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Get ready for the pro-Israel NRA (John Hagee neocons unite!!)
Post Date: 2015-07-13 18:02:47 by X-15
The largest pro-Israel organization, with a membership of more than 2 million passionate voters, Christians United for Israel, will be forming a lobbying and political entity (a 501(c)(4) group, in IRS parlance), CUFI Action Fund, that aims to do for Israel what the NRA does for Second Amendment rights. It will announce the move to more than 5,000 members who have gathered in Washington for its annual national conference. The operation will be headed by evangelical heavyweight and longtime pro-Israel advocate Gary Bauer. “Gary Bauer is someone that has the respect and confidence of the evangelical community,” CUFI founder Pastor John Hagee tells me in an exclusive interview. ...

BUSH/CLINTON/BUSH/CLINTON/BUSH .. George W. Bush charged $100K for appearance at charity event for wounded veterans: report
Post Date: 2015-07-08 19:04:50 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Former Marine Eddie Wright (l.), seen with George W. Bush in a Facebook photo, says it was a "slap in the face" that former President took in $100,000 for speaking at an event that raised money for wounded veterans. Former commander-in-chief George W. Bush charged $100,000 in 2012 to speak at a charity fundraiser for vets wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, ABC News reported Wednesday. The former President’s wife, Laura, took $50,000 a year earlier to speak to the same group, Texas-based Helping A Hero, the network reported. Former Marine Eddie Wright, who served on the charity’s board and lost both hands in a 2004 rocket attack in Iraq, told ABC he didn’t think it ...

The NeoCons’ Confederate Problem—And America’s
Post Date: 2015-06-30 10:41:42 by X-15
Since the Charleston shootings, GOP officials have been scrambling to comply with Leftist demands that Southern Whites be stripped of visible signs of their Confederate heritage. The GOP has actually been downplaying the Confederacy for years—Jeb Bush conspicuously removed Confederate banners and insignias from the Florida statehouse back in 2001. [Jeb Bush Ordered The Confederate Flag Removed From Florida Capitol 14 Years Ago, By Scott Conroy,Huffingtonpost.Com, June 19, 2015] (But the GOP’s efforts to dump the Mississippi state flag including the Southern Cross were frustrated when a majority of the population, including almost a quarter of the black population, voted to retain ...

Weird Rand Paul/CofCC intersect
Post Date: 2015-06-24 23:19:44 by NeoconsNailed
Simply inconceivable Earl Holt would give Rand anything much less $2000! Oh -- maybe he did it to save the CofCC's rep in the heat of the crisis. Fresh reasons to hate Rand for those who love to -- I do! NN

OVER OBAMATRADE - Jim Jordan Puts GOP Leadership on Notice
Post Date: 2015-06-17 19:45:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Jim Jordan Puts GOP Leadership on Notice When a group of House conservatives voted last week to kill a trade bill favored by President Obama, House Speaker John Boehner and other GOP leaders who support the measure steamed. Representative Mick Mulvaney (R., S.C.) celebrated the revolt as a coming-of-age moment for rebel backbenchers. “Yesterday will be the day that we look back at as the day that conservatives finally started getting organized in the House,” he wrote in a note to the Spartanburg Tea Party. Led by Representative Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), a platoon of conservatives demanded that Boehner agree to a series of concessions in exchange for their support for so-called ...

John Hagee Calls For “Prosecuting Women Who Say God’s Name During Intercourse”
Post Date: 2015-06-17 14:48:48 by X-15
“Saying the Lord’s name in vain might seem petite and insignificant compared to some of the things that are going on in the world right now, even in churches all across America,” Hagee elaborated. “But, that’s precisely the problem. If the shepherds of a faith start doing wrong, what is the flock supposed to do? Follow in their footsteps? I don’t think so. The flock needs to get its bearings and start thinking for itself.” The pastor reprimanded: “But, nowadays you have people committing sin everywhere you look, including Houses of God, which are the holiest of places.” Asked how the situation could be bettered, Hagee replied: “Well, ...

