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Former NATO Chief: Scottish Secession ‘Cataclysmic’ Blow to World
Post Date: 2014-04-12 19:12:53 by X-15
Former NATO general secretary Lord Robertson has warned it is vital for NATO to prevent Scotland’s secession from the United Kingdom, saying it would be “cataclysmic” for the entire planet, and ruinous for the alliance. Lord Robertson, who was a Defence Secretary during Tony Blair’s government, went on to claim Scottish secession would be cheered loudly by the enemies of Britain, and would amount to a dramatic victory for the “forces of darkness.” He also warned Scotland would not be allowed to join NATO as an independent nation because of its opposition to nuclear weapons, saying NATO would never accept an anti-nuke member. That position seems unlikely, ...

School District Not Liable for Nazi-Jew 'Role Playing' Lesson
Post Date: 2014-04-02 05:30:11 by X-15
(CN) - A Texas school district is not liable for a bizarre Holocaust role-playing lesson that ended with students playing Jews suffering injuries while taking orders from ersatz Nazis, the 5th Circuit ruled. Andrew Yara, of Ochiltree County, sued the Perryton Independent School District in May 2012. Perryton is about 120 miles northeast of Amarillo. Yara claimed in the lawsuit that the "lesson" ordered that students wearing red ribbons "must do everything school faculty or other students tell them to, including picking up other students' trash, being taken outside and sprayed with water hoses, bear-crawling across the hot track, carrying other students' books, and ...

Not On Your Side
Post Date: 2014-03-31 18:26:49 by X-15
Kevin Williamson appears to think that a pragmatic appeal to the lesser evil ( http://www.nationalreview.com/article/374528/which-side-are-you-kevin-d-williamson ) is going to work again after six years of the Obama adminstration: Republicans now have the opportunity to effectively bring the Obama administration’s legislative program to an early end this November by eliminating the Democrats’ majority in the Senate, which would also give them a much stronger hand in keeping the worst of his appointees out of office, safely quarantined in whatever dank recesses of academia currently housing them. And while one should never underestimate the Republicans’ ability to blunder ...

Democrats have no problem with Israeli envoy addressing GOP group opposed to Obama
Post Date: 2014-03-25 01:00:17 by X-15
Ron Dermer gets around. The former Floridian who is now Israel’s ambassador to the United States had pride of place with Hillary Clinton the other night when she got an award from the American Jewish Congress for her lifetime achievement. And over at Lobelog, Marsha Cohen reports that Dermer is violating diplomatic convention by speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition at a Sheldon Adelson hotel in Las Vegas this week. In a break with diplomatic tradition Ron Dermer, an American-born former Republican activist, is scheduled to attend the Republican Jewish Coalition’s (RJC) Spring Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas next week and share the speaking platform with New Jersey ...

Bill Kristol Calls For Americans to be ‘Awakened and Rallied’ to War
Post Date: 2014-03-18 18:17:32 by X-15
Bill Kristol is not shy about his fetish for war. His latest piece at the neoconservative Weekly Standard borders on self-parody in the way that it openly longs for a return to a time when Americans were eager to send the U.S. military off on unnecessary, imperialistic adventures. Kristol is frustrated by the “war-weariness” of the nation. He laments the reluctance on the part of the Republican Party to “challenge” “the idol of war-weariness.” “A war-weary public can be awakened and rallied,” Kristol cheers. “Indeed, events are right now doing the awakening. All that’s needed is the rallying. And the turnaround can be fast.” People ...

US announces further Iron Dome funding ($429 million!!)
Post Date: 2014-03-11 23:54:51 by X-15
The United States announced on Monday the immediate transfer of $429 million to Israel to continue manufacturing and purchasing Iron Dome anti-rocket batteries. The decision to provide additional Iron Dome funding was first reported by Israel Hayom on Monday. The U.S. Defense Department made the official announcement later in the day. The U.S. Defense Department hailed the prowess of the Israeli-made aerial defense system, saying the deal to provide the funding was signed last week and represents the shared strategic interests of both countries. Currently, there are seven Iron Dome batteries in operation, and the Israel defense establishment's goal is to have 14 batteries in ...

Pentagon studying Putin's body language
Post Date: 2014-03-07 19:58:57 by Dakmar
(AFP) – 1 hour ago Washington — A Pentagon research team is studying the body language of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other foreign leaders to better predict their behavior, officials said Friday. The project, previously conducted under the State Department, is now backed by the Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment. Putin's psychological profile was last updated in 2012, a Pentagon official said. Advocates of such studies argue that it could help US officials anticipate the Russian leader's actions after he ordered troops into neighboring Ukraine, taking control of the semi-autonomous Crimean Peninsula, which has led to tensions with the West ...

