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GOP Infighting Over NY Congressional Race Heats Up
Post Date: 2009-10-28 13:25:05 by Brian S
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 -- 9:51 am Alisa1027 GOP infighting over NY congressional race heats upNEW YORK — Top-level Republican feuding is transforming an obscure congressional election next week into a referendum on the beleaguered party's direction ahead of the 2012 White House battle. The November 3 election will fill a vacated congressional seat in upstate New York, but the focus is not so much on the Democratic-Republican rivalry as on fighting between Republicans themselves. Party chiefs -- including potential candidates for the 2012 presidential election -- are at loggerheads over whether to support the local Republican candidate or an insurgent backed by the ...

Levi Johnston: ‘I Have Things That Will Hurt’ Sarah Palin [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-10-28 12:47:23 by Brian S
Milking fifteen minutes into a questionable career is one thing, but apparently the one man wrecking crew intent on humiliating Alaska's former governor is also a gentleman. Claiming that Sarah Palin "joked about her son Trig's Down Syndrome, calling him her 'retarded baby'" and other things is just part of Levi Johnston's "job" now, but he won't reveal things that "could" and "will hurt her." Johnston, who fathered a child with Palin's daughter Bristol and has since been leaking dirt about the former vice-president candidate, is now hinting that there may be even bigger scandals he's not discussing. According to ...

Bush Family Political Heir Is Shipping Off To War
Post Date: 2009-10-27 12:38:58 by Brian S
George P. Bush, or "P" as he's known to some, is thought to be the biggest hope for a fourth generation of Bush family political leaders, with some suggesting that he might run for statewide office in Texas at some point in the next four to eight years. But, as The Daily Beast points out today, any future George P. Bush political ambitions will have to be put on hold as his Navy Reserve unit is set to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan in the coming weeks. Lt. Junior Grade Bush, 33, joined the Navy Reserve in 2007 as an intelligence officer. The Navy recently told him, like thousands of others, that the two ongoing wars required him to go active-duty overseas, potentially in ...

Gingrich Expresses Concern With Identifying Beck And Limbaugh As Leaders Of The GOP
Post Date: 2009-10-27 12:29:35 by Brian S
Last week, Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) — the chairman of the House Republican Conference — defended the influence of right-wing talk shows over the Republican Party. Pence claimed that it’s “hogwash” to suggest that pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck “only speak for a small group of activists.” In a similar vein, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) defended the influence of Limbaugh, Beck, and other commentators because, she claimed, they represent a “critical mass.” Reflecting the emerging stranglehold over the Republican Party that Limbaugh and Beck now exert, the new cover of The Weekly Standard identifies Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin ...

Record Unemployment? Bush Says Market Is 'Fair,' 'Equitable'
Post Date: 2009-10-27 12:16:53 by Brian S
Former President George W. Bush is now on the lecture circuit as a motivational speaker -- and he has a message for America's unemployed: The marketplace is "fair." Speaking in Forth Worth, Texas in his debut as a motivational speaker, Bush's speech echoed some of his themes as president. But his comments on the economy are sure to rankle the millions of Americans who've been laid off. “The marketplace works," Bush remarked. "It is fair. It is equitable. It is a fair form of democracy.” Bush addressed a crowd of 11,000 who paid for a verbal injection of enthusiasm from the former president. “Every single day I was honored to be your ...

Olbermann: 'Orly Taitz Limbaugh' Stands Behind Fabricated Quote
Post Date: 2009-10-27 12:13:44 by Brian S
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann named Rush Limbaugh "Worst Person in the World" on Monday for standing by claims the radio host made about President Barack Obama, even though the talk-radio personality knew the claims were based on a satirical Web site. For promoting claims that had been proven false, Olbermann compared Limbaugh to Orly Taitz, the "birther" lawyer leading the charge to prove that Obama is not a US citizen. As various news sources have reported, Limbaugh recently cited Obama's "college thesis" to allege the president has an agenda to redistribute Americans' wealth. But the college thesis was a spoof hosted on the satire blog Jumping in ...

