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Secret Service: No guns allowed at NRA event with John McCain
Post Date: 2008-05-21 15:49:06 by X-15
Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11) - It's expected to bring some 60,000 people to Louisville and some prominent political figures, including presidential candidate John McCain. The NRA convention starts Friday at the Kentucky Exposition Center. We first told you on WHAS11 news that guns would be allowed at Friday's event with McCain. Now we've learned that's changed. The south wing was bustling with activity Thursday, the day before the National Rifle Association Convention opens in Louisville. Workers set up 8,000 chairs for the sold-out program featuring Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Guns are not barred from the state-owned south wing of the Fairgrounds ...

Iraq: Bush apologized over Quran shooting
Post Date: 2008-05-21 12:25:55 by X-15
BAGHDAD (AP) — President Bush has apologized to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for an American sniper's use of a copy of the Quran for target practice, according to a statement Tuesday. The statement issued by al-Maliki's office said Bush offered the apology in a telephone call to the Iraqi leader late Monday. Al-Maliki told Bush of the "disappointment and anger of the people and government of Iraq over the soldier's disgraceful action," the statement said. Bush told al-Maliki that the sniper would face trial, the statement added. Separately, the statement said an Iraqi Cabinet meeting Tuesday called for the "severest" punishment against the ...

U.S. Soldiers Did 'Dirty Work' for Chinese Interrogators
Post Date: 2008-05-20 21:22:23 by F.A. Hayek Fan
U.S. military personnel at Guantanamo Bay allegedly softened up detainees at the request of Chinese intelligence officials who had come to the island facility to interrogate the men -- or they allowed the Chinese to dole out the treatment themselves, according to claims in a new government report. Buried in a Department of Justice report released Tuesday are new allegations about a 2002 arrangement between the United States and China, which allowed Chinese intelligence to visit Guantanamo and interrogate Chinese Uighurs held there. According to the report by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine, an FBI agent reported a detainee belonging to China's ethnic Uighur minority ...

Radio Host Kevin James Walks into a Smackdown
Post Date: 2008-05-20 15:09:58 by farmfriend

McCain's bizarre beliefs. Panics at loss of his Lucky Feather, and other weirdness
Post Date: 2008-05-19 08:00:33 by PSUSA
Regular readers know I am no fan of Presidential candidate John McCain. I used to be, back when he made sense, and he didn’t pander to religious extremists, didn’t constantly flip-flop, didn’t have weird ideas about the economy and the war, and actually appeared to be telling the truth about some things. Those days are long past. And while those other reasons are enough for me to not want him to be President, now comes the news that his grip on really is really really tenuous. I mean really. He’s superstitious. OK, sure, big deal, you think. Many people are superstitious, maybe even most. We talk about luck, we use body language to force the bowling ball to curve ...

Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda
Post Date: 2008-05-16 10:46:36 by christine
Shocking excerpts of confidential recordings recently released under the Freedom of Information Act feature former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talking with top military analysts about how a flagging Neo-Con political agenda could be successfully restored with the aid of another terrorist attack on America. The tape also includes a conversation where Rumsfeld and the military analysts agree on the possible necessity of installing a brutal dictator in Iraq to oversee U.S. interests. The tapes were released as part of the investigation into the Pentagon’s "message force multipliers" program in which top military analysts were hired to propagandize for the Iraq war in the ...

Blogs mock vintage Bill O'Reilly in f-bomb explosion
Post Date: 2008-05-12 18:11:32 by Artisan
Blogs mock vintage Bill O'Reilly in f-bomb explosion A video posted at YouTube this weekend showing a younger Bill O'Reilly with more hair -- and apparently more agita -- was beginning to draw attention at liberal blogs on Monday. The bombastic Fox News host is known for taking the left to task for its bad language. In February, he played a montage of mostly-liberal celebrities cursing on television and complained, "If someone does that on my program? Believe me, they'd get scolded." He added, "They’d never dare do it here. You know why? Because they’d be called on it. And they’d be humiliated in front of millions of people." In the newly ...

'This is just plain wrong' (U.S. Congress + Nelson Mandela TODAY) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-09 02:21:04 by X-15
Washington - The US house of representatives voted on Thursday to remove apartheid-era travel restrictions and terrorist designations from Nelson Mandela and other African National Congress (ANC) members for fighting against their country's white minority rule. "Despite recognising two decades ago that America's place was on the side of those oppressed by apartheid, Congress has never resolved the inconsistency in our immigration code that treats many of those who actively opposed apartheid in South Africa as terrorists and criminals," said Howard Berman, a Democrat and chairperson of the house foreign affairs committee. The house approved by voice vote legislation to ...

