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The Daily Show: Mess O'Potomac - Crazytown ("Mandela is dead")
Post Date: 2007-09-21 14:51:24 by robin

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses' [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-09-21 13:17:21 by robin
George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses' By Alex Spillius in WashingtonLast Updated: 3:55am BST 21/09/2007President Bush may like to be seen as a swaggering tough guy with a penchant for manly outdoor pursuits, but in a new book one of his closest allies has said he is afraid of horses.George W Bush saddles up, but where is the horse?Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, derided his political friend as a "windshield cowboy" – a cowboy who prefers to drive – and "the cockiest guy I have ever met in my life". He recalled a meeting in Mexico shortly after both men had been elected when Mr Fox offered Mr Bush a ride on a "big palomino" ...

A Little Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog
Post Date: 2007-09-20 17:23:17 by aristeides
A Little Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog By Jacques Sterchi Rue89 in partnership with La Liberté, Fribourg Monday 17 September 2007 In 2003, University of Lausanne theology professor Thomas Römer received a telephone call from the Elysée. Jacques Chirac's advisers wanted to know more about Gog and Magog ... two mysterious names pronounced by George W. Bush while he was attempting to convince France to enter the war in Iraq at his side. In its September edition, the University of Lausanne's review, Allez savoir, reveals this story that could seem fantastic did it not, as Allez savoir's Editor-in-Chief Jocelyn Rochat emphasizes, reveal the religious ...

O'Reilly losing radio show? Looks like...
Post Date: 2007-09-20 13:39:47 by Mekons4
BREAKING! O'Reilly IS Going Bye-Bye. This Time For Real. Maybe. by Steve Young | Sep 20 2007 - 10:11am | article tools: email | print | read more Steve Young Well, folks - not O'Reilly's Folks...you folks - it's been quite a couple days. Just after I wrote my mea culpa today for my report yesterday that Bill O'Reilly was losing his show - because a well-placed source told me that he wasn't losing his show - I get word that he IS losing his show. He'll be going home well before the troops...December. Therefore, I am retracting my mea culpa which included a pledge not to write anything negative about Bill for one full week. So sayng "good riddance" is ...

Bush claims he got a B in Economics (not even close)
Post Date: 2007-09-20 13:05:19 by Mekons4
Bush Claims He "Got A B In Econ 101" September 20, 2007 11:09 AM Read More: Bush and bad grades, Bush college record, economics, George W. Bush, Breaking Politics News Politics stumbleupon :Bush Claims He "Got A B In Econ 101" digg: Bush Claims He "Got A B In Econ 101" reddit: Bush Claims He "Got A B In Econ 101" del.icio.us: Bush Claims He "Got A B In Econ 101" * Email * Print * Comments In a Thursday morning morning press conference at the White House, the President engaged in a little bit of grade inflation about his academic record. "You need to talk to economists," he answered when asked if there was a risk of recession in ...

Pentagon, State Department Debunk Bush Fabrications on Iran
Post Date: 2007-09-19 20:13:48 by Eoghan
In his prepared statement to the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committees last week, General David Petraeus claimed that Iran is using the Quds Force to turn Shi'ite militias into a "Hezbollah-like force" to "fight a proxy war against the Iraqi state and coalition forces in Iraq." But Petraeus then shattered that carefully constructed argument by volunteering in answering a question that the Quds Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, had in essence left Iraq. "The Quds Force itself, we believe, by and large those individuals have been pulled out of the country, as have the Lebanese Hezbollah trainers ...

FRetards Frolic with Warmongering White Housians
Post Date: 2007-09-19 18:40:49 by Mekons4
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1898610/posts Set aside all beverages, lower spit guard over monitor, keep anti-nausea meds handy. The White House finally gets so desperate for SOMEONE to agree with them, they sink to THIS level.

Iraqis round on Blackwater 'dogs' after shooting
Post Date: 2007-09-18 17:29:07 by Eoghan
Hated by Iraqis who refer to them as "Mossad," Blackwater contractors are also mistrusted by fellow private security guards operating in Iraq who say they are arrogant, rude and dangerous. "They kill innocent people in the street," Hameed Hussein, a pensioner in west Baghdad's Al-Maamoun neighbourhood said on Tuesday, two days after guards from the US security firm opened fire on civilians, killing 10 people and wounding 13. "Where else in the world does this happen?" asked 60-year-old Hussein. "These are not security forces but rather forces to kill Iraqis. They are frenzied dogs." Iraq's interior ministry ordered the cancellation of ...

Thirteen House members subpoenaed by man charged in bribery case
Post Date: 2007-09-18 11:19:21 by robin
Thirteen House members have received subpoenas from the lawyer to Brent Wilkes, a defense contractor facing charges relating to the bribery conviction of now-incarcerated congressman "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA). According to Congressional Quarterly, the 13 are teaming up to fight the subpoenas, saying the requests are "overly broad." “They intend to fight the subpoenas," a source told the news service. “As we understand it, Wilkes’ lawyer is also trying to subpoena other government officials. The subpoenas say very little about what they are after.” The 13 lawmakers have joined forces behind the scenes to try to fight the wave of subpoenas they ...

