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What's Bad for the GOP Is Good for Fox News
Post Date: 2009-08-08 05:35:06 by High Hopes
Fox News' viewership is up 45% over the last year, and it's easy to see why: The ascendancy of a charismatic black Democrat has driven frightened, paranoid, enraged, nativist zealots into the ideological embrace of an outlet that habitually reconfirms everything they already believe. Watching Glenn Beck's spell-binding sermons on Barack Obama's racism is comforting to people who believe that their way of life—namely, one in which fatherly white Christians protect us from danger both internal and external—is under attack. So they do it more frequently. Tuning into Hannity et.al. becomes a life-affirming political act. But while cable news is niche, politics is ...

Forged Kenyan Document Splinters ‘Birther’ Movement
Post Date: 2009-08-04 20:59:40 by IDon'tThinkSo
Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya. “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday. “His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.” Nonetheless, Chessoni spent part of his day fielding inquiries about an image posted at the fringe conservative web site WorldNetDaily–a purported “certified copy of registration of birth” belonging to “Barack Hussein Obama II,” submitted by ...

Why is Orly Taitz in Israel Two Days After Submitting a Forged Obama Birth Certificate to a US Federal Court?
Post Date: 2009-08-04 13:51:51 by Brian S
Is it because she is fleeing prosecution for knowingly submitting a forged document to a federal court? Is it because she is secretly an Israeli agent working to undermine Barack Obama? Is it because she fears that black men in suits and sunglasses are coming from Washington to kill her?I don't know the answer, but "birther queen" Orly Taitz was indeed interviewed by MSNBC from Tel Aviv on Aug. 3 - only two days after submitting, to a federal district court in California for "authentication," a document alleged to be Obama's Kenyan birth certificate now pretty conclusively proven to be a forgery. Following her gleeful release of the document on Aug. 1, Taitz must ...

Feeling The Sweet Flow Of Freedom With Sean Hannity
Post Date: 2009-08-04 13:22:48 by Brian S
Conservative radio/TV host Sean Hannity began hosting his "Freedom Concert" series, benefiting Oliver North's Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund for the children of soldiers killed or disabled in action, back in 2003. Last Saturday the 2009 incarnation kicked off at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, boasting a powerhouse lineup featuring the likes of Billy Ray Cyrus, Lee Greenwood, and other acts that haven't been relevant since the 1980s, if ever, and Hair Balls was there. Though we almost weren't. In what might be considered a surprise move to those unfamiliar with the right's penchant for holding "town hall meetings" with none but carefully vetted ...

Rove, Freeper founder, liberal blogs agree: New Obama birth certificate fake
Post Date: 2009-08-04 10:02:29 by High Hopes
Bush White House strategist and leading Republican Karl Rove says that a new document purportedly showing President Barack Obama to have been born in Kenya is probably a fake. Most liberal bloggers are also calling it bogus. Even worse for the birther movement, the founder of Free Republic doesn't think it passes the smell test either. The man credited with engineering George W. Bush's two terms in the White House distanced himself from the birther movement Monday, sending out a Tweet declaring that what appears to be a Kenyan birth certificate -- made public by attorney Orly Taitz, a leader of the birther movement -- is "likely a forgery." Since Sunday, the birther ...

Rush Limbaugh threatens, fails to leave Manhattan after tax tirade
Post Date: 2009-08-02 22:24:11 by IDon'tThinkSo
Rush Limbaugh threatens, fails to leave Manhattan after tax tirade Back in March, Rush Limbaugh got a lot of attention when he vowed to sell his New York City apartment and cease broadcasting from Manhattan, in response to a planned tax increase for wealthy New York State residents. "I'm going to get out of there totally, 'cause this is just absurd, and it's ridiculous," he fumed. An empty threat? It's starting to look that way. Four months to the day after his tirade, the conservative radio giant does not appear to have taken any steps towards making good on his promise. On his show in March, Limbaugh said he maintains a residence in New York City mainly so ...