George P. Bush begins political career with win (Texas)
Post Date: 2014-03-05 00:50:09 by X-15
FORT WORTH, Texas — George P. Bush took the first step toward continuing his family's political dynasty Tuesday, shaking off an under-funded primary challenger and securing the Republican nomination for the little-known but powerful post of Texas land commissioner. The 37-year-old Fort Worth attorney is the grandson of former President George H.W. Bush, nephew of former President and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and son of ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is frequently mentioned as a possible GOP White House hopeful in 2016. He's also a Spanish speaker whose mother Columba was born in Mexico and who Republican leaders statewide long have toasted as key to wooing voters among ...

Crisis over Crimea steals thunder from AIPAC conference
Post Date: 2014-03-03 17:31:11 by X-15
The recent losses of face over the Syria and Iran issues had already cast a pall on the mammoth annual conference of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which opens Sunday in Washington. But the crisis in the capital over Russia's move into Crimea, which threatens to reignite the Cold War, has infused the America Israel Public Affairs Committee confab with a strong sense of anticlimax. If a week ago the question before the 14,000 delegates was whether AIPAC could regain the full fearsomeness of its reputation in Washington, the question now appears to be: Will anybody be paying attention? With U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addressing the delegates on Monday and Prime Minister Benjamin ...

John McCain wigs out over everything at AIPAC conference!!! F*cker is damn crazy!!!
Post Date: 2014-03-03 16:12:29 by X-15

Can Science Explain Why Jewish Supremacists Behave the Way they Do?
Post Date: 2014-02-17 17:32:43 by Prefrontal Vortex
Can Science Explain Why Jewish Supremacists Behave the Way they Do? January 14, 2014 at 7:05 am One of the most important questions facing anyone who studies the psychology behind Jewish Supremacism is “why” – why do Jewish Supremacists behave the way they do? What motivates such a cohesive, strongly-motivated, genetically-isolated, supremacist group of people, who actually appear to believe that they have been appointed by God to rule over all other people on earth? Part of the answer, at least, may have been provided by a new study conducted by geneticists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This ground-breaking study has shown that variations of the DNST3 gene make ...

Sarah Palin: hot neocon at 50!
Post Date: 2014-02-11 17:53:55 by X-15

Poll: Americans Don’t Trust Obama on Iran (barf warning!)
Post Date: 2014-01-29 19:59:16 by X-15
As Obama prepares for the State of the Union, a majority of Americans are skeptical of his Iran policy according to a new poll. A majority of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s handling of the Iran issue and want Congress to have a say in any final agreement with Tehran over its nuclear program, according to a new poll. As Obama prepares to address the American people in Tuesday’s State of the Union, Congress is considering new legislation to set out their vision of what a comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran should look like and to impose new sanctions if the Iranian government doesn’t live up to its end of the deal or walks away from the negotiations. A new ...

Frightening CIA Warning
Post Date: 2014-01-05 23:56:00 by bush_is_a_moonie
Frightening CIA Warning Don't go to the bathroom on January 28th. CIA intelligence reports that a major plot is planned for that day. Anyone who goes #2 on the 28th will be bitten on the ass by an alligator. Reports indicate that organized groups of alligators are planning to rise up into unsuspecting American's toilet bowls and bite them when they are doing their dirty business. I usually don't send emails like this, but I got this information from a reliable source. It came from a friend of a friend whose cousin is dating this girl whose brother knows this guy whose wife knows this lady whose husband buys hotdogs from this guy who knows a shoeshine guy who shines the shoes ...

‘Netanyahu mouthpieces’ McCain and Graham crash Kerry’s Jerusalem party
Post Date: 2014-01-05 15:49:39 by X-15
Pro-Israel Republican Senators John McCain (AZ), Lindsay Graham (SC) and John Barrasso (WY) showed up in Jerusalem on Friday, apparently to remind the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that they do not feel he is sufficiently supportive of the Israeli Prime Minister and his negotiating positions. How often does a U.S. Senate delegation visit a foreign country, during a visit of a high ranking State Department official in order to make their opposition to the official U.S. position known? Has it ever happened before? And does the fact that we are talking about Israel make it OK? Andrea Mitchell at MSNBC interviewed R. Nicholas Burns and Jane Harman about the surprise visit. Burns, who ...

Glenn Beck: ‘I Will Stand with GLAAD’ Against Russia’s ‘Hetero-Fascism’
Post Date: 2014-01-03 19:24:27 by X-15
As Mediaite readers may recall, Glenn Beck recently appeared on CNN for a full hour of talk with S.E. Cupp. Buried within that interview is one especially interesting nugget: Beck said he would gladly stand with GLAAD in the fight against Russia’s “hetero-fascist” laws criminalizing public homosexuality. Beck told Cupp that he finds it ridiculous that Americans were debating Santa Claus’ race and a comment made by a Duck Dynasty star while, over in Mother Russia, laws have criminalized public homosexuality and a well-known TV celebrity actually called for the burning alive of gay people. “Hetero-fascism,” Beck called it. And he said he’d gladly stand ...