Why McCain's big idea is a bad idea ("LEAGUE OF DEMOCRACIES")
Post Date: 2008-05-08 14:00:00 by aristeides
Why McCain's big idea is a bad idea By Gideon Rachman Published: May 6 2008 03:00 | Last updated: May 6 2008 03:00 American presidents are meant to have big ideas about the world: a "new frontier", an "alliance for progress", a "war on terror". Unfortunately for the Democratic party the big idea that most animates their two would-be presidents - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - seems to be mutually assured destruction. That has left the field open to Senator John McCain. The Republican is currently the only presidential candidate to champion a striking new idea about America's role in the world. The world should pay attention, since the chances ...

Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Result In Indiana? Conservative Host Urged 'Chaos' Votes (ENDS "OPERATION CHAOS")
Post Date: 2008-05-08 10:31:36 by aristeides
Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Result In Indiana? Conservative Host Urged 'Chaos' Votes By Alec MacGillis and Peter Slevin Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, May 8, 2008; Page A01 Even as Barack Obama's campaign celebrated Tuesday's primary results, aides charged yesterday that they would have had an even stronger showing were it not for meddling by an unlikely booster of Hillary Rodham Clinton: the popular conservative radio host and longtime Clinton family nemesis Rush Limbaugh. The impact of Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" emerged as an intriguing point of debate, particularly in Indiana, where registered voters could participate in either party's ...

Heidi Cullen Openly Advocates Using Weather Channel for Propaganda
Post Date: 2008-05-04 11:10:22 by Peppa
At least the Weather Channel's leftist "climate expert" Heidi Cullen is forthcoming about her belief that even weather reports and Google Earth should bend to her political agenda. At a circle jerk entitled "Covering a Changing Climate: The Media Challenge," Cullen announced that TWC's Weather.com is "the most powerful tool that exists" for duping the gullible into believing in the global warming hoax. She wants to use Google Earth to simulate the catastrophic changes that would allegedly occur if the hoax were real. The Weather Channel's founder John Coleman has loudly denounced the increasingly preposterous hoax, even pointing out that Al Gore ...

Cheney: History will say Bush made America ’safer’ and ‘more hopeful.’»
Post Date: 2008-05-03 20:19:51 by tom007
Cheney: History will say Bush made America ’safer’ and ‘more hopeful.’» cheney.jpgSpeaking in front of more than 400 people Friday night during a sold-out reception at a hotel in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dick Cheney said that history will be very favorable to the Bush presidency: “When the history is written, it will be said this is a safer country and more hopeful world because George Bush was president,” Cheney said. UpdateMike Allen reports that Cheney drew laughter with his opening line: "I don't care what you say, I'm not running again." Comments 105

Fox News Morans Think Lincoln Debated Emancipated Slave
Post Date: 2008-05-02 21:52:45 by robin
civics for poets Fox News Morans Think Lincoln Debated Emancipated Slave So a couple days ago on Fox and Friends they were talking about Hillary Clinton challenging Barack Obama to a "Lincoln-Douglas debate." They referred, of course, to the grueling series of seven three-hour debates held in 1858 between Illinois senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, who was a shrimpy pro-slavery jackass. But those silly graphical artists at Fox thought the Douglas in question was Frederick Douglass, the former slave and abolitionist who basically agreed with Lincoln even if Lincoln had to hedge a bit to get elected! The point is, Hillary Clinton wants 21 more ...

McCain Endorser Pastor John Hagee: God Curse and Doom America
Post Date: 2008-04-30 17:10:57 by aristeides
McCain Endorser Pastor John Hagee: God Curse and Doom America By Bruce Wilson Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 02:21:26 PM EST "As a nation, America is under the curse of God, even now." That ominous slam at America came from Pastor John Hagee, whose endorsement Republican presidential candidate John McCain sought, secured, and recently affirmed to ABC News that he is "glad to have." Hagee claims God's "curse" and "doom" is upon America because of two key issues: reproductive freedom and broad support for the teaching of the theory of evolution. Although Senator McCain recently told George Stephanopoulos in an interview that his seeking of Hagee's ...

San Diego GOP chairman co-founded international piracy ring
Post Date: 2008-04-30 01:37:43 by robin
Any job applicant knows that background checks are routine – especially for jobs involving authority or oversight of money. So why didn’t the San Diego Republican Party do a simple Google search before naming Tony Krvaric as its chairman? Online research reveals that Krvaric is the co-founder of Fairlight, a band of software crackers which later evolved into an international video and software piracy group that law enforcement authorities say is among the world’s largest such crime rings. After co-founding Fairlight in Sweden, Krvaric established U.S. operations for the organization, including an arm headquartered in Southern California—a major center for the computer ...

