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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Student Journalist Sues University President for Allegedly Forbidding Journalism
Post Date: 2021-03-04 13:25:40 by Horse
Jared Nally is fighting for his rights — and the rights of student reporters across the country. Nally wants Haskell Indian Nations University, a public institution operated by the federal government, to answer for the 90 days he was silenced, without any due process, under a directive that banned him from engaging in basic acts of journalism. He also wants Haskell to restore over $10,000 of funding that the university inexplicably shorted the newspaper, approve its registration as a student organization, and revise the unconstitutional policy on campus speech used to issue the directive. Today, backed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Nally and The Indian Leader ...

Korean store owners defend their business during the 1992 LA
Post Date: 2021-03-03 11:53:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:At the time of the riots Tom Bradley was mayor.

"Complete Loss Of Trust": Half Of French Home Health Workers Say They'll Resist Taking Vaccine
Post Date: 2021-03-03 10:27:38 by Horse
"those recommending the vaccine are the same people - the French state - whom care home workers blame for their low pay and tough working conditions..."

Party Like It’s 1984
Post Date: 2021-03-02 09:47:46 by Ada
Chalk up a fatal blow to The Patriarchy. That avatar of toxic masculinity, Mr. Potato Head has been dumped into the same humid chamber of perdition where the ghosts of Nathan Bedford Forrest, Theodore Bilbo, and Phyllis Schlafly howl and squirm — liberating the billions of potatoes world-wide from the mental prison of binary sexuality. The move by Hasbro (bro? really??) may yet disappoint the legions in Wokesterdom as a-bridge-not-far-enough while they await the debut of Transitioning Potato Head, complete with play hormone syringe and play scalpel, so that the under-six crowd can begin to map out their own gender reassignments without the meddling of Adult 1 and Adult 2, formerly ...

There’s Only One News Story, Repeating Over And Over Again
Post Date: 2021-03-02 09:27:27 by Ada
Doing daily commentary on world power dynamics feels a lot like staring up at the sky watching clouds. Sometimes you see a three-legged pony up there, sometimes a gargoyle, sometimes a laughing baby, but really you’re only ever watching tiny water droplets being moved around by atmospheric winds. They can take on any number of different shapes, but no matter how long you lay there staring up at them you’re really only ever seeing one dynamic play out with different appearances from moment to moment. The daily news is very much the same, except most consumers of news media aren’t aware that they’re watching clouds. They really do think they’re looking at a ...

Why not wear 4 or 5 or even 10 face masks? Meme
Post Date: 2021-03-01 22:25:41 by Horse

"We Gotta Be LESS WHITE" New Song!! 😂 | Buddy Brown | Truck Sessions
Post Date: 2021-03-01 04:00:13 by Horse

Talking to the boogaloo, part 2: Exclusive conversations with a would-be revolutionary
Post Date: 2021-02-28 15:09:40 by Ada
Salon's boogaloo informant talks up BLM alliance, disavows Gretchen Whitmer plot. But he still wants destruction This is the second of two parts. Read the first part here. Salon's informant within the boogaloo movement, whom we're calling Sam for this article, frequently wanted to talk tactics, and often flexed military lingo in conversations. He believed his tactical revelations would be of particular value to the public, presumably to prevent or combat cells he believed were pursuing illegitimate methods. "If the boog is intent on violence they aren't stupid enough to wear Hawaiian shirts or even body armor," Sam said. "A rifle and a van are sufficient, ...

Move Oregon's Border for a greater Idaho initiative to appear on May ballot
Post Date: 2021-02-28 10:48:13 by Horse
A proposal to move Oregon’s border to join Idaho is gaining support according to the organizers of the group called Greater Idaho. Last year Greater Idaho succeeded in getting petitions approved for circulation in two Oregon counties. Now the group’s proposal called “Move Oregon’s Border” will be on the ballot in five Oregon counties this May. If approved, Southern and Eastern Oregon, as well as the northern most part of California would join the Gem State. "Our signatures that we collect for petitions are good for two years,” said Mike McCarter, Greater Idaho President. "We're not trying to change a single thing with Idaho, we just want to ...

Biden Meme
Post Date: 2021-02-27 23:27:01 by Horse

Is Anyone Else Fed Up With Dr. Fauci's Forever Moving Goalposts?
Post Date: 2021-02-27 18:08:16 by Horse
Despite vaccines and a falling number of cases Dr. Fauci keeps moving the goalposts. Not Yet, When? Dr. Facuci says Vaccinated People Shouldn't Dine Indoors or Go to the Theater Quite Yet. "There are things, even if you're vaccinated, that you're not going to be able to do in society," Fauci said on Monday during a White House COVID-19 press briefing. "For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate. That's because of the safety of society." Though vaccines can help prevent people from contracting severe cases of COVID-19, the jabs may not stop them from getting sick altogether. It's also still unclear whether vaccinated ...

VNN Forum's graphics dept
Post Date: 2021-02-27 17:18:12 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:In all your surfings and featurings of great right-sites, don't ever lose track of VNNF. This is just one of hundreds of great threads there -- 'meme' city! Most small images are clickable to open larger in a new webpage.

Post Date: 2021-02-27 17:10:44 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:This speech is amazing. I knew Ron was good, exceptional, defiant of most Covidiocy -- but he goes way beyond that subject. He RIPS UP the GOP by name and DETONATES the neocon agenda -- even the warmongering! NOBODY mentions the wars anymore. All these subjects and this uncut TRUTH in a public speech, I tho't it was against the law now! Forget Tromp and everybody else. We have GOT to have Ron for prez in 2024, hear? Alas, it's hard to think of anybody else in politics that would be a worthy running mate. Tucker would be fine but we need him as secy of state or something.

