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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Let's Not Forget "Gordon and Yuri Kahl"
Post Date: 2021-01-27 07:17:34 by noone222
Gordon Kahl was born in Wells County, North Dakota, on January 8, 1920. Kahl had one sister, Loreen, who died in 1937 at the age of seven. Raised on a farm,[2] Kahl was a highly decorated turret gunner during World War II.[3] After the war, "he had a 400-acre (1.6 km2) farm near Heaton, Wells County, North Dakota,[4] [but] bounced around the Texas oilfields in later life as a mechanic and general worker."[2] In 1967, Kahl wrote a letter to the Internal Revenue Service[citation needed] stating that he would no longer pay taxes to the, in his words, "Synagogue of Satan under the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto." During the 1970s, Kahl organized the first Texas ...

Something's about to come on, and it should be good
Post Date: 2021-01-25 20:25:07 by NeoconsNailed
The People's Square Tonight At 8:30 PM Eastern The People's Square will be interviewing the Antelophe Hill Publishing house tonight at 8:30 PM Eastern. The livestream can be found here. Click for Full Text!

Long overdue? New service Counterweight provides counsel to those facing social justice-fueled ‘cancellation’
Post Date: 2021-01-25 12:22:23 by Ada
A well-known British intellectual has launched an organisation whose stated mission is to provide resources and guidance to those facing ‘cancellation’ in the workplace or elsewhere, eliciting cheers as well as groans. The new group, Counterweight, will help individuals “resist the imposition of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) on their day to day lives.” A video featured on Counterweight’s website describes ‘woke’ activism as a “restrictive ideology” that cares more about a person’s identity than their character or actions. The organization has pledged to provide “mental health support” and other forms of aid to “casualties of ...

A Mass Distancing From Government Is Necessary in Order to Escape the Tyranny We Face!
Post Date: 2021-01-25 11:19:37 by Ada
“Despite the popular idea of anarchists as violent men, Anarchism is the one non-violent social philosophy.… The function of the Anarchist is two-fold. By daily courage in non-cooperation with the tyrannical forces of the State and the Church, he helps to tear down present society; the Anarchist by daily cooperation with his fellows in overcoming evil with good-will and solidarity builds toward the anarchistic commonwealth which is formed by voluntary action with the right of secession.” ~ Ammon Hennacy. “The Book of Ammon,” (First published 1954 by Fortkamp) Speaking of secession to the general population brings out first the idea of civil war, slavery, ...

Banished to a Cold Garage, Investigated for Sedition, Exposed to Covid — Biden Sure Respects His National Guard Troops
Post Date: 2021-01-25 09:09:48 by Ada
And yet, Biden always ends his stumbling speeches with "may God protect our troops." If you thought a president who needs 25,000 troops to safeguard his inauguration from threats that appear to have been manufactured would at least treat his praetorians with some gratitude and respect – well, you’d be wrong. The newly installed US President Joe Biden has long ended his speeches with a quirky catchphrase, adding “may God protect our troops.” Judging by the way the National Guard sent to Washington, DC to protect his inauguration has been treated, God alone will have to – because his administration certainly failed. Politico first reported about some 5,0 ...

Year Woo
Post Date: 2021-01-24 18:42:42 by Horse
Poster Comment:He calls the deep State the Hollow party. They had to do massive vote fraud to win which just convinced us how much they fear us. Expects collapse of the government. Covid and Hyperinflation. The Hollow party might try releasing another Bioweapon. Does not matter.

"You're Forgetting Who You Are As A Journalist": Rand Paul Slams Stephanopoulos In Sunday Spat Over Election Integrity
Post Date: 2021-01-24 15:21:40 by Horse
"A journalist would hear both sides and there are two sides to this story."

Joe Biden FAILING Beyond Everyone's Imagination! He WONT LAST LONG At This Rate.. Disaster..
Post Date: 2021-01-23 18:30:12 by Esso
Poster Comment:I kinda like this young kid. At least he's still in there slugging. This comes to mind for some reason...

Post Date: 2021-01-23 14:23:10 by NeoconsNailed
Larry Elder takes the opportunity this Black History Month to investigate certain myths surrounding Black history and why some people think Black History Month is not necessary. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:It does NOT get any better than this. This is the generously illustrated master treatment of the subject we've been looking for all our lives. Yeah, we've been thru umpteen articles and X dozen other resources on it, but none has tied it all together like this one! WITH THE HELP OF LIVING AFRICANS Elder calmly pulverizes the entire slavery psychosis FAR BEYOND anything else I can remember, finally (FINALLY) and graphically placing it in the context of Old World slavery at ...

Doctors warn it's NOT A VACCINE
Post Date: 2021-01-23 12:21:30 by NeoconsNailed
Dr. David Martin: This Is Not A Vaccine! It Is A Medical ... eraoflight.com/2021/01/18/dr-david-martin-this-is-not-a-vaccine-it- is-a... This is not a vaccine. We need to be really clear. We’re using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine. This is an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope, that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. “This is Not A Vaccine” – It’s a Medical Device to Make Us ... truth11.com/2021/01/13/this-is-not-a-vaccine-its-a-medical-device- to-make-us... It is not a vaccine. Vaccines ...