Soldier faces threats from military after refusing anthrax vaccine
Post Date: 2007-09-18 11:09:05 by Eoghan
A soldier serving in Iraq who is stationed in Baghdad says he has faced "threats" and "intimidation" from his Army superiors, including the possibility of forced inoculations after he refused to take the military's controversial anthrax vaccine. Private First Class Leif Hamre, 22, is currently serving out a Field Grade Article 15, a non-judicial punishment for disciplinary offenses, for refusing to take the Pentagon's anthrax vaccine, BioThrax, earlier this summer. According to Hamre, 22, the military gave him an ultimatum in late June: Either take the mandated six-shot anthrax series or face military punishment. He was given 24 hours to decide. After ...

Bush's Battlefield Envy
Post Date: 2007-09-17 19:30:32 by kiki
Bush's Battlefield Envy By Dan Froomkin Special to http://washingtonpost.com Monday, September 17, 2007; 2:18 PM President Bush wishes that he could be alongside the troops in Iraq -- except that he's too old. At least that's what he reportedly told a blogger embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq. In the first session of its kind, Bush spent almost an hour on Friday talking with 10 so-called "milbloggers," including two who participated by video conference from a military base outside Baghdad. " N.Z. Bear," one of the eight guests sitting around a table with Bush at the White House, reported: "Responding to one of the bloggers in Iraq he expressed envy ...

Former Mexican Leader Fox Blasts Bush As "Stubborn, Cocky" In New Autobiography
Post Date: 2007-09-17 19:21:04 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Former Mexican Leader Fox Blasts Bush As "Stubborn, Cocky" In New Autobiography September 17, 2007 3:01 p.m. EST Julie Farby - AHN News Writer Washington, D.C. (AHN) - A new autobiography by former Mexican President Vicente Fox due out next month presents a much different picture of his relationship with U.S. President George W. Bush than the one the White House presented during his tenure in office. Fox's new book, titled "Revolution of Hope" blasts the presidency of George W. Bush, whose two terms in office coincided with much of the Mexican leader's time as head of Mexico. Although, the Bush administration has often painted a rosy picture of the relations ...

Analysis: why France has become hawkish on Islam
Post Date: 2007-09-17 09:03:17 by Eoghan
Bernard Kouchner tried to soften his remarks about declaring war on Iran as soon as he made them on a Sunday television talk show. "Of course military planning is a long way off, we must negotiate right to the last," he said, in a hasty qualification of his bellicose comments that the world must prepare for the worst over Iran's nuclear ambitions, "and the worst is war". His mention of conflict was being seen in some quarters in France as just another example of the undiplomatic, emotional language that is typical of Kouchner. A life-long humanitarian activist with a showman's style, Mr Kouchner is unlike any recent French Foreign Minister. He had to apologise ...

Conservatism isn't what it used to be
Post Date: 2007-09-17 08:37:52 by Eoghan
When I was in the Reagan administration, America had a lively press that never hesitated to take us to task. Even the "Teflon President" received more brickbats than Bush and Cheney. The lively press disappeared along with its independence in the media concentration engineered during the Clinton administration. Shortly thereafter all the liberal news anchors disappeared as well. Today the US media serves as propaganda ministry for the government's wars and police state. Yet, some conservatives continue to rant on about "the liberal media." That other conservative bugaboo, liberal academia, has also been crushed. Universities once controlled their appointments, but ...

Bush 'picks new US legal chief'
Post Date: 2007-09-16 22:09:11 by Eoghan
US President George W Bush has chosen a replacement for outgoing US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, reports say. Mr Bush is expected to name retired federal judge Michael Mukasey as his choice for the post. Mr Mukasey has presided over a number of high-profile terror trials and is seen as a conservative, analysts say. Mr Gonzales resigned last month amid accusations that he fired eight lawyers for political reasons and later lied about it - charges he denies. He officially steps down from his post on Monday. Although Mr Bush accepted his resignation, he has continued to support Mr Gonzales, saying: "His good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons." The ...

Student Op-Editorialist Can't See the Forest for the Trees
Post Date: 2007-09-16 09:48:28 by Eoghan
Buddy Hanson, in an op-ed for the Northern Star published at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, worries about becoming a conscription slave in a future neocon war, that is to say high-tech act of terrorism directed against the next target on the neocon list, namely Iran. According to rhetoric from Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Iran is the next neo-conservative target. Should the invasion occur, there is the possibility that a national draft will follow suit, writes Hanson. According to Paul, the neo-conservatives are pushing for an invasion of Iran without considering the potentially disastrous effects of such an ill-conceived military action. According to my dictionary, the ...

His Toughness Problem, and Ours
Post Date: 2007-09-15 13:47:17 by Rupert_Pupkin
His Toughness Problem—and Ours By Ian Buruma Norman Podhoretz (click for larger image) World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism by Norman Podhoretz Doubleday, 230 pp., $24.95 1. Not so long before the war in Iraq was launched, I was the only European at an American dinner party in Brussels. My fellow guests were a motley group of youngish diplomats, think-tank pundits, ex-spooks, and journalists, most of whom had established reputations as promoters of neoconservatism. Many topics were discussed, but two stand out in my memory: French wines and the "projection of force." Despite the praise for fine French wines, "the Europeans" were rather sneered at, ...

