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Neoconservatives’ Achievements in Iraq: A Benchmark
Post Date: 2008-03-12 13:02:55 by Brian S
Mar 12, 2008, 00:46Email this article Printer friendly pageFive years after the invasion of Iraq, the neoconservatives may well have a good reason to celebrate its outcome and congratulate themselves for a job well done. While some quarters in Washington and other parts of the world assert that the invasion has not achieved its officially stated goals -- democratization of the Middle East -- others tend to blame unforeseen events for the lack of tangible progress in building a free, democratic, and unified Iraq. Both accounts, however, misrepresent the scope and depth of the neoconservatives’ intentions and discount their remarkable progress in ...

U.S. may add Venezuela to list of terrorist states
Post Date: 2008-03-12 11:25:39 by richard9151
11/03/08 "McClatchy Newspapers" WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has launched a preliminary legal inquiry that could land Venezuela on the U.S. list of nations that support terrorism, following reports of close Venezuelan links with Colombian rebels, a senior government official has confirmed. The investigation is the first step in a process that could see Venezuela join North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran as countries designated by the State Department as supporters of terrorism. U.S. laws give some leeway on what economic activity is subject to such sanctions, but experts say adding Venezuela to the list would force U.S. and even foreign firms to sever or curtail ...

Fallon Resigns As Mideast Military Chief [already posted but more details - this could be big, people]
Post Date: 2008-03-11 17:16:32 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Fallon Resigns As Mideast Military Chief WASHINGTON (AP) -- The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East resigned Tuesday amid speculation about a rift over U.S. policy in Iran. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that Adm. William J. Fallon, whose area of responsibility includes Iraq, had asked for permission to retire and that Gates agreed. Gates said the decision, effective March 31, was entirely Fallon's and that Gates believed it was "the right thing to do." Fallon was the subject of an article published last week in Esquire magazine that portrayed him as opposed to President Bush's Iran policy. It described Fallon as a lone voice against taking military ...

Congressional Testimony regarding HR 1955.
Post Date: 2008-03-10 19:44:35 by Artisan
A lot has been made of Mark Weitzman's (Simon Weisenthal Ctr) testimony before Congress regarding HR 1955. His entire testimony was less than 10 minutes. But I think it's important to watch the entire presentation made to Congress, it's almost comical. You can watch it while surfing and doing other things, and just listen to it. Some very interesting and revealing info on there. Weitman's testimony begins at around minute 43. At about minute 50, other presenters talk about 'radical jihadist websites' and show a video of Kean of the 911 commission stating that "there is absolutely no link between iraq and 911", with the caption 'AL QAEDA USES OUR WORDS ...

Bush yearns for Texas in rare singing performance
Post Date: 2008-03-09 21:00:50 by angle
March 7, 2008. Bush donned a cowboy hat and sang an early goodbye to Washington on Saturday night with a performance that lampooned White House journalists and Vice President Dick Cheney among others. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush donned a cowboy hat and sang an early goodbye to Washington on Saturday night with a performance that lampooned White House journalists and Vice President Dick Cheney among others. Bush surprised cabinet secretaries, diplomatic officials and journalists at the annual Gridiron dinner by taking the stage and giving the first public singing performance of his eight-year presidency, which ends in January 2009. To the tune of country song ...

How they bleep you
Post Date: 2008-03-08 22:56:19 by Itisa1mosttoolate
How they bleep you How the government rakes you over the coals. By www.rys2sense.com come join us. Watch all my vids.

Satire is Dead, Part 3,762: Tony Blair to Teach Religion at Yale
Post Date: 2008-03-08 19:48:52 by tom007
Satire is Dead, Part 3,762: Tony Blair to Teach Religion at Yale Chris Floyd , Empire Burlesque March 8, 2008 You really can't make this stuff up: Tony Blair will now teach religion at Yale. So says the Guardian, and the great and good in New Haven confirm it: Blair to teach at Yale University. Yale's president, Professor Richard Levin, says the co-perpetrator of the war on aggression against Iraq, which has resulted in the deaths of at least a million innocent people (and counting), will be teaching Yale students "how religious values can be channeled toward reconciliation rather than polarisation." No comment. No comment at all. What can you possibly say about this ...

The Iran Hawks' Latest Surge
Post Date: 2008-03-07 12:54:25 by Brian S
U.S. and Israeli hard-liners -- some with close ties to John McCain -- are once again hyping the Iranian nuclear threat. March 7, 2008 | Recently, I asked former Mossad officer Michael Ross what he thought of the latest U.S. National Intelligence Estimate released in December, which downplayed the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program. "That farce?" he replied, adding that many in Israeli intelligence were "furious about it -- not just the conclusion of the estimate, but its timing as well." Some Iran hawks believe that the United Nations Security Council was poised at the time, with the United States leading the charge, to tighten the vice on the Iranian regime ...

