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Disgraced GOP Congressman Turned Talk Radio Host; Mark Foley, Brought Down by Sexually Explicit Messages to Underage Pages, Tapes First Show
Post Date: 2009-09-09 11:35:09 by Brian S
Nearly three years after then-Congressman Mark Foley, R-FLA, saw his political career crumble following the revelation of his sexually explicit emails with underage congressional pages, he's garnering the spotlight once again: as a radio talk show host. Nearly three years after then-Congressman Foley saw his political career crumble following the revelation of his sexually explicit emails with underage congressional pages, he's garnering the spotlight once again: as a radio talk show host. Foley, who resigned after ABC News' The Blotter broke the story before going to rehab in Arizona, is set to debut his radio show entitled "Inside the Mind of Mark Foley" on Sept. ...

Thank You, Glenn Beck!
Post Date: 2009-09-08 14:40:33 by Brian S
Thank you, Glenn Beck. By helping force the resignation of Van Jones, you have done a great service to your country. But in the exact opposite way than what you intended. Your vile and vicious smear campaign has helped reverse one of the worst examples of miscasting since John Wayne took on the role of Genghis Khan in The Conqueror. Don't get me wrong: Van Jones was the best person for the job he just gave up. But the job was not the best use of Van Jones. Contrary to the media caricature, the real Van Jones is a thoughtful leader who knows how to use words to move people to action. To stick him behind a desk, working out the details of tax credits for green jobs -- incredibly ...

Republicans Get Rolled...And Deservedly So
Post Date: 2009-09-08 13:46:51 by Brian S
Today at noon Barack Obama addresses the nation’s schoolchildren .. or a good number of them anyway. Many students won’t hear the speech because of a rather severe miscalculation from the right. Republican screaming and wailing made it sound as if Hugo Chavez was flying in via Aeroflot to speak to our poor, innocent, unsuspecting angels. School districts reacted … and millions of school kids will sit around picking their noses at noon instead of watching the speech. So now the speech is out. As of yesterday afternoon you could read it on the Internet. I’ve read it, and if there is anything in there that I wouldn’t want my child to have heard from a U.S. President, ...

SPIN METER: Once Medicare's Foe, GOP Now Boosts It
Post Date: 2009-09-08 11:14:26 by Brian S
(09-08) 08:02 PDT New York (AP) -- Weren't Republicans against Medicare before they were for it? It's a question vexing Democrats in the fierce battle over President Barack Obama's push for a health care overhaul as the head of the Republican Party has portrayed the GOP as the lone bulwark preventing deep cuts to the popular, government-run health plan for older people. It's a remarkable turnaround for a party whose leaders tried to slash billions from Medicare more than a decade ago and have assailed the program as a wasteful entitlement. None other than Ronald Reagan, a hero to Republicans, warned in 1961 that creation of Medicare would push the country toward ...

Bachmann: Dems Are Sabotaging Me Because I Might Become President
Post Date: 2009-09-08 11:09:21 by Brian S
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) finally explained yesterday why Democrats don't want her in office: They're scared she'll become the first female president. "They want to make sure no women, no woman becomes president before a Democrat woman," Bachmann said, "and so they're doing everything they can to, I think, sabotage women like Sarah Palin, perhaps women like myself, or similarly situated women, to make sure that we don't have a prominent national voice." Bachmann was speaking on Mike Gallagher's radio show. Bachmann recently said she would run for president, but only if God told her to.

Ex-State Department official, conservative commentator Glassman to head Bush Institute at SMU
Post Date: 2009-09-04 12:25:23 by Brian S
A former State Department official under George W. Bush will lead the ex-president's think tank at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. James K. Glassman was named the executive director of the George W. Bush Institute on Thursday. Glassman was an undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs in 2008. In a statement, Bush said he was delighted that Glassman is joining the think tank "to develop a world-class institute." Glassman held top editing and management positions at Roll Call, Atlantic Monthly, U.S. News & World Report and New Republic. The independent institute will be part of Bush's presidential center at SMU, along with a library and ...