Expatriation: Is It Too Late? Rich Republican re-gentrification goes global
Post Date: 2007-09-15 10:31:42 by robin
Expatriation: Is It Too Late? Rich Republican re-gentrification goes global, and it's nothing but a bitch slap to the Republican working class Today we see the same type of naivety that exists within working class Republican would-be expatriates that still think expatriating to the south-of-the-border countries is the same type of situation it was 30 years ago, i.e. that you can live for peanuts, that your dollar goes a long ways, that you're going to be welcomed with open arms, and that real estate prices and land prices are only a fraction of what they are in the United States. This is nonsense. Working class Republican would-be expatriates are getting a real eye-opener when they ...

US: Syria on nuclear watch list
Post Date: 2007-09-14 22:52:31 by Eoghan
A senior US nuclear official said Friday that North Koreans were in Syria and that Damascus may have had contacts with "secret suppliers" to obtain nuclear equipment. Andrew Semmel, acting deputy assistant secretary of state for nuclear nonproliferation policy, did not identify the suppliers, but said North Koreans were in the country and that he could not exclude that the network run by the disgraced Pakistan nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan may have been involved. He said it was not known if the contacts had produced any results. "Whether anything transpired remains to be seen," he said. Syria has never commented publicly on its nuclear program. It has a small ...

The neocon link to the ABC News scandal
Post Date: 2007-09-14 21:23:57 by Zipporah
The neocon link to the ABC News scandal As predicted yesterday, the scandal over disgraced ex-ABC News consultant Alexis Debat continues to spin out of control, with major implications for the way that Americans have been getting their news about the flashpoints that could determine war or peace in the Persian Gulf and South Asia. The story first broke in Debat's native France, but here at home Laura Rozen continues to lead the pack on the coverage. Writing online today for Mother Jones, she exposes that there were long-time, serious questions about Debat by some at ABC News -- yet those questions never stopped star investigative reporter Brian Ross from airing sensational and ...

UCI law dean's firing irks some (CHEMERINSKY)
Post Date: 2007-09-14 16:55:03 by aristeides
UCI law dean's firing irks some But some support decision of university to retract job offer to noted Duke professor Erwin Chemerinsky. By MARLA JO FISHER AND MARTIN WISCKOL The Orange County Register IRVINE - A week ago, two days after he signed his contract to become the founding dean of UC Irvine's law school, Erwin Chemerinsky got a call from Chancellor Michael Drake. “He called to say some conservative opposition had developed to me, and we needed to strategize, maybe I needed to plan a trip out to Orange County,” Chemerinsky said. Chemerinsky, a law professor at Duke University known for championing abortion rights and separation of church and state, said he ...

Friedman: 'Suck on this Iraq.. we hit Iraq cause we could'
Post Date: 2007-09-13 19:34:25 by Zipporah

American Enterprise Institute Hypes Iran 'Threat'
Post Date: 2007-09-11 19:11:20 by Brian S
On the same day Gen. David H. Petraeus delivered to Congress his much-anticipated progress report on the U.S. military's "surge strategy" in Iraq, neoconservative ideologues associated with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) took aim at another one of the reputed foes of "freedom" – the Islamic Republic of Iran. During a panel discussion Monday aimed at promoting his new book, The Iranian Time Bomb, Michael Ledeen, a resident scholar at AEI, criticized the "evil" nature of the country's clerical regime and its support for international terrorism and proclaimed the need to back Iranian dissidents and activists in a soft revolution to dislodge ...

Iraqis unimpressed with US Army report
Post Date: 2007-09-10 20:36:57 by Eoghan
Iraqis watching the testimony from Army General David H. Petraeus on the efficacy of US President's surge strategy are unimpressed with it. "It is like a theatre," said teacher Abdullah Kadhim, 58, who was watching the Congressional hearing live on Al-Hurra television at his friend's general store in an inner Baghdad neighborhood. "Each day they say there is a new report. They say they will bring a new change in Iraq. We can only hope there will finally be progress in security," Kadhim noted. Saleh Adnan, 34, a car mechanic, also watching the broadcast, was dismissive. "I don't think this will change anything in our country because the Americans will ...

Bin Laden slams capitalism in new video
Post Date: 2007-09-08 11:04:56 by Diana
CAIRO, Egypt - The new video message from Osama bin Laden appeared on militant Islamist Web sites Saturday, a day after it was released by a U.S.-based terrorist monitoring organization. A note accompanying the video explained it had been a conscious decision to release the video to television channels before posting it on Web sites, the traditional means al-Qaida has used to disseminate its message. "As a requested strategy the video has been sent to TV channels before posting it to the net. And it is not true that some Web sites claimed that they have received it in another way," it added, apparently referring to the Washington-based SITE Institute, which monitors terrorist ...

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