It's OK to be White Meme
Post Date: 2021-02-27 14:50:33 by Horse

The People Haven’t Risen Up For The Same Reason Abuse Victims Don’t Leave Their Abusers
Post Date: 2021-02-27 09:55:48 by Ada
There was a great exchange in a recent interview with singer-songwriter FKA twigs regarding her relationship with actor Shia LaBeouf, who she is currently suing for “relentless abuse” including assault and sexual battery. From The Independent: In a CBS This Morning interview on Thursday (18 February), King asked the musician: “Nobody who’s been in this position likes this question, and I often wonder if it’s even appropriate to ask… why didn’t you leave?” Twigs replied: “I know that you’re asking it out of love, but like, I’m just going to make a stance and say I’m not going to answer that question anymore because the ...

All Star Panel: The Death Of Vince Foster from 1996
Post Date: 2021-02-27 08:10:10 by Horse

How Does All Of This End?
Post Date: 2021-02-26 07:58:03 by Horse
There is a sense in the air that the pandemic is winding down, and the toxic culture of division, fear, and hatred along with it. Cases are down dramatically. Deaths too. Hospitalizations are no longer irregular. Restrictions are being repealed. You can follow all the action daily at the CDC’s new and unusually competent landing page on the virus (it only took them a year to build this). The list of signs and symbols could be made very long. The politicians who overreached are suddenly being held accountable, with both Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom on the hotseat. Calls for governors and mayors to resign consume state and local news. There is clearly major political tumult ...

Thank God for the Proud Boys
Post Date: 2021-02-25 12:49:02 by Ada
A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, and make no arrests, unless they personally witnessed a felony being committed in front of them. So barring a bank suddenly popping up on the sidewalk and an antifa attempting to rob it, I had no official protection from 2,000 violent, mentally disturbed thugs. Thank God I had the Proud Boys. There had been no warning of the antifa mobilization against me until an hour before the event, when they showed up, with a thousand of them at each entrance to the building ...

The Lies Aren’t Secret
Post Date: 2021-02-25 07:06:25 by Ada
Thanks to friendly courts, the Deep State continues to avoid accountability, triumphant at home and abroad. Secrecy is the ultimateentitlement program for the Deep State. The federal government is creating trillions of pages of new secrets every year. The more documents bureaucrats classify, the more lies politicians and government officials can tell. In Washington, deniability is prized far more than truth. At the end of the Trump era, the Deep State is triumphant at home and abroad. Trump’s epic clashes with federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies helped cripple his administration, and they illustrate the continued danger of Deep State secrecy. If all of the FBI’s ...

When Scholarship Turns to Activism
Post Date: 2021-02-25 06:28:20 by Dakmar
Saving academia from whiteness appears to be the goal of some black academics. Unlike normal scholars, they are confusing academic research with political activism. The latest black intellectual declaring to purge whiteness from the curriculum is Dan-el Padilla Peralta. Presently based at Princeton, Padilla thinks that the classics should become “a site of contestation for the communities who have been denigrated by it in the past.” He has even taught a course that combines ancient texts with critical race theory and strategies for organizing. Academia is for serious and creative inquiry, but for some strange reason, blacks assume that they should use their position to promote a ...

It Now Only Costs $350 To 3D-Print An Entire Gun
Post Date: 2021-02-24 09:24:00 by Horse
The next round of COVID-19 relief could bring up to $1,400 direct payments to millions of Americans. Some people will buy food, save money, pay rent or bills. Others will gamble in the stock market. Some may take the free money and print an entire 3D gun at home. According to Futurism, it now only costs $350 to print to a firearm, including the printer's cost. Deterrence Dispensed, an online group that promotes and distributes open-source 3D-printed firearms, has designed a fully functional 3D-printable semiautomatic pistol caliber carbine. Designs for the FGC-9, which stands for "f**k gun control 9 mm," were made widely available on the internet in late 2020. The FGC-9 ...

North Dakota House Votes To Make Mask Mandates Illegal: ‘Our State Is Not A Prison Camp’
Post Date: 2021-02-23 16:01:34 by Horse
he House of Representatives in North Dakota has voted to make mandates on wearing face masks illegal. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Jeff Hoverson who labelled the mask mandate instituted by the State governor last year as “diabolical silliness,” adding that “Our state is not a prison camp.”

Reaction to Biden claiming black people have trouble with the internet
Post Date: 2021-02-22 12:26:44 by Horse
Poster Comment:20 second video.

WATCH!! This Nurse Say`s How It Is. Bad Language Edition!
Post Date: 2021-02-22 11:59:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:Stupidity of taking PCR tests.

Poll: Only 27% of Republican Voters Would Remain Loyal to the GOP If Trump Left
Post Date: 2021-02-22 09:35:37 by Ada
I think a Trump Party is probably a stupid idea. But the loyalty to Donald Trump among the people does show that there remains some kind of fighting spirit among the white American race. These are totally staggering numbers. But frankly, they’re not surprising. RT: On the heels of Donald Trump touting “tremendous support” for him to run for office again, a new poll indicates nearly half of Republicans are ready to ditch their party if the former president starts his own. Only 27 percent of Republicans would remain loyal to their party if Trump were to start his own, according to the Suffolk University/USA Today poll, released Sunday. Almost half –46 ...

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