Radical Fringe Aiming At Obama Speech To School Children
Post Date: 2009-09-03 15:30:48 by Brian S
Extremists still angry over losing the election have a new issue: they just can't stomach the president making a back-to-school speech next Tuesday urging children to work hard. You heard that right. Schools around Connecticut are receiving calls from parents complaining about the speech.  Around the nation some school districts are in an uproar over the Obama speech. Education Secretary Arne Duncan recently wrote to school principals, explaining the idea: This has set off warning bells among the Obama-haters. In a syndicated column that ran locally in the Torrington Register Citizen yesterday, Michelle Malkin charged that children were being used as "polical ...

Bachmann ‘Hearing Voices’ Other Than God’s, Says Top Dem
Post Date: 2009-09-03 12:24:18 by Brian S
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s talk of stopping health care reform by fasting, praying and wrist-slitting has prompted not only lefty pundits but a top Democratic colleague to question what’s going on between her ears. Jim Oberstar, chairman of the House Transportation Committee, remarked Tuesday: “I don’t think God’s talking to her anymore. I think she’s hearing other voices.” Bachmann said in 2006 that she was running for Congress on God’s recommendation (video), and last month said she would run for president she “felt that’s what the Lord was calling me to do.” It wasn’t a one-off gag line for Oberstar, who ...

The "Intolerance" Party? GOP Strategists Worry Ideologues Are Bad For The Party's Future
Post Date: 2009-09-03 00:28:30 by Brian S
A major rift has emerged within the Republican Party. On one side: Ideologues who are inciting the base with wild rhetoric and banking on a "great American awakening" that will sweep conservatives back into power. On the other: Strategists, who see the party's growing intolerance as a prescription for minority status. So far, the ideologues are winning. "Nobody helps the cause when they use name-calling instead of substantial criticism," says strategist Charlie Black, a senior adviser to almost every Republican presidential campaign since Ronald Reagan first ran. But name-calling and demagoguery are the hallmarks of the movement conservatives and media celebrities ...

Levi Johnston: Palin Wanted To Adopt Grandchild
Post Date: 2009-09-02 15:45:24 by Brian S
(09-02) 12:34 PDT Anchorage, Alaska (AP) -- Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandchild, said the former Republican vice presidential candidate wanted to adopt his child so that people wouldn't know her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Johnston said Palin had a plan to deal with Bristol's pregnancy. "Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging — she wouldn't give it up. She would say, 'So, are you gonna let me adopt him?' We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn't want people to know that her ...

French Revelation, or The Burning Bush
Post Date: 2009-09-02 12:24:15 by X-15
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse. Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God. Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use ...

Cheney in 2012? Now there’s a real September surprise
Post Date: 2009-09-01 20:06:45 by Brian S
When George W. Bush selected Dick Cheney to be his running mate in 2000, some political observers thought it was a smart move. After all, Cheney had cut his political teeth working for the candidate’s father and had already endured several heart attacks. So, the thinking went, the 60-year-old Cheney would not be a political rival to the new president, staging occasional rear-action insurrections, just a steadying veteran hand. Right. In fact Cheney became the most powerful vice president in history, and Barton Gellman argues in his book "Angler" that Cheney did most of the steering in George W. Bush’s first term. Now, nine years later, having survived heart seizures ...

Remarks About Hunting Tags For President Obama Good For Campaign, Says Idaho Politician
Post Date: 2009-09-01 13:33:12 by Brian S
REXBURG, Idaho (AP) — Republican gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell says his remarks about buying hunting tags for President Barack Obama have been a boon to his campaign. The former elk rancher also blames Democrats and the media for overblowing his comment and being too defensive. Rammell tells the Rexburg Standard Journal that the problem with Democrats is they can't take a joke. But neither can some of Idaho's top Republicans. Last week, Idaho's Republican governor and congressional leaders condemned Rammell for his response at a political rally when someone shouted a question about "Obama tags" during a discussion about Idaho's wolf hunt. Rammell ...