White Renegade of the Year
Post Date: 2014-01-01 21:31:24 by X-15
Who did the most damage when he could have done the most good? Today we inaugurate what we expect to be an annual series. At the end of each year we will profile a white person who could have been a champion for his people, but instead joined the fight against us. The White Renegade of the Year can be someone like this year’s award-winner, who attracted and mobilized supporters only to turn on them, or he can be someone who has never shown the slightest sign of racial awareness but who has been especially diligent in working against his own people. There are so many good candidates that we could make a white renegade award every month—heck, every day—but this year’s ...

FBI urges police to watch for people with almanacs
Post Date: 2013-12-30 20:46:02 by X-15
Amid heightened indications that al Qaeda operatives may be planning catastrophic attacks in the United States, the FBI is warning police about a new potential tool for terrorism: almanacs. An FBI intelligence bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies last week warned that "terrorist operatives may rely on almanacs to assist with target selection and pre-operational planning" because they include detailed information on bridges, tunnels and other U.S. landmarks, officials said. Although noting that "the use of almanacs or maps may be the product of legitimate recreational or commercial activities," the bulletin urged police to watch for suspects carrying almanacs, ...

FBI Create Terrorism
Post Date: 2013-12-05 03:06:06 by noone222
Poster Comment:Your Tax Dollars at work.

Petition to Hillary assails ‘right wing Democrats’ who take ‘warmonger AIPAC’ cash
Post Date: 2013-12-01 23:16:44 by X-15
Another public assault on the Israel lobby. Just Foreign Policy, partnered with Moveon.org, is running a petition to ask Hillary Clinton to support the Iran deal. She’s been lamentably silent. But she was outfront on bombing Syria. Notice that the petition states that many Democrats are not getting behind Obama, because they want the cash of “warmonger interest groups like AIPAC.” If Hillary would come out for the deal, she would undermine the rightwing Dems, Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy says. This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful that the United States and Iran are not at war. I’m thankful that President Obama fulfilled his campaign promise to aggressively ...

Neoconservatism: An Obituary For An Idea
Post Date: 2013-12-01 12:16:10 by X-15

Short Letter in Response to an E-mail.
Post Date: 2013-11-27 08:24:30 by noone222
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Corporal_Patrick_Tillman.jpg/220px-Corporal_Patrick_Tillman.jpg David, this is my response to your e-mail and I would appreciate it if you would forward it to everyone on your e-mail list that shared the e-mail I'm responding to. If it appears that I'm angry it's because I am. I'm angry because a kazillion e-mails go out that describe the tyranny we're living in but no action is taken by those pretending to be patriotic concerned Americans. I suppose it's necessary to awaken the slumbering public before any legitimate action can be taken to correct the situation we are experiencing. The real reason we're in the condition currently ...

George W. Bush to Raise Money for Group That Converts Jews to Bring About Second Coming of Christ
Post Date: 2013-11-07 20:18:49 by X-15
Next week, former President George W. Bush is scheduled to keynote a fundraiser in Irving, Texas, for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, a group that trains people in the United States, Israel, and around the world to convince Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The organization's goal: to "restore" Israel and the Jews and bring about about the second coming of Christ. Messianic Jews have long been controversial for Jews of all major denominations, who object to their proselytizing efforts and their message that salvation by Jesus is consistent with Jewish theology. Last year, Abraham Foxman, president of the Anti-Defamation League, told Politico that former Sen. Rick ...

‘Mad Men’ Was Filming at LAX During Deadly Shooting, Says Crew Member
Post Date: 2013-11-02 05:58:00 by noone222
AMC production, other bizzers caught up in chaos that killed one TSA staffer and wounded 3 others Variety Staff “Mad Men” was in the process of filming an episode at Los Angeles International Airport Friday morning when a deadly shooting incident occurred at the travel hub, according to tweets from a production staffer. Plenty of other bizzers were caught up in the shooting drama and the traffic snarl that ensued around 9:30 a.m. PT as the airport was evacuated while law enforcement hunted for the shooter. Dustin Woods, a key grip on the AMC’s “Mad Men,” tweeted that the series was filming in American Airlines’ Terminal 4 at LAX, one terminal away from ...

Texans For Israel
Post Date: 2013-10-27 20:13:08 by X-15
Mission Statement We support the plans and purposes of God in and through Israel and work to empower and mobilize you and your relationships – partnering with and investing in the Heart of God. Our Vision A dream and vision of four young men from Amarillo, TX, spoken into their lives as young college students, cultivated through dynamic individuals and leaders that God placed into their lives along the journey, and borne fruit through personal relationships with their Jewish brothers in the Land, meeting practical needs. Known today as Texans for Israel, the group now purposes to praise up people like themselves throughout Texas and around the world, to develop a love for God’s ...

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