Will Texans "roll over" and allow the North American Union 'Super Highway' to PLOW throught their state?
Post Date: 2008-03-06 10:06:25 by Itisa1mosttoolate
If this happens the other states will be a 'cake walk'. We need some reports by native Texans.

Chertoff scolded for lack of diversity
Post Date: 2008-03-05 20:18:43 by Jethro Tull
Two congressmen today said the Department of Homeland Security needs more diversity to be effective, and scolded Secretary Michael Chertoff for not bringing any black or female staffers to his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee. In what appeared to be a sort of diversity sting operation, Rep. Robert C. Scott lead off his questions to Mr. Chertoff by demanding the secretary's staff stand up to be scrutinized. Minutes later, during his own questions, Rep. Melvin Watt said the point was to prove that none of the 10 staffers who stood met his definition of diverse."You brought 10 staff people with you, all white males. I know this hearing is not about diversity of ...

North American Police?
Post Date: 2008-03-05 19:22:22 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Bush dances on White House steps (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2008-03-05 17:42:06 by FOH
Glad he's enjoying the free fall

Hagee's Heresy
Post Date: 2008-03-04 19:50:21 by Brian S
After endorsing John McCain, Texas pastor John Hagee has come under a bit of criticism for some of his comments about Catholics (and for generally being a dangerous war-whooping nutjob). But among some fundamentalist Christians, the real problem with Hagee is comments he may have made about Jews. What could be more offensive than calling someone's church a "great whore"? Well if you can believe this, Hagee might actually have said that Jews -- if there are any little ones reading this you might want to cover their eyes for their own protection -- can go to heaven. Appalling, right? Don't worry. Hagee denies it. But still, the murmurs persist in the darkest reaches of ...

40% of American Jews "not driven by the word of God," says McCain supporter John Hagee [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-03 16:08:34 by aristeides
40% of American Jews "not driven by the word of God," says McCain supporter John Hagee by John Aravosis (DC) · 3/03/2008 12:12:00 PM ET McCain supporter John Hagee: I think if I could put a dividing line, the Orthodox and Conservatives who have a Torah appreciation give us wholehearted support. The rest [of Jews] who are not driven by the Word of God have a liberal agenda. And the liberal agenda is they are pro-abortion. They're pro-homosexual. They're pro-gay marriage -- they want men to marry men and women to marry women -- and their difference with me is not really what I'm doing with Israel. Their hostility to me is poisoned by their liberalism. They ...

Bill O’Reilly stands by his smear of Arianna Huffington: There’s no difference between her and Goebbels.
Post Date: 2008-03-02 14:09:37 by robin
Bill O’Reilly stands by his smear of Arianna Huffington: There’s no difference between her and Goebbels. By: John Amato on Saturday, March 1st, 2008 at 5:15 PM - PST BillO obviously is feeling some heat over his vile words the other day when he compared Hitler and the KKK to some anonymous commenter’s on the Huffington Post and attacking Arianna. In his perverted defense, he says that the use of propaganda by the Nazis to murder millions of Jews is an honest comparison to some idiots leaving comments on a blog. Download | Play Download | Play (h/t billw) O’Reiily: …from the late nineteen twenties to nineteen thirty three when Hitler became chancellor, ...

Watching CSpan and a 20 yr veteran called in to say he'd go to war for Hillary but not for Obama and certainly not for McCain
Post Date: 2008-03-02 12:35:55 by christine

McCain ‘Very Honored’ By Support Of Pastor Preaching ‘End-Time Confrontation With Iran’
Post Date: 2008-03-01 21:16:07 by tom007
McCain ‘Very Honored’ By Support Of Pastor Preaching ‘End-Time Confrontation With Iran’ Think Progress Friday, February 29, 2008 Yesterday, hard-line conservative Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, endorsed John McCain. Hagee said that McCain “is a man of principle, [who] does not stand boldly on both sides of any issue.” McCain, who had been courting the endorsement for over a year, said that he was “very honored by Pastor John Hagee’s endorsement.” Demonstrating how wildly out of the American religious and political mainstream Hagee’s views are, McCain’s acceptance of Hagee’s endorsement was condemned ...

Bush Aide Resigns After Admitting Plagiarism
Post Date: 2008-03-01 19:15:44 by kiki
WASHINGTON — A longtime aide to President Bush who wrote occasional guest columns for his hometown newspaper resigned on Friday evening after admitting that he had repeatedly plagiarized from other writers. The White House called his actions unacceptable. The aide, Tim Goeglein, had worked for Mr. Bush since 2001, as a liaison to social and religious conservatives, an important component of the president’s political base. Mr. Goeglein was influential in decisions on a range of questions important to that constituency, including stem cell research, abortion and faith-based initiatives. A blogger in Mr. Goeglein’s hometown, Fort Wayne, Ind., found the plagiarism. “This ...

