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When Chris Christie led a successful war on NJ school budgets
Post Date: 2021-02-19 10:35:34 by NeoconsNailed
N.J. voters reject school budgets in heated elections Updated Apr 01, 2019; Posted Apr 21, 2010 New Jersey voters took a stand on school spending and property taxes Tuesday, rejecting 260 of 479 school budgets across 19 counties, according to unofficial results in statewide school elections. In the proposed state budget he unveiled last month, Gov. Chris Christie slashed $820 million in aid to school districts and urged voters to defeat budgets if teachers in their schools did not agree to one-year wage freezes. The salvo ignited a heated debate with the state’s largest teachers union. New Jersey voters took a stand on school spending and property taxes Tuesday, rejecting 260 of ...

Tucker and Fox "doubling down"! (200 powerful seconds)
Post Date: 2021-02-19 10:34:14 by NeoconsNailed
We told you in November that we were doubling down on Fox News, and Fox News on us. Tonight we want to tell you what that means. #FoxNews​ #Tucker​ Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:WATCH THIS -- it will brighten your day. Tucker acknowledges his show is embattled but assures us it's not going anywhere. He's not budging from his position that the pinwheels caused the TX crisis and shows some of the ample exclusive on-sight footage his new feature (in addition to his show) will boast -- some shot in Maine including himself firing a (?) machine gun at a legendary range.

March 1st Reopen America by Bold Business Owners For Liberty
Post Date: 2021-02-19 05:33:13 by Horse

North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders
Post Date: 2021-02-18 10:38:19 by Horse
State Sen. Tom Kading, a Republican, has introduced legislation in North Dakota that would instruct the attorney general to review the constitutionality of each and every executive order signed by Joe Biden. Since Biden is not a real president anyway, none of his EOs are valid right out of the gate. North Dakota is taking a slightly different approach, though, challenging Biden’s EOs on constitutional grounds since they far exceed the jurisdiction of the executive branch. House Bill 1164 enumerates that EOs relating to the following issues are slated for nullification:

Is a Revolutionary Movement Developing in Europe?
Post Date: 2021-02-17 11:08:17 by Ada
US media provides little news of Europe. What is provided is strictly “narrated.” Consequently, Americans are unaware of what seems to be a spontaneous, leaderless, popular uprising against mandated lockdowns and masks. There are large demonstrations in Germany, and they have spread to Vienna and to Copenhagen. The people have more sense than the public authorities and reject the Covid mandates. In The Netherlands, the Hague Court has ruled that the Covid curfew has no legal basis and “is a far-reaching violation of the right to freedom of movement and privacy and limits, among other things, the right to freedom of assembly and demonstration.” ...

‘Pro-Free Speech’ Parler Bans Milo Yiannopoulos for Offensive Jokes
Post Date: 2021-02-17 09:49:13 by Ada
Parler's new Community Guidelines came into effect on Monday Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been banned from Parler from offensive jokes, despite the site claiming repeatedly to be pro- free speech. Parler came back online for many users on Monday, after being kicked off of the internet and app stores by the Big Tech giants determined to shut the site down, claiming the conservative-oriented social media platform hosted violent content, and attempted to link Parler to the Capitol Hill protests on January 6th. Eyebrows were raised when it was discovered that their new web hosting provider, SkySilk, bans undefined “hateful content” from being hosted by them, ...

Bill Gates Has Master Plan to Fight Weather Changes
Post Date: 2021-02-15 17:51:48 by Ada
Bill Gates was recently interviewed by the homosexual CIA agent Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes. During the interview, Gates described all sorts of bad ideas he has to solve weather changes which he alleges is due to carbon dioxide emissions. He further alleges that everyone will be doomed if we do not solve this fake problem. Essentially Gates is claiming that we have to implement some sort of weird global communist system so people don’t emit carbon dioxide. He basically describes many of the things talked about in the “Great Reset” plan that the Jewish billionaire Klaus Schwab wrote about. He specifically talks about how we need to reengineer the whole world changing ...

President's Day in Florida (Celebrating Trump)
Post Date: 2021-02-15 17:13:04 by noone222
Poster Comment:Can't get enough of a good President !

