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NRA-PVF Endorses Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President
Post Date: 2012-10-06 18:58:50 by X-15
Fairfax, VA. - The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund today announced its endorsement of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President. NRA’s Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, and NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) Chairman, Chris W. Cox, made the announcement in Fishersville, Virginia, during a rally with both Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan in attendance. Also, attending and performing at the press conference was country music superstar and NRA Life Member Trace Adkins. “Virginia is ground zero – the front line of this election. This is where the race could be won or lost. This is where the difference can be made. This is ...

'Never forget': With tattoos, new generation proudly bears elders' Auschwitz scars
Post Date: 2012-10-03 00:58:34 by X-15
When Eli Sagir showed her grandfather, Yosef Diamant, the new tattoo on her left forearm, he bent his head to kiss it. Mr. Diamant had the same tattoo, the number 157622, permanently inked on his own arm by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Nearly 70 years later, Ms. Sagir got hers at a hip tattoo parlor downtown after a high school trip to Poland. The next week, her mother and brother also had the six digits inscribed onto their forearms. This month, her uncle followed suit. “All my generation knows nothing about the Holocaust,” said Ms. Sagir, 21, who has had the tattoo for four years. “You talk with people and they think it’s like the Exodus from Egypt, ancient history. I ...

Beck: God put Romney behind in polls to prove itÂ’s a miracle when he wins
Post Date: 2012-10-02 09:40:20 by tom007
Beck: God put Romney behind in polls to prove it’s a miracle when he wins By David Edwards Monday, October 1, 2012 12:56 EDT Print GBTV's Glenn Beck Topics: glenn beck ♦ mitt romney Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck says that GOP hopeful Mitt Romney’s poll numbers have fallen as a part of a plan from God to make it obvious to the American people that divine intervention was responsible when Republicans take the White House in November. “I know Mitt Romney wasn’t your first choice, nor was he mine,” Beck recently told controversial “historian” David Barton in a video clip highlighted by Right Wing Watch on Monday. “I am to the point ...

Clinton: Libya needs a Wal-Mart
Post Date: 2012-09-30 14:58:33 by X-15
Former President Bill Clinton has an idea of what beleaguered Libya needs: a Wal-Mart. Speaking at his eighth annual Clinton Global Initiative summit on Sunday, he challenged Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke to open a store in the troubled region to create jobs and foster international cooperation. “If the new president of Libya asked you to open a store in Tripoli, would you consider it?” Clinton asked Duke (a panelist at the event). Clinton’s yearly summit is intended to encourage business leaders, NGOs and politicians to brainstorm and make pledges in the name of global investment and humanitarianism — the sort of humanitarianism that sees more Wal-Mart stores and jobs as a ...

Almost Half Of All Americans Support Domestic Surveillance Drones
Post Date: 2012-09-28 23:30:23 by X-15
Close to half of Americans say they are in favour of police departments deploying surveillance drones domestically. According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press and The National Constitution Center, 44 percent support the idea of police using unmanned aerial vehicles to track suspects and carry out investigations. Only 36 percent said that they “strongly oppose” or “somewhat oppose” police use of drones, according to the survey. The poll also found that only one third of Americans say they are significantly concerned about their privacy being eroded by the adoption of drones by police forces throughout the country. Thrity-five percent of respondents said ...

Rand Paul aids Romney and Ryan in Ohio
Post Date: 2012-09-26 01:17:24 by Artisan
Rand Paul aids Romney and Ryan in Ohio by Jackie Kucinich, USA TODAY http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2012/09/25/gop-ticket-is-seeking-support-from-libertarians-and-tea-party-activists/57842026/1?csp=34news DAYTON, Ohio -- Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan arrived in Ohio this week to news of dropping poll numbers and a widening gap in the Buckeye state between the Republican nominee and President Obama. Luckily, they brought back up. Sen. Rand Paul,R-Ky., joined the pair on the road Tuesday, and while he had planned to campaign for Romney, his appearance on the trail couldn't have come at a better time. The libertarian worldview that made him and his father -- Rep. Ron Paul, ...

(U.S.) Gov’t agency takes over B’nai B’rith pension
Post Date: 2012-09-25 18:14:01 by X-15
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, the government agency that protects retirees from failed pension plans, is assuming control of benefits for employees of B'nai B'rith International. "The agency stepped in because B'nai B'rith wouldn't have been able to pay its bills or stay in business unless the plan was terminated," PBGC said in a Sept. 11 posting on its blog. The posting said that B'nai B'rith's pension plan ended as of April 30 2011 and that PBGC "will pay all pension benefits earned by the organization's retirees up to the legal limit of $54,000 a year for a 65-year-old." The plan affects 500 ...