GOP pushes "fast-track" trade bill ahead of House vote
Post Date: 2015-06-07 22:57:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
After a Senate vote last month approving a bill to speed up congressional approval of international trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Republican Party is pushing for "fast-track" trade promotion authority (TPA) to pass in the House.Groups lobbying on trade paid HIllary Clinton $2.5 million in speaking feesObama, GOP tag-team over trade deals"Every day, I hear from folks who say it's trade that gets their businesses through the tough times, that allows them to make plans to hire and expand," Rep. Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio, said Saturday in a video. "The problem is, the way things work right now, President Obama can negotiate trade agreements on his own ...

Seattle mayor’s Israel trip to cost public about $36,000
Post Date: 2015-06-06 12:54:29 by X-15
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s trip to Israel next week to speak at an LGBT conference and take part in a trade mission will cost taxpayers about $36,000. Murray’s spokesman previously said Israel’s foreign ministry would pay for the trip to the conference but now says Seattle is covering some expenses, including $24,000 for flights for a staff member and security guards and lodging for the guards throughout the trip. In addition, the Seattle Fire Department is paying about $10,000 to $12,000 for two of its officials to participate in the trade mission, which was added after the mayor agreed to speak at the conference. They’ll meet with Israeli emergency medical service ...

Jeb Bush: Social Security Means-Testing 'Ought to Be Considered'
Post Date: 2015-06-02 01:54:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Jeb Bush: Social Security Means-Testing 'Ought to Be Considered' By Susan Jones | June 1, 2015 | 12:19 PM EDT Jeb Bush favors means-testing for Social Security retirement benefits as well as immigration reform that would make millions of former illegal aliens eligible for those benefits. (AP File Photo)(CNSNews.com) - Jeb Bush says he would considering pushing back the Social Security retirement age by as many as five years and scaling back benefits for Americans who paid into the system but who also have accumulated wealth."We need to look over the horizon and begin to phase in, over an extended period of time, going from (age) 65 to 68 or 70. And that by itself ...

(Ted) Cruz captures conservative Jewish hearts at NY gala, including Adelson’s
Post Date: 2015-05-30 02:52:11 by X-15
“He sounds like a Jew,” someone muttered at a nearby table as Ted Cruz gave his address. Last night, presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Chris Christie addressed over a thousand Jewish New Yorkers of Jewish Values International Awards Gala... Despite the long cast of characters present (Senator Bob Menendez, Christie, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, magnate Sheldon Adelson.... it was Cruz who stole the show, by far..... When Cruz got on stage, for a moment the room shifted into a political rally more than a charity dinner: Cruz walked around the podium, without notes, and gave an impassioned address which listed his successes in office and proven commitment to Israel. ...

House committee approves missile defense funding for Israel ($474 million)
Post Date: 2015-05-20 22:03:59 by X-15
WASHINGTON (JTA) – The U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee approved $474 million for Israel’s anti-missile systems. Included in the U.S.-Israel cooperative missile defense funds is $41.4 million for the short-range Iron Dome rocket defense system, which Israel says was key in repelling rocket attacks during last summer’s war with Hamas. Also included in the amendment approved Thursday are $165 million for David’s Sling, another short-range system, and the longer-range Arrow-3 missile defense programs, as well as $267.6 million in research and development funds. Reps. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), the committee chairman, and Adam Smith (D-Wash.), its ...

Hannity comes out of the liberal closet, locks it and throws away the key
Post Date: 2015-05-15 11:01:27 by NeoconsNailed
With men like these, who needs women? Gavin McInnes appears to want to be bound and whipped by Tamara Holder. Sean cowers, holding his head in his hands and watching her flay him right there. "Oh gosh," he cringes and grins, "I have nothing to say!" Sean Hannity with nothing to say? THAT is news. But the killer diller is the very beginning: "There's a part of me that says 'I love Hillary! I love Hillary! Oh yes we can! O-ba-ma O-ba-ma!" Give it a click. I wouldn't have believed it either.