GOP Shuts Down NV convention as Ron Paul Wins
Post Date: 2008-04-28 11:35:08 by Itisa1mosttoolate
RENO, Nev. - Outmaneuvered by raucous Ron Paul supporters, Nevada Republican Party leaders abruptly shut down their state convention and now must resume the event to complete a list of 31 delegates to the GOP national convention. Outnumbered supporters of expected Republican presidential nominee John McCain faced off Saturday against well-organized Paul supporters. A large share of the more than 1,300 state convention delegates enabled Paul supporters to get a rule change positioning them for more national convention delegate slots than expected. "I've seen factions walk out. I've never seen a party walk out," said Jeff Greenspan, regional coordinator for the Paul ...

Audubon Society and Population Growth
Post Date: 2008-04-27 23:02:45 by Peppa
Population & Environment Advocacy Training & Lobby Day Please join us in Washington, DC, June 1-3, 2008 Application Deadline is May 4th WHO: People concerned about rapid global population growth and its impacts on birds, wildlife and humanity. People passionate about finding cost-effective, human-rights based policies that can address the drivers of population growth, improve human well-being, and create a more sustainable future. People who want to act now to address these challenges. People like YOU! WHAT: A workshop that will provide the information and training that will equip you with the skills you need to be an effective advocate on population issues. You will learn ...

Legislation aims to jack soldiers' 'off time' reading materials
Post Date: 2008-04-27 08:51:09 by robin
"Pro-family" organizations and members of Congress are continuing the push to limit the range of reading materials available to members of the military. House Rep. Paul Broun (GA-10), with 15 co-sponsors and the support of organizations such as the Alliance Defense Fund and the American Family Association, recently introduced a bill that would strengthen the ban on sales of adult-themed publications on U.S. military installations. While the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997 bans the sale of "sexually explicit material" on property under Department of Defense jurisdiction, the Pentagon doesn't consider certain items explicit enough to take off of base store ...

Hagee backs off comment connecting gays with Katrina
Post Date: 2008-04-26 23:13:13 by robin
Rev. John Hagee, endorser of GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, has retracted controversial comments he made implying that Hurricane Katrina was punishment from God for a planned gay pride parade, one that he considered the culmination of an era of sin in New Orleans. On the September 18, 2006 edition of National Public Radio's Fresh Air, Hagee said that Hurricane Katrina was the wrath of God for New Orleans' acceptance of gay culture: All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in ...

Polygamist sect children to face culture shock?
Post Date: 2008-04-24 19:03:07 by X-15
SAN ANGELO, Texas - Many of the children have seen little or no television. They have been essentially home-schooled all their lives. Most were raised on garden-grown vegetables and twice-daily prayers with family. They frolic in long dresses and buttoned-up shirts from another century. They are unfailingly polite. The 437 children taken from the polygamist compound in West Texas are being scattered to group homes and boys' and girls' ranches across the state, plunged into a culture radically different from the community where they and their families shunned the outside world as a hostile, contaminating influence on their godly way of life. The state Children's Protective ...

Feith is fired by Georgetown
Post Date: 2008-04-24 17:27:43 by ghostdogtxn

william buckley threatens to punch chomsky in the face
Post Date: 2008-04-23 22:17:16 by Dakmar

Thomas Friedman Gets A Pie In The Face During Speech At Brown
Post Date: 2008-04-23 14:51:36 by aristeides
Thomas Friedman Gets A Pie In The Face During Speech At Brown Huffington Post | April 23, 2008 11:43 AM New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was attacked with pies in the face by environmental activists during a speech about energy at Brown University yesterday. The Providence Journal reports that Friedman's message — that responding to climate change will make America "stronger, more innovative, [and] more energy secure" — was greeted by protesters: Not everyone agrees with Friedman's vision that innovation is the path to climate and energy salvation. Just seconds into his speech, he was interrupted by two environmental activists, who stormed the stage ...

Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution
Post Date: 2008-04-18 19:01:40 by robin
In a recent edition of the Austin-American Statesman a book review of Phillip Bobbitt’s new book Terror and Consent goes into how the book calls for the shredding of the Constitution. The article written by James E. McWilliams features an image of the Constitution being torn with a big bold headline that states “Everything must go.” The words “How to Fight Terrorism”, are put in place of where the Constitution is torn. The article is blatant propaganda to make people think that the answer to fight terrorism is to destroy the Constitution. As disgusting as this is, the contents of Bobbitt’s book advocates exactly what the picture depicts. Bobbitt endorses using ...

Condi must go
Post Date: 2008-04-17 08:25:36 by PSUSA
Poster Comment:You can hear her voice shaking. She was lying and doesn't hide it very well.

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