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All the President's Words - Bush - Stephen Colbert - Iraq
Post Date: 2007-05-11 23:53:13 by Ferret Mike
-- All the President's Words - Bush - Stephen Colbert - Iraq War What is AIPAC? American Israeli Public affairs Committee controls the US Congress and Sends Americans to fight and die for Israel. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia*, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, ...

Mary Cheney's book sells for $.07
Post Date: 2007-05-11 23:32:30 by robin
Mary Cheney's book sells for $.0705/11/2007 @ 10:16 pm Filed by RAW STORY Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter Mary Cheney was rumored to have gotten a seven-figure advance for her memoir, "Now It's My Turn."Advertisement Now, it seems, it's Amazon's turn. Mary Cheney's "My Turn" has turned up used on Amazon.com for just seven cents. The book was published in May of last year. The recent selling price dip was first caught by blogger Mike Petrelis at his blog Petrelis Files. "It will probably be best remembered as her shameless grab for a fat check," Petrelis wrote. "That's seven cents, folks, for a used copy." "Heck, ...

Cheney income tops Bush 12-fold
Post Date: 2007-05-11 15:38:30 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON: US Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife earned 8.82 million dollars last year, some 12 times the amount President George W. Bush made, the White House said Friday. But the Cheneys donated 6.9 million dollars of their income to charity, cutting their net income to a more manageable 1.96 million dollars - meaning that they will get a tax refund of 1.9 million dollars. The president and his wife Laura Bush reported a net income, after charitable donations and other deductions, of 618,694 dollars for 2005, of which 400,000 came from his White House salary. Their income was down from 672,788 dollars declared last year. The presidential couple gave 75,560 dollars to charities ...

Gonzales testimony contradicts White House, revealing Bush 'conversation' over US attorney firings
Post Date: 2007-05-10 20:03:44 by robin
Weeks after the White House ruled out the involvement of President George W. Bush in any discussions on the firing of 8 US Attorneys, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said on Thursday morning that the President had discussed the matter with advisers in an October 2006 meeting. "I've now been made aware of the fact that there was a conversation with the President that basically mentioned the same thing in October of 2006," the Attorney General said while answering a question from Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA). "The same thing" referred to voter fraud cases in three US Attorneys' districts, which Gonzales earlier acknowledged had been raised by Karl Rove in a meeting ...

DeLay to headline ethics seminar
Post Date: 2007-05-10 19:58:48 by robin
Former House majority leader Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), who resigned last year after being indicted on campaign finance abuses and remains under scrutiny in the Jack Abramoff investigation, is set to headline an upcoming political training seminar titled "explicit discussions of ethics," according to a Washington Post report. In a column titled "Ethics Tips From 'The Hammer'," Post columnist Mary Ann Akers writes that the former House Majority Leader "is set to kick off a May 31 Campaigns & Elections seminar, where he will hawk his book, 'No Retreat, No Surrender,' and talk political strategy ... and, who knows, maybe even ethics." In an aside, ...

Post Date: 2007-05-10 00:09:00 by Ferret Mike
-- Asshole

Internet Calls Subject To Phone Tapping -- Starting May 14th VoIP Calls Will Be Easier To Tap
Post Date: 2007-05-09 23:31:31 by Ferret Mike
May 8 - KGO - Companies that provide Internet phone service have just six days to meet a deadline from the Justice Department. By next Monday, they'll have to make their systems easier to tap. That's right -- make it easier to secretly listen in on your phone calls, or face daily fines of $10,000 dollars. FBI phone taps helped bring down the teflon don, John Gotti. Police phone taps helped put Scott Peterson on Death Row for murdering his wife, Laci. Phone taps are also a major weapon in the war on terror. Whatever the crime, law enforcement is seeking more and more warrants to listen in -- 1,800 federal warrants last year, and thousands more at the local level. Charles Cullen, ...

Video allegedly shows Algerian attack
Post Date: 2007-05-08 19:32:23 by Diana
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Jazeera broadcast what it said was an al-Qaida video Tuesday purportedly showing one of the three suicide attacks in Algeria last month that killed 33 people. The brief video carried images of equipment and wires being assembled, followed by a large explosion. The pan-Arab television network said the footage was from al-Qaida's branch for North Africa and that a longer segment would be aired later. The network provided no details on how or when it had obtained the footage and it wasn't immediately possible to determine its authenticity. The video concluded with a bearded man said to be Abu Musab Abdulwadood — the leader of Algeria's main Islamic ...