Palin to Romney-Ryan: 'Go Rogue'
Post Date: 2012-09-22 17:51:51 by X-15
In a statement to THE WEEKLY STANDARD, former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin offers some advice for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, this year's Republican ticket for president and vice president, respectively. "With so much at stake in this election, both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should 'go rogue' and not hold back from telling the American people the true state of our economy and national security," says Palin. "They need to continue to find ways to break through the filter of the liberal media to communicate their message of reform." Palin also suggests that Romney and Ryan can be responsible for an epiphany on this country's fiscal ...

Rush Limbaugh Theorizes that Al Qaeda Gave Bin Laden Up to Help Obama Win Re-Election [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-09-13 19:54:14 by X-15
On yesterday's show, Rush Limbaugh put forward another of his signature "theories," noting in advance that he was "picking it off the wall." "What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al-Qaeda leaders gave up Osama bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good?" Limbaugh asked his audience. Why would they want to do that? Because militant Islamists, according to the syndicated talk show host, want nothing more than to see Israel gone, and having Obama re-elected would help advance that goal. "Al Qaeda was not depending on Osama bin Laden for operational leadership," Limbaugh asserted. "His day had come and gone." Letting go of ...

New bill would press countries harboring (Nazi) war criminals
Post Date: 2012-09-13 16:14:45 by X-15
WASHINGTON (JTA) – Two U.S. congressmen have introduced legislation aimed at pressuring any country harboring Nazi war criminals. Reps. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) and Howard Berman (D-Calif.) proposed legislation in the House of Representatives on Wednesday that would prohibit defense sales to any country offering safe harbor to Nazis or any modern-day war criminals. “We must let the world know that we will do everything in our power to pursue justice against the monstrous acts perpetrated by Nazi criminals and modern-day war criminals,” Israel said in a statement to JTA. Under the War Crimes Accountability Act of 2012, it would be illegal to conduct defense sales with any ...

What I Saw at the Convention
Post Date: 2012-09-02 10:41:52 by Big Meanie
I spent a day of my life at the 2012 Republican Convention. The plan was to stay for full four days, but the choreographed and staged "decision-making" made the 2,000 plus delegates irrelevant. Republican Party members hoping to see democracy in action were left staring at a fuzzy gray screen, listening to static, beating their heads against padded white walls. No free man would subject himself to such idiocy. As Doug Wead so delightfully put it, the party has been reduced to "ten fat men sitting in a room." One of these fat men is John Sununu. Watching him on Tuesday afternoon steamroll the wishes of half of the delegate floor, and destroy what was left of the ...

Sarah Palin: Mama grizzlies united
Post Date: 2012-08-07 12:15:17 by X-15
CLEVELAND, Mo—Sarah Palin did not disappoint. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:It's been a while since Sarah Palin has graced this forum with her presence ;-)

DCCC apologizes to Adelson (Behold! The power of the Yids!!)
Post Date: 2012-08-02 22:14:59 by X-15
Democratic campaign officials apologized on Thursday to Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate who has been spending millions of dollars to help elect Republican candidates for federal office. “In press statements issued on June 29 and July 2, 2012, the DCCC made unsubstantiated allegations that attacked Sheldon Adelson, a supporter of the opposing party. This was wrong. The statements were untrue and unfair and we retract them. The DCCC extends its sincere apology to Mr. Adelson and his family for any injury we have caused,” the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said in an unusual statement released on Thursday afternoon. The DCCC had seized on an Associated Press report ...

RomneyÂ’s Jewish Connector
Post Date: 2012-08-02 00:36:06 by X-15
How Dan Senor became the GOP candidate’s key emissary to Israel’s intelligentsia and the Washington policy scene Four years ago, then-Sen. Barack Obama embarked on a whistle-stop tour that included stops in Baghdad, Kabul, Amman, Jerusalem, Berlin, and London. It wasn’t the first quasi-diplomatic mission by an aspiring leader of the free world—Ronald Reagan, for one, traveled to Tehran in 1978 in anticipation of the 1980 campaign—but Obama’s trip created a new template for candidates wishing to project authority and gravitas in the foreign-policy arena. Obama, of course, had spent considerable time living abroad as a child, but the trip showcased him doing the ...

Romney Donor Says ‘Lower Income’ People ‘Don’t Understand What’s Going On’
Post Date: 2012-07-09 16:31:18 by tom007
Romney Donor Says ‘Lower Income’ People ‘Don’t Understand What’s Going On’ By Judd Legum posted from ThinkProgress Election on Jul 8, 2012 at 9:21 pm Today, Mitt Romney is holding a series of fundraisers in the Hamptons, culminating with a huge event at the home of billionaire David Koch. The LA Times is on the scene and reporter Maeve Reston caught up with a donor on her way into one of the events. The woman, who wouldn’t reveal her name, said the following: I don’t think the common person is getting it…my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand ...