(Texas) Woman seeks protective order against Texas state senator (stripper AND the Holocaust!!)
Post Date: 2015-05-12 17:44:58 by X-15
An apparent stripper in Oklahoma has filed for a protective order against a Texas Republican state senator who likened what he called America's "spiritual battle" to the Holocaust. The clerk in Creek County, Oklahoma, confirmed Tuesday that a request for an order had been issued against Sen. Charles Perry of Lubbock, Texas. The clerk said the document couldn't be released since it hadn't yet been served. But the woman seeking the protective order posted a photo of it on Twitter, where she describes herself as dancer at a gentlemen's club. Perry's office in Austin didn't return messages. His Tulsa-based attorney wouldn't comment. While being sworn ...

Meme created by a friend
Post Date: 2015-04-13 19:53:07 by christine
Poster Comment:His comment: Let these warmongering Neocon f**ks straddle the missiles they want so desperately to deliver for the bankster-controlled military complex...

How the GOP Became the Israel Party
Post Date: 2015-04-13 01:00:37 by X-15
Bill Kristol and John McCain have replaced Robert Novak and Pat Buchanan in Republican foreign policy influence. When the unexpectedly detailed P5+1 framework agreement with Iran was announced last Thursday, Illinois Republican Mark Kirk made a bizarre comment. “We all know” said the senator, that this is going to end with “a mushroom cloud somewhere near Tehran”—a result of Israel having to go to war to “clean up the mess” made by American and European negotiators. A few days earlier John McCain had expressed the wish that Israel “go rogue” and attack Iran in order to upend the Iran negotiations. It would have been one thing if such comments ...

Judicial Watch: IRS Documents Reveal Lerner Knew Targeting Criteria of Nonprofit Groups ‘Might Raise Questions’ (Senator John McCain shows his ass to the world)
Post Date: 2015-04-10 21:47:49 by X-15
Documents reveal that Lerner was pressured by both Democrat Sen. Carl Levin and Republican Senator John McCain for IRS action against political advocacy groups (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released a new batch of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents, including an email from former IRS official Lois Lerner in February 2012 asking that a program be set up to “put together some training points to help them [IRS staffers] understand the potential pitfalls” of revealing too much information to Congress. The documents also contain a Lerner email from 2013 in which she says she is willing to take the blame on some aspects of the scandal. She also indicates that she ...

Ted Cruz for President 2016!!!
Post Date: 2015-03-26 10:16:43 by Bill D Berger
“If you want more of the same… I’m Ted Cruz.” Senator Ted Cruz has officially announced his campaign for president… gosh darnit hoo diddly, are you excited at all the cheesy electioneering to come? We decided to make our own Ted Cruz presidential bid video because the one he produced is literally vomit and/or cringe-inducing to the point that we thought it was a parody. Who is buying that ridiculous tripe? Did he actually go get the “In a World” movie trailer guy to do the voice at the end? LEFT, RIGHT, TEA PARTY: ALL A SHAM FOR THE SAME CONTROLLERS As many know, we have covered many of the sham candidates looking to run in 2016, and called out their cheap ...

John McCain: ‘I’m Ashamed Of My Country, I’m Ashamed Of My President, I’m Ashamed Of Myself’ [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-02-22 17:34:26 by X-15
Arizona U.S. Sen. John McCain said something on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday about the U.S.’s handling of the ongoing standoff between Russia and Ukraine that surprised host Bob Schieffer. “I’m ashamed of my country, I’m ashamed of my president and I’m ashamed of myself that I haven’t done more to help these people,” McCain said. “It is really, really heartbreaking.” McCain was expressing his frustration with how the U.S. and major European powers like France and Germany have failed to stop Russian president Vladimir Putin’s advance on Ukraine. “I believe that German chancellor and president of France legitimized for ...