Rep. Cantor and 24 Fellow Republicans to Visit Israel, Palestinians
Post Date: 2009-07-31 19:56:42 by X-15
WASHINGTON -- One of President Barack Obama's top congressional critics said Friday he hoped to reassure staunch US ally Israel of unbending US support during a visit to the Middle East next week. Representative Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in national US politics, said he worried Obama has pressured Israel too much and demanded too little from the Palestinians in return and not done enough to confront Iran. "We are very concerned about the direction we see this administration heading in as far as the US-Israel relationship," Cantor, his party's number two leader in the House of Representatives, told AFP by telephone. Cantor will lead a delegation of 25 ...

Specter: Wise Latina remark "commendable"
Post Date: 2009-07-30 03:01:16 by X-15
Arlen Specter, the former chairman of the Judiciary Committee, saved his most interesting Sonia Sotomayor comments for last -- applauding her "wise Latina" comment but criticizing the "caution" that has defined Supreme Court confirmations since Robert Bork back in '87. He also said he was "pretty sure" Sotomayor would vote to preserve abortion rights, based on her respect for Roe v. Wade as precedent. Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican-turned-Democrat, was relegated to the end of the podium this morning, but offered a cogent, concise post-game wrap-up moments before the committee approved her nomination 13-6. "I didn't find fault with the ...

Coulter Angers Her Base, Criticizes Conspiracy about Obama's Nationality
Post Date: 2009-07-27 14:45:37 by Brian S
Sun Jul 26, 2009 at 06:49:07 PM PDT I've been extremely hard on Coulter in the past (below you will see why), but in this case, I have to give credit where credit is due. Ann is right on here, and in confronting the lunatics she has actually shown some courage and integrity for a change. Welcome to reality Ann, I'm sure your stay will be brief as those of us who live here have never seen you here before. For those of you who do not know, Ann Coulter came out strongly against the conspiracy theories that suggest that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. See the video here: If the embed doesn't work, click http://www.youtube.com/... Not only did Ann come out ...

McCain's Lawyers Investigated Obama Citizenship (sure).
Post Date: 2009-07-27 11:14:22 by noone222
As we asked earlier this week, if questions over President Obama's citizenship were valid, wouldn't they have come out during the presidential campaign? David Weigel talked with Trevor Potter and other lawyers for Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign who said that they did look into the Obama citizenship rumors and found them without merit. Said Potter: "To the extent that we could, we looked into the substantive side of these allegations. We never saw any evidence that then-Senator Obama had been born outside of the United States. We saw rumors, but nothing that could be sourced to evidence. There were no statements and no documents that suggested he was born ...

Free Republic Founder: Remove All U.S. Elected Officals; Install Hillary Clinton As Acting Executive
Post Date: 2009-07-23 11:45:05 by Brian S
Since the election of an African-American as U.S. President, the Republican extremist right wing has called for the violent overthrow of his administration. They have encouraged military insurrection and called the commander in chief an undercover operative serving jihad. Free Republic, a GOP favorite has taken this approach one step further albeit with a caveat that it must be a non-violent revolution. Jim Robinson the founder of Free Republic in a recent post labeled as a “rough draft” has called for radical action. In his lengthy post he says: We have reached the point where the government's long train of abuses and usurpations has achieved absolute Despotism, ...

Goldi lays down the law - again [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-07-15 18:01:30 by IDon'tThinkSo
Over the past few months, I've noticed that there is an increase in LP Members who choose to use words and namecalling to: ridicule others demean others undermine others "pigeonhole" others or events This is being done by those who do not agree with a position or person. Rather than engage in debate and rebuttal, certain individuals simply screech out (or type out) their favorite nom du jour and avoid any intelligent discussion. It's going to STOP! Polite requests have not worked. Removal of posts has not worked. Removal of posts and RED comments of UNCIVIL behavior has not worked. So now, we WILL do something that WILL work! Henceforth, when any issue arises, ...