Limbaugh: ‘When Women Got The Right To Vote Is When It All Went Down Hill’
Post Date: 2012-07-06 11:01:13 by tom007
Limbaugh: ‘When Women Got The Right To Vote Is When It All Went Down Hill’ | Rush Limbaugh — the famously sexist radio host who got himself into hot water over his criticism of Sandra Fluke — believes that women’s suffrage destroyed the U.S. “When women got the right to vote is when it all went down hill,” Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday, “Because that’s when votes started being cast with emotion and maternal instincts that government ought to reflect.” The host tried almost immediately to recover from his blatant sexism, claiming that he had been joking. Listen:

Citing Potential ‘War Crimes’ UN Official Questions Legality of Drone War
Post Date: 2012-06-23 00:03:49 by F.A. Hayek Fan
A UN investigator has called on the Obama administration to explain under what legal framework its drone war is justified and suggested that “war crimes” may have already been committed. Christof Heyns, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, urged Washington to clarify the basis under international law of the policy, in a report issued to the United Nations Human Rights Council. “The (US) government should clarify the procedures in place to ensure that any targeted killing complies with international humanitarian law and human rights and indicate the measures or strategies applied to prevent casualties, as well as the measures in place to ...

Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil:
Post Date: 2012-05-18 05:30:07 by noone222

Lovitz Interview - Obama An Asshole
Post Date: 2012-04-25 03:20:00 by noone222
Poster Comment:It really ain't the taxes - it's the tyranny stupid !

Lindsey Graham: ‘Primary is over; Romney will be the nominee’ (and Obama will be President)
Post Date: 2012-03-25 16:22:44 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday declared that the GOP presidential primary was effectively over and called for his party to united behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. “I think that the primary is over,” Graham told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “Romney will be the nominee. Fiscal and social conservatives will unite and form a bond with libertarians and independents, and we’ll win the White House if we can run a good fall campaign.” “I like our chances, but it will be Romney,” he added. “The elephant hasn’t sung yet, but she’s warming up.” Graham noted that he had not yet endorsed the former Massachusetts ...

Obama Blames Iran for High Gas Prices
Post Date: 2012-03-25 14:25:57 by F.A. Hayek Fan
With the high cost of gasoline becoming a major election issue, President Obama seems to have found a ready-made scapegoat today, insisting that Iran is actually to blame for the price at the pump. “Right now the key thing that is driving higher gas prices is actually the world’s oil markets and uncertainty about what’s going on in Iran,” Obama insisted. “[T]hat’s adding a $20 or $30 premium to oil prices, and that affects obviously gas prices.” Obama made similar comments at multiple campaign spots, insisting that domestic oil production has nothing to do with the high cost of fuel. The size of the “war premium” on a barrel of oil, and indeed ...

Irked by ad, Palin challenges Obama to debate
Post Date: 2012-03-14 18:31:11 by PSUSA2
n a nearly 600-word missive posted to her Facebook page, ex-governor Sarah Palin challenged President Obama to a debate "anywhere, anytime" to discuss "the issues Americans are actually concerned about." These issues include, according to Palin: " a debt crisis that has us hurtling towards a Greek-style collapse," "a credit downgrade," "a government takeover of the health care industry," and "an anti-drilling agenda that rejects good paying energy sector jobs and makes us more dependent on dangerous foreign regimes."  Palin was apparently irked by an Obama fundraising ad, shown above, in which she is shown railing against the ...

Limbaugh Apologizes to Law Student for Insult
Post Date: 2012-03-04 00:14:44 by Dakmar
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh apologized Saturday to a Georgetown University law student he had branded a "slut" and "prostitute" after fellow Republicans as well as Democrats criticized him and several advertisers left his program. The student, Sandra Fluke, had testified to congressional Democrats in support of their national health care policy that would compel her college to offer health plans that cover her birth control. "My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir," Limbaugh said on his website. "I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices." Attempts to ...

Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportation
Post Date: 2012-02-18 20:15:06 by X-15
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu — who became the face of Arizona border security nationally after he started stridently opposing illegal immigration — threatened his Mexican ex-lover with deportation when the man refused to promise never to disclose their years-long relationship, the former boyfriend and his lawyer tell New Times. The latest of the alleged threats were made through Babeu's personal attorney, who's also running the sheriff's campaign for Congress in District 4, the ex-lover says. He says lawyer Chris DeRose demanded he sign an agreement that he would never breathe a word about the affair. But Jose (New Times is withholding his last name because ...

Bribes, Chinese Mob Ties Alleged at Casino of Gingrich Money Man (Adelson)
Post Date: 2012-01-27 23:11:23 by X-15
The casino company run by the principal financial backer of Newt Gingrich's presidential bid, Sheldon Adelson, has been under criminal investigation for the last year by the Department of Justice and the Securities Exchange Commission for alleged bribery of foreign officials, according to corporate documents. In a separate civil lawsuit, a former executive of the company has alleged that Adelson ordered him to keep quiet about sensitive issues at the Sands casinos on the Chinese island of Macau, including the casinos' alleged "involvement with Chinese organized crime groups, known as Triads, connected to the junket business." The triads -- Chinese organized crime ...

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