All Hail Abe! (Lincoln)
Post Date: 2015-02-12 21:27:32 by X-15
Today we celebrate the birthday of the log cabin born, rough-hewn, rail-splitting, bare-knuckled, “pock-faced, stoop-shouldered, slab-sided assistant storekeeper,” lewd, vulgar, uninspiring, “ordinary Western man” from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln’s life and image is a series of irreconcilable dichotomies: He had no military experience worth noting—he waged war on wild onion fields during the Black Hawk War and cleaned up the dead following two battles—yet personally led the largest military effort in the history of the United States to that point, often sleeping in the War Department and personally appointing and replacing generals at will. He ...

Sarah Palin Accepts Invitation to Speak at Cambridge
Post Date: 2015-01-12 18:19:57 by X-15
Governor Sarah Palin has accepted an invitation to speak at Cambridge Union. The invite is for Cambridge’s Lent termcard. The event will be held on March the 2nd, during the Lent observance leading up to Easter Sunday. 2015 marks the 200th anniversary of the Cambridge Union Society. Reflecting on the varied fields of the revealed speakers, Amy Gregg, President of the Union for Lent 2015, commented: “I’m extremely pleased that we have begun our Bicentenary year with such a diverse range of prominent speakers. As ever, the Union strives to offer members the opportunity to engage with some of the world’s most significant and influential public figures.” ...

Fox News Host Asks How We Can Tell 'Bad Guys' If We Can't See 'Tone Of Their Skin'?
Post Date: 2015-01-10 15:40:11 by X-15
Fox News anchor Shannon Bream on Wednesday pondered how observers would've known that the gunmen who perpetuated the terrorist attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were bad guys if they didn't know what their skin color was. Bream's comments were made during an in-depth conversation on the Fox show "Outnumbered" about why the terrorist attacks in France provided support for the militarization of police in the United States. Co-host Eric Bolling said militarized police would dissuade "bad" guys from doing the "bad thing" they were thinking about doing. Co-host Kennedy Montgomery, who goes by just the name "Kennedy," ...

McCain's Big Purge; The Arizona senator’s team has been ridding the state’s GOP apparatus of his tea party foes.
Post Date: 2014-12-31 21:41:39 by X-15
Nearly a year ago, tea party agitators in Arizona managed to get John McCain censured by his own state party. Now, he’s getting his revenge. As the longtime Republican senator lays the groundwork for a likely 2016 reelection bid, his political team is engaging in an aggressive and systematic campaign to reshape the state GOP apparatus by ridding it of conservative firebrands and replacing them with steadfast allies. The ambitious effort — detailed to POLITICO by nearly a dozen McCain operatives, donors, and friends — has stretched from office buildings in Alexandria, Virginia, where strategists plotted and fundraisers collected cash for a super PAC, to Vietnamese-American ...

John Hagee: A Profile in Pathological Christian Activism
Post Date: 2014-12-15 00:21:27 by X-15
We live in a truly depressing age — one where groups like the ADL and the Zionist Organization of America can kick back and let Christians do their dirty work for them. Although Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, has recently backtracked on his recent claim that Barack Obama is one of the “most anti-Semitic presidents” in history, he persists in attacking Obama for being ‘anti-Israel.’ Under pressure from powerful associates who thought he had pushed things too far, the corpulent Christian issued a clarification to comments he made at the ZOA’s recent annual dinner. Citing “conversations with friends in the pro-Israel community ...

Must Listen: Wayne Madsen on CIA Torture, ISIS and Israel and Governments
Post Date: 2014-12-11 10:55:02 by christine
Poster Comment:23:38 minutes

Sorcha Faal/David Booth Exposed!! Flees in terror before internet commandos take him out!!!
Post Date: 2014-11-18 12:38:56 by X-15
Before I go into this subject in any great depth, I would first like to deal with Sorcha Faal, otherwise known as David Booth of the CIA. ~ Philip Brennan David Booth works within the Central Intelligence Agency in COINTELPRO. Other western intelligence agencies known for using COINTELPRO methods include MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and the think-tank, DEMOS. To be quite blunt, all intelligence agencies have their own COINTELPRO departments. Sorcha Faal does not exist. There is no "spokesperson" within the GRU named Sorcha Faal. Intelligence agencies rarely make public statements, and when they do, it is always through either someone in the highest echelons of the organisation or a ...

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