Danish holiday - George W. Bush's Escape To Waco
Post Date: 2008-02-29 21:20:04 by robin
danish holidayGeorge W. Bush's Escape To Waco Here's your beloved president, just after he landed in Waco, Texas. That's where he goes for his vacations. Loves it there. Loves his dog, too. Good dog. Name's Barney. "See over there, Barney? That's where Clinton killed them Branch Koreans. Good people." It wouldn't be Friday at 8:30 p.m. without a White House resignation and a Wonkette AP Photo Tour of whatever dumb irrelevant nonsense George W. Bush is up to, during this long and pointless final year in office. It was a tough week for Bush Junior, because they made him do one of his press conference things. This time those trickster reporters ...

US military secrets sent to Suffolk tourist site
Post Date: 2008-02-29 19:22:17 by robin
US military secrets sent to Suffolk tourist siteBy Tom ChiversLast Updated: 5:00pm GMT 29/02/2008A tourist information website promoting a small Suffolk town has had to shut down after it received a barrage of thousands of classified US military emails. USAF F16s from Mildenhall. Thousands of sensitive emails have been misdirected to a tourist websiteSensitive information including future flight paths for US Presidential aircraft Air Force One, military strategy and passwords swamped Gary Sinnott's email inbox after he established www.mildenhall.com, a site promoting the tiny town of Mildenhall where he lives, the Anglia Press Agency reports. As well as Mr Sinnott and his neighbours, ...

White House column was copied
Post Date: 2008-02-29 16:35:45 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON - A Fort Wayne native and White House official acknowledged Friday he copied large portions of an essay that appeared in a Dartmouth College publication and presented them as his own in a News-Sentinel column. "It is true," Tim Goeglein wrote to The Journal Gazette in an e-mail. "I am entirely at fault. It was wrong of me. There are no excuses." He said he wrote to the author of the essay, Jeffrey Hart "to apologize, and do so categorically and without exception." Nancy Nall, a former News-Sentinel columnist who writes a blog from her home in Michigan, detailed the nearly word-for-word similarities of eight paragraphs of Goeglein's ...

Bush seems surprised at predictions of $4 gasoline
Post Date: 2008-02-29 16:04:30 by aristeides
Bush seems surprised at predictions of $4 gasoline BY MAURA REYNOLDS AND RONALD D. WHITE | Los Angeles Times February 29, 2008 WASHINGTON - "Wait, what did you just say? You're predicting $4 a gallon gasoline?" a surprised President George W. Bush said yesterday when a reporter mentioned what energy analysts are saying could happen soon in many parts of the country. "That's interesting," Bush said, "I hadn't heard that ... I know it's high now." The prospect of sharply higher fuel prices, including $4 gasoline in some areas, may not have made it into the Oval Office briefing books, but even before the current surge, energy experts were ...

GOP Halts Effort to Retrieve White House E-Mails
Post Date: 2008-02-27 11:11:19 by Ferret Mike
After promising last year to search its computers for tens of thousands of e-mails sent by White House officials, the Republican National Committee has informed a House committee that it no longer plans to retrieve the communications by restoring computer backup tapes, the panel's chairman said yesterday. The move increases the likelihood that an untold number of RNC e-mails dealing with official White House business during the first term of the Bush administration -- including many sent or received by former presidential adviser Karl Rove -- will never be recovered, said House Democrats and public records advocates. The RNC had previously told the House Oversight and Government ...

Obama mentor identified as communist
Post Date: 2008-02-20 06:44:16 by noone222
The mysterious "Frank" cited as a friend and adviser by Democratic president contender Barack Obama while he was growing up in Hawaii has been identified as Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA. The identification comes from Cliff Kincaid in his column, "Obama's Communist Mentor," which was made available on the Accuracy in Media website. "Let's challenge the liberal media to report on this," he wrote in his column. "Will they have the honesty and integrity to do so?" Kincaid, who earlier reported on Obama's pending plan to ship $845 billion overseas to battle "global poverty" as ...

Navy chief convicted for child sex gets honorable discharge
Post Date: 2008-02-17 13:02:08 by Ferret Mike
Edward E. Scott is escorted out of Kitsap County Superior Court following his arraingment last year. (Photo courtesy of the Kitsap Sun.) BREMERTON - The Navy has granted an honorable discharge to a former Naval Base Kitsap command master chief who was convicted last year of attempted child rape. Edward E. Scott, 44, once the local base's highest enlisted man, was arrested after a sting operation in which an officer posed as the mother of young twins in an online forum. Scott was met by police at a Bremerton motel where he had arranged to have sex with what he believed was the mother and both children. Convicted and sentenced in June to nine months in jail and three years of ...

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