Bidette's humongous hypocrisy and leaves nothing behind, always keeping it fun and super-ironic. There's nothing there with gliberalism. There's no 'there' there. Gliberals just throw commie pogroms together using whatever debris is lying on the ground and hope nobody will notice they're hateful, lying bastards and bitches who don't deserve the time of day.

If You're A Cop, Listen Up!! Part 1
Post Date: 2021-04-07 15:54:10 by X-15

L.A. Burning: The Riots 25 Years Later - Gun Store Manager David Joo Looks Back | A&E
Post Date: 2021-04-06 19:01:21 by Horse

Germany Drops Case Against Deported Former SS Guard
Post Date: 2021-04-06 17:48:34 by NeoconsNailed
The United States deported the 95-year-old German man last month, but prosecutors in Germany have not found sufficient evidence to prosecute him. German prosecutors said that they closed an investigation of a 95- year-old former concentration camp guard who was deported from the United States. Last month, Friedrich Karl B. arrived on a medical transport plane at Frankfurt Airport after a US court ordered his expulsion over alleged compliance with National Socialist-sponsored persecution in 1945. Upon his arrival, prosecutors in the northern town of Celle said he was willing to be questioned with a defense lawyer present. They had previously halted a probe of the same man citing a lack of ...

Trump May Be Back In Office Soon — Republicans Working To Install President Trump As Speaker Of The House In 2022
Post Date: 2021-04-06 15:53:28 by Horse
President Trump may be back in office very soon. No, not as President but as Speaker of the House. There is increasing speculation in Washington, D.C., that former President Donald Trump may be planning to play a major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional midterm elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office. If Trump is successful in helping the Republican Party gain back a majority in the House, something that is likely given the GOP’s shockingly strong performance in the 2020 election cycle, a new Republican majority in the House could install Trump as Speaker of the House.

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT is on the radio!
Post Date: 2021-04-05 07:49:19 by NeoconsNailed
Poster Comment:W.A.R. is a VEHEMENT, PASSIONATE radio talk host who is VOCIFEROUS against the Covidiocy. As I write he's interviewing a 2nd Amendment mom, Melanie Joseph, whose children were taken away from her because she didn't wear a mask in a Farcebook pic. She lives in FLORIDA but big hero De Santis is giving her no help. Sez Florida is not free, there are still people in jail there because they opened their businesses during the main hoax. For whatever reason, Rick Driver isn't on in his normal time and may come back on at 8AM EST.... but he too deserves the ear of the nation, and has it to a lesser extent! http://streema.com/radios/play/WAIM Freest country in the ...

I am European and should be proud of who I am
Post Date: 2021-04-05 02:51:03 by Horse

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