Breaking News!!!!! Conservative Free Republic blog in free speech flap after racial slurs directed at Obama children
Post Date: 2009-07-14 15:53:30 by X-15
"A typical street whore." "A bunch of ghetto thugs." "Ghetto street trash." "Wonder when she will get her first abortion." These are a small selection of some of the racially-charged comments posted to the conservative 'Free Republic' blog Thursday, aimed at U.S. President Barack Obama's 11-year-old daughter Malia after she was photographed wearing a t-shirt with a peace sign on the front. The thread was accompanied by a photo of Michelle Obama speaking to Malia that featured the caption, "To entertain her daughter, Michelle Obama loves to make monkey sounds." Though this may sound like the sort of thing one might read on ...

Rupert Murdoch Newspapers to Be Probed Over Hacking Claims
Post Date: 2009-07-09 11:43:01 by Brian S
July 9 (Bloomberg) — Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World and Sun newspapers face separate investigations by London police and U.K. lawmakers over claims they obtained personal information through illegal means. The Metropolitan Police will look into the allegations, Commissioner Paul Stephenson said in a statement today. Thirty- one journalists working for the tabloid newspapers acquired private information through “blagging,” or underhand means, the U.K.’s Information Commission said. The Guardian reported yesterday that Murdoch’s News Corp. paid more than 1 million pounds ($1.6 million) to settle lawsuits claiming journalists used private investigators who ...

David Frum: Good reason to fear Sarah Palin
Post Date: 2009-07-09 00:44:47 by Brian S
July 08, 2009, 11:33 AM by NP Editor In today’s Washington Post, Bill Kristol asks tauntingly “[T]he mainstream media and the Republican establishment. … tend not only to dislike and disdain Palin, they also want to bury her chances now as a presidential possibility. What are they afraid of?” That’s easy to answer: They - we! - are afraid that Palin’s distinctive combination of sex appeal, self-pity, and cultural resentment has a following in today’s GOP. We are afraid that it is not utterly inconceivable that she could win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, and we are afraid that if she did so she would lead the party to a 1964-style ...

Fla. Justices: Crist Can't Reject White Judge Nominees
Post Date: 2009-07-07 19:54:53 by X-15
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Florida Supreme Court says Gov. Charlie Crist can't reject an all-white list of appeals court nominees, even though he wants to appoint someone who will make the judiciary more diverse. The justices unanimously ruled Thursday that the Florida Constitution leaves Crist no choice but to pick one of the six white candidates submitted by a judicial nominating commission. Crist refused to make an appointment to the Daytona Beach court after the commission refused to give him a more diverse slate. The 10-member court has no black judges. Crist said he was disappointed by the ruling but respected it. Justice Jorge Labarga wrote that the high court applauded ...

The Sarah Palin Chronicles Mask Deeper GOP Troubles
Post Date: 2009-07-03 11:52:12 by Brian S
Thursday, July 2, 2009 On the same day Republicans surrendered a symbolically significant seat in the Senate, the Sarah Palin wars erupted again inside the party. Leaks followed by trash-talking followed by recriminations. The latest Palin flare-up began in Vanity Fair with a lengthy article by Todd S. Purdum examining the Alaska governor's past and her potential future. The controversy migrated instantly to the Web and the blogs -- it was, in fact, made for the viral communication that dominates today's politics -- and became even more intense, nasty and personal. The Palin controversy highlights personal enmities and strategic disagreements among Republicans. The victory by ...

SC Governor Says He 'Crossed Lines' With Women Other Than Mistress
Post Date: 2009-06-30 14:23:38 by Brian S
(06-30) 11:12 PDT , (AP) -- COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he "crossed lines" with a handful of women other than his mistress — but never had sex with them. The governor says he "never crossed the ultimate line" with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed Sanford's once-promising political career. During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he's trying to fall back in love with his wife. He says that during the other encounters he "let his guard down" with some physical contact ...

Meet Orly Taitz, Queen Bee of People Obsessed With Barack Obama's Birth Certificate [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-06-20 14:56:59 by IDon'tThinkSo
Birth of an Obsession With her strong will, busy travel schedule and breathless blogging, Laguna Niguel dentist Orly Taitz has become the most controversial figure in the effort to prove that President Barack Obama is foreign-born. Before she addressed the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States on March 13, Dr. Orly Taitz thought about his son and her sons and nearly started to cry. This was after she had woken up at 3 a.m., headed to Kinko’s in Laguna Niguel, photocopied hundreds of pages, gotten on Interstate 5 heading south, answered questions on her cell phone from a radio station, caught a flight in San Diego, sat for a few hours in Salt Lake City, caught ...