Bachmann: ‘Slit Our Wrists, Be Blood Brothers’ To Beat Health Care Reform
Post Date: 2009-09-01 13:31:12 by Brian S
By Ernest Luning 8/31/09 DENVER — In a fiery speech that had her conservative Colorado audience cheering, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann railed against the dangers of health care reform and other Democratic initiatives, warning the proposals “have the strength to destroy this country forever.” “This cannot pass,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd at a Denver gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute. “What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.”

Rep. Bachmann Thinks U.S. Health-care System Is Best In The World, But The Statistics Say Otherwise
Post Date: 2009-09-01 12:15:08 by Brian S
By Casey Selix | Published Mon, Aug 31 2009 11:38 am Last week, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann told a town hall, "Let's not destroy the greatest health care system the world has ever known." Bachmann is not alone in her belief that our system is the best. A survey conducted last year found that 45 percent of American respondents thought our nation had the world’s best health-care system, and 55 percent said we receive better quality of care than people in other nations. And, a recent poll showed 81 percent of Americans are concerned that the quality of their care will decline if universal health care comes to pass. These statistics come from a new 14-page brief titled ...

After a Year of Sarah Palin, Alaska Wonders, "What the Hell Were We Thinking?"
Post Date: 2009-08-31 17:41:41 by Brian S
What a difference a year makes. A year ago today, after being stunned by McCain's VP pick, I had finished writing a piece called "What Is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan's Perspective." It's hard to imagine a time when the country was asking "Sarah Who?" but it was only one short year ago. One of the selling features of Sarah Palin was her astronomically high approval ratings in the state of Alaska. After all, how could a governor have positives in the high 80s or low 90s and be anything less than an ace in the hole? So McCain must have thought. The answer became obvious, and embarrassing to those of us in the Last Frontier. We weren't paying attention. ...

Cheney: 'I'm Very Proud of What We Did'
Post Date: 2009-08-31 12:27:50 by Brian S
Former Vice President Dick Cheney reiterated his claim today that enhanced interrogation techniques used on terrorism suspects in U.S. custody in the years after September 11, 2001, worked in revealing terror plots despite contrary sentiment from a CIA investigator who probed detainee interrogations. Cheney's statements come six days after the release of a 2004 CIA Inspector General report (pdf) that documents a litany of interrogation tactics used on detainees, including waterboarding, "walling," face-slapping and at least one mock execution. Cheney's views, though, contradict those of former CIA inspector general John Helgerson, who wrote in the report that there is no ...

McCain Pushes Back Against Cheney, Says Torture Violated Law
Post Date: 2009-08-30 19:57:11 by Brian S
Sen. John McCain disagrees with former Vice President Dick Cheney’s claim that enhanced interrogation techniques helped keep the country safe. “I think the interrogations were in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the convention against torture that we ratified under President Reagan,” McCain told CBS’ Bob Schieffer Sunday. “I think these interrogations, once publicized, helped al Qaeda recruit. I got that from an al Qaeda operative in a prison camp in Iraq… I think that the ability of us to work with our allies was harmed. And I believe that information, according go the FBI and others, could have been gained through other methods,” said McCain. ...

Cheney Advocated Attack On Iran, But Bush Wanted Diplomacy
Post Date: 2009-08-30 19:53:25 by Brian S
Former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney told Fox News Sunday that while he advocated taking military action against Iran's nuclear program, ultimately, it was not his choice to make. When asked in the interview broadcast whether he considered it a mistake that the U.S. did not take out Iran's program, Cheney answered by describing himself as "a bigger advocate of military action than any of [his] colleagues." Still, he said, "It was not my decision to make... The president made the decision and, obviously, we pursued the diplomatic avenues." "I think it was very important that the military option be on the table," Cheney said. "I thought that ...