US Chamber of Commerce Files Civil Complaint To Protect Itself Against Pranks, Hoaxes
Post Date: 2009-10-26 19:42:53 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed a civil complaint on Monday against members of a liberal activist group who staged a news conference to falsely announce that the 3 million-member business federation had reversed its stance on climate change legislation. "The defendants are not merry pranksters tweaking the establishment," said Steven Law, general counsel for the chamber. "Instead, they deliberately broke the law in order to further commercial interest in their books, movies and other merchandise." The chamber said it filed the complaint in U.S. District Court in Washington to protect its trademark and other intellectual property from unlawful ...

Glenn Beck And The Red Scare Revival
Post Date: 2009-10-25 18:00:04 by Brian S
Recently, we have witnessed some remarkable rhetoric coming from conservatives in the U.S. Most notable are Glenn Beck’s repeated claims that President Obama is a closet communist. These charges remain unsubstantiated. But they have nevertheless been echoed by other conservative pundits and have circulated throughout the conservative blogosphere. The language in each instance suggests the same scenario: that Obama’s official policies are a cover for a shadow conspiracy, determined to instate communism in the United States. Accusations such as these deserve examination. When the specter totalitarianism is suggested, we should inquire into the matter with severe gravity. Beck’s ...

Palin, Thompson, Armey, Santorum, Bachman Abandon Republican Party
Post Date: 2009-10-25 17:54:29 by Brian S
25 October 2009 :: Eva Scherson A coalition of nationally visible Republicans have chosen to abandon their own party and back a Conservative party candidate in a special election in upstate New York. The split reveals a growing tension between Republicans concerned about regaining power and those whose mission is to impose a hardline conservative agenda on the nation. These two groups are now engaged in an increasingly hostile struggle for the soul of the Republican party. The band of conservative Republican “rogues” —which includes Sarah Palin, Fred Thompson, Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, and Michelle Bachman— has put its weight behind 3rd party challenger Doug Hoffman, ...

Mayor calls arrest of ally 'dirtiest trick'
Post Date: 2009-10-24 18:33:16 by sizzlerguy
Hammond / The Lake County sheriff is making public a private rebuke Hammond Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. hurled at him for arresting one of the mayor's allies. The mayor accused Sheriff Rogelie "Roy" Dominguez, his second-in-command and Lake County Prosecutor Bernard Carter of "playing politics" following the Sept. 10 arrest by county sheriff's police of David Worerpel, 5th District Democratic precinct captain, and a close associate of the mayor, along with three other Woerpel family members on charges that they were growing marijuana plants in their backyard. Dominguez released a voice message he said McDermott Jr., left the following Saturday morning on the ...

Limbaugh Falls For A Hoax About The President's College Thesis [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-10-24 12:45:41 by Brian S
On Friday, it seemed for a moment -- at least to Rush Limbaugh's listeners -- that the right had finally found the smoking gun to prove that President Obama secretly hates the U.S., its founders and even the Constitution. Limbaugh read his radio audience an excerpt from what he said was Obama's senior thesis, which he wrote while at Columbia University. After more than a year shrouded in secrecy by the Obama campaign and a compliant media, the thesis had finally emerged, and it was even worse than some had feared. The excerpt read by Limbaugh: [T]he Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for ...

Palin, Gingrich, Armey: A GOP Divided
Post Date: 2009-10-23 20:19:08 by Brian S
by Mark Silva Sarah Palin has issued an endorsement in the special election to replace a Republican congressman in an upstate New York district that hasn't elected a Democrat to Congress since the Civil War. That would be the Republican, right? Wrong, that would be the Conservative Party candidate, in a hard-fought three-way contest that has torn the GOP over a question of what values it will uphold as the party attempts to rebuild and regroup. The problem for the Republicans, in the 23rd Congressional District of New York, is that the Republican candidate supports abortion-rights and same-sex marriage. That wasn't enough to stop Newt Gingrich, the former Republican ...

Michigan House Anti-Abortion Activists Introduce ‘Fertilized Egg Is Person’ Amendment
Post Date: 2009-10-23 19:42:33 by Brian S
LANSING — While the state is coming down from its second temporary shut down in two years, ever increasing unemployment and unresolved budget issues, Michigan House Republicans this week introduced legislation to amend the state constitution to define life as beginning at fertilization. The resolution to amend the constitution was introduced by Democratic Rep. Jim Slezak of Davison and Republican Rep. Paul Scott of Grand Blanc. There were a total of 23 co-sponsors for the bill. That bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee which is controlled by East Lansing Democrat Mark Meadows, a staunch supporter of abortion rights. So it’s unlikely it will be rushed onto any ...