Man Subject Of NW Apartment Raid In Court (FR's Kristinn Attends Bail Hearing for this arrested DC FReeper)
Post Date: 2007-05-08 17:16:22 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON -- Just days after his arrest, a D.C. man police said stockpiled guns, swords, and other weapons in his apartment was in court on Friday. Tyler Froatz, 24, was arrested on Tuesday after allegedly assaulting a woman during an immigration rally in Meridian Hill Park. Police said they searched Froatz and found weapons on him and in his vehicle. But, authorities said, their most startling discovery was made at Froatz's apartment on Eighth Street in Northwest. Police said they found more than a dozen rifles, handguns, swords, a bow-and-arrow set, a machete and nearly 3,000 rounds of ammunition. Police said they also found fuse cords that could be used to ignite explosives and ...

Did Laura move out of the White House three weeks ago? Questions about this increase, but get answers
Post Date: 2007-05-08 15:41:38 by Ferret Mike
Pickles moved out of the White House...three weeks ago! Or so says Ted Casablanca of E! Online: Apr 19, 2007 This distresses me quite a bit. You know how I adore Prez Dubya so. Yes, you do—as I’ve utterly applauded his actions in Iraq for eons. Just love how he’s got us over there killing people (them and us), occupying a country we have no biz being in. But, alas, this is a gossip column, people want to laugh and point fingers, I keep forgetting. So, let’s aim a few digits at ol’ Georgey-Porgey himself! This too-fun-fer e-words begins with the following quote: “She's staying at the Hay-Adams. I don't know how many people know...but it's probably ...

The former CEO who is on Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list is Vice President Dick Cheney (WMR)
Post Date: 2007-05-08 15:34:38 by robin
May 8, 2007 -- Cheney on DC Madam's list. Yesterday, WMR reported on the DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list: "WMR has been informed that the CEO of a major corporation is a former CEO but, nonetheless, the aforementioned extremely high-level official of the Bush administration. The individual, who is definitely "newsworthy," reportedly engaged the services of Palfrey's escort firm while he was the CEO and maintained a residence off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae neighborhood in McLean, Virginia, a few blocks from the headquarters of the CIA." Cheney "X'd" off the DC Madam's list by ABC/Disney. WMR has confirmed with extremely ...

RFK [Jr.]: Rove And Rove’s Brain, ‘Should Be In Jail,’ Not In Office
Post Date: 2007-05-08 14:53:56 by Ferret Mike
NEW YORK — Voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has called for prison time for the new US Attorney for Arkansas, Timothy Griffin and investigation of Griffin’s former boss, Karl Rove, chief political advisor to President Bush. “Timothy Griffin,” said Kennedy,”who is the new US attorney in Arkansas, was actually the mastermind behind the voter fraud efforts by the Bush Administration to disenfranchise over a million voters through ‘caging’ techniques - which are illegal.” Kennedy based his demand on the revelations by BBC reporter Greg Palast in the new edition of his book, “Armed Madhouse.” On one page of the book, Palast ...

18 Big GOP Donors Dine With the Queen
Post Date: 2007-05-08 14:25:29 by Ferret Mike
An Arizona car dealer, an interior designer and a former Enron executive were among the 18 major Republican donors invited to the dine with the Queen of England, along with celebrities, members of Congress and Bush administration officials, at last night's White House white-tie state dinner. "These are not your rank-and-file donors," says Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the campaign finance watchdog group the Center for Responsive Politics. "In a sense, this is the GOP royalty." Republicans were highly critical of President Bill Clinton when he rewarded big contributors with invitations to state dinners. The 18 major donors on last night's guest list ...

Bush - The Fool on the Hill
Post Date: 2007-05-08 01:45:06 by Ferret Mike
-- This video is a pictorial of various pictures of Mr. Bush to the Beatles Song "The Fool on the Hill". I think Lennon would have loved it! (more)

Picture of Wolfowitz as Euro-Cyborg
Post Date: 2007-05-06 10:38:00 by a vast rightwing conspirator
What does this image suggest? It makes me think of 'Dune', possibly Darth Vader with lipstick.

Bizarro world lives: LP Announcement: Repression of ideas will not be tolerated here
Post Date: 2007-05-03 19:44:50 by Ferret Mike
In case this was never covered discussed before, I want to elaborate. Anyone who comes on to this site SPECIFICLY with the INTENT to ridicule, harass, annoy or badger members of this site for their beliefs, political positions, or for their specific views on controversial ANY subject will be removed. Posting here, is a Free Speech right. Rudeness, and harassment are NOT civil behavior, and are NOT welcome on this site. These actions INHIBIT Free Speech. Just as one cannot yell "fire" in a theater, there are LIMITS to what is acceptable behavior when discussing news, events and issues. Creating impossible or extremely narrow conditions then demanding someone to meet them; ...