Local Florida officials passed a resolution mocking columnist’s work and immigrant background; PDT DIL in NC?
Post Date: 2021-02-15 16:43:45 by NeoconsNailed
As an opinion writer for Florida Today’s editorial board, Isadora Rangel often took officials to task in deep-red Brevard County, where every county commissioner is a Republican. So when Rangel left for her new job at the Miami Herald this week, Brevard County commissioners used their political authority to bid her good riddance. They debated a resolution “honoring” her with sarcastic praise for her writing — and thinly veiled swipes at her background as an immigrant. “Whereas because of her eloquent prose the circulation of Florida Today dropped only 16 percent during her tenure,” commissioner John Tobia said at Tuesday’s commission meeting, reading his ...

Stimulus Checks Can Take Down The Deep State
Post Date: 2021-02-15 00:10:32 by Horse
8 million people joined in the subreddit group WallStreetBets to stop Big Players from Naked Shorting Game Shop. A Naked Short happens when someone sells stock they do not own. Many of the subreddit participants made lots of money even doubling and tripling their initial investment. A lot of that was financed on a shoe string by people using their Stimulus Checks. Those checks are free money. The next Big Thing on the subreddit group WallStreetBets might be to use their March Stimulus checks to buy silver. We are told there is already a shortage of physical silver available. This will force Big Players from the Bullion Banks to buy silver to cover their shorts. That will drive up the price ...

Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California
Post Date: 2021-02-14 19:58:27 by Horse
"He is woefully unqualified to lead the state of California..." Poster Comment:In a recall election you have two items on the ballot. 1) Should the governor be recalled. Yes or No, 2) If this passes, then who would you want to replace the governor. The candidates are not just a Republican and a Democrat. In 2003 there were two Republicans and one Democrat. Unfortunately, Arnold Shwarzenegger won.

Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Post Date: 2021-02-14 14:03:54 by Horse
Unofficial English translation by Howard Steen & his network: This is an unofficial English language translation of the original cease and desist order in German language by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich addressed to Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten & Charité Berlin. The original document in German language can be found here: https://t.me/s/ReinerFuellmich, http://bit.ly/3nrn62b; an online version in English language of this C&D order can be found here [PDF]. At the very bottom of this page you can find an English subbed video of Corona Untersuchungsausschuss 31, underlining the key points of this court case VS Charité Berlin & Christian Drosten. Last Updated: 19.12.2020 ...

Conservative Columnist Goes To Town On 'Most Dangerous Threat' Tucker Carlson
Post Date: 2021-02-13 03:50:39 by Dakmar
Conservative columnist Max Boot warned in his latest op-ed for The Washington Post why Fox News personality Tucker Carlson may now pose “the most dangerous threat” to American democracy.Carlson “seems to be on a mission to make America’s worst problems even worse,” declared Boot.Boot recalled some of Carlson’s more egregious takes in recent weeks — from his repeated casting of doubt on coronavirus vaccines to his peddling of falsehoods about the police killing of George Floyd.“That Carlson is spreading dingbat, dishonest conspiracy theories from such a powerful perch is certain to have deleterious, even deadly, consequences for the country,” ...

Zappa Predicts 2020
Post Date: 2021-02-13 01:00:28 by Dakmar

Judge denies motions to issue new arrest warrant, increase bail for Kyle Rittenhouse
Post Date: 2021-02-12 10:43:06 by Dakmar
A Wisconsin judge on Thursday denied requests to issue an arrest warrant and increase the bond for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old accused of homicide for killing two people in Kenosha last summer. The Kenosha County District Attorney's Office said Rittenhouse violated the conditions of his bail after he failed to update the court with his new address. Rittenhouse's attorney said his client had to move due to threats made against him. Rittenhouse has become a cause célèbre for the alt-right, with his supporters raising enough money in November to get him released from custody on a $2 million bond. Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder denied the motion to ...