'Huffington Post Spreading Anti-Semitic Hate'
Post Date: 2009-06-15 19:58:50 by Brian S
Report finds site being used for propaganda, wild conspiracies TEL AVIV – The Huffington Post is serving as an Internet meeting place for the spread of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda, including wild conspiracy theories and vicious slurs, according to a new report. The Committee for Middle East Reporting in America, or CAMERA, monitored the Huffington Post for a brief period in March and May, finding the talkback threads that accompany the site's news articles and opinion columns routinely contained an alarming amount of hate material. The report said that while such talkbacks can also be found at other sites, such as Britain's Guardian and the Independent newspaper ...

Notoriety's Missing Links - Online Files Scrubbed After Museum Shooting
Post Date: 2009-06-12 13:37:13 by Brian S
Shortly after authorities identified their suspect in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting Wednesday, the world began searching for traces of James W. von Brunn online. Those who Googled immediately were able to find him: a personal Web site claiming Jewish "conspiracies," diatribes posted on message boards. But those who started their hunt just a few hours later would have found only empty holes -- information that was scrubbed away as Web sites figured out how to address the fact that they had once hosted the words of an accused murderer. Searching the Internet became an elusive chase, both for information about von Brunn, and for an answer to whether it's possible ...

Iran May Be About To Dump Ahmadinejad. Meanwhile, American and Israeli Neocons Hope Mad Mahmoud Wins
Post Date: 2009-06-11 12:32:46 by Brian S
Foreign Policy's Laura Rozen has a great piece on what might be happening in Iran. The madman could lose. It seems like almost too much to hope for. But, as I noted earlier, there is some evidence that the neocons are worried. They want Ahmadinejad in there because without him the Iran nuclear threat could fade and they would lose their justification for bombing Iran. In Yedioth Achronoth today (that is Israel's #1 circulation newspaper) Soli Shahvar director of the Ezri Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies at the University of Haifa)writes that "Mousavi is bad for Israel" and that Israelis need to hope that Ahmadinejad wins. His reasoning: Mousavi's moderation ...

Cheney: No link between Saddam Hussein, 9/11
Post Date: 2009-06-02 01:03:12 by IndieTX
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that he does not believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the planning or execution of the September 11, 2001, attacks. Former Vice President Dick Cheney says Saddam Hussein "provided sanctuary ... and resources to terrorists." He strongly defended the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq, however, arguing that Hussein's previous support for known terrorists was a serious danger after 9/11. Cheney, in an appearance at the National Press Club, also said he is intent on speaking out in defense of the Bush administration's national security record because "a clear understanding of policies ...

Romney Criticizes Obama's Defense Cuts
Post Date: 2009-06-01 13:42:52 by Brian S
(06-01) 09:31 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) -- Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Monday the Obama administration's push for new social spending could hurt defense programs and endanger America's national security. "Backing away from missile defense and depleting the defense budget to fund new social programs, particularly in the face of global turmoil, would put America and Americans at risk," he said. Romney, speaking to the conservative Heritage Foundation, called Obama's proposal to cut missile defense programs a "grave miscalculation" in light of North Korea's provocations, Iran's near-nuclear status and Pakistan's ...

Neocon Ideologues Launch New Foreign Policy Group
Post Date: 2009-05-28 14:43:40 by Brian S
By Daniel Luban and Jim Lobe Flashback founders of the neoconservative Foreign Policy Initiative (l-r) Robert Kagan, William Kristol and Dan Senor (AFP photo of Dan Senor).   A NEWLY FORMED and still obscure neo-conservative foreign policy organization is giving some observers flashbacks to the 1990s, when its predecessor staked out the aggressively unilateralist foreign policy that came to fruition under the George W. Bush administration. The blandly-named Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI)—the brainchild of Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, neoconservative foreign policy guru Robert Kagan, and former Bush administration official Dan Senor—has thus far kept a low ...

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