Wait a minute: Is Sarah Palin "Going Rogue" – or "Going Rouge"?
Post Date: 2009-10-23 15:57:37 by Brian S
Actually, both. Whether it’s an attempt at equal time/equal play or simply smart marketing, there will be two Sarah Palin books released on Nov. 17. “Going Rogue: An American Life” is, of course, Palin’s own memoir. On that same day, however, a young publishing group with a liberal bent will be releasing “Going Rouge.” Both books have large and lovely portraits of Palin on the cover. But “Going Rouge,” to be published by OR Books as both an e-book and a trade paperback, is a collection of essays about Palin. Guessing from both the background of OR Books (a group with a self-described “distinctive progressive edge”) and the backgrounds of ...

Heritage Foundation, Part of Right Wing Infrastructure, Defends 30 Republican Senators Who Enabled Rape
Post Date: 2009-10-23 14:12:30 by Brian S
By Mark  Karlin For BuzzFlash, when it comes to enabling rape, the Republican think tank-media-political infrastructure sticks together: a bunch of white guys -- primarily from the South -- who believe corporate criminal personhood trumps the rule of law when it comes to gang rape. I have written two pieces on the extraordinarily shocking and ethically sick vote of 3/4s of the GOP Senate delegation who voted not to cut off the contracts of defense contractors who prohibit employees from suing them for job-related rape. Sure enough, the right wing Heritage Foundation -- who, along with the American Enterprise Institute, is a favorite of the "respected" RWNJs --wrote a ...

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes For President?
Post Date: 2009-10-23 13:55:38 by Brian S
Friends and associates are encouraging Fox News chief Roger Ailes to jump into the political arena for real by running for president in 2012, top sources tell POLITICO. "Ailes knows how to frame an issue better than anybody, and that's what we need now," says one Ailes friend who is encouraging the Fox founder, chairman and CEO to seek the Republican nomination to run against President Barack Obama. Ailes, 69, has an aggessive, winning personality that made Fox News a huge success — and a huge target for liberal critics. Frank Luntz, the well-known Republican pollster, said Ailes could be a force if he makes the run. "I have known Roger Ailes for 29 years," ...

Lou Dobbs Calls Fox Business Reporter ’Self-important Ass,’ Claims He Wants More Immigrants
Post Date: 2009-10-23 13:35:41 by Brian S
The war on Fox doesn't stop at the fence of the White House anymore, nor does it stop at the gates of liberal-heavy television networks like MSNBC. Now it includes Lou Dobbs, the most conservative nighttime voice on CNN. On his radio program Thursday, the 64-year-old libertarian pundit rebuked a Fox Business correspondent for what he considered as mischaracterizing his comments on immigration. "Fox Business News — their new hire John Stossel — weighing in with his own brand of myopic idiocy and by the way no information whatsoever, he sat down with self-described rodeo clown Glenn Beck and listen to what he had to say," Dobbs begins. "If it means the Lou ...

Republicans’ Approval Ratings Worst In 25 Years
Post Date: 2009-10-23 13:31:50 by Brian S
They got rid of scandal-tainted Majority Leader Tom DeLay, airport shoe-tapper Larry Craig and prurient instant message typer Mark Foley, but they just can't seem to shake the gloom. Congressional Republicans scored just 36 percent approval ratings from the American public in a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Friday. Fifty-four percent of Americans viewed Republicans in Congress unfavorably, while 41 percent said they were rankled by Democrats. Democrats had a 53 percent approval rating to Republicans' 36. But despite Democrats' edge over Republicans, their handling of Congress receives few plaudits, according to the poll. Almost 70 percent of those questioned said they ...