"I'm the Commander Guy"
Post Date: 2007-05-03 15:06:52 by robin

Joan Baez banned at Walter Reed hospital
Post Date: 2007-05-02 19:42:13 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON - Folk singer and anti-war activist Joan Baez says she doesn't know why she was not allowed to perform for recovering soldiers recently at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as she planned. In a letter to The Washington Post published Wednesday, she said rocker John Mellencamp had asked her to perform with him last Friday and that she accepted his invitation. "I have always been an advocate for nonviolence and I have stood as firmly against the Iraq war as I did the Vietnam War 40 years ago," she wrote. "I realize now that I might have contributed to a better welcome home for those soldiers fresh from Vietnam. Maybe that's why I didn't hesitate to accept ...

The Men Who Killed Kennedy (supressed 2003 History Channel special about John Kennedy's murder)
Post Date: 2007-05-02 13:12:56 by Ferret Mike
-- TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.1 TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.2 TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.3 TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.4 The History Channel's banned documentary, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Final Chapter". This examination of the latest theories about the J.F.K. assassination & cover-up was shown once in November, 2003 and quickly suppressed, due mainly to outrage and threat of a lawsuit by family and former associates of L.B.J. who is targeted in the documentary as being a lead conspirator in the Kennedy assassination plot and other murders as well. You ...

Wolfowitz refuses to resign [coz world's poor need him there]
Post Date: 2007-05-01 08:02:51 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Wolfowitz refuses to resign Wolfowitz said he believed resigning would be harmful to the World Bank [AFP] Paul Wolfowitz, president of the World Bank, has repeated his refusal to step down, while the US president has spoken out to back him. Wolfowitz, a former deputy defence secretary, said the charges over his handling of a pay rise for his girlfriend was a "smear campaign". He said he would not resign over "unfair charges". The scandal over Shaha Riza's salary, higher than that of Condoleezza Rice, the present US secretary of state, has risked the reputation of the bank, which was set up to assist developing nations. Wolfowitz made his statement on Monday to a ...

One Lie Leads to Another
Post Date: 2007-04-30 06:35:02 by Ada
'IN THE battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." So declared President George Bush on May 1, 2003, in a nationally televised address from the majestic splendour of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in front of a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished". On May 14 in the rather less telegenic surroundings of the Australian House of Representatives, the Prime Minister, John Howard, formally advised Parliament that "the coalition's major combat operations in Iraq have been successfully concluded". The media generally shared the political leaders' euphoria. On the day Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled in Baghdad, the ...

Those Who Dare to Lecture Us
Post Date: 2007-04-28 12:21:51 by BTP Holdings
Those Who Dare to Lecture Us April 15, 2007 ‘You’re the ugly one, you sicialian wop whore. You’re people are related to Arabs. Hell you married an Arab. What is Marc Glenns REAL last name. You’re a papist whore. Go back to North Africa and take your swarthy southern italian mafia with you’ Such was a comment left on my 14 year old daughter’s blog recently by an individual who is only known by his or her email address which, for interested persons, happens to be 121212121@yahoo.com. And lest the readers think I am making this up, be rest assured that I am not. But then, it is highly unlikely that anyone who has been following the way that these people do ...

Wolfowitz Panel Finds Ethics Breach, Officials Say [uncle Bob says Wolfie can't resign while exposed as a crook]
Post Date: 2007-04-28 08:58:46 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Wolfowitz Panel Finds Ethics Breach, Officials SayWorld Bank Board Could Act on Monday By Peter S. GoodmanWashington Post Staff Writer Saturday, April 28, 2007; Page A01 NEW YORK, April 27 -- A World Bank committee investigating president Paul D. Wolfowitz has nearly completed a report that it plans to give the institution's governing board, concluding that he breached ethics rules when he engineered a pay raise for his girlfriend, three senior bank officials said Friday Friday evening, the committee was debating whether to explicitly recommend that Wolfowitz resign, according to the sources, who spoke on condition they not be named, citing an ongoing probe into leaks.World Bank ...

President Bush Announces Major Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended
Post Date: 2007-04-26 19:57:29 by ...
On May 01, 2007, four years will have elapsed since George W Bush costumed himself to resemble a person who had honorably served in the military, pranced around the deck of an aircraft carrier like one of the Village People and delived the idiotic speech below: Remarks by the President from the USS Abraham Lincoln At Sea Off the Coast of San Diego, California THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. (Applause.) And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing ...

The Neocons' Humiliation
Post Date: 2007-04-26 05:38:05 by YertleTurtle
THE American legal system has rediscovered the virtue of one of the most ancient forms of punishment—public humiliation. Prostitutes' “Johns” can now have their names aired on television. Mail thieves can find themselves wearing a sandwichboard giving full details of their crime. And people who deface Nativity scenes can end up parading through town accompanied by a donkey. And neoconservatives? These too, it seems, are now being subjected to a grand exercise in public humiliation. Paul Wolfowitz is hanging on to his job at the World Bank by his fingernails (see article). Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a Wolfowitz protégé, is facing prison; Douglas Feith, ...

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