Twitter Being Sued for Telling Child Porn Victim That Images of Him at 13 Years Old Didn’t Violate Their Terms of Service
Post Date: 2021-01-22 08:20:35 by Horse
Twitter is being sued by a child pornography victim for refusing to remove images of him at 13 years old that were posted by predators who blackmailed him. Twitter allegedly told the victim that the child pornography did not violate the platform’s terms of service.

This Trump Supporter is an Instant Legend
Post Date: 2021-01-21 10:26:42 by Horse
Poster Comment:Must listen to this man!!

Troops turned their backs on Joe Biden
Post Date: 2021-01-21 05:38:13 by Horse
PaulsWalls16 @PaulsWalls2 You won’t see this on mainstream....many NG had their backs turned as JB went by.... https://twitter.com/i/status/1352002937015459840 Poster Comment:1.7 million views

Happy Death of America Day
Post Date: 2021-01-20 12:17:27 by X-15
No, really. Whatever happens after today won't be American. Call it whatever you want, but not that. Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost. Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score ...

How To Resist
Post Date: 2021-01-20 12:12:12 by X-15
Yes, I know. Some of you are going to say something more forceful is needed You’re not even wrong. If we get out of this without a butcher’s bill we will know not only that There is a providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America but that we’re Himself’s very very spoiled and undeserving children. But here’s the thing: a) I’m utterly unsuited for the kinectic stuff. Maybe not 20 years ago, but now? Not an option. b) the communists everywhere else have fallen, if the US didn’t actively prop them up. And there’s no one to prop them up here. I think the idiotic, vaguely hopeful bunnies think China will. But ...

The 45 | A Tribute to President Trump and Patriots
Post Date: 2021-01-20 11:46:51 by GreyLmist

Accurate or False Information – Can You Tell the Difference?
Post Date: 2021-01-20 09:55:34 by BTP Holdings
Accurate or False Information – Can You Tell the Difference? In a continuing effort to provide helpful information to you during this uncertain time, 4Patriots is conducting what we call “Pandemic Prep Week.” Our goal is to give you reliable tips, tricks and inspiring stories each day this week. Today we’re focusing on telling the difference between accurate and inaccurate information. This is especially important when it comes to the coronavirus. Many of us grew up in an era when a vast majority of published information was accurate. Newspaper, magazine and book editors believed the truth was paramount. Far more important than personal bias. Of course, there were ...

Post Date: 2021-01-18 17:54:34 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:>Sob< -- has it come down to this? Regular ordinary literal 'man in the street' types spewing 'anti-semitism' at a hapless, innocent, lovable Member Of The Jewish Community in public? I'm sure these remarks were totally unprovoked. I know it, I tell ya. He couldn't have done anything to deserve this mini-holocaust! He COULDN'T, it's IMPOSSIBLE --TRUST me! LISTEN, IT HAD TO BE UNPROVOKED!

White is Beautiful
Post Date: 2021-01-18 01:36:15 by Horse

Prepare For SHTF
Post Date: 2021-01-17 20:57:16 by sonny
You will know this scenario is coming into play when the EM broadcast is activated and ATMs go down I saw a picture of Pompeo with the President of Italy in handcuffs. Know this Trump does have the Military solidly behind him and the entire Police Forces voted Trump. All Sworn to uphold the Constitution - Stock up Pilgrims. www.facebook.com/American...deos/192481825910176/?t=6 Click for Full Text!

FBI is Now Saying Foreigners Might Have Planned the Capitol Storm
Post Date: 2021-01-17 08:33:33 by Ada
My ability to not even take it anymore is off the charts. NBC News: The FBI is investigating whether foreign governments, organizations or individuals provided financial support to extremists who helped plan and execute the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, one current and one former FBI official told NBC News. As part of the investigation, the bureau is examining payments of $500,000 in bitcoin, apparently by a French national, to key figures and groups in the alt-right before the riot, the sources said. Those payments were documented and posted on the web this week by a company that analyzes cryptocurrency transfers. Payments of bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, can be traced because they are ...

Stumbling Toward National Divorce
Post Date: 2021-01-15 17:58:14 by X-15
America appears to be stumbling toward national divorce. The classic signs are present. There are arguments, expressions of contempt, stored resentments, and breaches of trust. The left is having an affair by cheating with the Chinese. Verbal abuse has escalated to violence, with street commies burning down businesses of Trump supporters. There are threats of worse to come. Peaceful splits are possible. Hungary and Austria separated in 1867 through the Ausgleich agreement. Norway and Sweden peaceably split in 1905 over irreconcilable foreign policy differences. The British government recognized the results of Jamaica’s 1961 vote for independence, and Trinidad’s request for ...

Pete Santilli
Post Date: 2021-01-14 07:35:57 by noone222
Poster Comment:Pete Santilli has a radio show and evidently his program is completely independent from the big tech commies. The above program takes about 45 minutes to get rolling ! They outline a kazillion issues where the deep state has attacked us.

Finally a Republican With Balls
Post Date: 2021-01-13 18:40:57 by sonny
Matty Speaking The Truth and Cramming It Down Their Traitorous Yaps

The Republican Party Is Headed For A Brexit-Style Civil War
Post Date: 2021-01-13 11:59:36 by Horse
Which kind of Republican Party will eventually emerge, Mitch’s or Trump’s? Poster Comment:A Depression is coming along with Bioweapon II and those vaccines from hell. Nationwide Food Riots are coing as well as massive paycuts through inflation. Both political parties will be radicalized but only one will have solutions.

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