Terrific, fun cannabis hero in Canada
Post Date: 2021-02-11 17:02:39 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Jack Kungel's life and health were in turmoil 20 years ago. He dug around in Canadian law and found one that protected his pot oil lab production. Folks sued for and got a ruling that it was legal ptly because he was basically dying as it was. Hope he's still at it at age 86! Is one of these his site? http://www.jackkungel.com/index.html http://jackkungel.com/jacks-story.html This came with the above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmMjkeZaFlk I couldn't tell you if the stuff actually works -- I know DMSO does. We should all be thrilled by any such alternative/resistance mvt against big givt, big pharma et al. Citizens making law ...

Good Morning, Albania!
Post Date: 2021-02-10 08:34:35 by Ada
I’m in downtown Tirana. My 7th floor room has a fridge, desk, three chairs and a wardrobe. There’s also an electric kettle, which is useful not just for hot beverages, but instant noodles and soups. Heat is love. My private bathroom is clean and new, with plenty of hot water, and strong shower jets. My wide window affords a panorama of tenements backstopped by a mountain range. Each dawn, a soft, considerate sun rises, cheering my prospect. On my wall, there’s a nice kitschy painting of snow-capped, craggy peaks. For all these privileges, I pay just $427 for four weeks. Although my landlady speaks no English, there’s no problem. Tiny, pleasant and hushed, ...

Biden Officials Facing Arrest If They F*** With These Red Staters & Their Rights
Post Date: 2021-02-09 13:30:24 by Horse
On Feb. 3, the Newton County, Missouri, Commission passed a bill that not only prevents any federal law enforcement officer from harassing gun owners, it calls for their arrest if they try to enforce unconstitutional law or Executive Orders that are unconstitutional in nature. After the first arrest, all hell will break loose. The case will go all the way to the Supreme Court. From there it’s anyone’s guess but if they prevail laws like this will pop up all over the country. The government looks to strip citizens of their Second Amendment rights while at the same time put you in danger from rioters. You mustn’t defend yourself. And Heaven forbid that you should have a ...

Thousands Of Maskless Buccaneer Fans Celebrate Super Bowl Win
Post Date: 2021-02-08 11:26:06 by Horse
"You're really putting yourself and your family in danger."

the awakening
Post Date: 2021-02-08 07:55:17 by noone222
Poster Comment:Short Vid for small minds !

Trump Lawyers To Use Videos Of Democrats Inciting Violence During Impeachment Defense
Post Date: 2021-02-07 17:36:09 by Horse
If my eyes look a little red to the viewers, it’s because I have been looking at a lot of videos the last couple of days.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is the Leader of an Underground White Supremacist Movement
Post Date: 2021-02-07 10:25:54 by Ada
The media and the Democrats are in a difficult position now that they have ultimate and total power over the country. They have to somehow explain what justifies this total power, given that they obviously have no interest in using it to help anyone. In order to justify their power, they have to constantly be rooting out supposed threats. This is the exact same thing that communists always do in power Therefore, you have the bizarre narrative around the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on 1/6. We all kind of understand that – it wasn’t “staged” in the sense of being a false flag, exactly, but it was staged in the sense that the city and the feds purposefully ...

Democratic or Conservative, unite against the people that poisoned your kids
Post Date: 2021-02-06 13:02:49 by Horse

Newsom Recall Now “Unavoidable” – Newsom’s Poll Numbers Tank, More Than 1.4 Million Signatures Collected in Recall Effort
Post Date: 2021-02-05 14:11:17 by Horse
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recall is unavoidable. Newsom’s poll numbers are tanking and the recall effort has attracted 1.4 million signatures. According to two trusted California polls, Newsom’s approval rating has sharply dropped in the last few months.

Supreme Court May Finally Reverse Kamala Harris's Attack on Free Speech
Post Date: 2021-02-05 11:43:06 by Horse
On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court took up two vitally important cases dealing with the freedom of speech and association. Back in 2015, Attorney General Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) demanded that two conservative nonprofit organizations, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), hand over their donor lists. This demand threatened to reveal the identity of donors, potentially subjecting them to threats and harassment for supporting these groups. It also flew in the face of a 1958 Supreme Court decision upholding Americans’ right to support causes they believe in without government harassment.

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