Keep Going, Republicans! You're Doing Great!
Post Date: 2009-10-22 12:20:45 by Brian S
I have an important message for Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the most visible Republicans on the national stage: Keep going! You're doing great! If this was video, you would see me standing an applauding. Maybe holding up a lighter for an encore. The Republican Party is shriveling faster than Rush Limbaugh on a flight home from the Dominican Republic. While I believe America only benefits from a robust two-party system, the Republicans aren't really filling their seats at the table. The insufferable centrist Democrats, for better or worse, are covering the power void in an unofficial interim capacity and it wouldn't shock me if there was ...

Mike Huckabee 2012 GOP Frontrunner-Tops Romney, Palin [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-10-22 11:48:55 by Brian S
WASHINGTON -- The last presidential election took place barely 11 months ago, but a new poll shows former Arkansas governor and Southern Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee leading a field of Republican candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination. The Rasmussen survey of 750 Republican voters conducted Oct. 15 shows Huckabee at 29 percent, Mitt Romney 24 percent, Sarah Palin 18 percent and Newt Gingrich 14 percent. Huckabee also beats Romney and Palin in head-to-head matchups, edging Romney 44-39 percent and Palin 55-35 percent. Although 2012 is still three years away, campaigning and fundraising for the GOP nomination will begin much sooner. The first debates will take place in 2011, several months ...

Conservatives Roar; Republicans Tremble
Post Date: 2009-10-22 11:00:42 by Brian S
Many top Republicans are growing worried that the party’s chances for reversing its electoral routs of 2006 and 2008 are being wounded by the flamboyant rhetoric and angry tone of conservative activists and media personalities, according to interviews with GOP officials and operatives. Congressional leaders talk in private of being boxed in by commentators such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh — figures who are wildly popular with the conservative base but wildly controversial among other parts of the electorate, and who have proven records of making life miserable for senators and House members critical of their views or influence. Some of the leading 2012 candidates are ...

Michele Bachmann Is The New Republican Party Pin-Up
Post Date: 2009-10-21 11:54:39 by Brian S
The mother of five, who calls the president as a socialist, will appear in the 2010 Calendar of Great American Conservative Women, and is becoming a fixture on Right-wing cable news shows for her opposition to the Democrats' high-spending, bail-out agenda. After just three years representing Minnesota's sixth district in Congress, the rising star is already being touted as a probable candidate to replace the Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor aiming for the party's 2012 presidential nomination. The former tax lawyer and state senator has rapidly become a love-hate figure, and has been compared to Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential candidate. ...

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers Pledges To Prevent Dictatorship In United States
Post Date: 2009-10-20 19:31:05 by Brian S
Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia. In the age of town halls, talk radio and tea parties, middle ground of opinion is hard to find. Most Popular Stories # READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States # NORM: Garth Brooks, Wynn to team up # NORM: Yearwood exacts her recompense # NORM: Holder checks out Las Vegas nightlife # One of four intruders killed during break-in # Woman struck, killed by car while crossing street # Friends, co-workers honor fallen police officer # Friends, co-workers honor fallen police officer # LV POLICE INVESTIGATION: Similarity of deaths ...

SC Republican Chairmen Apologize For Jewish Remark
Post Date: 2009-10-20 11:32:49 by Brian S
(10-20) 08:00 PDT Columbia, S.C. (AP) -- Two Republican county officials in South Carolina are apologizing after they disparaged Jews in a newspaper op-ed in support of a fiscally conservative U.S. senator. The county chairmen were supporting Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina. Chairmen Edwin Merwin and Jim Ulmer wrote in their op-ed: "There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care of themselves." DeMint called the comment thoughtless and hurtful. One of South Carolina's two Jewish legislators, Democratic Sen. Joel Lourie, said he was outraged by the ...

Only 20 Percent Claim To Be Republican, A 26-Year Low
Post Date: 2009-10-20 11:12:46 by Brian S
New ABC/WaPo poll out finds that only 20 percent of Americans claim to be Republicans, a 26-year low. Additionally, while a majority believe the country is on the wrong track, 49 percent trust Obama to make the right decisions for the country, versus 34 percent who trust Congressional Democrats, and a paltry 19 percent who trust the Congressional Republicans. (The 20 percent claim to be GOP number is apparently not in the data to which I linked, but ABC reported it on their evening newscast). It seems reasonable to conclude that the only people who trust Congressional Republicans are those who declare themselves to be Republican (in my case, what else would I be?). I guess I would be in ...

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