Cheney Says Politics Behind CIA Probe At Justice
Post Date: 2009-08-30 13:38:14 by Brian S
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney says politics are driving the Justice Department's decision to investigate whether CIA interrogators abused terror suspects detained after the Sept. 11 attacks. "I just think it's an outrageous political act that will do great damage, long term, to our capacity to be able to have people take on difficult jobs, make difficult decisions, without having to worry about what the next administration is going to say," Cheney said in an interview aired on "Fox News Sunday." At issue is Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to look into abuse allegations after the release of an internal CIA inspector ...

GOP Blasts Idaho Candidate's 'Obama Tags' Comment
Post Date: 2009-08-28 18:00:44 by Brian S
(08-28) 14:20 PDT Boise, Idaho (AP) -- The list of Idaho Republicans condemning a GOP gubernatorial candidate's comments about buying a license to hunt President Barack Obama grew Friday, as party leaders worried the incident would reflect badly on the state. U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo said former elk rancher Rex Rammell's comment at a Twin Falls GOP merits an apology, U.S. Sen. Jim Risch disavowed him from the Republican Party, and Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter called Rammell's comment "reckless and inflammatory." Rammell is among those running in the 2010 Idaho GOP primary against incumbent Otter. On Tuesday, a GOP rally attendee shouted a question about ...

SarahPAC taken to task by feds for excessive contributions
Post Date: 2009-08-28 16:49:10 by IDon'tThinkSo
SarahPAC taken to task by feds for excessive contributions OOPS: Mistakes on political donations blamed on software. Former Gov. Sarah Palin's political action committee gave excessive contributions to two well-known Republicans and also is facing demands from the federal government for more detailed financial information on a number of fronts. The deficiencies are highlighted in a five-page letter sent Aug. 19 by a Federal Elections Commission staffer to SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford. The FEC wants answers by Sept. 24. "Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action," FEC campaign finance analyst Allen ...

Palin won't show at fundraiser, denies accepting invitation
Post Date: 2009-08-27 16:48:54 by IDon'tThinkSo
Palin won't show at fundraiser, denies accepting invitation TONIGHT: Spokeswoman says ex-governor was never asked. By SEAN COCKERHAM and ERIKA BOLSTAD Organizers of an Anchorage event that has been billing Sarah Palin for weeks as a star speaker were left scrambling Wednesday after learning that the former governor won't be there for tonight's event and claims to have never been asked. It would be at least the fourth time in recent months that an anticipated Palin speech has fallen through after Palin and her camp disputed they had ever confirmed it. That includes the brouhaha over whether she'd speak at the annual congressional Republican fundraising dinner in ...

McCain Evicts Angry Woman From Town Hall Meeting
Post Date: 2009-08-27 14:34:11 by Brian S
PHOENIX — Sen. John McCain met with an angry crowd at a town-hall meeting about health care reform Wednesday, sometimes having to fight to talk and telling one woman who wouldn't stop yelling that she had to leave. The Arizona senator hadn't yet opened up the meeting at McCain's central Phoenix church to questions when one audience member continuously yelled over him. "You're going to have to stop or you're going to have to leave," McCain told the woman. When security guards approached to escort her out, he told her "Goodbye, see ya" to a round of applause. After McCain opened it up to questioning, one man angrily pointed at him and asked the ...

Birthers And The PENIS PROBE!!
Post Date: 2009-08-27 13:50:06 by Brian S
What will they be looking for next?Just when you think the birthers have gone too far...they go FURTHER! Going after Obama's citizenship is one thing, but going after his penis is another! I can see the Halloween costumes now: one giant penis being chased by a birther (perhaps a baby in diapers - better double entendre). From Jesus' GeneralFriday, August 21, 2009Barack Obama Show US Your PenisThe fine Real Americans at the Free Republic have found Obama's achilles heel: his Long Dark Staff of White Insecurity. hoosiermama: The only other thing that hit me was that Sinclair said BO was not circumcised. When my son was born in a hospital that was done as a matter of routine ...

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